
星期二, 5月 31, 2022


$800,000 Awarded to 92 Massachusetts Artists Specializing in Drawing/Printmaking, Fiction/Creative Fiction & Painting

This Year Mass Cultural Council Invested a Record High $1.3M Into the Artist Fellowship Program

BOSTON – Today, Mass Cultural Council celebrates the 92 Massachusetts artists selected to receive Fiscal Year 2022 Artist Fellowship awards in Drawing/Printmaking, Fiction/Creative Nonfiction, and Painting.

Since 1975, Mass Cultural Council’s Artist Fellowships have recognized and uplifted the creative abilities of Massachusetts artists across a range of disciplines. These highly competitive awards provide financial assistance, crucial validation among artistic peers and the public, catalyze artistic advancement, and pave the way for creative innovation of enduring cultural value. 

“I marvel at the innovation and brilliance of artists and the work they create,” said Mass Cultural Council Executive Director Michael J. Bobbitt. “It is an absolute pleasure to recognize and congratulate these Fellows and Finalists who demonstrate such creativity in their chosen fields."

Today’s recipients include 34 Fellows and 58 Finalists. In FY22, Fellows receive a monetary award of $15,000, while Finalists receive $5,000. These unrestricted funds help support Massachusetts artists as they build their practice.

Fiscal Year 2022 represents the Agency’s largest investment in the Artist Fellowships Program over the program’s 47-year history.

Traditionally the Agency makes these awards in two separate cycles, covering six different artistic disciplines. In January, Mass Cultural Council celebrated 58 Massachusetts artists honored for their work in Choreography, Poetry, and Traditional Arts.

In total, Mass Cultural Council’s FY22 Artist Fellowship Program awarded a total of $1.3 million to 150 Massachusetts artists.

“One of my first challenges to the staff was to find a way to make more awards to creative individuals,” said Bobbitt. “I am so pleased Mass Cultural Council was able to prioritize this vision and double our investment in Artist Fellowships, and I hope we’ll continue to increase the support offered to Massachusetts artists moving forward.”

A complete funding list for the FY22 Artist Fellowship awards across the six disciplines of Drawing/Printmaking, Fiction/Creative Nonfiction, Painting, Choreography, Poetry, and Traditional Arts is online.

Artist Fellowship grant applications (in all disciplines except Traditional Arts) are anonymously judged by panelists and readers and are awarded solely on the artistic quality and creative ability of the work submitted. This grant round was highly competitive, with 1,414 applications (326 in Drawing/Printmaking, 606 in Fiction/Creative Nonfiction, and 482 in Painting) received.
The Artist Fellowship Program helps Mass Cultural Council achieve progress towards meeting a key tenet of its Strategic PlanGrowing the Economy, by supporting the economic health of communities through targeted investments in artists. Further, the Agency’s new Racial Equity Plan lays the foundation for Mass Cultural Council to invest financial, programmatic, and informational resources equitably across the cultural sector. Seventy-six (76) of today’s ninety-two (92) Fellows and Finalists, or 82.6% of the award recipients, are first-time Mass Cultural Council grantees.

To learn more about Mass Cultural Council’s Fellows and Finalists, visit the Agency’s online Gallery (please note that FY22 Fellows and Finalists will be added to the Gallery over the coming months), review our ever-growing list of Notable Fellows, and check the monthly ArtSake Fellows Notes blog post celebrating the honors, achievements, and news of these talented Massachusetts artists. 

波士頓市政研究90週年年會 (City Video)



波士頓市旗,一起飄揚,紀念陣亡將士。 (周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導) 五月最後一個星期一,是美國的陣亡將士紀念日 (Memorial Day) ,麻州各地都有紀念儀式。在波士頓南端 (South End) 波多黎各退伍軍人紀念碑廣場舉行的這一場最特別,麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 和波士頓市市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 雙雙出席。

             波多黎各退伍軍人紀念碑協會會長莫利納 (譯音, Antonio Molina) 在紀念儀式中說,以人均比率來算,在戰場中殞落的波多黎各人比任何其他國家的人都多。他還透露自己1965年在越南戰爭的戰場上,被游擊手一槍打中頭部,卻大難不死的經歷。

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu, 中) 和多名政要合影。 (周菊子攝) 
             麻州州長查理貝克在致詞時激動地說,正是這樣的故事,應該不斷被傳頌。查理貝克也讚許波士頓退伍軍人局局長Roberto Santiago對陣亡將士紀念日意義的解釋。他認為波多黎各退伍軍人紀念碑協會當天的紀念儀式,紀念陣亡將士們為保家衛國所作犧牲,感謝陣亡將士家人把他們的親人獻給國家,就像在波士頓廣場以旗海花園紀念那從美國革命戰爭以來的37,000名陣亡將士的行動一樣,表揚著這許多人以生命為後代換取來更好的國家與社會。

