星期五, 6月 30, 2017


(Boston Orange)中華頤養院康復中心629日喜悅宣佈,該院在麻州衛生廳(DPH)的年度審核中,再次獲得零缺點評級。

South Cove Manor Announces Exceptional Department of Public Health Survey Results

South Cove Manor at Quincy Point, a rehabilitation and skilled nursing care community, has announced that their annual Department of Public Health quality review resulted in a finding of zero deficiencies – or a “perfect survey.” 

The Department of Public Health (DPH) is responsible for monitoring the quality of post-acute care facilities in the state and ensuring compliance with federal and state safety and health standards.  The annual surveys are conducted by the DPH, who sends teams to each nursing facility unannounced and conducts a thorough review of practices ranging from direct nursing care to kitchen operations and building safety. 

South Cove Manor Board Chair Richard Lui commented “We know how rare perfect surveys are and we are extremely gratified that the work that our staff does 365 days a year was recognized in this way.  Our mission is to provide excellent care and these survey results are evidence of this.”

Less than 15% of Massachusetts nursing homes have survey results with no deficiencies noted.

Founded in 1985, South Cove Manor moved in 2014 to an expanded, new state-of-the-art building at 288 Washington Street in Quincy.  The new campus significantly expanded South Cove’s rehabilitation capacity, and created a series of small resident communities for elders.  
