
星期五, 12月 01, 2023

紐英崙中華公所揮別2023 主席雷國輝展望來年盼增人手 (視頻)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所 (CCBANE) 1128日開完2023年度最後一次董事大會,主席雷國輝在主席報告及來年展望中強調,中華公所需要更多專業人才加入經營管理行列。

紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝(中) 展望來年,盼增加專業人才。
左為財政余寶愛,右為中文書記翁宇才。 (周菊子攝)




董事陳仕維(左二)就財政報告發言。 (周菊子攝)
              在簡報部分,他列舉了12項過去2年來中華公所涉及事項,包括安裝無線網路,增添社會福利諮詢服務,解決興建博愛樓前大同村需要額外停車位問題,去年12月博愛樓動工,今年7月市長吳弭主持破土儀式,成功向市政府申請到21個停車位,安裝充電樁得到EverSource補助14,000元,中華公所只需負擔3000元,去年520多名董事及眷屬組團訪問中華民國台灣,611月間完成中華公所冷暖氣系統及消防警報系統更新,舉辦文化詩詞講座及展覽,乒乓球賽,象棋賽等慶祝中華公所100週年系列活動,1217日還有一場粵曲欣賞會,中華公所治安巡邏隊獲得華埠社區議會與波士頓警察局A1區頒給年度最佳守望相助團隊獎,中華公所獲得王氏青年會頒給傳承獎 (Legacy Award)”9
梁添光(右)就財政提問。 (周菊子攝)


梁添光(左一) 就財政提問。 (周菊子攝)

Genia Memetriades (發言者)報告所經手項目。右為鄭欣豪。(周菊子攝)
              在中華公所11月份董事大會的財政報告中,也明列這4名顧問的職務性質與支付金額,包括當年為中華公所向政府申請到補助款,開辦華人傳統中心的羅燕玲,作為贈款顧問 (Grant Consultant,在中華公所財政報告上列為資助顧問) 獲款5920元;Peter Munkenbeck作為房地產顧問因夏利臣街288號發展案獲款600元,因喜露街50號獲款1900元;Genia Memetriades作為資產顧問,分別因為專業服務、夏利臣街288號、大同村、華福樓 (Waterford Place),以及大同村和華福樓等個案,獲款共6800元,鄭欣豪作為房屋顧問,分別因為專業服務、夏利臣街288號、泰勒街90號中華公所大樓的冷暖氣系統維修工程,獲款5700元。


中華公所董事們出席要簽到。 右為陳文珊,左為余麗媖。
              雷國輝以Peter Munkenbeck所提交,現由中國超市承租的喜露街(Herald) 50號招標書為例,指出中華公所內部沒有這類專業人才,不外聘顧問,很難擴大中華公所的未來發展。



董事鄺元傑(右)就上次會議紀錄提出多項字句修訂建議。 (周菊子攝)


物業部分,雷國輝說明中華公所已通知榮氏管理公司 (Winn Management)2023年底結束聘僱關係,並於11月中另簽Beacon社區公司來從202411日起承接管理大同村和華福樓的工作。中華公所的顧問Genia Memetriades,以及律師Rebecca Lee都以檢視過合約內容。

大同村的翻修計畫,已有Causeway發展公司提出競標案,該公司代表Dan Hubbard早前出席了中華公所物業小組會議,做過說明。






              根據簽到記錄,這天有15名董事未出席,包括游誠康 (洪門致公堂) ,陳清 (華人商會),黃紹培 (台山同鄉會)Paticia Barnwell (王氏青年會),黃光野 (黃氏宗親會),阮偉昌 (阮氏公所),陳家驊 (國民黨),梅錫銳 (梅氏公所),伍偉業 (伍市公所),鄭慧民 (藝聯慈善社),周萬欽 (華人經濟發展協會),陳偉民 (安良工商會),胡衛正 (美東國術會),朱瑞生 (朱沛國堂),周樹昂 (至德三德公所)。其中的陳偉民、胡衛正、梅錫銳、黃光野等4人,9月份的董事大會也未出席。 (視頻已於11月30日發表)


