
星期一, 2月 01, 2021

美國檢察官: 2 麻州婦女詐欺醫療機構逾億美元

               (Boston Orange編譯)美國聯邦司法部週日(131)時逮捕2名麻州婦女,聲稱他們涉及一宗逾億元的居家護理詐欺案,沒提供服務,卻利用病人來收取費用。

              美國檢察官Andrew E. Lelling辦公室發出聲明,指52歲住在WesfordFaith Newton,以及41歲,住在Lowell市的Winnie Waruru這兩人設計出一套方法,讓Newton可以購買豪車Maserati,以及數處房產等奢華物品。美國政府將另案以民事行動追繳這些財產。

              Newton的律師Raymond Sayeg以電郵表示,他的客戶否認起訴書中的所有指控,打算極力為自己辯護。Waruru的律師拒絕回應。

              Andrew E. Lelling辦公室的起訴書稱從20131月到20171月,NewtonArbor 居居護理服務的部分東主兼營運者,Waruru則是持牌護士,LPN,由該公司聘為居家護理護士。


              美國政府提出的相關民事沒收案,要求讓政府沒收Newton分別座落在Westford,北安多福( North Andover),全是福(Chelmsford)及捷徑(Dracut)5處物業,以及40個銀行及投資戶口。


波士頓市第2位黑人警察局長Dennis White今宣誓就任

          (Boston Orange編譯)波士頓第43任警察局局長Dennis A. White,今(21)日早上由波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)主禮,在芬紐廳(Fanueil Hall)宣誓上任。

今年59歲,在波士頓警察局已服務32年的Dennis White是繼葛羅斯(William Gross)之後的波士頓市第二位黑人警察局局長。上星期,葛羅斯突然宣佈退休,已獲美國總統拜登提名,即將遠赴華府當勞工部部長的波士頓市市長馬丁華殊,動作很快地指派Dennis White接任。

Dennis White是葛羅斯的幕僚長,也是馬丁華殊所指派的波士頓警察改革工作小組成員。

新任波士頓警察局局長Dennis White由妻子為他掛上徽章。(視頻截圖)
在致詞時,Dennis White表示,他知道這工作不容易,但他相信波士頓警察局會把工作做好。

Dennis White也提及自己小時候住在多徹斯特(Dorchester)四角落(Four Corners)Nottingham街上,鄰居們都彼此認識,並照顧彼此的小孩。從那時候起,要尊重別人就已深植於他心中。他還特地向村落鄰居民說,他是代表大家接受出任警察局長這一榮譽。

Dennis White也有點激動的說起他母親Beverly。在2014年他晉升為執行副警察局長時,他母親已經出入要靠輪椅,還得戴氧氣罩,那年稍後,她母親逝於肺癌。






              (Boston Orange編譯) 1926年起,每年2月第2個星期起,是美國黑人歷史月,也是非洲裔美國人歷史月。波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(1)日宣佈,從210日起,將舉辦一系列藝術,文化活動,以示慶祝。


              210日這第一場活動將是座談,主題為美國及清算(America and the Reckoning)”,由波士頓市公共安全主任Rufus Faulk博士主持。



BOSTON - Monday, February 1, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the City of Boston's Black Employee Network (BEN) today announced a series of events celebrating 2021 Black History Month. All events will be conducted virtually or in accordance with COVID-19 public health guidance. This year's Black History Month theme is Representation, Identity, Diversity.

"In Boston, we know our greatest strength is our diversity, and now, more than ever, we must continue our dedication to celebrating communities throughout Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "Black History Month is an opportunity to honor our city's Black communities and champion leaders who've played a critical role in strengthening our city's commitment to racial justice. I hope all Bostonians join our celebrations to further uplift the diversity that makes Boston so special."

"America and the Reckoning" Virtual Panel

February 10, 6:00 p.m.

This virtual panel discussion will be moderated by City of Boston Director of Public Safety Dr. Rufus Faulk. The featured panelists include local community activists. Register here.

