
星期四, 2月 04, 2021

波士頓警察局長Dennis White 才上任就停職 肇因20年前家暴案

波士頓警察局局長Dennis White。(檔案照片,視頻截圖)
            (Boston Orange整理編譯)甫於21日宣誓就任,23日立遭勒令暫時休假,波士頓市歷來第2位黑人警察局局長Dennis White傳出曾於1999年家暴,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)將外聘人員調查。

              馬丁華殊發出聲明,指派波士頓警察局總副局長(Superintendent-in-Chief) Gregory Long擔任代理局長,稱市府將從外聘請律師做公正的全面調查。

              波士頓市歷史上的首名黑人警察局局長葛羅斯(William Gross)上週五(129)突然辭職,他的幕僚長兼副局長Dennis White21日宣誓就任,成為第43任波士頓市警察局局長。沒想到波士頓環球報查詢的一宗1999年家暴案,涉案人就是Dennis White。他涉嫌威脅要射殺妻子,其後法院下令要他和家人保持距離。他那時候的妻子也是一名警察。


              上星期,在馬丁華殊宣佈要指派Dennis White出任波士頓警察局局長後,波士頓環球報就逼波士頓警察局提供White的工作歷史,其中包括三宗內部事務案。波士頓警察局提供了一些基本資料,但拒絕提供內部事務案件內容。







              馬丁華殊離任後,波士頓市議會議長Kim Janey將擔任代理市長。她在一份聲明中表示,她對任何這類指控都會非常的嚴肅以待。

              Kim Janey的聲明是在馬丁華殊要White停職前發出來的。她說,在議會服務期間,我曾有機會和White局長合作,但這是我第一次聽到這件事。我非常擔心公眾有清楚透明知道的權力



              薩福克郡(Suffolk)地方檢察官Rachael Rollins在一份聲明中表示,她的辦公室並不知道有關White的指控,無法置評。



              White擔任公職的歷史頗長,起初是一名消防員,然後加入警察局。警察局一度形容他為受人尊重的街頭警察,在他長大的社區,洛士百利及多徹斯特值勤。他畢業於Jeremiah E. Burke高中,當警察後於2005年取得Newbury學院的法律學士學位,主修刑事法。






              警察行政研究論壇(Police Executive Research Forum)是個協助城市搜尋新領導的機構。該機構主任Chuck Wexler說,波士頓一直都為能夠從自己的警察局內聘請警察局長而感到欣慰。

              波士頓市的兩名前局長,葛羅斯和威廉伊凡斯(William Evans)都在波士頓警察局工作了一輩子。儘管這份工作對全國性人選很有吸引力,但波士頓官員很少從外面找人。

              1985年時,當年的市長雷夫連(Raymond Flynn)在最後決定請他的朋友,已經當波士頓警察很久的Francis Roaches出任波士頓警察局局長之前,曾飛到費城及紐約,面試候選人。

              2006年,當時的波士頓市長萬寧路(Tomas M. Menino)做全國搜尋,晤談了半打以上的候選人後,也是聘請了羅爾市警察局的Edward F. Davis



星期三, 2月 03, 2021

波士頓迎春揮毫慶牛年 盼轉乾坤


             (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導)212日就是辛丑牛年了,波士頓僑教中心和紐英崙中華公所,以及中華書法會,紐英崙藝術學會合作,日前在中華公所會議廳,小規模舉辦波士頓地區揮毫迎新春活動,在新冠病毒疫情期間,揮灑一些喜氣。







波士頓市長指派ERNANI DEARAUJO擔任學校委員會委員



Ernani DeAraujo, Esq.

 BOSTON - Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Ernani DeAraujo, Esq. to the Boston School Committee, the governing body of the Boston Public Schools (BPS). DeAraujo is the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, where he serves as chief legal counsel to the community health center with over 1,400 staff who serve over 100,000 patients, a fully licensed Emergency Department, and an Elder Service PACE program. 