華美福利會執行長陳美霞 (後)請嘉賓們發言。右起,麻州地鐵 (
交通警察長Richard Sullivan,薩福克郡地方檢察官辦公室
民權組組長Ursula Knight,波士頓警察局社區參與副總監Nicole Grant,
波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn),不分區市議員Erin Murphy,
華埠主街經理何陳素貞。 (周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 記錄很重要,有案就要報。波士頓警察局等執法人員和應邀出席的波士頓市議員們,1129日這天在華美福利會 (AACA) 舉辦的波士頓內的暴力 (Violence in Boston)” 社區論壇中,向社區大眾這樣的再三強調。

Nicole Grant (前左二)手邊沒有數據。 (周菊子攝)
             由於自從新冠病毒疫情發生以後,坊間的暴力案件似有增加趨勢,華美福利會特地針對防止暴力犯罪,舉辦座談會,由該會執行長陳美霞主持,邀得波士頓警察局社區參與副總監 (Deputy Superintendent) Nicole Grant,薩福克郡地方檢察官辦公室民權組組長Ursula Knight,麻州地鐵 (MBTA) 交通警察長Richard Sullivan,以及波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn),不分區市議員Erin Murphy等人出席,和社區民眾交流。

             Nicole Grant直言,經常有人問她統計數據,所以她特地報告,以凶殺案而言,從去年的37宗,減少至今年的34宗,但包括各種犯罪的逮捕案總數則從去年的5896宗增至今年的6351宗。在回答陳美霞的警方是否有足夠預算來安排警力這問題時,Nicole Grant笑言,早年的確預算及人手都不足,警察值勤只有一個班次,得兼顧接聽報案電話與執行警務,後來才漸漸增至二班,三班,如今已是一週七天,一天24小時都有警察輪值,民眾遭遇狀況,隨時都可撥打911電話求援。至於波士頓市警察的族裔組成數據,她手邊沒有數據,但最近才舉行了畢業典禮的新一屆警察學員是歷來最多元化的一屆。

狹長的會議室坐滿了人。 (周菊子攝)

阮陳金鳳特地出席,支持華埠社區活動。 (周菊子攝)
             Erin Murphy強調她重視生活品質問題,很高興她有機會出席會議,聆聽民眾心聲。她也強調記錄的重要,提醒民眾撥打311911電話,也歡迎民眾打電話給她的辦公室,由她們來代為轉達。


紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝  也側身會議中。(周菊子攝)
             Ursula Knight強調,民眾必須和執法人員合作,才能把壞人繩之以法,所以報案很重要。

             出席者中有人問及華埠內的賭博問題。愛德華費連表示,他也經常聽聞相關情況,他認為恩可賭場 (Encore) 提供免費巴士,從波士頓華埠載送民眾到賭場,助長了賭博可能造成的社會問題。他認為賭場應該在防止賭博問題上做得更多。

波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)認為波士頓市警力不足,
波士頓警察局社區參與副總監Nicole Grant 說明年一月招聘新人。(周菊子攝)
華美福利會為論壇印製了中文海報。 (周菊子攝)


Governor Healey, Secretary Santiago Issue Statement on Passing of Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher

Governor Healey, Secretary Santiago Issue Statement on Passing of Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher 


BOSTON – Governor Maura T. Healey and Secretary of Veterans’ Services Jon Santiago today issued statements on the passing of Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher, a Pittsfield native. 


“I'm heartbroken to learn of the passing of Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher, who lost his life while proudly serving his country. My thoughts are with his family, especially his two young sons, and the Berkshire County community as they mourn the loss of one of their best and brightest,” said Governor Healey. “Here in Massachusetts, we are deeply grateful for the bravery and selflessness of our servicemembers, and our hearts go out to his colleagues in the Air Force on this devastating loss.” 


“The Galliher family is enduring every service family's nightmare, and we hold them in our hearts and prayers as they grieve,” said Secretary Jon Santiago, Executive Office of Veterans Services. “May his memory serve as a source of solace and strength to his family, friends, and fellow servicemembers. Our Massachusetts military community extends our deepest condolences to his family and will honor his legacy.”  