Service Project Distributing PPE to elderly residents

February 15

City employees will distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) to elderly residents in senior housing units in Dorchester, Roxbury and Mattapan.

Dream Chasers - One Mic, Many Voices

February 18, 4:00 p.m.

The City of Boston's Department of Youth Engagement and Employment, in partnership with Black Employee Network Millennials, My Brother's Keeper Boston, Teen Empowerment, and the Mattapan Teen Center, will bring together youth performers from Boston neighborhoods alongside a panel of community leaders in celebration of Black History Month. 

Register here.

"Legacy Building" Speaker Series

February 25, 6:00 p.m.

Virtual Financial Empowerment speaker session with four virtual breakout sessions, including homebuying, life insurance, entrepreneurship, and retirement plans.  Register here.

The Black Experience

February 26, 6:30-8:30 pm 

This event will showcase and appreciate local Black artists in music and fashion in Boston. It will provide an experience for Black millennials to embrace and enjoy the arts and fashion culture for and by Black Boston artists. To register, email chardline.chanelfaiteau@boston.gov 

Black History Month Reading Program

Various local leaders will read a story written by a Black author or illustrator throughout the month of February. The City of Boston will release videos of the readings via the City of Boston YouTube channel and Boston Resilience, Civic Engagement, and Black History Month Boston pages. 

Black Employee Network Millennials Events

During Black History Month, BEN Millennials will honor and celebrate the achievements of Black people while also recognizing the adversity faced in fully achieving successful, healthy lives in Black communities. As part of its celebration of Black History Month, BEN Millennials will hold a well-being series that will focus on the importance of daily physical activities, mental health, and overall wellness. The series will consist of four events aimed at creating space and increasing awareness of the different pathways for healthier futures for Black communities. To register or more information, contact Quincey.roberts@boston.gov 

Getting Centered with Yoga Mike

February 8, 6:00 p.m.

Virtual mindfulness and yoga class.


February 9, 6:00 p.m.

At-home workout class.

 You are what you eat!

February 10, 6:00 p.m.

Virtual cooking class.

Surviving 2020!

February 12, 6:00 p.m.

Panel discussion.


"Real F.R.I.E.N.D.S" by Jamaal Eversley is on display in the fifth floor Mayor's Gallery at Boston City Hall through the month of February. With its unique concept of collaboration and friendship, this exhibit offers a counterpoint to current events with fun, colorful pieces focused on themes of friendship and love. Learn more about the exhibit and watch the artist talk here.

Last June, the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture compiled a public list of Black-founded and Black-led arts and cultural organizations across the City to encourage Bostonians to support Black culture and history every day of the year.


Boston Public Library's "Black Is..." booklist

The Boston Public Library's annual "Black Is..." booklist consists of 69 recent works that convey unique aspects of the Black experience. Copies are available at all library locations, and the list also appears on the BPL website at bit.ly/BPLBlackIs2021.

Roxbury Reads Book Club Discussion: Caste by Isabel Wilkerson

Monday, February 1, 2021, 5-6:30 p.m.

One of the Good Ones: An Author Visit with Maika & Maritza Moulite

Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 2-3 p.m.

Sybrina Fulton - The Purpose of Power: We Are All Trayvon - Lowell Lecture

Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 6-7:30 p.m.

A Nubian Movement: African Dance Workshop ft. Wyoma

Saturday, February 13, 2021, 2-3:30 p.m.

Black Radical: The Life and Times of William Monroe Trotter

Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 6-7 p.m.

A Discussion with Jennifer Smith Turner, author of Child Bride

Thursday, February 18, 2021, 7-8 p.m.

Roxbury Reads Book Discussion: Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson

Monday, February 22, 2021, 5-6:30 p.m.

Anna Malaika Tubbs - The Three Mothers: How the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin Shaped a Nation

Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 6-7 p.m.


