
星期三, 7月 07, 2021

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $1.5 Million in Grants to Support 2021 Summer Nights Initiative

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces $1.5 Million in Grants to Support 2021 Summer Nights Initiative 

Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito Visit Boys and Girls Club Family Center in Springfield to Celebrate Program Kickoff

Building on efforts to provide young people in urban communities across the Commonwealth with safe, fun recreational opportunities throughout the summer, the Baker-Polito Administration today announced the award of $1.5 million in funding to support 55 programs at 80 locations through the 2021 Summer Nights Initiative. To celebrate the launch of the program, Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito joined Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Commissioner Jim Montgomery, local officials, and partner organizations at the Boys and Girls Club Family Center in the City of Springfield.  

“Our administration is proud to kick-off another summer with Summer Nights, a program we launched in 2015 to provide children, teens, and young adults across the Commonwealth with the opportunity to join in on recreational and educational activities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Recognizing the tremendous success of this program, and the safe, inclusive, and fun events it provides for young people, we are pleased to significantly expand this program and its reach, allowing us to work with our partners to provide more programs in more communities throughout the summer.”  

“Thanks to the Summer Nights program and our dedicated stakeholders, young people from around the state will have the chance to participate in fun and unique programming created with their interests in mind,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We are pleased to build on the success of our Summer Nights initiative, and look forward to working with our partner organizations to offer these fun, engaging activities in more cities and towns across the Commonwealth.”  

Through a significant increase in funding, the Administration has expanded the Summer Nights Initiative to support 55 organizations serving nearly 80 locations, after offering programs in 20 locations in 2019. Communities that will benefit from Summer Nights programming include the neighborhoods of Dorchester, Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Roxbury, and the South End in the City of Boston, as well as Brockton, New Bedford, Lowell, Lawrence, Springfield, and Worcester. Additionally, Summer Nights will support programs in seven new communities, including Cambridge, Holyoke, Lynn, Methuen, Randolph, Stoughton, and Taunton.  

Grant funding will support the development of fun, engaging recreational, educational, cultural, and artistic programs for kids, teens, and young adults, providing an opportunity to learn new skills and socialize with peers. As part of this year’s programming, Boston Harbor Now will provide free Ferry passes to Summer Nights participants and families to explore the Boston Harbor Islands.  

Summer Nights, which begins on Wednesday, will run through August 20, 2021 and offer activities such as basketball skills, drills and tournaments, volleyball, yoga, dance, martial arts, flag football, corn-hole, dance, fishing, ping-pong, cardio boxing, afro beat dance, swimming, cooking, painting, gardening, dodgeball, tennis and nature exploration. Programming also includes sessions on leadership skill building, social justice, poetry, academic tutoring, storytelling, animation, entrepreneurism, music, media production, open mic nights, and career and college readiness programs. For a full list of programming, please visit the DCR’s Summer Nights webpage

“For the 7th year in a row, the Summer Nights program will provide wonderful opportunities for young people to turn off their screens and experience fun, educational, and hands-on programs that let them interact with their peers and learn new skills,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “As we continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to have access to safe, fun opportunities to play and socialize, and we’re proud to expand this program and work with our partners to reach more kids, teens, and young adults in more communities across the Commonwealth.” 

“This year, DCR Summer Nights will feature a record number of partner organizations set to offer more than 1,200 events over a six-week period,” said Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Jim Montgomery. “It is DCR’s honor to put on this key summer program and offer young people more opportunities to explore their favorite DCR facility or try their hand at a new skill.”  

Since 2015, the Baker-Polito Administration has invested in the expansion of recreational opportunities across Massachusetts through the Summer Nights program, including new programming and extended operating hours at several DCR aquatic facilities in urban communities. An additional kick-off celebration will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 2021 at DCR’s Ryan Playground in City of Boston neighborhood of Mattapan.  

Today’s launch in Springfield and next week’s event in Mattapan will feature a COVID-19 Mobile Vaccine Clinic available for those that are interested and 12 years of age or older. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is coordinating with select Summer Nights partners to offer vaccine education and/or the mobile vaccine clinic at certain Summer Nights programs throughout July and August. A schedule for the Mobile Vaccine Clinic will be available on the Summer Nights webpage in the coming days.