第82屆波士頓廣場聖誕樹亮燈 逾百名支援巴勒斯坦人舉牌示威

波士頓廣場第82界聖誕樹亮燈。 (周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 1130日晚,波士頓市在逾百名巴勒斯坦人支持者的和平舉牌示威中,舉行了第82屆波士頓廣場聖誕燈亮燈儀式,以及慶祝音樂會。

              波士頓警察透露,就在前一天晚上的紐約市洛克斐勒中心 (Rockefeller Center) 的聖誕樹點燈儀式,也發生支持巴勒斯坦人組織湧到現場,擾亂點燈儀式,並和警察肢體碰撞,導致7人被捕情況,波士頓警察局聽聞這批人將來到波士頓示威,這晚慎重其事地派出數百名警察到場維持秩序。

大批波士頓警察在聖誕樹亮燈現場維持秩序。 (周菊子攝)
              根據波士頓25號頻道電視台報導,波士頓支持巴勒斯坦人聯盟的Fawaz Abusharkh表示,由於巴勒斯坦基督徒領袖取消了在伯利恆(Bethlehem) 的聖誕節,以及所有的公開慶祝活動,他們認為應該發表一份聲明,因為伯利恆是基督誕生地點,是聖誕節的象徵,蘊含很多意義,然而有些Grinch偷走了不僅巴勒斯坦,而是每一個人的聖誕節。

              今年也是加拿大新斯科舍省 (Nova Scotia) 送聖誕樹給波士頓市,以感謝波士頓在1917年第一次世界大戰時馳援的第52年。


              1130日晚,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 和加拿大新斯科舍省總理Tim Houston,以及聖誕老人陪同下,點亮了高45英尺白雲衫上的聖誕燈。葛萊美獎得主Jennifer Hudson 領著出席民眾高唱鈴兒響叮噹 (Jingle Bells)”


              在亮燈儀式之前的音樂會,有栗色(Maroon) 5”樂隊的PJ Morton紅磨坊 (Moulin Rouge)”音樂劇卡司,長笛基金會的音譜合唱團,新斯科舍省O’Sound Lee的歌手等人表演。

麻州政府發表氣候報告卡 迎接2025已做好準備

Healey-Driscoll Administration Releases Climate Report Card 

Report card notes progress in key areas and challenges ahead in reducing emissions 


BOSTON – The Healey-Driscoll Administration released a Climate Report Card to evaluate progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting communities from the impacts of climate change. The Report Card was one of 39 recommendations of Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer’s recent report to the Governor. Given that the state's greenhouse gas inventory takes time to assess, this report card identifies metrics that can be leading indicators of emissions reductions. Such metrics help identify where the state is on track and where it may face challenges. The report card offers assessments of the state’s environmental justice, transportation, buildings, power, natural and working lands, and climate resilience efforts. Overall, Massachusetts has made significant progress and is well positioned for 2025, but a strong policy response to existing and emerging challenges will be needed to meet the state’s ambitious 2030 targets. 


“The 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act and the 2021 Road Map Law placed Massachusetts at the forefront of states leading the clean energy transition. Burning fossil fuels is responsible for about three quarters of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. To avoid more dangerous levels of warming, we must rapidly reduce reliance on fossil fuels—for heating homes, schools, and businesses, powering electric generation, and fueling vehicles—and protect our natural and working lands that help draw down and store carbon. These are the Commonwealth’s core strategies to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Clean Energy and Climate Plans developed by EEA for 2025/2030 and 2050 lay out the steps to achieve our mandated emissions reductions,” said Climate Chief Hoffer. “The Report Card shows us exactly what we need to do and it’s a call to action. We need to weatherize our homes and schools and businesses, switch to clean heat, use cleaner appliances, create better, more affordable ways for people to get around without a car if they choose, and for those who drive, get more people into new or used EVs when they are in the market for a new car. And we need to build the clean energy—the wind, solar, batteries, geothermal, hydropower transmission to power all that. We need every person to join in this effort—this is our moment.” 


“The Climate Report Card tells the story of where we are and where we need to go to protect our communities in the face of mounting extreme weather,” said Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Rebecca Tepper. “As Massachusetts makes progress and faces challenges in implementing our climate vision, it’s important that we follow the science and stay transparent about our progress. The Climate Report Card offers a window into the state’s advancement to date and a roadmap as we go forward.” 


“The Commonwealth’s housing needs and our climate goals are inextricably linked,” said Housing and Livable Communities Secretary Ed Augustus. “This Report Card will guide and inform our housing policies and will build upon the state’s progress towards a greener future. We are committed to working across agencies to reduce emissions in the building sector, including through our Affordable Homes Act, which makes significant investments in decarbonizing our public housing stock." 