"I am pleased to welcome Ernani DeAraujo to this pivotal role on the Boston School Committee at a time when our work on behalf of the students of Boston has never been more important," said Mayor Walsh. "Ernani has strong roots in his community, and over the course of his career he has worked with an intentional focus on bringing equity and access to diverse Bostonians. He joins a group of leaders on the Boston School Committee committed to best serving the students of the Boston Public Schools." 

The seven-member Boston School Committee is responsible for defining the vision, mission, and goals of the Boston Public Schools; establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget; hiring, managing, and evaluating the Superintendent; and setting and reviewing district policies and practices to support student achievement.

"I'm grateful to Mayor Walsh for entrusting me with this opportunity to give back to the Boston Public Schools that have so positively impacted my life," said DeAraujo. "From the Bradley Elementary in East Boston to the Boston Latin School, BPS gave me a foundation of academic, social, and emotional strength for adulthood. I want to add my efforts on the School Committee to ensure that all BPS students have the opportunities I did. I look forward to working with the Committee, Superintendent Cassellius, and the dedicated staff of BPS to bring kids and staff back to school safely through this pandemic and continue the course of rebuilding and reimagining BPS to spread excellence across all of our kids and families."

"On behalf of the Boston School Committee, I am pleased to welcome Ernani as our newest colleague, and thank him for his commitment to serving on this Committee," said Alexandra Oliver-Dávila, chairperson of the Boston School Committee. "He has strong connections in the community, a demonstrated passion for helping students succeed, and great experience as a graduate of our schools. I look forward to working alongside him in service to the students, families, and educators of the Boston Public Schools and commend Mayor Walsh for this appointment and his ongoing commitment to ensure the Boston School Committee represents the diversity of our schools and our city." 

DeAraujo is a lifelong resident of East Boston, where he currently resides with his family, and where he is very involved in the community through his work at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, and as a former neighborhood liaison for East Boston during the Administration of former Mayor Thomas Menino. He is the first person from East Boston to serve on the Boston School Committee. In addition, he is the former President of NOAH Community Development Corporation, where he oversaw the East Boston-based community development corporation and worked to create affordable housing and community building, especially through youth development and environmental justice. He co-founded a program for East Boston High School, named the Mario Umano Public Service Fellowship, that works to connect students with internship opportunities in government and summer programs and helps students apply to college. 

DeAraujo attended Boston Public Schools, including Bradley Elementary, Umana Academy, and Boston Latin School (BLS), and went on to receive a B.A. from Harvard College and a J.D. from Washington and Lee University School of Law in Lexington, VA. In addition, DeAraujo is a Trustee of the BLS Association, Board Secretary for the Center for Community Health Education Research and Service, Inc, and is Vice Chairman of the John William Ward Fellowship, where he helps coordinate public service programs for BLS students. 


The members of the school committee are Boston residents appointed by the Mayor of Boston to serve four-year staggered terms. Mayor Walsh made these appointments based on a list of candidates recommended by a 13-member Citizens Nominating Panel composed of parents, teachers, principals, and representatives of business and higher education. Under the legislation that established the appointed School Committee, "the Mayor shall strive to appoint individuals who reflect the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity of the city."

On January 4, the Boston School Committee re-elected both Alexandra Oliver-Dávila to Chairperson and Michael O'Neill to Vice Chairperson in unanimous votes. In December 2020, the committee engaged in professional development training which was led pro bono by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an Antiracist, as part of its efforts to examine policies and  more deeply understand their impact on communities of color.

The School Committee meets approximately twice per month during the school year to adopt, review and modify policies and practices that support teaching, learning and improved student achievement. With the exception of executive sessions, Committee meetings are open to the public, feature public comment periods and are broadcasted on Boston City TV.  

For more information on the School Committee, please visit here.