Throughout the month of February, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department will recognize the contributions of Black Bostonians who have helped shape Boston's park system. Each week, a new historical figure will be highlighted on the Boston Parks Department social media channels and Boston.gov/Parks. For more information on this series, follow along on social media at @BostonParksDept. 


Throughout the month of February, the Mayor's Office of Economic Development will recognize the contributions of Black Bostonian business owners and business leaders by promoting the Black-and-Brown-Owned Business List available on boston.gov. New business owners will be highlighted daily on the Mayor's Office of Economic Development's social channels. For more information on this series, follow along on social media at @EconDevBoston

For more information on City of Boston events 

celebrating Black History Month, visit boston.gov/news/black-history-month-2021. 

羅氏推出新的新冠病毒快速檢測法 患者可自行採集樣本

(Boston Orange 編譯)羅氏製藥(Roche)(1)日宣佈,該公司新的新型冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2)快速抗體鼻測試已取得歐洲合格認證(CE mark)。該測試將於20212月中起在接受歐洲合格認證的國家中發行。


羅氏診斷執行長Thomas Schinecker表示,快速測試在對抗新冠病毒上,仍然有著重要角色,特別是在沒有實驗室測試,又需要快速得到結果的地方,例如頤養院,醫護場所及學校。

羅氏和SD Biosensor公司合作,正準備向美國食品藥物局(FDA)遞交緊急使用授權申請。

 Roche announces the upcoming launch of the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal allowing for patient self-collection

  • The SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal uses a nasal swab to quickly and conveniently collect specimens from people suspected of having an active infection
  • Nasal sampling allows for collection of the sample from the front area of the nose instead of the nasopharynx resulting on a less invasive testing experience for patients
  • The test also provides patients with the option to self-collect their nasal sample
Basel, 01 February 2021 - Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) today announced it has obtained the CE mark for its new SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal. The test will be available in countries accepting the CE mark by mid-February 2021.

In comparison to the existing Roche SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test, the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal collects the sample from the front area of the nose instead of the nasopharynx, resulting in a simplified and faster testing procedure1. This testing method can help reduce overall patient discomfort, particularly in sensitive individuals such as children, elderly people and/or people with disabilities.

Besides being less invasive, the test also provides patients with the option to self-collect their nasal sample under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Through reduced physical contact, this method of testing can help to decrease the risk of exposure to the virus for healthcare professionals. Whether the test could also be used without supervision of a healthcare professional will depend on local regulatory requirements.

“Rapid testing continues to play an important role in the fight against COVID-19, especially in places when laboratory testing is not available and quick results are needed, such as nursing homes, healthcare facilities, and schools.” said Thomas Schinecker, CEO Roche Diagnostics. “The SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal provides patients with a more comfortable testing experience.”

The launch is a partnership with SD Biosensor Inc., with whom Roche has also launched a SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antibody Test in July and a SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test in September 2020. SD Biosensor, is currently preparing to submit an Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The test is the latest addition to Roche's comprehensive COVID-19 portfolio to support healthcare systems in diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infection.

麻州州長匯報風雪狀況 (video) 2/1, 11AM

Scheduled at 11AM


波士頓市長:今日開始第三階段第一步驟 (video)


The City of Cambridge announced that it is extending its rollback to a modified Phase II, Step 2 of the Commonwealth’s Reopening Massachusetts Plan for one week and will be returning to Phase III, Step 1 effective on Monday, February 8 at 12:00 a.m. 

馬丁華殊推出波士頓租金券計畫 250萬元鼓勵建第八類房屋


Locally funded rental voucher will expand housing opportunities for hundreds of Boston residents and families


BOSTON - Monday, February 1, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the formal launch of the City of Boston Voucher Program (CBVP). The CBVP is a rental voucher program similar to Section 8, funded by the City of Boston's operating budget and administered by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA). The voucher program will provide hundreds of low income Boston households with rental assistance.