"Our state's response to climate change presents a tremendous opportunity for economic growth. Every investment we make now in our offshore wind industry and climatetech ecosystem will translate to good-paying jobs and healthier communities in the years to come,” said Economic Development Secretary Yvonne Hao. “We're committed to working across agencies to realize this potential and ensure we are making progress towards our climate goals.” 


“The Report Card is a commitment to the public that we are serious about climate and resiliency goals,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt. “We all know it is critical to address climate change and the Report Card will help inform and guide us into taking steps to keep people safe and protect our infrastructure. It’s not just about making sure that our dams are resilient, making sure that the culverts are strong physically, it's about making better choices and better investments." 


Metrics & Targets 


The Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) of 2008 created a framework for reducing heat-trapping emissions to levels that scientists believe give us a reasonable chance of avoiding the worst effects of global warming. It required a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from all sectors of the economy below the 1990 baseline emission level in 2020, a 50 percent reduction in 2030, and achieving Net Zero in 2050. The 2025/2030 Clean Energy and Climate Plan (CECP) outline possible pathways for reaching the GWSA's 2025 and 2030 emissions limits.  


Estimates of Massachusetts’ total GHG emissions are published with an approximate two- to three-year lag due to data availability. The most recent complete data set is from 2020. Other metrics can offer more real-time indicators of progress, which can provide valuable insight to determine where adjustments are needed to achieve future emissions limits and climate goals. For example, the number of heat pump installations under Mass Save is available with less than a one-year lag. Where available, metrics are measured against targets, which are based on a future potential trajectory of how Massachusetts can meet its emissions limits and climate goals. There are many possible paths to achieving our overall emissions limits. 


Key Takeaways 


The CECP identifies a path to Net Zero in which the sharpest emissions reductions will occur between 2025 and 2030. Further, the impacts of climate change are becoming more intense. As a result, significant action must happen now to adapt to climate change. Across sectors, external macroeconomic challenges brought on by inflation, supply chain issues, and workforce shortages are the largest roadblock to meeting targets.  


Environmental JusticeMassachusetts state agencies have made significant progress increasing staffing capacity for environmental justice. Led by the new Office of Environmental Justice and Equity, this expanded capacity will enable the principles of environmental justice and equity to be implemented in a meaningful, coordinated way across all agencies. The state is also advancing meaningful engagement with, and equitable distribution of, funds to environmental justice communities.  


Transportation: The Transportation sector is currently on track for 2025 but interventions are needed to drive the rapid decarbonization required between 2025 and 2030. This includes a ramp up in electric vehicle adoption and charging infrastructure and actions to increase public transportation use and alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle travel. Significant state funding is in the process of being deployed to address these challenges.  


Buildings: The Buildings sector is currently on track for 2025, but interventions are needed to drive the rapid decarbonization required between 2025 and 2030. Continued adoption of the specialized stretch code, the work of the Massachusetts Community Climate Bank, and the deployment of billions of federal dollars will help address these challenges. A Clean Heat Standard and greater access to and assistance with incentives for building decarbonization will be needed to scale the policy response. 


Power: The Power sector is currently on track for 2025, but supply chain, inflationary, and commercial obstacles are delaying the deployment of clean energy, especially in the offshore wind sector. Significant interventions are needed to remain on track for 2030. The outcome of the upcoming offshore wind procurement, the recommendations of the Commission on Clean Energy Infrastructure Siting and Permitting, further clean energy procurements, strategies to reduce electric load, and addressing interconnection issues will be central to these efforts. 


Natural & Working Lands: The Natural and Working Lands sector is currently on track for 2025. Interventions are needed to slow, stop, and reverse the loss of undeveloped land, particularly forests, and its carbon storage and sequestration capacity. It will be crucial to balance competing land use needs, secure additional funding for conservation, and expand climate-oriented land management and restoration. 


Climate Adaptation & Resilience: Massachusetts has made significant progress to advance state and local resilience to climate change, but more funding, policy, and regional coordination will be required as climate change worsens. The implementation of the ResilientMass and ResilientCoasts strategies are central to this sector.