
星期三, 12月 06, 2023

波士頓經文處教育組關懷海外深造優秀人才 年終聚餐交流

     (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處 (TECO) 教育組122日在Spettus牛排店邀請來自台灣,獲得留學生獎學金,以及公費的留學生聚餐,代表國家表達關切人才心意,促進優秀學生彼此之間的交流。





     18名學生,包括哈佛台灣同學會曾任會長的蕭育舜,現任幹部的趙予辰,魏志阜,麻省理工學院台灣同學會副會長陳韋同,在波士頓台灣人生物科技協會的LEAP小組長胡金儒等,他們不論已彼此認識,或初次見面,一探問起各自研究領域,話題立刻豐富爆棚,從純電影理論,環境生態紀錄片到海星寶寶自旋轉、嬰兒行為透露著人類確有天生性格趨向,家長該如何教育子女,做研究的樣本處理等的無所不談。研修電腦科學的還立即出動人工智慧工具ChatGPT來為聊天中的問題找答案,談得興高采烈,他們甚至還談到” 博恩夜夜秀” 的主持人,聊出他建中畢業、麻省理工學院曾是他成長時期後花園,以及彼此年齡差距甚至大到10



星期二, 12月 05, 2023

Governor Healey Installs Two Paintings by Artists of Color in Governor’s Office

 Governor Healey Installs Two Paintings by Artists of Color in Governor’s Office  

Paintings from Museum of Fine Arts are part of Governor’s commitment to prioritizing diversity and inclusivity through the arts 

BOSTON – Today, Governor Maura Healey announced that she has selected two paintings by artists of color to hang in the Governor’s Executive Office Suite. The pieces, on loan from the Museum of Fine Arts Boston (MFA), are “Black Tie” by Robert T. Freeman and “At the Tremont Street Car Barns” by Allan Rohan Crite. This is a continuation of Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll’s commitment to bringing more inclusive faces and voices to the State House.  

“When people walk into the Governor’s Office, I want them to feel seen, represented and empowered. An important way to do this is by hanging artwork that is representative of the diverse Massachusetts experience,” said Governor Healey. “I'm proud to take this first step to update the artwork in the Governor’s Office with the selection of these two beautiful pieces by Robert Freeman and Allan Rohan Crite. We appreciated the guidance of Michael Bobbitt, Makeeba McCreary, Joyce Linehan, and Susan Greendyke Lachevre in selecting these paintings. I’m grateful to the Museum of Fine Arts for our longstanding partnership to bring artwork to the Governor's Office, and we look forward to forging new partnerships as we explore how to ensure that the symbols we display reflect the vibrant diversity of our state, including pieces by Latino, AAPI and Native American artists and artists from every region of the state.” 

“The walls of the People’s House should represent all of the people who make Massachusetts the greatest state,” said Lieutenant Governor Driscoll. “Seeing these two works of art as I walk into work every day will serve as a significant reminder of why we do this work and who we’re doing it for. Across this administration, our primary goal is to make Massachusetts better for everyone. Not only are these paintings a beautiful addition to our halls, but in featuring them at the State House, we celebrate Massachusetts and recognize our history.” 

To begin the conversation about making sure the artwork in the Governor’s Office is more reflective of the entire state, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor called on Michael Bobbitt of the Mass Cultural Council, Makeeba McCreary of the New Commonwealth Fund, and Joyce Linehan of Massachusetts College of Art and Design to advise and curate. Susan Greendyke Lachevre, Curator of the State House Art Commission, assisted with the selection and installation of the pieces. 

“We are honored to support Governor Healey’s mission of inclusivity by lending these great paintings from our collection to the State House. To have Massachusetts artists featured so prominently is incredibly meaningful for all of us,” said Matthew Teitelbaum, Ann and Graham Gund Director of the MFA. “Art truly does inspire and create new opportunities to understand the world around us, and we hope these depictions of the Black American experience resonate deeply with staff and visitors to the Governor’s office.” 

“Michael, Joyce and I were honored to work with the Governor and her team, including Susan Greendyke Lachevre of the State House Art Commission, as well as the MFA to identify the Freeman and Crite works,” said Makeeba McCreary. “Both artists hold a special place in the Commonwealth’s art landscape and offer a reminder of how powerful the agency is in who tells the story and where it is told. It is wonderful to see these works on view in that hallowed space.” 