Mayor Walsh announced the City of Boston Voucher Program in his 2020 State of the City address and included $2.5 million in the fiscal year 2021 budget to create the program. The program is expected to house hundreds of Boston families over the coming years. 

"Boston is a home for all, and these vouchers will allow more of our low-income families to have stable, secure housing, a cornerstone of residents' wellbeing," said Mayor Walsh. "We are using every tool available to us to ensure families in our communities can continue to call Boston home."

Responding to community input, the City of Boston Voucher Program will focus on Project Based Vouchers-tied to a particular site or development-and will further fair housing through equitable neighborhood planning. The City of Boston Voucher Program will efficiently leverage city resources by deepening the affordability of both existing and in-development income-restricted housing, making such housing available to very- and extremely- low-income residents, homeless Boston Public Schools families, households facing displacement and other vulnerable populations. 

Since June, the Boston Housing Authority has convened a stakeholder group of low-income renters, nonprofits and service providers to inform program design and priorities, while the Department of Neighborhood Development has consulted with property owners and developers to ensure the success of the program.

"This historic City investment will be a new and critical housing resource for hundreds of Boston's most vulnerable residents," said BHA Administrator Kate Bennett. "I want to thank Mayor Walsh for his leadership in driving this initiative forward, and creating a lifeline of affordable, stable housing for families who need it the most."

The Boston Housing Authority will formally launch the program by issuing a Request for Proposals from housing operators and developers interested in incorporating Project Based Vouchers into their developments. Similar to Section 8, vouchers are funded by annual appropriation while the commitment to stable affordable housing is secured through long-term contracts between the Boston Housing Authority and the property owner. 

"We commend Mayor Walsh for his bold and historic commitment to create a City funded rent subsidy program," said Michael Kane, spokesperson for the City Rent Subsidy Coalition and the Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants, which advocated for the plan. "The first $2.5 million being advertised now by the BHA will get hundreds of homeless families with children in the Boston Public Schools off the streets and into permanent housing.  We look forward to working with the BHA to implement and expand this program in the months ahead."  

To efficiently deploy resources to serve vulnerable residents, the BHA will use three existing referral partnerships while incorporating a new partnership with the city's Office of Housing Stability. These partnerships will serve households in shelter, homeless and doubled-up families (multiple families sharing one primary residence) with children in Boston Public Schools, and families facing displacement. The City funding stream will build on the success of these programs while expanding eligibility to a greater pool of Boston residents.

The City of Boston and Boston Housing Authority have partnered for years to deploy Project Based Vouchers into Boston neighborhoods. With this new municipal resource, Boston is introducing a flexible and powerful program to serve populations whose needs are currently unmet by other housing programs.

Under the Walsh Administration, historic investments have been made in the city's public housing stock to renovate facilities and offer additional vouchers to residents and families. Earlier this month, Mayor Walsh today marked a significant milestone in the City of Boston's housing work, as the Boston Housing Authority provided housing choice vouchers to more than 1,000 Boston families experiencing homelessness with school aged children since December 2019. The 1,000 families represent more than 1,700 children who will now have much needed housing stability, an effort made possible through partnerships with Boston Public Schools (BPS) and the state's Department of Housing and Community Development. 

Mayor Walsh and the City of Boston have dedicated unprecedented resources in recent years to expand and preserve affordable housing in Boston. In 2019, Mayor Walsh celebrated a $30 million capital investment to revitalize Boston Housing Authority's Bunker Hill Housing development in Charlestown, the first time in the City's history that City bond dollars have been invested directly into a BHA project. Work also continues on a comprehensive redevelopment of the Whittier Street public housing development in Roxbury that was first built in 1953. The project will rebuild and preserve 200 existing public housing apartments by replacing them on- and off-site with an expanded program of 509 units of mixed-income rental housing and 14,225 square feet of commercial space. Move-ins for phase I of  Whittier Street opened up to residents last summer. The City also invested $10 million for the second phase of Overlook Terrace at Orient Heights, $25 million to Anne Lynch Homes at Old Colony, and $5 million in 2020 to kickstart the renovation efforts for BHA Public Housing for seniors and residents with disabilities.

