星期二, 1月 20, 2015

Boston Disability Commission Advisory Board Accepting Applications for New Members

Boston Disability Commission Advisory Board
Accepting Applications for New Members

BOSTON -  JANUARY 20, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that the City of Boston is currently accepting applications from residents to serve as members on the Disability Commission Advisory Board in City Hall.

The Disability Commission Advisory Board is made up of nine members who inform and advise the City Administration on policies and procedures that impact persons with disabilities. Their goal is to help improve access and inclusion of persons with disabilities who live, work, visit, and commute to Boston.

Members are appointed by the Mayor to serve in a volunteer capacity for a term of three years. All applicants must be residents of the City of Boston, have a disability or family member who is disabled, and commit to attending monthly meetings. Applications are now being accepted from individuals who reflect the diversity of Boston’s neighborhoods, cultures, and abilities.

Letters of interest are due by March 1, 2015, and should include a resume if possible. Please send all information by email to the attention of: Kristen McCosh, Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, kristen.mccosh@boston.gov or by mail to: Mayor’s Commission for Persons with Disabilities, One City Hall Square, Room 967, Boston, MA 02201.

Any questions can be directed to Kristen McCosh as well at kristen.mccosh@boston.gov or by phone at 617-635-3682. For more information on membership, please visit our website at: www.cityofboston.gov/disability/commission.asp.
