
星期一, 5月 30, 2022

第43屆波士頓龍舟節訂6月12日舉行 48隊參賽

 (波士頓香港龍舟賽訊)壹年壹度的波士頓香港龍舟賽將於六月十二日(星期日)舉行, 時間中午十二時至下午五時。2022年 是波士頓龍舟節和龍舟賽的第四十三週年。因為新冠疫情,龍舟節2020年取消活動,2021年通過影視與觀眾線上見面,2022年年初龍舟節組委會決定恢復實時比賽和文化活動。今年大波士頓地區、麻州、新英格蘭各州以及加拿大前來參賽的共有四十八個龍舟隊。屆時,龍舟健兒們將在鑼鼓喧天聲中,劃著顏色鮮艷、船身輕盈的香港式龍舟, 在Weeks 步行橋和Western Ave大橋之間的查理斯河中激烈角逐。龍舟賽激烈的競爭將在以下十個分組之間展開:集團組、金融組、醫保組、大學組、大學校友組、社區組、俱樂部組、女子組,以及癌癥幸存者專賽。本年度龍舟賽及節慶由波士頓龍舟節組委會主辦,由以下公司和單位贊助:香港駐紐約經濟貿易辦事處、道富銀行、華人醫務中心、神笔、Harvard Pilgrim, CVS Health, Eastern Bank, Trapology Boston, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Flyhomes, Foxwoods, Salesforce, Gentle Giants等。



今年龍舟節的文藝演出,有受歷年端午節龍舟賽觀眾歡迎的大波士頓文協的扯鈴和音樂表演,也有豐富的亞洲各國表演, 包括泰國、印度、韓國和中國傳統舞蹈、韓國武術表演,以及傳統中國舞龍舞獅和日式大鼓表演等。

大波士頓太極學校和巾幗舞獅隊仍將帶來互動演示,請觀衆學習並參與太極和舞獅。除了曆年最受歡迎的大波士頓文協傳統手工製作之外,龍舟節組委會還會給大家帶來各種亞洲遊戲與手工,並分髮免費小冊子,供遊人帶回家學習製作, 今年衆多亞洲美食攤位擺賣將為大家帶來各式亞洲美食,敬請光臨。

每年農歷五月初五(陽歷五月下旬至6月中旬)的端午節是為了紀念中國古代詩人愛國人士屈原(340-278 BCE)。作為楚國的政治領袖,屈原被認為是中國第壹家傑出的詩人。屈原失去了國王的青睞並且被被驅逐出他的家鄉楚國,是因為他反對向強大的秦國妥協。在流亡期間,他寫的詩“離騷”顯示屈原對故國和人民的極大忠誠。公元前278,屈原聽聞楚國已經被入侵。在絕望中他在汨羅江自盡。等楚國人趕到河裏去救他已經來不及了,他們便裏粽子投向江水以紀念屈原愛國的精神,同時也希望吃了粽子的魚兒們能夠讓屈原安息。

如今端午節龍舟賽已經成為世界上的壹項熱門運動和節慶,而北美的第壹箇龍舟節就是在1979年時始創於波士頓,迄今四十三周年,近年來每年有三萬人前來參加。 這個慶祝活動向美國和世界人民介紹端午節龍舟賽,為推廣中國的以及亞洲的文化,發揮了巨大的作用。在大家的參與和支持下,波士頓龍舟節會越辦越好。

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星期日, 5月 29, 2022


Bunker Hill Community College Holds 48th Commencement Exercises, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Addresses Graduates

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Boston Mayor is Keynote Speaker at First In-Person Graduation Ceremony in Three Years 

President Eddinger and Mayor Wu at 2022 CommencementBOSTON, MA (May 26, 2022)—Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) held its 48th Commencement Exercises on Thursday, with Boston Mayor Michelle Wu addressing graduates as keynote speaker and recipient of the College’s Presidential Distinguished Service Award.  

The largest community college in Massachusetts, BHCC enrolls nearly 18,000 students each year. One thousand two hundred and ninety-nine students graduated with an associate degree or certificate.  

