
星期六, 1月 24, 2015

Richard Davey接任波士頓2024執行長

前任麻州交通長(Secretary of Transportation)戴維(Richard Davey)廿三日被任命為波士頓2024執行長。
波士頓2024是一個非牟利組織,致力爭取波士頓主辦2024夏季奧運會及殘奧。今年十二月向美國奧委會提出了申請。團隊成員包括波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),波士頓2024主席暨薩福克建築公司執行長約翰費雪(John Fish),以及擔任執行長的歐康納(Don O’Connell)。
日前,歐康納(Don O’Connell)才在公開場合中,代表波士頓2024說明波士頓申辦奧運概況。
戴維將接替歐康納(Don O’Connell),出任執行長一職。
歐康納(Don O’Connell)將留任為波士頓2024的執行委員會委員。
戴維在前任麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)麾下,當了三年麻州交通長。在那以前,他擔任麻州地鐵系統,波士頓公共交通系統的總經理。該交通系統每天要為一百三十萬人服務。

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)最近指派了原本在東北大學杜卡吉斯城市及區域政策中心做副主任的Stephanie Pollack接替戴維,上任麻州交通長。

Boston 2024 Welcomes New CEO Richard A. Davey

Boston 2024 is pleased to welcome Richard A. Davey, the former Massachusetts transportation secretary, as the new CEO of Boston 2024.  As a part of the announcement, Davey pledged, "Over the next year, we will be in every community in Boston - and in every region of the state - to get the thoughts and input of the public on what a 2024 Games would look like and the kind of legacy it could and should leave for Massachusetts."   As Transportation Secretary, Davey was responsible for overseeing the MBTA, the state's 15 regional transit authorities, and the freight and commuter rail systems.

Boston 2024 is grateful to outgoing president Dan O'Connell for his successful leadership.  As stated by Boston 2024 Chairman John Fish, "Dan O'Connell was integral in making the case over the last year that Boston could host a Games that was sustainable, cost-effective, and that would leave a lasting legacy for Boston and Massachusetts.  We are indebted to him for his tireless efforts and thrilled that he will be remaining on the team as a member of the Boston 2024 Executive Committee."