About the artwork: 

Black Tie by Robert T. Freeman: Robert T. Freeman created the “Black-Tie” series in 1981 to highlight the “beauty, elegance, and grace of the Black middle class.” The painting that will now hang in the Executive Suite depicts a social gathering of Black people during segregation in America, when they were forced to create their own spaces. The painting is set in a ballroom with women wearing floor length gowns and men wearing tuxedos as they look directly at the viewer. The collective eye contact, with no distinguishable facial expressions, is meant to engage the viewer in a dialogue about belonging.  

Freeman began his career as the Art Director for the Weston Public Schools and later became Artist in Residence at the Noble and Greenough School in Dedham, MA where he remained for 27 years. He also taught drawing and painting at Harvard University. In 1997, he was awarded the Boston University Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Visual Arts and, in 2020, was named a member of the Boston Arts Commission. He was born in Brooklyn, NY but spent much of his childhood in Ghana. He attended Howard University and Boston University’s School of Visual Arts. 

"Having my work shown outside the Governor's office is a great honor,” said Robert Freeman. “I deeply appreciate the Governor's emphasis on diversifying the art shown in the State House." 

At the Tremont Street Car Barns by Allan Rohan Crite: In 1939, Allan Rohan Crite painted “At the Tremont Street Car Barns” to depict Black Americans in their everyday life. In the foreground, there are various Black people in outercoats moving up and down the street — one woman is in a stylish A-line gray coat with a matching skirt and wide-brim hat with red stitching that is blocking her eyes from the viewer. In the background, the viewers can see a two-story brick building with a trolley train entering the scene. 

Crite was raised in Roxbury and trained at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Harvard University Extension School. He spent most of his career as an illustrator in the Planning Department of the Boston Naval Shipyards. He received the Commonwealth Award from the Mass Cultural Council and the Harvard University Centennial Medal, among other awards. In 1986, the City of Boston dedicated the Allan Rohan Crite Park on Columbus Avenue nearby his former home.

2023 聖誕列車雨中開進波士頓華埠 (視頻及圖片)


波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)冒雨把聖誕列車帶進華埠。
波士頓華商會成員和市長吳弭合影。 (周菊子攝)
的韓幼文(左一)等宗親在帳篷遮雨中,等待市長到來。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn致詞。 (周菊子攝)
麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)致詞。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市不分區市議員Ruthzee Loujieune 致詞。 (周菊子攝)
甫於11月大選中當選為下屆波士頓市不分區市議員的Henry Santana
波士頓市房屋長Sheila Dillon也跟著聖誕列車來賀節。
波士頓市老人局局長Emily Shea。 (周菊子攝)



New contract includes cost of living adjustments and significant reforms in discipline, paid details, medical leave, union release, officer retention, and educational incentives.

BOSTON - Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu announced that a new five-year collective bargaining agreement has been ratified by the membership of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association (BPPA), the union representing the majority of Boston Police officers. Since the beginning of her administration, Mayor Wu has made it a priority to achieve reform within the Boston Police Department (BPD) through contract negotiations, delivering the highest standards of community policing to keep our residents safe and ensuring resources for the health and well-being of police officers and their families. The BPPA’s prior contract with the City of Boston expired on June 30, 2020. Although the City and BPPA had officially entered arbitration in April 2023, ultimately the parties reached an agreement across the negotiating table rather than through arbitration. The ratification vote took place on Sunday, December 3, and Monday, December 4.

“I’m inspired and grateful everyday for the hard work and dedication of our Boston Police officers across every neighborhood and community,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “This groundbreaking contract is a major step forward in how Boston continues to set the highest standards for community policing and ensure resources for the health and well-being of our officers and their families. I’m thankful to Commissioner Cox for his clear vision and strong leadership for our department, and to President Calderone and the BPPA for their partnership and shared commitment to our city.”

“I am proud to stand by an agreement between the BPPA and the City that recognizes the value that the men and women of the BPPA provide to the City every day,” said Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association President Larry Calderone. “I thank Mayor Wu and her administration for bargaining in good faith and for reaching an agreement that acknowledges the needs of the police officers who make Boston one of the safest cities in the country through their hard work and selfless service.”