Ahead of the Summer Nights Program launch, DCR invested $350,000 to support improvements to hard courts at the Ryan Playground in Boston. The agency paved and color-coated the court, installed new tennis net posts, and adjusted basketball hoops. The construction started on June 7, 2021 and is scheduled to conclude on July 10, 2021. Additionally, DCR has invested $200,000 over the past five years to repair and upgrade the playground.   

“I want to thank Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito, Secretary Theoharides and Commissioner Montgomery for their continued support and partnership,” said Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno. “The DCR Summer Nights program is a positive and successful program for our youth that not only provides fun activities but mentoring, coaching and the teaching of life skills.  I want to thank Executive Director Keshawn Dodds and everyone at the Springfield Boys and Girls Club Family Center and all of our local partner organizations and agencies for their continued dedicated efforts in support of our children and their families.  I know first-hand from my old days as Executive Director of the South End Community Center that these proactive youth development initiatives make a positive difference.”  

This summer, DCR is offering free Learn to Swim programs at 12 locations statewide. Lessons began on Monday, July 5, 2021 in three two-week sessions for people of all ages. For information about lessons, please visit the agency’s website and call your local facility. Additionally, many YMCAs across the Commonwealth offer swimming lessons for children, teens and adults. If you live in the Boston area, view the list of YMCA Boston swim classes. If you live outside Boston, please visit the Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs' “Find Your Y” website to locate a YMCA near you. Furthermore, the American Red Cross offers swimming lessons for children, teens and adults at several of its locations in Massachusetts, as well. The Red Cross also offers a wide selection of CPR/AED, first aid, lifeguarding, swimming and water safety, caregiving, disaster response, and emergency preparedness training. Visit the Red Cross for the “Learn to Swim” provider list and select Massachusetts for more information.

In June, DCR announced that it has increased lifeguard pay from $17/hour, or $18/hour for head guards, to $20/hour and $21/hour. Lifeguards who remain committed for the entire season with DCR will also receive a $500 bonus at the end of the season. DCR continues to actively recruit individuals to become a lifeguard at its inland and coastal waterfronts, and deep water swimming pools in the Boston Region (including Cambridge and the surrounding towns), the North Region (specifically Saugus, Nahant, and East Boston), the South Region (specifically Sandwich and Westport), and the Central Region (Metro West to Worcester County). Interested individuals can apply online and are strongly encouraged to call Jim Esposito at (857) 214-0400 or visit the DCR’s lifeguarding webpage, application information, and lifeguard requirements can be found

星期二, 7月 06, 2021

麻州州長參選人3+1共和黨 查理貝克還未鬆口

             (Boston Orange編譯)2022年的麻州州長選戰又升溫,有四人參選了,連共和黨籍都有麻州前眾議員Geogg Diehl宣佈跳入戰場。

           麻州現任州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)迄今一直未鬆口是否競選連任,但他那高達70%的民意支持度,似乎並未嚇阻挑戰者。有意角逐州長大位的民主黨人,從今年初起,已接二連三,迄今有民主黨有哈佛大學教授Daniel Allen,麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz),曾任麻州參議員的Ben Downing3人已宣佈參選。坊間還傳說麻州現任檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey)也會參選。


             Geogg Diehl是在西麻州共和黨愛國者所主辦的獨立日慶祝會上宣佈了他參選麻州州長的計畫。他說,是開闢新道路的時候,也是重新賦予個人權力,讓經濟自由發展,幫助我們的子女克服政府在過去這一年所造成傷害的時候了

              Geogg Diehl是一名保守的共和黨員,在2011年到2019年間代表第七區Plymouth。有些人認為他在共和黨政治中和查理貝克的更為溫和派,有勢均力敵份量。




             Geogg Diehl曾任美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)2016年總統大選時的麻州競選團共同主席。

             羅爾市的共和黨員Darius Mitchell早前已向州政府遞交候選文件,也向英文報章坦言考慮參選。Geogg Diehl倒還未遞交參選文件,但已設立競選州長網站,https://geoffdiehl.com/。