Today's announcement builds on the goals of Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030, the Walsh administration's plan to stabilize the housing market, accommodate growth, improve housing accessibility, and increase affordability. Since the release of the original Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030 plan in 2014, 26,124 new units of housing have been completed. With an additional 9,204 units currently under construction, the City has secured housing for an estimated 52,300 residents, making significant progress in meeting Boston's rapid population growth. Income-restricted housing stock has grown along with overall new production, with nearly 5,500 income restricted units completed and over 1,700 units under construction. Approximately 20 percent of all newly-developed housing units and 25 percent of new rental units in the City are designated as income-restricted. For more information on the City of Boston's work to create more housing, please visit Housing A Changing City: Boston 2030.

星期日, 1月 31, 2021


(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州政府在131日晚9點半多時宣佈,州政府行政機構非緊急人員21日不需上班。汽車監理處的消費者服務中心將於週一中午關門。已預約辦事或路考者,可上網另約時間。



麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,因為風速高,天氣預報下雪,明天開車上路很危險,所以州政府要求每一個人不要上路,盡可能避免出門,如果真得出門,要搭乘公共交通工具。



              如果因為天氣而關閉,新冠病毒疫苗站的提供者將和個別人士接洽,重新排時間。如果個別人士無法安全的得到預約,將可直接和他們預約注射疫苗的提供商重新預約時間,或查詢更多有關天氣影響,個別人士是否應該和疫苗站供應商直接聯繫等。查詢個別疫苗站的聯繫資訊,可上網 mass.gov/COVIDVaccineMap



Baker-Polito Administration Directs Non-Emergency State Employees Not to Report to Workplaces Tomorrow   

BOSTON – Due to the upcoming winter storm, the Baker-Polito Administration directed all non-emergency state employees working in Executive Branch agencies not to report to their workplaces tomorrow, Monday, February 1, 2021. Registry of Motor Vehicle customer service centers will close at noon on Monday. Customers who have appointments for transactions or scheduled road tests Monday afternoon can go to mass.gov/RMV to reschedule. All other Executive Branch state offices will be closed to the public tomorrow. The Baker-Polito Administration has transitioned a large percentage of Executive Branch Employees to telework plans due to COVID-19 and those employees will be expected to telework.

The Administration is urging residents to stay off roadways and to use public transportation when possible as the storm moves across the Commonwealth by mid-day tomorrow.

“Driving tomorrow will be hazardous due to the high winds and snow in the forecast, so we are asking everyone to stay off the roads, avoid traveling if possible and to use public transportation if they have to go out,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  

MassDOT has approximately 3,900 pieces of state and vendor equipment available for snow and ice operations and this includes over 1,400 plow and spreader combos, 2,100 plows, and 460 front-end loaders.

Due to the storm, DOT anticipates imposing a ban on travel on Monday by tractor trailers on I-90 between the hours of 10:00 AM until 11:59 PM. Massachusetts State Police may also impose a speed restriction for motor vehicles of 40 m.p.h. on I-90 between specific interchanges if conditions warrant.

COVID-19 Vaccination Sites: In the case of closures due to inclement weather, providers of COVID-19 vaccination sites will reach out to individuals with appointments directly to reschedule. If individuals cannot safely get to their appointments, they will be allowed to reschedule directly with the provider with whom they scheduled a vaccination. For further questions on winter weather impacts, individuals should reach out to provider sites directly. To find contact info for an individual site, please check the map at mass.gov/COVIDVaccineMap.​

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, MassDOT, and State Police are working closely with the National Weather Service to monitor the forecast. The MBTA Storm Desk will continue to monitor rail service throughout the storm and provide updates to commuters at http://www.MBTA.com/winter.