Boston Tax Help Coalition to provide remote and community-based tax preparation services 

BOSTON - Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the Boston Tax Help Coalition has launched the 2021 tax season and is once again offering free tax preparation for residents who earn $57,000 per year or less. In response to COVID-19, the Boston Tax Help Coalition and community partners have modified their tax services, providing them both in the community and remotely to ensure that all qualified residents can file safely while maximizing their tax refunds and credits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Tax preparation is available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cape Verdean Creole, Portugese, French, Vietamese, Manderin, and Cantonese. Qualified residents must call 311 or visit www.bostontaxhelp.org for an appointment. Unlike prior years, walk-in services will not be provided. 

"I urge all qualified Bostonians to take advantage of the Boston Tax Help Coalition's safe and free tax preparation," said Mayor Walsh. "The experts at the Boston Tax Help Coalition can help residents who have been financially impacted by COVID-19 maximize their refund and receive the highest EITC due."

The EITC is a refundable credit for low wage workers that lifted 5.6 million people out of poverty in 2018, including 3 million children. In 2020, the average EITC amount returned to taxpayers was $2,461. Yet, according to the IRS, 20 percent of all eligible filers do not receive the credit, with approximately $10 million dollars of EITC left unclaimed in Boston. 

Due to the pandemic and extensive job losses, many taxpayers' refunds could be negatively impacted. To protect taxpayers from losing much-needed refund dollars, Congress created a "Lookback Provision" under the most recent stimulus. Individuals may elect to use their 2019 earned income to calculate their 2020 EITC if their 2019 earned income is more than their 2020 earned incomeResidents should bring a copy of their 2019 taxes with them to the tax appointment, whether with the Boston Tax Help Coalition or any other preparer, to ensure they get the largest EITC credit possible.

"Congratulations to the Boston Tax Help Coalition on the launch of our 19th tax season," said Doreen Treacy, Vice President for Career Services at JVS. "Today the BTHC and partners launch free tax preparation: safely in the pandemic. What an accomplishment and what a resource to the community! In its first tax season, Coalition partners served 400 taxpayers at 12 sites and returned $800,000 dollars back to the community. Since then, the work has grown dramatically. Community partners now prepare an average of 13,000 returns, bringing back approximately $24 million directly to resident pockets annually-with most of that coming back into our communities as a local economic engine.  Since its founding, the Coalition has recruited and trained over 50,000 volunteers, prepared more than 180,000 free tax returns, and generated over $300 million in combined tax credits and refunds for Bostonians."

BTHC serves approximately 13,000 taxpayers annually, training hundreds of IRS-certified volunteers whose work returns $24 million in refunds and credits directly to taxpayers. In addition to tax preparation, the Coalition provides clients with other free services to improve their financial health.The Coalition connects taxpayers to Bank On Boston, an initiative launched by Mayor Walsh that helps residents identify banking services that are safe, affordable, and non-predatory. Trained Financial Guides also offer taxpayers the Financial Check-Up, a key component of Boston Builds Credit, the City's free credit building program. A Financial Check-Up is a one-on-one session in which a taxpayer can review his or her credit score with a guide and obtain personalized credit-building strategies. 

Part of the Mayor's Office of Financial Empowerment, the Boston Tax Help Coalition works to increase accessibility to its free tax services through outreach and materials in English and eight other languages: Arabic, Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese. Representing the City of Boston at today's tax launch was Yusufi Vali, Director of the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement, whose office is working with the Boston Tax Help Coalition to strengthen immigrant participation in wealth building opportunities. Other speakers included Don Dill, Senior Tax Analyst, IRS National Partnerships; Sharon Scott-Chandler, Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, ABCD and Doreen Treacy, Vice President of Career Services, JVS Boston.


