星期四, 1月 29, 2015

Lt. Governor Polito Kicks Off “Building Stronger Communities” Tour in Holyoke, Greenfield

Lt. Governor Polito Kicks Off “Building Stronger Communities” Tour in Holyoke, Greenfield
Lt. Governor Meets with Mayors To Discuss The Community Compact Cabinet, Chapter 90 Funds

HOLYOKE – Lt. Governor Karyn Polito today began the “Building Stronger Communities” tour in Holyoke and Greenfield to meet with local officials and discuss ways to strengthen partnerships in all schools and communities across the Commonwealth.  Last Friday, Governor Charlie Baker signed his first Executive Order, creating the Community Compact Cabinet chaired by Lt. Governor Polito, to ensure the Governor’s Office works more closely with local governments. 

“Governor Baker and I both worked as selectmen in our hometowns and we understand how important it is for state and local government to work hand in hand to achieve greatness,” said Lt. Governor Polito.  “Our mission is to bring our cities and towns to the table to create an effective and efficient partnership, driving stronger schools and communities in the Commonwealth.”

Polito also discussed the $100 million in new Chapter 90 funding that was released on the Administration’s first day in office to fund local road and bridge repairs for every city and town in the Commonwealth.  The Baker Administration has pledged to protect local aid, funding for the homelessness and the Department of Children and Families.

"I am excited about these new initiatives coming from the Governor's Office. They will allow for a better flow of information between state and local leaders, in addition to giving cities like Holyoke the tools necessary to navigate the many state bureaucracies,” said Mayor Morse.  “This is particularly important in terms of job creation and economic development, two areas where Gov. Baker and Lt. Gov. Polito agree we need to be working closely together."

“We are encouraged by this concept of a Community Compact. Regional centers, whether they are Gateway Cities or not, like Greenfield, Gardner, Gloucester and North Adams, are integral hubs of commerce, culture, education and jobs,” said Mayor Martin.  “This Compact will allow direct communication with the Governor and Executive Secretaries concerning the unique and special needs of these local regional centers. The increased Chapter 90 monies began a long journey to repair and maintain our roads and bridges. Any assistance to abbreviate the bureaucratic process for action in dealing with these issues will be helpful.”

On January 8th, Governor Baker sent a letter to all mayors informing them that Chapter 90 apportionment for Fiscal Year 2015 were increased.  Holyoke increased from $1,059,765 to $1,589,648 and Greenfield increased from $640,398 to $960,597.  Click here to read more on Ch. 90 Funds.

About Executive Order:

• Empowers Lieutenant Governor Polito to be a champion for municipal issues across state government.

• Restructures the Department of Revenue to include a new Senior Commissioner for the Division of Local Services, reporting directly to the Commissioner.

• Creates a Community Compact Cabinet that will work toward mutual accountability, work to reduce red tape, promote best practices, and develop specific “community compacts” with local governments. 

• These community compacts will create clear, mutual standards, expectations, and accountability for both the state and municipalities as we seek to create better government for our citizens.

Click here to read more on Governor Baker’s Executive Order and Chapter 90 Funding.