“I am pleased we are able to come to an agreement with the BPPA. This agreement will compensate our officers for being part of the world-class police department that we are and represents a joint commitment to work together to make sure that individuals who do not represent the value of our City are not a part of our Department,” said Boston Police Commissioner Michael Cox. “It has been an unprecedented few years for everyone. Throughout it all our police officers came to work every day fully committed to the people of Boston. Our officers have done tremendous work and it is because of their efforts and their willingness to partner with the citizens of Boston that our City remains one of the safest in America."

The new agreement covers the period from July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2025, at a total five-year estimated cost of $82.3 million, or a 21% increase over the entire period. This is the first contract in decades to deliver significant operational reforms, and the cost is in line with the most recent previous contracts (which did not include operational reforms):

  • FY21-FY25 - 21.0% over 5 years (a 4.2% average annual increase); negotiated
  • FY17-FY20 - 16.1% over 4 years (a 4.0% average annual increase); negotiated
  • FY11-FY16 - 25.4% over 6 years (a 4.2% average annual increase); arbitration award

Cost of Living Adjustments

The contract includes the following base wage increases to ensure officers are paid fairly:

  • Effective first pay period July 2020 (FY21) - 2.0%
  • Effective first pay period July 2021 (FY22) - 1.5%
  • Effective first pay period July 2022 (FY23) - 2.0%
  • Effective first pay period July 2023 (FY24) - 1.0%
  • Effective first pay period July 2024 (FY25) - 2.5%


For the first time, this contract designates a list of offenses that will not be eligible for arbitration as a pathway to overturn discipline or termination issued by the department. An officer will face discipline without arbitration if they are indicted for, or if a sustained Internal Affairs finding is issued and upheld for, a defined list of offenses.

These offenses are: indecent assault and battery on child under age of 14; assault and battery to collect loan; indecent assault and battery on a person with an intellectual disability; felony for hire; wanton or reckless behavior creating a risk of serious bodily injury or sexual abuse to a child; mayhem; assault with intent to murder or maim; attempt to murder; murder; armed robbery; assault with intent to rob or murder; use of firearms while committing a felony; stealing by confining or putting in fear; rape; rape of child; rape of a child during commission of certain offenses or by use of force; rape of a child through use of force by certain previously convicted offenders; rape and abuse of child; rape and abuse of child aggravated by age difference between defendant and victim or by when committed by mandated reporters; rape and abuse of child by certain previously convicted offenders; assault with intent to commit rape; assault of child with intent to commit rape; extortion; kidnapping (weapons; child under age 16); drug trafficking; drugging persons for kidnapping; enticement of child under age 18 to engage in prostitution; human trafficking or commercial sexual activity; hate crimes (MGL c. 22C s. 32); and hate crimes involving assault or battery for the purpose of intimidation (weapons; punishment) (MGL c. 265 s. 39).

Paid Details

New Highest-Priority Detail Category

Boston Police officers previously were the only eligible personnel to perform paid details for events or construction sites that involve traffic disruption on City roadways, but many priority details went unfilled and had to be covered by mandated overtime at significant cost to the department and the City. To ensure the highest priority traffic details are covered to keep traffic flowing and to keep road users safe, the City will now categorize details by priority. Highest priority details, or Type 1 Details, are events and activities that pose a substantial risk to public safety, including major events with anticipated attendance over 5,000 people; utility or construction details at major arteries, in busy intersections, or in areas with heavy traffic; or areas due to an emergency. These kinds of details will be filled first before any others and offer higher hourly compensation. All other details will be considered Type 2 Details and compensated at the existing rate.

Expanded Personnel to Fill All Details

If details go unfilled by Boston Police officers, the open detail shifts can be offered to Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) Commission certified officers, including Boston Police Department retirees, Boston Housing Authority Police officers, and college/university police officers. After details are offered to these groups, Boston Municipal Protective Services Officers and Sergeants and contracted civilian personnel will be offered the opportunity to accept the detail shifts. Opening up the detail system to ensure that other workers can perform traffic control will ensure better coverage of details throughout Boston and safer, smoother traffic flow on our streets. The opportunity for more workers to perform details also creates economic opportunity throughout Boston’s neighborhoods as trained personnel will have opportunities to earn income through detail work.

Eliminating Double-Booking of Details

This contract ends the practice of allowing officers who finish a detail early to start another detail, preventing the accumulation of double pay for the same period of time.