 BOSTON - Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the Boston Racial Equity Fund

will join efforts with the New Commonwealth Fund to advance racial equity and dismantle systemic racism in the City of Boston and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To ensure these critical resources are swiftly invested in service of the communities most impacted by systemic racism and enduring economic and public health disparities, approximately $670,000 of the funds raised through the Boston Racial Equity Fund will be granted to the New Commonwealth Fund. An additional $65,000 will be granted to the City's Equity and Inclusion Cabinet to advance its research initiatives in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

"Our number one priority in the City of Boston is to embed equity into all of our work, and purposefully sustain the movement to achieve equity and dismantle systemic racism within longstanding practices," said Mayor Walsh. "We are glad to grant the funds raised to the New Commonwealth Fund to support communities of color and make Boston a city where everyone has opportunities to thrive. I thank all our Steering Committee members, partners and donors for their generous support, and I am confident that through the Fund and the work of our Equity and Inclusion Cabinet, our efforts will have an immediate impact" 

Mayor Walsh launched the Boston Racial Equity Fund in June 2020 and then nominated its Steering Committee members, several of whom also serve on the New Commonwealth Fund's leadership board. While fundraising for the Boston Racial Equity Fund will be momentarily paused in anticipation of the mayoral transition, all interested parties are encouraged to make a donation to the New Commonwealth Fund. By leveraging combined resources, these Funds will help manifest greater impact and drive transformative change at both the state and city level. 

"We are thankful to Mayor Walsh and the Boston Racial Equity Fund for taking these steps to help fulfill a mission we both share," said Greg Shell, Managing Director, Bain Capital Double Impact Fund, and a founder of the New Commonwealth Fund. "This generous support will help further our effort to stimulate economic growth and increase employment in the communities who need it most. We believe that this kind of cooperation gives us all the best chance to positively impact these communities, and to transform our great city".

In further support of this powerful partnership and to seed this grant, Mayor Walsh thanked AT&T for stepping up and committing a leadership donation of $500,000 to the Boston Racial Equity Fund with the understanding that it will now go to support the New Commonwealth Fund. 

"We are deeply grateful to Mayor Walsh, Jocelyn Sargent and the leaders of the New Commonwealth Fund, as well as the many civic leaders across Boston, including Chief Crockett, Pabral Chakrabarti of the Boston Federal Reserve, and Lee Pelton of Emerson College, for their commitment and leadership on the fundamental issue of racial equality," said Patricia Jacobs, AT&T Northern Region President. "At AT&T, we share their dedication to elevating diverse voices, and we're honored to play a small part in this most important endeavor."

This announcement also marks a collaboration between the City, its partners, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, which will inform a data-driven action agenda to address the racial wealth gap. A portion of the Fund will be earmarked to support data collection and research that broadly builds upon the Reserve Bank's 2015 Color of Wealth in Boston report. 

"Increasing wealth for Black, Latinx, and communities of color is central to making Greater Boston more equitable, and we're pleased to be invited to participate," says Prabal Chakrabarti, Executive Vice President and Community Affairs Officer at the Boston Fed. "We're exploring a number of questions that will ultimately provide relevant analyses and inform discussions about racial equity. Through these efforts and our existing programs we hope to help the region make progress in tackling the systemic challenges faced by communities of color."

'"There is no issue before us greater than delivering equity and justice for populations who have not benefited from our city's prosperity. The New Commonwealth Fund, The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and AT&T are powerful leadership partners to the City of Boston and our work to dismantle systemic racism and build pathways to generational wealth creation. Today we celebrate all the new opportunities our strategic collaboration will deliver for Boston residents." said Dr. Karilyn Crockett, Chief of Equity for the City of Boston, who has led the creation of this fund along with Dr. Lee Pelton, President of Emerson College and incoming President and CEO of The Boston Foundation.

麻州州長疫情匯報 2/3


30 pharmacies will be open next week.

