19th SAPA-NE AC Brochure
Greetings from Conference Chair
Dear SAPA Members and Friends:
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 19th Annual Conference of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association New England (SAPA-NE). SAPA-NE is a non-profit organization founded in 1998 and currently serves more than 2000 pharmaceutical/biotech professionals. Our mission is to serve its members and foster their career development through conference/symposium/networking and to promote exchanges and collaboration across pharmaceutical/biotech industries and academics between China and the US.
Our annual conference is SAPA-NE’s most prestigious event. Every year we bring together leaders from academia and industry, investors and entrepreneurs from around the world to share the cutting-edge discovery, exciting clinical development, and experiences and trends in business and career in life sciences. The theme of this year’s conference is "Convergence: Transformation of Life Sciences in Boston".
Boston is now recognized as the epicenter of innovation for both biologics and small molecules R&D in the world. More than 400 large and small biopharmaceutical companies have established headquarters or research centers here, plus many world-leading hospitals and prestigious universities, among them are Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, Biogen, Merck, Astra-Zeneca, AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Takeda, Shire, EMD Serono, J&J and Bayer etc., as well as numerous small innovative companies. It’s difficult to fathom that this healthy and thriving ecosystem has not always been here. It started almost 10 years ago deep in the financial crisis that affected global economy. The Life Science Initiative enlisted the input and resources from government agencies, industry leaders, academic institutions, venture capitalists, and law firms. What we have witnessed since is an unprecedented growth in translating research discovery into therapeutic development. The game-changing immunotherapy in cancer treatment, the potential applications of genome editing technology such as CRISPR-Cas9, are just a couple of many areas that local companies are working on. This is the golden area of life sciences innovation, and Boston is the place where it all happens.
There are multi-national pharmaceutical companies overcoming cultural and organizational challenges to locate research centers in Boston area. There are local startups successfully raising capital when the overall trend is less than ideal. There are talented scientists helping accelerate the R&D process by crossing over between academia and industry. Those are the reason behind the theme for this year’s annual conference, to celebrate what makes Boston uniquely attractive to life sciences – the convergence of all the essential elements needed for transformation. This full day event will include plenary sessions, panel discussion, and a dinner reception. Biopharma industry senior executives, Chinese returnee entrepreneurs, and other experts will share their visions on scientific innovation, high-tech entrepreneurship, new trends in R&D globalization and strategies. Local and Chinese companies will bring a variety of job opportunities and set booths to recruit talents.
This year’s annual conference dinner reception is generously supported by our Diamond Partner, Greenberg Traurig, LLC, which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. A keynote speech titled “Convergence of Law and Biopharma” will be given by Dr. Fang Xie, co-lead of its Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Group.
Finally, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude towards all the members of the conference organizing committee for their outstanding work and unparalleled dedication in making this event possible. I am also grateful for all our valued sponsors for their generous and continued support. Everybody is welcome to join SAPA-NE and together we build an even stronger community. Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
Larry Cai, MBA, MS.
SAPA-NE 19th Annual Conference Chair
SAPA-NE President Elect 2016-2017
Conference Program
8:00 – 9:00
Registration and Breakfast
Opening Remarks
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9:00 – 9:10
Mr. Larry Cai, Conference Chair, SAPA-NE President-Elect
Hon. Deval Patrick, Governor, Massachusetts (2007-2015)
Mr. Jijun Xing, Counselor of S&T, Consulate General of P. R. China
Session 1: Cutting Edge of Biomedical Innovation in Boston
Chairs: Drs. Jun Johnny Yang, Xingfeng Bao, Kejie Li, Lin Lin, Jing Tong
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9:10 – 9:45
Dr. Andy Plump, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, Takeda
“The Future of Drug Discovery: Innovation-driven Research & Development at Takeda”
9:45 – 10:20
Dr. Richard Murray, CEO and President, Jounce Therapeutics
“Immunology meets oncology: breakthroughs in immunotherapy”
10:20 – 10:50
Coffee Break and Exhibition
10:50 – 11:25
Dr. Sven Ante “Bill” Lundberg, CSO, CRISPR Therapeutics
“Bringing CRISPR Therapeutics to the Clinic”
11:25 – 11:50
Dr. Luhan Yang, CSO, eGenesis
“Gene Editing to Transform Xenotransplantation”
11:50 – 12:10
Dr. James Yang, President/CEO of Abpro China
“Fast Road Map for Biologic R&D”
12:10 – 1:00
Lunch and Exhibition
Session 2: Collaborations and Opportunities Across the Ocean
Chairs: Drs. Mangeng Cheng, Dapeng Chen, Haishan Li, and Bing Ma
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1:00 – 1:20
“Enter the Era of Big Data, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence: Capitalizing on a Transformative Opportunity for Drug Discovery”
1:20 – 1:40
Dr. Shidong Jia, Founder & CEO, Predicine Holdings Ltd.
“Precision medicine: clinical application of liquid biopsies in cancer”
1:40 – 2:00
“Humanized immune checkpoint mouse models and in vivo efficacy studies of I/O drugs”
2:00 – 2:20
“Landscape of Healthcare Job Market in China”
Panel Forum: Collaborations and Opportunities Across the Ocean
Chairs: Drs. Tianxiao Sun and QiYing Hu
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Dr. Ruhong Jiang, Applied Stemcell
Dr. Jinbo Lee, Scilligence
Dr. John MacDougall, CrownBio
Dr. Weimin Tang, Hengrui Therapeutics Inc.