Streamlining Administration of Detail Assignment

Additionally, instead of the current paper system used to assign details in each police district, the City now has the legal authority to implement a technology based platform (i.e., electronic, web based or app based programs) for the administration, management and assignment of paid details across the city. Also, after fully implementing this transition in technology and administration, the sworn officers performing those duties will be reassigned for other needed police work.

Medical Leave

When contract negotiations began, roughly 10% of BPPA members had been out on medical leave, resulting in staffing challenges that have required forced overtime to cover shifts. The process to address extended medical leave through arbitration is long and complex. Under the new contract, when there is disagreement between an officer’s doctor and BPD’s doctor regarding an officer’s ability to return to work after being out on leave, instead of engaging in arbitration, an Independent Medical Examiner will determine the employee's fitness to return to light duty. This will simplify and streamline the process.

Union Release

The contract will reduce the number of officers attending to union business while being on duty and paid by the City. Specifically, the number of officers is now reduced to 45 shift representatives of the Association–down from 54. For regular Executive Board meetings, the City agrees to recognize no more than 10 shift representatives.

Career Awards Retention Program

Effective July 2023, this contract establishes a new Transitional Career Awards Program for Police Officers with five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five years of experience while eliminating the current Cumulative Risk Enhancement Adjustments career awards program. This brings police officer’s career advancement opportunities in line with those of the Boston Fire Department as a tool for retention at the department. 

Educational Incentive Plan

Boston Police officers receive salary adjustments to reflect continuing education incentives. This contract increases the qualifying schools to include the University of Massachusetts System, Northeastern University, and Boston University, and increases the qualifying degrees to include Sociology, Psychology, and Public Administration–aligned with the skills and training to further enhance community policing and improve organizational management.

Collective bargaining with the BPPA during the Wu administration began in earnest in March 2022. Eleven bargaining sessions took place between March and October of 2022. In late December 2022 the BPPA filed for arbitration. The state’s Joint Labor Management Council (JLMC) took jurisdiction of the case in late April 2023. There were sessions with the JLMC in September and October 2023. A tentative agreement was reached Friday, December 1, 2023 after a series of meetings over the course of last week, in which Mayor Wu was directly involved. 

Now that the agreement has been ratified by the BPPA membership, tomorrow Mayor Wu will file an appropriation order with the Boston City Council to allocate the funding for the contract.

Last month, the City and the BPPA also reached an agreement on needed operational reform for centralized booking. Beginning in November, as part of BPD’s increased enforcement in the area of Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard, the Department is able to transport and book people at the Sheriff’s Department facility on Nashua Street—where there are dedicated supports for medical care, food, and supervision—rather than at district stations. The City’s goal is to implement this Citywide and will continue its negotiations with the other police unions to expand the program.

Read the signed Memorandum of Agreement here


             (Boston Orange 編譯) 哈佛大學、麻省理工學院及賓州大學即將因為校園內的反猶太主義氛圍高漲,面對美國國會一委員小組的質詢。

美國眾議院教育及人力委員會主席,也是共和黨籍北卡羅萊納州議員Virginia Foxx在一次訪問中表示,自從107日哈馬斯 (Hamas) 攻擊以色列 (Israel),導致不下1200人死亡的事件發生後,前述三校基本上成為了反猶太主義暴力及抗議的中心


根據加薩 (Gaza) 健康部,在加薩的以哈戰爭延續了將近2個月後,約有15千名巴勒斯坦人死亡。校園內的抗議言詞在最近數週也越來越激烈。

哈佛大學Chabad這猶太學生組織的牧師Hirschy Zarchi表示,包括起義全球化從河到海,巴勒斯坦人將會自由等口號,已成為哈佛大學及其他校園抗議主軸,堆疊出對猶太人施暴的呼籲。


支持巴勒斯坦人的活躍份子辯稱,這些,以及其他口號是要求自由,以及讓巴勒斯坦人回到他們被驅逐出去的土地。哈佛大學校長Claudine Gay譴責從河到海這句子。




“100年或更久以前,在哈佛,耶魯,以及其他學校,猶太學生有錄取名額限制,而且他們是被歧視的。 她說,我猜從那時候開始有許多微妙的歧視沒有浮出表面,但現在浮現了




個人權益及表達基金會 (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression)” 這支持言論自由團體的律師Zach Greenberg在一次訪問中表示,從107日以來在校園內的抗議,大部分都很平和。