“Bunker Hill is an incredible college—dedicated to creating opportunities, and opening doors, for all its students,” Mayor Wu said to gathered students, faculty, and staff. “But it is an even more incredible community. I have heard from students who came here afraid that their past performance would determine their future opportunities… And in every case, no matter your situation, I know that, here, you were told: Let us know what you need in order to learn. Let us help you accomplish your goals.” 

The Presidential Distinguished Service Award is given annually to a leader in Greater Boston who exemplifies service to the Bunker Hill Community and to the communities the college serves.  

BHCC President Pam Y. Eddinger presided over the ceremony and addressed graduates in the college’s first in-person commencement in three years.  

“If you use your power to actualize your own potential, if you use your power to affirm your own dignity, then you can reach across to your neighbor and join your power to theirs,” Eddinger told graduates. “We rise, together.” 

In addition to Wu, two other awards were presented at the ceremony: the Trustees’ Distinguished Service Award, presented by College Board of Trustees Vice Chair R. Kelly Cameron to the co-chairs of the College’s ReOpen Task Force, Transition Team, and Mental Health Commission, each of which were deeply involved in planning and policy-making at the college during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Be well-read...be well-spoken...be well-traveled...be well-dressed...be well-balanced,” Cameron told members of the graduating class.  

Professor of Biology and Chemistry Libby Dunphy gave the faculty address to the graduating class. “Today...you should be proud of yourself. You have earned this,” Dunphy said. “I hope you know that you are an inspiration to me. It is a pleasure to teach students who are hard-working, serious, and above-all curious.” 

Eddinger also presented College Student Government Association President Chase Baker with the President’s Leadership Award, given annually to a student who exemplifies leadership at the College. “As we face our next challenges, don’t forget that you and you alone–not family, not social expectations–define what constitutes your success,” Baker said. “And don't be surprised if that changes throughout your career. Whatever the future may hold, now is the time for celebration! You should all be immensely proud of what you have achieved.” 

About the BHCC Class of 2022 

Bunker Hill Community College is the youngest and the largest of the 15 Community Colleges in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The College serves nearly 18,000 students per year, including 600 international students from 94 countries, speaking more than 75 languages.  

  • The graduating class of 2022 is 1299 strong:  
  • More than 35% of graduates received Associate of Arts degrees 
  • Almost 50% of graduates received Associate of Science degrees  
  • Nearly 15% of graduates received certificates 

City of Boston funding update


The Funding Update

Veterans Administration, 6/10/2022

The new Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program will enable VA to provide resources toward community-based suicide prevention efforts to meet the needs of Veterans and their families through outreach, suicide prevention services, and connection to VA and community resources. Max award: $750,000.

Office of Refugee Resettlement, 6/27/2022
Grants from the Refugee Microenterprise Development Program support technical assistance on grants and loans, a revolving loan fund, credit builder loans, coordination with the refugee resettlement community and state refugee coordinator, and administrative costs. Max award:  $250,000.

USDA, 6/30/2022
Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive grants support projects intended to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables by providing incentives at the point of purchase among income-eligible consumers participating in the SNAP program. Awards range from $1,000 - $15M.

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, 7/15/2022
Seeking Community-Driven Approaches to Address Factors Contributing to Structural Racism in Public Health. Average award $300,000.

Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov


Massachusetts Housing Partnership + Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency

The Massachusetts Homeowner Assistance Fund is available for homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of HAF is to prevent foreclosures and displacements of eligible homeowners. 
MassDevelopment, 6/3/2022
Grants support innovation centers, incubators, makerspaces, artists’ spaces, collaborative kitchens, and co-working spaces to accelerate the pace of new business formation, job formation, and entrepreneurial activity in communities. Awards range from $15,000 to $100,000.
Please note that municipal support letters are not required for this grant application.

New This Week

Department of Public Health, 6/17/2022
Community Health & Healthy Aging Funds can be used to reduce health inequities by addressing the social determinants of health. Awards will range from $10,000 to $100,000 per year, up to 5 years.

Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, 8/31/22
Workplace Safety Training and Education grants fund programs that reduce the risk of injury and illness to workers and promote safe and healthy conditions in the workplace through training, education, and other preventative measures. Max award: $25,000.   

Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.


Office of Workforce Development, 5/31/2022 
The Summer Learn & Earn Program is a unique opportunity for rising high school juniors and seniors in Boston to earn money while taking college-level courses. 

Treasury Department, 5/31/2022
Small Grants are provided for 1) Charitable and humane purposes; 2) Summer field trips for children to nature areas; 3) Special or new recreation for Bostonians; 4) Recreational areas for children; 5) To adorn and embellish Boston's streets and public spaces. Grants range from $500 to $2,000. Applicants must be nonprofits or community organizations partnering with 501c3 fiscal agents or the City of Boston.

Black Male Advancement, 6/3/2022
Funding priorities: Financial Literacy & Entrepreneurship; Youth Development & Mentoring;  Civic Organizing. Awards range from $2,500 to $7,500. Specific conditions apply. 

Age Strong Commission, 6/8/2022
Requesting proposals for a holistic and comprehensive solution to assess, intervene, and treat hoarding disorder including on-site assessment, crisis case management, individual and family counseling, decluttering and clean-out services.

Office of Civic Organizing, 6/10/2022
Love Your Block mini-grants fund projects that bring community groups together to improve their neighborhoods. The max award of $3,500 comes with additional city services. 

New This Week

Boston Housing Authority, 6/13/2022
BHA is seeking real estate development consultant services from one or more qualified individuals or firms with significant experience in development feasibility studies, financial modeling, project management including financing and permitting applications, and strategic planning for Public Housing Authorities. The BHA is exploring the feasibility of expanding its subsidized housing portfolio. The value of the work is estimated to $100,000.

Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.


Community Care Corps, 5/23/2022 to 7/8/2022
Requests proposals for innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers or directly assist older adults or adults with disabilities with non-medical care to maintain their independence. Awards range from $30,000 to $200,000.

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, 6/24/2022
Funding priorities: .Affordable Housing, Small Business, and Neighborhood Revitalization. Awards range from $2,500 to $50,000, depending upon market size.

New This Week

Lululemon, 5/30/2022
Grants support organizations around the globe that create inclusive access to movement, mindfulness and connection, and those that advocate for civil and human rights for people most impacted by systemic inequity. Max award: $50,000 (or up to 40% of the annual operating budget). The application process begins with a letter of intent.

Cuttyhunk Island Residency, 6/1/2022
Opportunity for visual artists to focus on their work in a beautiful, remote setting far removed from the distractions of everyday life. An intimate group of twelve artists gather on Cuttyhunk Island for eight days to share ideas and learn from each other while working on their individual projects. 

Monat Gratitude, 6/4/2022
Grants support new and existing K-12 initiatives in arts and culture, youth sports and recreation, and youth entrepreneurship. Awards range from $5,000 to $20,000.

Obama Foundation, 6/14/2022
The Obama-Chesky/Voyager Scholarship for Public Service is a two-year program for students in their junior and senior years of college from across the US who are committed to pursuing careers that serve the public and their communities. The scholarship is a maximum of $25,000 per year in financial aid; a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college; a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years; an annual summit to help define their public service voyage, and a network of leaders will expose them to new areas of service and innovations happening in their fields. 

National Sculpture Society, 6/20/2022
The Dexter Jones Award ($5,000) is open to sculptors with outstanding work in bas-relief.

JPMorganChase Annual Challenge, 6/27/2022
Focus areas: careers and skills, financial health, small business expansion, and neighborhood development. The Challenge will also fund a subset of projects that advance approaches to improve mental health and wellness as a part of interventions designed to promote economic mobility. Organizations from 20 metropolitan areas are eligible to apply. Three-year grants ranging from $500,000 to $3 million will be awarded to up to ten individual organizations or partnerships.

Aaron Copland Fund, 6/30/2022
Performance Program grants (up to $20,000) will be awarded to professional performing ensembles and presenting organizations with a history of substantial commitment to contemporary American music and plans to continue that commitment.