星期二, 2月 02, 2021

波士頓市移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali讚拜登的移民政策改革

波士頓移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali。(檔案照片)
             (Boston Orange)美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)辦公室發出文告,列出改革移民系統,讓家人在一起,以處理不規則移民的根本原因,並簡化合法移民系統等等的步驟。波士頓移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali特地發表聲明,讚揚該舉。

             Yusufi Vali表示,今天的這行政命令市朝向移民系統現代化的重要一步。在簡化合法移民系統並推廣移民融合上,波士頓市政府支持移民入籍,因為公民權將容許整個城市繁榮。川普政府的改變工共收費制度,使得人們更難成為永久居民,也在移民社區中製造了懼怕與不信任感。那使人們在病毒大流行期間得不到重要資源,這行政命令不僅只是從病毒大流行恢復,更是為所有人打造更好未來的一步。

           拜登總統文告內容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/02/02/fact-sheet-president-biden-outlines-steps-to-reform-our-immigration-system-by-keeping-families-together-addressing-the-root-causes-of-irregular-migration-and-streamlining-the-legal-immigration-syst/

三名波士頓市長候選人: 吳弭、Andrea Campbell、Annissa Essaibi George

         (Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓市今年的市級選舉,由於現任市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)將離任,預計很熱鬧,但新冠病毒疫情繚繞,冬天風雪又剛來襲,暫時冷冷地,還只有3名候選人。

             3人依宣佈參選順序,分別是36歲的吳弭(Michelle Wu)38歲的Andrea Campbell47歲的Anissa Essaibi George。她們三人都是波士頓市議員,都是女性,都年輕,都是移民後代或少數族裔。她們中的任何一人當選,波士頓市的歷史都將添一筆新紀錄。



波士頓市長候選人Andrea Campbell及家人。(圖片來自競選網站)
            Andrea Campbell在吳弭宣佈的一個星期之後,也宣佈參選市長。她在波士頓出生,長大。她說她對波士頓市的不公平,有親身經歷,她會把目標放在處理低收入黑人及拉丁裔人社區和波士頓城中心經濟的巨大差異上。


波士頓市長候選人Anissa Essaibi George。(圖片來自競選網站)
         上星期,Anissa Essaibi George也宣佈參選波士頓市長了。她列舉了要把波士頓市帶出新冠病毒大流行需要做的事,還把重心放在被醫療危機彰顯出來的住宅,醫療護理等的現存不公平。



             波士頓市的健康及人民服務長Marty Martinez已表態有意參選,在萬寧路(Menino)市長時代,就曾經參選市長的波士頓市不分區市議員米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty)據說也有興趣。

             根據Politico,有意參選波士頓市長的人還包括南波士頓民主黨人,麻州參議員Nick Cillins,波士頓經濟發展長John Barros,以及波士頓民主黨麻州眾議員Jon Santiago

             麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),以及薩福克郡獄政官Steve Tompkins上個月都宣佈不會參選波士頓市長。

            波士頓警察局局長葛羅斯William Gross,早前宣佈有90%會參選,上週卻突然宣佈退休,而且不會參選市長。



Deadline for Applications is March 5; Applicants are Required to Detail their Ability to Safely and Successfully Run a Program Amid the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic 

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today opened the seventh annual application period for her office’s summer jobs grant program for young people across the state. The deadline for applications is March 5 and applicants must detail their plans to run their programs successfully and safely, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

This year’s Healthy Summer Youth Jobs Program will use funds secured by the AG’s Office in child labor-related settlements to provide funding to organizations to hire young people for jobs that focus on health and wellness. The program enables young people to have a direct impact in their communities by working in jobs that promote good nutrition, physical fitness, and healthy living.

“Our summer job program provides hundreds of young workers across Massachusetts with an opportunity to learn new skills, challenge themselves, and make a real difference in their communities,” AG Healey said. “We’re pleased to be continuing this program for a seventh year, and we know that our grantees will ensure that our young people stay safe and healthy while working.”           

Last year, the AG’s Office awarded nearly $300,000 in grant funding to 73 organizations across the state. The grantees adapted to the pandemic in a number of ways, including providing personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing, and transitioning to virtual workspaces. The AG’s Community Engagement and Fair Labor Divisions held webinars on workers’ rights for all young people employed through the grant program. 

Examples of jobs that have received funding in the past include, but are not limited to:

·       Collaborating on a public health project focused on food security.

·       Assisting as a coach, team leader, or mentor with a sports or physical fitness program designed for young people.