Dr. Tony Xie, Xiyu Investment Company
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3:20 – 3:50
Coffee Break and Exhibition
Session 3: Entrepreneurship and Global Leadership in Biomedical Sciences
Chairs: Mr. Larry Cai, Drs. Guiqing Liang and Jianzhu Chen
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3:50 – 4:20
Dr. Lijun Wu, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Atlas Venture, former SVP, Preclinical & Early Clinical Development, Delinia, Inc
“From Seed to Exit in 15 Months: The Delinia Story”
4:20 – 4:50
Dr. Yinxiang Wang, Chairman, Beijing JacoBio Pharmaceuticals, former CEO & CSO, Zhejiang Betta Pharmaceuticals
“Challenges and Strategies of Innovative Drug R&D in China”
4:50 – 5:25
Dr. Yong-Jun Liu, Head of Research, Global R&D, Sanofi
“Follow the Science and Capture the Opportunities”
5:25 – 5:30
Closing Remark: Dr. Jiang Long, President of SAPA-NE
SAPA-NE 19th Annual Conference Dinner Reception (Ticket Required)
Sponsored by Greenberg & Traurig, LLP
(Location: Samberg Conference Center, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge MA)
Chair: Dr. Jiang Long, President of SAPA-NE
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6:00 – 6:30
6:30 – 6:35
6:35 – 6:45
6:45 – 7:00
7:00 – 7:10
7:10 – 9:00
Welcome Remarks
Dr. Jiang Long, President of SAPA-NE
Keynote Speech
Dr. Fang Xie, Co-lead, Global Life Science, Greenburg Traurig, LLP
“Convergence of Law and Biopharma”
SAPA-NE Cooperate Service Award/Service Award Presentations
Dr. Jiang Long and Mr. Larry Cai/ Drs. Bingli Ma, Mark Lin, Xiaotian Zhong, Min Chen
SAPA-NE High School Excellence Scholarship Presentation
Drs. Huo Li and Guiqing Liang
Opening Remark
Honorable Deval Patrick
Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2007-2015)
Jijun Xing, Ph.D.
Science and Technology Counselor, Chinese Consulate-General in New York
Session 1: Cutting Edge of Biomedical Innovation in Boston
Andy Plump, MD, PhD Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Presentation title: The Future of Drug Discovery: Innovation-driven Research & Development at Takeda
Richard Murray, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer and President
Presentation title: Immunology meets oncology: breakthroughs in immunotherapy
Dr. Sven Ante “Bill” Lundberg, Chief Scientific Officer, CRISPR Therapeutics
Presentation title: Bringing CRISPR Therapeutics to the Clinic
LUHAN YANG, Ph.D., Co-Founder and CSO
Presentation title: “Gene Editing to Transform Xenotransplantation
James Yang, Ph.D., President and CEO, Abpro-China
Presentation title: “Fast Road Map for Biologic R&D
Session 2: Collaborations and Opportunities Across the Ocean
Dr. Rich Soll, SVP & Head of International Discovery Services Unit (IDSU)
Presentation title: Enter the Era of Big Data, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence: Capitalizing on a Transformative Opportunity for Drug Discovery
Shidong Jia, Ph.D., Founder & CEO, Predicine Holdings Ltd
Presentation title: “Precision medicine: clinical application of liquid biopsies in cancer”
Chaoshe Guo, Ph.D., Vice President and Senior R&D Director, Beijing Biocytogen Co.,Ltd
Presentation Title: Humanized immune checkpoint mouse models and in vivo efficacy studies of I/O drugs
Ms. Jane Li, Co-founder of AF Recruiting
Presentation title: Landscape of Healthcare Job Market in China
Panel Forum: Collaborative Innovation and Partnership
Shaohui Huang, Ph.D., Business Consultant, Zhongshan Tsuihang New District; President & Co-Founder, LightEdge Technologies, Ltd.; Professor, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ruhong Jiang, Ph.D.,
Co-founder, President and CEO, Applied StemCell, Inc.
Jinbo Lee, Ph.D., Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Scilligence Corporation
John MacDougall, Ph.D., Director of Scientific Engagement, CrownBio
Weimin Tang, Ph.D., Head of BD, Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.
Mr. Shuijiang Zhou, Founder, Xiyu Investment Company
Session 3: Entrepreneurship and Global Leadership in Biomedical Sciences
Lijun Wu, Ph.D., Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Atlas Venture, former SVP, Preclinical & Early Clinical Development, Delinia, Inc
Presentation title: “From Seed to Exit in 15 Months: The Delinia Story”
Yinxiang Wang, Ph.D., Chairman, Beijing JacoBio Pharmaceuticals, former CEO & CSO, Betta Pharmaceuticals
Presentation title: Challenges and Strategies of Innovative Drug R&D in China
Dr. Yong-Jun Liu, Head of Research, Global R&D, Sanofi
Presentation title: Follow the Science and Capture the Opportunities
Dinner Reception Keynote Speech
Dinner Keynote Speaker:
Fang Xie, Ph.D.
Of Counsel, Co-lead, Global Life Sciences, Greenberg Traurig, LLP, Boston
Presentation title: “The Convergence of Law and Biopharma”