             Geogg Diehl曾參與多項州級選舉,包括2018年參選聯邦參議員席位,和伊莉莎白沃倫競爭。

星期一, 7月 05, 2021

NECINA慶25週年 頒終生成就獎感謝許基康、陳君瑤、尹南鷹、陸德禮



             (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 紐英崙中華資訊網路協會 (NECINA)日前以在創新的、複雜的世界中引領向前會議,慶祝成立25週年。會中頒終生成就獎感謝許基康,陳君瑤,陸德禮,尹南鷹,並歡迎卸任會長戴晨方,副會長倪繼紅加入董事會,金世垚接任會長。




網協人覺得幸運的是,創辦人暨精神領袖,享有榮譽董事會主席身分的陳五福,以及仍擔任董事會主席的吳錦城,雖然都已喬遷加州,依然高度關心網協動態,和董事會副主席陶東斌,以及王振榕,容志誠(Robert Yung),沈心焯、賀東,洪銘勝,新加入的戴晨方,倪繼紅等董事,以及新一屆幹部繼續網協扶持科技界後進創新、發展的社會服務。




網協今年的年會,訂名在創新的、複雜的世界中引領向前(Leading in an Innovative and Complex World)”,講題包括未來行業環境,人工智慧,智慧能源,太陽能科技談到區塊鍊與虛擬貨幣等諸多不同領域。講者依序為MIT媒體實驗室訪問教授Pierre BallandAvesha 共同創辦人Raj NairPowerley執行長Manoj KumarMIT電機工程教授Vladimir BulvoicPythagoras投資管理公司執行長曾良恩(Mitchell Dong)

Pierre Balland指出,目前世界上有著全球25%的創新來自10個城市的集中現象,幾乎絕大部分知識份子都認為虛擬貨幣是不可避免的未來;Raj Nair稱世界上的人工智能已有30%在使用邊緣計算(Edge)來處理海量數據;Manoj Kumar指出太陽能的研發正朝向任何時候、地點,任何規模的需要,都可以用來陽能來滿足能源需求的地步發展。

             網協於1996年由陳五福、宋利偉,邱瑞賢,余鴻、陳君瑤等人創辦,後有吳錦城,許基康等陸續加入。在陳五福、許基康參與創辦的瀑布通訊(Cascade Communications)”1997年被Ascend37億美元收購;吳錦城創辦的箭點通訊(Arrow Point)”2000年被思科(Cisco)公司以61億美元收購的光環下,網協曾是大波士頓地區最著名的科技組織,每次舉辦講座或會議,講者的水平之高,內容之紮實,都備受各界讚譽。



星期日, 7月 04, 2021

昆士市慶國慶 政要率隊遊行

昆士市市長柯奇(Tom Koch,右一)和市議會議長梁秀婷(中)等人率隊慶祝美國國慶。


黃官羨閱報室疫後重開張 吳弭、華美福利會獲捐款支持


       (Boston Orange
) 黃官羨閱報室重新開張啦! 創辦人黃官羨因造福社區的場所在新冠疫情舒緩後,又能繼續發揮作用,特地加碼慶祝,廣邀台山同鄉,鄰近商家出席聚會,見證支持華美福利會營運,吳弭(Michelle Wu)參選波士頓市長的捐款,希望社區齊心協力,造福華人同胞。











星期六, 7月 03, 2021

陳翟蘇妮競選麻州州長 募款首週600人捐5萬3000元

 Sonia Chang-Díaz raises over $53,000 in first week of campaign for Governor

Campaign draws over 600 donations in the first days, including supporters in every region of the state

 BOSTON, MA - State Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz raised over $53,000 in the first week after announcing her bid for Governor of Massachusetts. Over 600 contributors pitched in to her campaign in its first week, including donations from supporters in every region of the Commonwealth, from Berkshire County to the Cape and the Islands. 90% of contributions were $100 or less.

 “This is what a people-powered campaign looks like,” said Joshua Wolfsun, Chang-Díaz’s Acting Campaign Manager. “Sonia is setting the bar for small-dollar fundraising power, with the lowest average donation out of any of the 2022 governor candidates. It’s clear that working families across the state are excited for a governor with the experience and urgency to tackle our Commonwealth’s biggest problems head-on.” 

