星期一, 1月 26, 2015

Governor Baker Releases Statement on Upcoming Blizzard

Governor Baker Releases Statement on Upcoming Blizzard

Boston - Tonight, Governor Charlie Baker released the following statement regarding the upcoming blizzard:

"Based on the latest weather forecasts, numerous conversations with the National Weather Service and the team at the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, we anticipate a very significant storm, beginning around dusk on Monday evening,” said Governor Baker.  “The peak of the storm is expected to occur between midnight Monday and mid-day Tuesday, but snow will continue to fall well into Tuesday night. Unless forecasts change between now and tomorrow evening, people across Massachusetts should presume that roads on Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday, will be very hard, if not impossible, to navigate, that power outages are a distinct possibility, and that most forms of public transportation may not be available.  We will keep everyone up to date on the storm and the state's preparation and response efforts tomorrow and Tuesday and ask that all take the necessary precautions for this significant storm."
