麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)昨(廿三)日出席在海恩斯會展中心舉行的地方市鎮首長會,宣佈簽署行政命令,設立“緊密社區內閣(community compact cabinet)”。
這一新設的“緊密社區內閣”將以“相互負責,減少官僚,效法模範,和地方政府發展特定的”緊密社區(community compacts)“為重點,藉以加強州政府和地方市鎮的合作關係。
New Executive Order Creates The Community Compact Cabinet To Elevate Municipal Relationships With Governor’s Office
Boston - Governor Baker today signed his first Executive Order, creating the Community Compact Cabinet, to elevate the Administration’s partnerships with cities and towns in all communities of the Commonwealth. Chaired by Lt. Governor Polito, the Community Compact Cabinet will allow the Governor’s Office to work more closely with leaders from all cities and towns.
“Karyn and I both served as selectmen in our hometowns and clearly understand the important challenges encountered in our local communities,” said Governor Baker. “I am pleased to sign this Executive Order which gives cities and towns a real seat at the table in our Administration. State and local government are tightly intertwined and with Karyn at the helm of the Community Compact Cabinet, our Administration will be better equipped to respond to their needs and create safer, stronger communities across the Commonwealth."
“This is a critical first step in the right direction for our Administration,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “I look forward to championing this effort throughout the Commonwealth to partner with our hardworking municipalities and pave the way for better and brighter opportunities in our schools and communities.”
About Executive Order:
• Empowers Lieutenant Governor Polito to be a champion for municipal issues across state government
• Restructures the Department of Revenue to include a new Senior Commissioner for the Division of Local Services, reporting directly to the Commissioner
• Creates a Community Compact Cabinet that will work toward mutual accountability, work to reduce red tape, promote best practices, and develop specific “community compacts” with local governments.
• These community compacts will create clear, mutual standards, expectations, and accountability for both the state and municipalities as we seek to create better government for our citizens.
This Executive Order will revoke and supersede Executive Order 537, which was invoked under the previous Administration in September 2011 and relegated municipal affairs to the Executive Office of Administration and Finance.
Next week, Lt. Governor Polito will kick-off a statewide tour to meet with local mayors and address ways to strengthen partnerships in our communities. Polito will discuss the $100 million in new Chapter 90 funding that was released on the Administration’s first day in office to fund local road and bridge repairs for every city and town in the Commonwealth. The Baker Administration has pledged to protect local aid, funding for the homelessness and the Department of Children and Families.
Governor Baker announced his first Executive Order today at the Massachusetts Municipal Association Opening Session in Boston.
By His Excellency
Revoking and Superseding Executive Order 537
WHEREAS, cities and towns are at the front lines of delivering services to the citizens of the Commonwealth;
WHEREAS, cities and towns are vital partners in creating the conditions under
which economic development flourishes throughout Massachusetts;
WHEREAS, cities and towns face increasing pressures on municipal and school budgets, which impacts those essential services;
WHEREAS, cities and towns, through local aid and other programs, are partners with the Commonwealth;
WHEREAS, the Commonwealth wishes to recommit itself to a stronger partnership with its cities and towns;
WHEREAS, cities and towns have the right to hold the Commonwealth accountable, the Commonwealth has the right to hold cities and towns accountable, and the citizens have the right to hold all levels of government accountable. There should be a new compact between the state and our communities to create more effective, efficient and accountable governments.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charles D. Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution as Supreme Executive Magistrate, Part 2, c. 2, § 1, Art. 1, do hereby revoke Executive Order No. 537 and order as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby established within the Executive Office of the Governor, a Community Compact Cabinet to advise the Governor on its areas of responsibility set forth in Section 4 below.
Section 2. There shall be, within the Department of Revenue, a Senior Deputy Commissioner, Division of Local Services, who shall report to the Commissioner of Revenue and shall be responsible for the operations and activities of the Division of Local Services. In addition, the new Senior Deputy Commissioner will also be the primary lead on local issues on behalf of the Secretary of Administration and Finance.
Section 3. The Community Compact Cabinet shall be chaired by the Lieutenant Governor. The Senior Deputy Commissioner, Division of Local Services shall serve as the Vice-Chair of the cabinet. The cabinet shall also include the Secretary of the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, the Secretary of the Executive Office of Education, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, the Assistant Secretary for Operational Services, the Chief Information Officer, and any other person whom the Lieutenant Governor may designate from time to time.
Section 4. The Community Compact Cabinet shall have the following areas of responsibility:
(a) to champion municipal interests across all executive secretariats and agencies;
(b) to develop, in consultation with cities and towns, mutual standards of best practices for both the state and municipalities, working toward the creation of community compacts that will create clear standards, expectations and accountability for both partners;
(c) to develop ideas to incentivize adoption of best practices at the municipal and school district level;
(d) to work with the Local Government Advisory Commission (the “LGAC”) to resolve issues and implement recommendations made by the LGAC and approved by the Governor;
(e) to review state regulatory burdens on municipalities and school districts and recommend reforms to lessen the burdens on municipalities and school districts;
(f) to understand the major cost drivers of municipalities and school districts and identify actions that the Commonwealth, municipalities and school districts can take to control them;
(g) to identify and remove barriers to economic development opportunities for cities and towns; and
(h) to empower cities and towns and school districts by finding new ways for local governments to leverage state resources and capacity.
Section 5. All agencies subject to the Governor’s control shall provide assistance to the Community Compact Cabinet by sharing information and expertise, as requested.
Section 6. This Executive Order shall continue in effect until amended, superseded or revoked by subsequent Executive Order.
Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this 23rd day of January in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen and of the Independence of the United States of America two hundred thirty-nine.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Secretary of the Commonwealth