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 和麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker, 右)只在這場
             早於2012年起協助波多黎各退伍軍人在波士頓南端建成這紀念碑的波士頓市現任市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)先以西班牙文致詞,再以英文表示,這是一個非常特殊的地方,對波士頓市來說,有這樣一個地方,提醒大家,在這個國家歷史中的所有社區,非常重要。這個地方也代表了波多黎各人在美國爭取自由,以及殞落生命中的不成比例貢獻。她為大家採取行動,建成一個紀念碑,一個廣場,確保下一代得到傳承,非常感謝這整個社區。

波多黎各退伍軍人紀念碑廣場協會會長Antonio Molina 在介紹麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie
Baker) 時,稱他為將來的美國總統,把州長逗笑了。 (周菊子攝)

             2022530日的這場紀念活動,出席的民眾人數並不多,但政要不少,在麻州長、波士頓是長之外,薩福克郡治安官Steven Tompkins,麻州眾議員 Jon Santiago,波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynnn,市議員Erin MurphyRuthzee Loujieune等人都出席了獻花圈,升旗,致詞儀式。




             (Boston Orange 編譯) 東波士頓的薩福克跑馬場 (Suffolk Downs) 看臺在530日晚約10點時,發生火警,火勢一路攀升。消防局出動了數達千呎長的接駁水管,一架無人機,最後才撲滅已升為6級的大火。

             大火是在晚上10點左右被人發現的,由於火勢不斷增強,波士頓消防局局長John Dempsey在午夜時下令,以6級火警規模處理。



             擁有這務業的HYM投資集團上星期才在這位於瑞維爾 (Revere)市的薩福克跑馬場,舉行了破土動工儀式,要把這建於1935年,有著許多歷史的純種馬賽場,改建為生命科學用地,並蓋1000多戶房屋。



90分鐘內 波士頓警察在多徹斯特、麥特潘起獲10把槍

波士頓警察局展示出來的查獲槍枝。 (BPD 網站)

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 530日下午4點半多,波士頓警察在90分鐘內,分別從多徹斯特和麥特潘的2起事件中,起獲10把槍,其中1起事件還發生了襲警情況。


              第一起事件發生於下午4點半,波士頓警察在多徹斯特亞當街540號調查後,逮捕了2名嫌犯,28歲住在波士頓的Donta Lewis,以及21歲住在WalpoleLamont Jacobs-Barrows



              在時間過去不到90分鐘時,大約是615分,警察在麥特潘的Elizabeth 17號一帶,警察又逮捕了7名嫌犯,發現7把槍。




星期一, 5月 30, 2022

麻州州長查理貝克在退伍軍人紀念日致詞 "自由不是沒有代價的"

 Governor Baker: “Freedom isn’t Free”

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito participated in the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund Memorial Day Ceremony with Secretary of Veterans’ Services Cheryl Lussier Poppe to honor and remember our fallen military heroes in recognition of Memorial Day.


GOVERNOR BAKER: “I think the fact that you call it a garden gives it a special sense of perpetuity and grace and puts forth that notion that this is ground to be tended and treated with the respect and the sense of love and devotion that it deserves.


“And I know I speak for myself and the Lieutenant Governor and everybody on our team, when I say how much those of us who get a chance to participate in this game called democracy – that we all know we sit on the shoulders of every one of these flags behind me, and the families and the stories and the histories that they represent.


“And every flag like that everywhere, all over the world – that represents a fallen serviceman or servicewoman who's died in the defense of freedom here in this country.


“The common line in this is freedom isn't free. The part we don't always say: It is profoundly expensive, in human terms and financial terms.


“And part of what makes this event so special for me and for the Lieutenant Governor, and our team, is the walk that many of the folks who are sitting in these chairs and standing here wearing those yellow flowers will take as they come up here and remind us of the size of the human cost, and the human loss and the human sacrifice that comes with all of this.


“And to those of you who are going to take this walk today, I just want you to know that for me and for the Lieutenant Governor, it is in many ways the most powerful and impactful moment of Memorial Day weekend and has been every time we've been here to watch you walk up here and speak the name, again, of your lost loved one.


“In some respects, it's a constant reminder to all of us that it's more than just it's not free – this thing we call freedom. People pay an enormous price so that the rest of us can benefit from it.


“God bless you all. Thank you.”