哈佛大學學生組織巴勒斯坦團結委員會 (Palestine Solidarity Committee)”的一名發言人Nadine Bahour在一份週一發給波士頓環球報的聲明中說,保護,允許組織,異議和抗議是哈佛和每一個機構都有的責任


麻省理工學院的一名發言人說,校長Sally Kornbluth歡迎和Foxx博士,以及其委員會同仁互動的機會。

賓州大學的一名發言人說,校長Liz Magill”了解對抗賓大校園內反猶太主義,以及其他形式仇恨的重要性,也期待在次日的聽證會上分享賓大採取的行動。





北卡羅萊納州國會議員,也是眾議院教育及人力委員會成員的Kathy Manning在一次訪問中說,這種人力計畫是好步驟,但她想要看到大學提出時間表,以及責任制,並強調行動步驟。

畢業於哈佛大學,表示自己和現在的學生及校友都有接觸的Kathy Manning說,我想從大學校長那裡聽到的是,他們正在採取哪些行動來解決反猶太主義問題。她說她一直與在校學生和校友保持聯繫。我想了解他們在短期和長期內立即在做什麼。我想要了解它們在短期及長期上會馬上做些什麼


            國會委員會主席Foxx說,委員ˊ可能也會要求學校領袖關於最近數周校園內的伊斯蘭恐懼症 (Islamophobia)。不過她補充到,他們在校園內沒有看到多少反回教歧視的證據。





星期一, 12月 04, 2023

Governor Healey and Other Leaders of the Reproductive Freedom Alliance Urge Federal Government to Require Health Plan Coverage for All Contraception

 Governor Healey and Other Leaders of the Reproductive Freedom Alliance Urge Federal Government to Require Health Plan Coverage for All Contraception  


BOSTON – Today, Governor Maura T. Healey, joined by the other Executive Committee governors of the Reproductive Freedom Alliance – California Governor Gavin Newsom, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper – and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, called on U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su to take additional steps to ensure that all forms of contraception are affordable and accessible. 


“I’ve long advocated for contraception to be available without a prescription to lower barriers to accessing this critical medication,” said Governor Maura T. Healey. “Now that it will finally be available over-the-counter, it is essential that it is covered by health insurance so that patients can afford it. I’m proud to stand with my fellow Governors to ensure that reproductive health care is affordable and accessible for all of our communities.” 


The governors urged the federal government to clarify that non-prescription contraception will be covered without cost-sharing under private health insurance plans subject to Affordable Care Act (ACA) regulations, Medicare, and Medicaid. They write: 


“On July 13, 2023, the FDA approved the first over-the-counter (OTC) daily birth control pill, a development that could revolutionize access to contraception in the United States. This medication is expected to be released to the public shortly. Prior to that release, we urge you to take all necessary and available steps to ensure that this non-prescription OTC option will be covered without cost-sharing under private health insurance plans subject to Affordable Care Act (ACA) regulations, Medicare, and Medicaid.” 

“As Governors, we see firsthand the need for affordable and accessible reproductive health coverage in our communities. In forming the Reproductive Freedom Alliance, we vowed to safeguard and improve reproductive healthcare access in the face of an unprecedented assault on the right to primary healthcare. We urge your departments to promptly disseminate new guidance on coverage of [over-the-counter] contraception and join us in expanding access to reproductive healthcare for the most vulnerable populations in our country.” 


A full copy of the letter can be found here.  


The Reproductive Freedom Alliance is a nonpartisan coalition of 22 governors working to protect and expand reproductive freedom in their states.  


                  (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市府宣佈,首屆社區健康平等賦權基金 (CHEE) 120萬元,10機構各得20萬元以上經費,增加獲得服務不足社區得到醫療護理服務程度。

            波士頓市府表示,這筆經費來自美國救援計劃法案 ARPA),以及麻省布里吉罕總醫院的社區健康及健康平等計畫,由波士頓公共衛生委員會 (BPHC)負責分發。


            10個獲得經費的組織將經由波士頓公共衛生委員會的促進健康平等框架 (Advancing Health Equity Framework)所列出的社區賦權及參與策略,和波士頓公共衛生委員會合作,把多徹斯特、東波士頓、海德公園、洛士百利,以及麥特潘的居民和醫療護理服務連接起來,以處理音社會因素而造成的健康問題。