QUEER | ART, 6/30/2022
The grant will support visual artists who are self-identified Black trans women and trans femmes.

Classics for Kids Foundation, 6/30/2022
Matching grants support K-12 music education for string instruments.

Borealis Philanthropy, 6/30/2022
Funding priority: organizations that are disability-led, with emphasis on Black, Indigenous, people of color, queer and gender non-conforming, and women disability-led organizations.Funding focus: work that engages with other social movements and across issues, including racial justice, climate change, immigrant rights, labor rights. Awards range from $30,000 to $100,000.

New Earth Foundation, 7/1/2022
Grants support environmental initiatives that are working to eliminate pollution and save the planet’s ecosystems; community efforts that create models of social sustainability; educational innovations that prepare youth to become the socially responsible leaders of the future; and strategies that offer economic improvement and opportunities. The application process begins with a letter of intent.

Infinite Hero Foundation, 7/1/2022
Grants support programs or treatments to active-duty service members, veterans, and/or military families for service-related mental and physical injuries. Max award: $100,000. The application process begins with a letter of intent.

Latham Foundation, 7/1/2022 - 7/8/2022
Funding focus: programs that focus on animal-assisted activities that demonstrate people and animals working together for the benefit of both. Funding priority: programs that include services to animals and the military, veterans, first responders and their families. Max award: $10,000.. 

American Legion Child Welfare Foundation, 7/15/2022
The Foundation supports organizations that contribute to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare of children through the dissemination of information about new and innovative programs designed to benefit youth, or through the dissemination of information already possessed by well-established organizations. Grant requests should have the potential to help American children in a broad geographic area.

Kauffman Foundation, Open
Grants (up to $1M) support organizations or projects that are creating supportive communities for entrepreneurs with focused programs.

Transformational Partnerships Fund, Open
Partnerships supported by TPF typically involve two or more degree-granting institutions of higher education. Catalytic grants of up to $100,000 can be used to engage third-party technical assistance providers knowledgeable in law, finance, governance, fundraising, human resources, and other related fields.

Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines.



The Department of Youth Engagement & Employments offers lots of opportunities, especially for 14 year olds.

Daily Updates from the City of Boston
News, Resources, Applications, Permits, Events and more

GBH 亞美傳統月放映的部分影片


May 27, 2022
Resilience, ingenuity, creativity. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have enriched American history, society and culture and are instrumental to our past, present and future. This month, and every month, we celebrate the wide array of values, beliefs and traditions and AAPI communities' extraordinary impact on our national identity. As violence and discrimination against AAPI communities and individuals continue, it is imperative that we stand against racism and remain committed to highlighting AAPI voices and advancing understanding, dignity and justice. Explore these stories throughout the month with this collection presented by GBH and GBH WORLD.
Local, USA: A Tale of Three Chinatowns
Explore the survival of urban ethnic neighborhoods in three American cities: Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Boston. Through the voices of residents, community activists, developers and government officials, the film looks at the forces altering each community and the challenges that go with them, including the pressing issue of urban development and gentrification.
America ReFramed: Geographies of Kinship
The rise of Korea's global adoption program through the stories of four adoptees.
Asian American Stories of Resilience and Beyond
Watch this series of seven documentary shorts that move beyond the pandemic and reflect the complexities of Asian American experiences in this critical moment.
GBH Celebrates AAPI Heritage Month
A panel of community leaders and filmmakers joined GBH for an hour-long Q&A discussion exploring the rich past and uncertain future of local and regional AAPI "affinity neighborhoods," including Boston and Chicago's Chinatowns, Boston Little Saigon in Dorchester and other enclaves.
AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: Plague at the Golden Gate
Follow the gripping story of the race against time to save San Francisco and the nation from an outbreak of bubonic plague in 1900.
Norman Mineta and his Legacy: An American Story
Meet the man who served as cabinet secretary for Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush.
Daniel James Brown: Facing the Mountain
Hear from celebrated author Daniel James Brown as he discusses his book Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II.
PBS AAPI Collection
Find more documentaries and programs that celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage at PBS.org.