·       Fostering a green environment by building and maintaining a community garden or urban farm.

·       Educating and mentoring young people about healthy relationships.

Since launching the program in 2015, the office has awarded nearly $1.85 million to organizations to fund more than 1,000 jobs for young people across the state

The AG’s Office will issue grants to municipalities, other government offices, quasi-public entities, and non-profits within the state. Nonprofit applicants must be in full compliance with statutory requirements for annual filings with the AG’s Non-Profit Organizations and Public Charities Division. Grantees must pay employed youth a minimum wage of $13.50 per hour. The office will prioritize applicants who are seeking to hire low-income youth workers with the grant funding.

Grant awards will fund youth employment from July 5, 2021 through Sept. 3, 2021. Interested applicants can visit the AG’s website for more information and for application instructions. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 5, 2021.

吳弭競選波士頓市長: 倡議數位公平 打造市有寬頻網路

             (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導) 波士頓市長候選人吳弭(Michelle Wu)心中的理想波士頓市,是個人人都可上網,沒有數位落差的城市。今(2)日一早,她的競選團隊發表了一份有5項要點的數位公平藍圖。




             5個部分的重點為,1. 在波士頓市內打造市有寬頻網路,經由科技提供教育,經濟,2. 在市府服務中鼓勵數位正義,3. 經由科技獲取醫療平等,4. 讓交通上的流動性與連接性發揮槓桿作用,5. 讓領導層為更廣泛的改變做好準備。






             由於家庭網路服務得付費,波士頓大約有8%的家庭只用手機上網,還不斷查看用量,以確保使用量不會超過每個月的數據量限制,以免得多付費,或失去服務。吳弭為此認為在麻州灣區地鐵局(MBTA)已把無線網路擴展到通勤鐵路(commuter rail)之際,她希望能動用市府資源,沿著巴士路線,在巴士站為民眾設立免費,安全的公共無線網路,並和MBTA合作,找出聯邦政府資源,把這免費無線網路服務,擴展到MBTA地鐵站去。

             波士頓環球報稱,新英格蘭電纜及電訊協會會長(New England Cable & Telecommunications Association) Timothy Wilkerson表示,該會已經在和波士頓市政府商議,朝向為低收入家庭民眾提供免費或低廉寬頻網路的可行性。

星期一, 2月 01, 2021

麻州新冠病毒累計確診人數打破50萬大關 2/1 新增2210人確診30人死亡 全世界1億390萬人確診約225萬人死亡

              (Boston Orange 整理報導)新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情趨緩,但累計數目驚人。202121日,根據約翰霍普金斯大學數據,全世界累計確診人數已達13298719,新增372,222人。累計死亡人數達2234565人,新增7,562人。












              由於許多人急著打疫苗,希望早日脫離為病毒所困的夢靨,但各處查問,都不得要領,他們的家庭醫師也都表示手中無疫苗,不知何時能拿到,讓他們十分氣惱。尤其是一些老人家,紛紛表示,許多其他州都已經有很多人接種疫苗了,為什麼麻州那麼慢,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)最近數日在匯報疫情時也一再強調,州政府收到的疫苗數量有限,為了讓需要最孔急的那批人有機會先注射疫苗,所以制定階段性施打疫苗計畫,目前也將視情況調整,希望民眾體諒。

                        查詢麻州疫苗相關情況,可上網   https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massachusetts-covid-19-vaccination-phases。



             (Boston Orange編譯)麻州公共衛生廳(DPH)表示,麻州出現5宗來自英國的變種新冠病毒確診個案,警告州民未來數週住院人數可能上升。





            CDC主任Rochelle Walensky博士表示,病毒變種仍然讓人擔心,該中心將繼續追蹤它們在美國的蹤跡。

            明尼蘇達大學傳染病研究主任Michael Osterholm,週日晚在NBC電視台的會見媒體(Meet the Press)”上,就來自英國的新病毒變種發出嚴重警告。