In honor of Memorial Day, Governor Baker has ordered that the United States flag and the Commonwealth flag be lowered to half-staff at all state buildings from sunrise until noon and full staff from noon until sunset on Monday, May 30, 2022. The order applies to the main or administration building of each public institution of the Commonwealth, other state-owned or state-controlled buildings and all state military installations.

波士頓廣場插37,000面國旗紀念軍人 麻州長查理貝克譴責戰爭耗財傷命

麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)指著身後的旗幟表示,美國人民得以想手民主自由,
都要感謝這些人的犧牲。 (周菊子攝)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導) 300多名義工在波士頓廣場以37千面美國國旗插出的壯觀旗海,讓人們在又一年的紀念退伍軍人之際,為距離美國9166公里之遠的烏克蘭,竟然還在和俄國打仗,糾纏已3個月,感傷不已。 

              這個週末是美國退伍軍人節 (Veteran’s Day),麻州軍人英雄基金 (Massachusetts Military Heroes fund)和金星 (Gold Star)家庭在300多名義工協助下,舉行第13屆紀念儀式,又一年的在波士頓廣場插出美國國旗,以每一面國旗紀念每一名在戰爭中喪生的麻州軍人。 


              麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)等幾名州府政要,也參加了儀式。



在波士頓廣場的旗海,由麻州軍人英雄基金邀義工們插出來。 (周菊子攝)
              Gary Keefe將軍也說,喪生軍人家屬所面對與親人永別的傷痛之深之廣,更是難以形容。他說那些不是死在戰場上,但死於暴露在危險的化學物品之下,或因無法忍受戰爭所帶來創傷,以致身心失調而自殺的那些軍人們,也值得人們尊敬。


              在紀念儀式中,包括麻州副州長白莉朵 (Karen Polito)、麻州財政長高柏珂 (Deb Goldberg)都加入了唸出亡故軍人姓名行列。

              這週末,麻州各地都有紀念退伍軍人的活動,昆士市在530日一早,還舉行了紀念退伍軍人遊行。麻州州長查理貝克和波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)將於這天中午到南端,出席波多黎各退伍軍人紀念儀式。

波士頓警察局加買高性能無人機 關注隱私人士感憂慮

               (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓環球報稱,波士頓警察局沒通知波士頓市議會及民眾,就悄悄擴大了無人機偵查計畫,擁護隱私權人士對警察局使用科技不透明,感到憂慮。

              波士頓環球報稱,該報拿到文件,知道3月初時,波士頓警察局又採購了一架高性能的無人機,還計畫設立無人機小組來操作。這架25千元的無人機是波士頓警察局使用的第8架無人機。警察局發言人John Boyle警探說,所有的警察局無人機仍只限於用在經過批准的行動中,例如犯罪現場重建,或是在包括波士頓馬拉松賽等特別活動中做安全監督。



              波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)的辦公室表示,市長會確保一旦「監察監管條例」生效後,「這採購」會完全符合規定。

              根據麻州美國公民自由聯盟 (ACLU) 的資料,麻州只有十幾個警察局常常使用無人機。在所有向州政府機構登記在案的無人機中,執法機構擁有的無人機佔了40%


              麻州美國公民自由聯盟主任Kade Crockford表示,像這樣的採買及使用科技,應該在購買及使用之前經過審查,因為我們看到泰經常得,這些秘密採購的工具不成比例的備用在黑及棕色鄰里之中。

              2017年時,在牙買加平原Mildred C. Hailey大樓的幾名居民就拍到2名未穿制服警察,在他們的公寓那兒試驗一架無人機。

              波士頓警察局最近向Ascent Aerosystems這家本地公司買了蔗架無人機,以及支援設備。波士頓市政府的採購單顯示,波士頓警察局選購了這家公司的全天候,高性能Spirit無人機,價格14千元,物體追蹤熱像儀,1萬元,還有其他幾件設備。

              管理波士頓警察局無人機的警探 Carl Blando在寫給市府,說明採購理由的信中解釋,警察局在找多功能的無人機,以用於各種任務,包括群眾管理,犯罪現場繪圖,執行拍照,拍視頻,以及其他特別環境,或由局長、總監,經理或指定人士指派的特別活動。


              波士頓警察2019年就開始用無人機了,那時只限於犯罪現場小組 (Crime Scene Response Unit)使用。20219月,大約在更新無人機政策2週後,波士頓警察局就把該局唯一的無人機系統經理Blando調到國土安全局,目前只有BlandoTimothy Connolly隊長的2人小組。

              波士頓市議員Kendra Lara等幾名市議員表示,她不知道波士頓警察局最近又買了無人機,並強調在法令生效後,檢視警察採購的所有監察科技的重要性。