On top of her campaign’s existing funds, the first week’s haul affords Chang-Díaz over $282,000 to start building her statewide campaign and community-centered organizing efforts.

“It’s a long road to Election Day and we’re just getting started,” Wolfsun added. “Arm in arm with grassroots organizers and donors across the state, we’re building this campaign and fundraising operation to go the full distance and win.”

For more information about Sonia Chang-Díaz and her campaign for Governor, please visit ww.soniachangdiaz.com

波士頓代市長 Kim JANEY 宣佈開放兩處市有游泳池



BOSTON - Saturday, July 3, 2021 - Mayor Janey today announced the City of Boston’s two outdoor pools, the BCYF Clougherty Pool in Charlestown and the BCYF Mirabella Pool in the North End are open for the summer season. Several indoor pools operated by Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) are also open for residents looking to cool off. Locations and hours of operation of the pools can be found at Boston.gov/BCYF-Aquatics.

 “It’s important that our residents can access cooling options in our neighborhoods throughout the summer,” said Mayor Janey. “We are looking forward to welcoming more people back to our pools along with offering an expanded menu of summer programming and activities for young people at the community centers.”

 Due to the state-wide lifeguard shortage, hours of operation at all BCYF pools will be reduced until all vacancies are filled. For everyone’s safety, several protocols are in place at BCYF pools heading into the summer season: 

 ·    Visitors must register for a swim time slot at Boston.gov/BCYF-Registration.

·    Registration will go live 24 hours before the following day’s sessions and will remain open until all spots are taken or until the session is half over, whichever comes first. 

·    When registering for a session, visitors will be asked COVID-19 screening questions. 

·    Sessions at the outdoor pools will be one hour and 45 minutes and visitors are asked to register for and attend no more than one session per day. 

·    Preference will be given to Boston residents.

·    Face coverings (covering the nose and mouth) are recommended for people who are not vaccinated while outdoors. Everyone must wear face coverings while indoors and not in the water.

·    Swimming lessons, which would require close physical contact, will not be offered this summer.

·    Social distancing of at least 3 feet is required for all individuals outside of a household. group and applies to deck areas, bathrooms, wading areas, the water and the pool deck.

·    Children under 8 need an adult in the water with them. 

·    Three children under 12 are allowed per adult. 

·    All pools will be staffed by trained lifeguards.

 When near water there are several things to keep in mind to keep you and your family safe:

 ·    Always watch children near any body of water. Make sure to swim in the designated areas and know where the lifeguards are present.

·    Swim near a lifeguard and never swim alone.

·    Learn the basics of swimming. If you don’t already know how to swim, contact a local pool to get a proper lesson. BCYF will resume offering swim lessons in the fall. 

·    Obey "No Diving" signs and do not dive into shallow water.

·    Make sure children wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket when boating, water skiing, rafting, fishing or swimming. Life jackets should be appropriate for your weight, size and the water activity.

·    Know before you go: Whether it's a lake, river or the ocean, check the weather conditions before you head out onto the water. And pay attention to any advisories that pop up while you're out. If you spot bad weather, get on dry land and head inside.

·    Watch out for strong currents, rip currents or dangerous waves. Currents are unpredictable near piers, jetties, small dams and docks. If it is hard to move around, head to shore.

·    Look for signs and flags to keep you safe.

·    Alcohol and water don't mix.

 BCYF is also operating programming for registered youth at community centers across the city this summer. Learn more about BCYF’s programming at Boston.gov/BCYF. These programs are in addition to a variety of expanded BCYF programming for teens and over 600 youth jobs through the Mayor's Summer Jobs Program. BCYF community centers will also continue to distribute meals to youth throughout the summer. The complete list of meal locations can be found at Boston.gov/departments/food-access

星期五, 7月 02, 2021

華埠醒獅迎福 7/3 中午12點 8/22前28家食肆有折扣


麻州中文教師職涯資訊座談會 8/22


夏日野餐郊遊活動 7/25




Dr. Ojikutu has extensive experience leading efforts to address inequities in health care


BOSTON - Friday, July 2, 2021 - Boston Mayor Kim Janey announced today that Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, MD, MPH will be the next Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC). Dr. Ojikutu’s appointment was unanimously approved by the Board of Health on July 1. 