根據波士頓公共衛生委員會最近的波士頓健康 (HoB) 報告,在黑人、拉丁裔人、移民以及其他人口集中率較高的社區,有無數的健康不平等問題持續存在。在新冠病毒疫情期間,許多居民失去了醫療護理,以及其他重要資源,使得他們的健康更糟糕。CHEE經費的目的是鼓勵以社區為基礎的組織,在醫療護理,宣傳預防及治療慢性病上,和波士頓居民重新互動,並確保它們能夠得到例如更健康食品選擇及住宅等改善健康結果的服務。

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),波士頓公共衛生局局長Bisola Ojikutu博士,麻省布里吉罕社區健康及健康公平長Elsie Taveras博士都表示,要處理棘手且長期存在的健康不平等問題,需要居民、聯盟及組織的合作。



Black Boston Health Coalition,提供移動健康及社區資源參與;DeeDee's CryWhitter 接健康中心提供預防自殺精神健康辦公室時間: Equity Now and BeyondBIPOC等同性戀類移民提供全方位健康服務;Greater Grove Hall Main Streets提供健康食物儲藏室項目;Haitian Mental Health Network 為波士頓市內的海地移民宣導身心健康;Link Health Boston提供平等數位健康項目: The Healthy Crane 為殘障及精神健康提供整體的治療及醫藥;The Fields Corner Crossroads提供經常性的難民健康評估項目;We Are Better Together Warren Daniel Harrison Project提供由創傷引起的行為健康服務;We Got Us Empowerment Project提供小步驟計畫。

星期日, 12月 03, 2023

昆士市華裔男子陳屍華府 警方還在調查

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 華府警察正在調查一名昆士市華裔男子的死因。有關當局表示,週三深夜,這名男子的屍體被人從一輛車中丟進一條小巷子。

             華府都會警察局表示,大約晚上1120分時,41歲男子Alan Ch Chen的屍體在W街的一條小巷子裏被人發現了。那是距離白宮東北方向約2英里的華府Bloomingdale住宅區。



             華府都會警察局發言人Makhetha Watson表示,的首席法醫辦公室會決定陳姓男子的死因及方式。

             Makhetha Watson確認了週三晚發現的屍體是陳姓男子。他說,目前無進一步調查發現。

星期六, 12月 02, 2023


圖片由Wu Qingshan 拍攝
(Boston Orange編譯) 位於中國浙江省寧波的一所寄宿學校,惠貞書院,121 (週五) 在新加坡舉行的世界建築節 (WAF)中,贏得人們覬覦的2023” 年度世界建築稱號。

            方法設計工作室 (Approach Design Studio)”和浙江大學科技工程設計組所設計的這學校,抱持讓學生放鬆,有意義的浪費時間這理念,藉由校園內的公共區域,開放式演講廳,綠樹成蔭的通道,屋頂的公園、樹屋和高架人行道,使得這可容納30個班級學生學習的建築物,有如漂浮的森林,室內及室外區分完全模糊了。



            WAF的項目主任Paul Finch在台上頒發這獎項時,引述評審團的話,形容這項目出人意料之外,又令人愉快

            Paul Finch告訴觀眾,這建築物創造出了一個和一般把學生束縛進一個有著受教及建築物壓力模式非常不一樣的學校,這設計鼓勵走動,新鮮空氣,以及從學業壓力中解放出來的可能性。

            這設計是從包括紐沃克自由國際機場最近啟用的A航站,澳洲墨爾本的大屠殺博物館,以及柬埔寨和塞內加爾 (Senegal) 的新國家體育館等將近250個入圍項目中脫穎而出。


            惠貞書院在學校類別中獲勝。其他類別的獲勝者包括印度佔地710萬平方英尺,超過白宮,成為世界最大辦公樓宇的蘇拉特鑽石交易所 (Surat Diamond Bourse),在德國連接樓宇形成歐洲最大茅草屋頂的的酒店及健康休憩地,Lanserhof Sylt,以及在加拿大Winnipeg郊區的一戶住宅。

            WAF在最近3屆年度世界建築贏家所在的新加坡舉行,今年還頒發了景觀建築獎給泰國曼谷的Benjakitti 森林公園,在原本是菸草種質地上蓋出來的城市生態保護區,另外還頒獎給具有野心的未來建築、室內設計提案。