 Dr. Ojikutu is currently an Associate Physician within the Division of Global Health Equity and the Division of Infectious Diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine and an Assistant Professor of Global and Social Medicine within the Department of Global and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Ojikutu will assume the role currently held by Rita Nieves, RN, MPH, LICSW on September 1, 2021 when Ms. Nieves retires. 

 ​"I am pleased Boston found a dedicated infectious disease physician with extensive public health, leadership, and advocacy experience to lead BPHC. I look forward to working with Dr. Ojikutu to build a healthier Boston for all our residents," said Mayor Janey. "I am also deeply grateful for the exceptional service of BPHC’s interim leadership, particularly Rita Nieves, who was an exemplary leader in helping Boston navigate the unforeseeable challenges presented to our city during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all deeply indebted to Rita for her service.”

 Dr. Ojikutu brings comprehensive experience leading and developing programming to address inequity and social determinants of health that serve as barriers to prevention, care and treatment of infectious diseases among vulnerable populations including women, immigrants, and Black and Latinx individuals. Her clinical research and community service activities have focused on achieving health equity and developing strategies to provide the highest quality care to vulnerable populations, both domestically and internationally with a focus on overcoming racial and ethnic disparities in access to HIV prevention and treatment.

 “Dr. Ojikutu’s extensive experience and commitment to meaningful, tangible progress toward eliminating health inequities make her uniquely suited for this role,” said Chief of Health and Human Services Marty Martinez. “I am confident that she is the right person to lead BPHC as we work to recover from COVID-19 and build toward a more equitable and resilient city.” 

 “I’d like to extend my most sincere congratulations to Dr. Ojikutu,” said Manny Lopes, Chair of the Board of Health. “The Board of Health and Commission staff look forward to working alongside Dr. Ojikutu to deepen efforts in maximizing health equity and racial justice in Boston.”

 "I am thrilled about the opportunity to serve as BPHC's Executive Director, and I'm committed to working with Mayor Janey, the Board of Health, and BPHC’s dedicated staff to promote the health and well-being of the residents of Boston and create real progress towards achieving health equity," said Ojikutu. "I am eager to build on our city’s strong foundation and work with BPHC staff, community partners, and residents to ensure that our work is grounded in the lived experience of those we serve."

 Dr. Ojikutu will start with the Commission on September 1.


中研院院士陳守信辭世 享年86歲

              (Boston Orange) 中央研究院第26屆數理組院士暨MIT核工系榮譽教授陳守信於626日上午,在家人陪伴中於麻州西牛頓市的家中辭世,享年86歲。

                     葬禮訂77日上午11點在牛頓墳場教堂(Newton Cemetery Chapel)舉行。MIT、台灣都將為陳院士舉辦哀悼會。


                 陳守信院士出生於台灣嘉義朴子市,是家中最小的兒子,排行第12。他11歲離家上中學,成績優異,1956年獲台灣大學物理學士學位,1958年再取得清華大學核能碩士學位,成為該系第一屆研究所畢業生。同年他獲得密西根大學IAEA獎學金,前往進修,1962年取得該校核能碩士學位,後師從諾貝爾獎得主,在中子散射和光譜學發展上具先驅地位的Bertram N. Brockhouse教授,研究凝聚態2年,獲得博士學位。

1968年時,陳守信加入MIT核子工程系,任助理教授,1974年升正教授。50多年來,他在軟凝聚態物理的基礎研究中使用小角度中子和 X 射線散射領域,有數難以計的創新貢獻,2015年獲得吉尼爾獎(Guinier Prize)2008年獲得Clifford G. Shull獎。



1987年,陳院士獲頒德國的Alexander von Humboldt資深傑出美國科學家獎,表揚他在研究及教學上的科學成就。2006年他再獲選為中央研究院院士。


陳院士家屬婉謝鮮花,奠儀,敦請親友支持設在麻省理工學院中子科學基金中的陳守信獎學金), https://givingday.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1520-84.php for those in Taiwan.,或國立清華大學的陳守信中子科學傑出講師講座)https://givingday.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1520-84.php