
星期五, 11月 06, 2020


                (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)單日確診數,今(6)日打破2000大關,在86,357人做了病毒檢測後,高達2,038宗,累計162.736宗。新增21人死亡,累計9,880

               麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)今日匯報新冠病毒疫情時強調,希望大家都能去做病毒檢測。








麻州州長匯報11/6新冠疫情 公佈學校及社區疫情衡量標準

Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito will join Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders, Secretary of Education James Peyser, and Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Jeffrey Riley to provide an update on Coronavirus.

Baker-Polito Administration, COVID-19 Command Center & Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Release Updated Metrics, Guidance on Schools


(From the governor's office)
 – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration and COVID-19 Command Center released updated metrics for schools and municipalities. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education also released updated school guidance.


This update builds on the state’s ongoing efforts to refine data that is reported publicly to track the impact of the virus in the Commonwealth. The updated metrics for communities will give school districts more data to make informed decisions regarding in-person learning. Local officials have also used these metrics to make decisions for schools and businesses in their communities.


Understanding of the virus continues to evolve. Studies have shown that there is low transmission in schools, even in communities where there are high rates of COVID.




The updated metrics adjust for the reporting of cases by a municipality’s population size. These metrics incorporate cases per 100,000 residents and the test positivity rate when determining a municipality color designation.


Using one metric to determine school reopenings community by community does not reflect the state’s current understanding of the virus in the Commonwealth that there is more transmission across the Commonwealth due to increased cases of COVID-19.


The Command Center has also been reviewing metrics used by other states as well as what is available in the academic and national data sets. This updated metric also will better account for communities that conduct a significant amount of testing.


This metric will continue to be used to determine whether a community is in Step 1 of Phase 3 or Step 2. Communities currently in Step 1 of Phase 3 will need to have 3 weeks of data where the community is designated yellow, green or grey in order to move to Step 2 of Phase 3.


Under the new methodology, the color coded designations are: 16 red communities, 91 yellow communities, 79 green communities, and 165 grey communities based on this week’s data.


Details on the metrics:





Under 10K


Over 50K


Less than or equal to 10 total cases

Less than or equal to 10 total cases

Less than or equal to 15 total cases


Less than or equal to 15 total cases

<10 avg cases/100k AND >10 total cases

<10 avg cases/100k AND >15 total cases


Less than or equal to 25 total cases

>=10 avg cases/100k OR >= 5% pos rate

>=10 avg cases/100k OR >= 4% pos rate


More than 25 total cases

>=10 avg cases/100k AND >=5% pos rate

>=10 avg cases/100k AND >=4% pos rate




In coordination with this data metric update, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has issued updated guidance to prioritize in-person learning statewide and support municipalities.


Scientific evidence and COVID-19 transmission data supports that with strong health and safety protocols in place, schools are able to operate safely and successfully with in-person learning. This updated guidance was developed in conjunction with medical professionals and public health experts.


Under this guidance, districts and schools in communities designated gray, green or yellow are expected to have students learning fully in-person when possible.


The guidance states that schools in red communities should implement hybrid models while maximizing in-person learning for high-needs students.


In communities with the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases, DESE and DPH will work with local school officials to develop and implement risk reduction strategies.


Fully remote instructional models should be implemented only as a last resort, and classrooms should reopen after appropriate mitigation strategies have been implemented.


This update replaces previous guidance, Interpreting DPH COVID-19 Health Metrics, issued on August 11, and structured learning time requirements for students and related regulatory and statutory standards remain in effect for all districts.


Read the full DESE guidance here.

星期四, 11月 05, 2020

新冠病毒新增確診案例創新高 美國一日逾10萬宗 麻州1761宗

            (Boston Orange 編譯)美國今(5)日打破紀錄,新冠病毒確診案例首次1日超過10萬宗。

             根據華爾街日報分析約翰霍普金斯大學的統計,科羅拉多州(Colorado),愛達荷州(Idaho), 印第安那州(Indiana),愛荷華州(Iowa),緬因州(Maine),明尼蘇達州(Minnesota),及內布拉斯加州(Nebraska)7州都在114日創下確診數新高。賓夕法尼亞州(Pennsylvania)也在星期二那天創下新高後,一連3天有2800多宗新確診個案。


             緬因州州長Janet Mills週四發出行政命令,規定人們在公眾場合不論是否保持安全社交距離,都需要戴口罩。該州在1天之內出現183宗新確診個案。




麻州眾議會提460億元預算案 加碼州長防驅逐金額

             (Boston Orange編譯整理)麻州眾議會的財政委員會提議2021會計年度,預算460億元,比麻州州長上個月提出的預算草案還多18800萬元。


             麻州眾議會財政委員會主席,轄區包括波士頓華埠及北端的麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)表示,從上次的經濟大衰退以來,動用儲備金已經是慣例。



麻州長、波士頓市長同聲呼籲民眾耐心等大選結果 小心防疫

麻州州長Charlie Baker 在Harverhill致詞。
           (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(5)日分別在哈福希爾(Haverhill)市和波士頓市政府大樓公開露面,先提6日晚上9點半起,新宵禁生效,民眾出門需戴口罩,再勸民眾耐心等大選結果。



波士頓市長Marty Walsh提醒民眾,他不希望得下令鎖城。

             馬丁華殊說,大家要有耐心,拜登(Joe Biden)距離獲得270張選舉團票的贏得勝利,已經非常接近了。雖然,「我們都想要說贏了」, 「我想要今天就有結果」。






波士頓市長匯報新冠疫情 不想鎖城 籲民眾戴口罩




Marketing campaign to attract tourists, market Boston as a welcoming city for diverse visitors


BOSTON - Thursday, November 5, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced today that the City of Boston, as a part of a thorough Request for Proposals (RFP) review process, has selected a partnership between Colette Phillips Communications, the Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Proverb to create a campaign that will position Boston as a safe, welcoming and vibrant travel destination. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness and active promotion, and drive trips to Boston from diverse local and regional visitors, while supporting the public health guidance that's in place. The team has been charged with highlighting attractions and events that speak to the experiences of people of color in Boston, and the campaign will highlight local minority-owned and run businesses and organizations. 

"This tourism campaign will warmly welcome diverse local and regional visitors to explore our city's rich history, vibrant neighborhoods, and legacy of arts, culture, and education, while adhering to public health guidelines," said Mayor Walsh. "COVID-19 has been incredibly hard on Boston's tourism industry, and we look forward to working with a local marketing firm as we help our small businesses recover, and showcase all the diverse cultures our city has to offer."  

As the City of Boston plans to recover stronger and more equitably from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Arts, Culture, and Tourism industry is a critical component to the future success. The selected vendor is tasked with assembling a local tourism campaign to draw diverse tourists to take advantage of all that Boston has to offer, as the City safely responds to the impact of COVID-19 and supports its hardest hit industries.

Together, Colette Phillips Communications, Inc. (CPC), Boston's oldest minority owned and operated marketing communications firm; Proverb, a Boston-based, minority owned, award-winning creative branding, design, and advertising agency made up of 25 talented, diverse, and strategic creatives; and the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau (GBCVB), the city's primary marketing and visitor services organization, will work to create a new and effective public-private model for inclusive collaboration and economic opportunity.

"Boston is culturally rich, historically significant, fun and innovative," said Chief of Economic Development John Barros. "We are excited to work with a Black and woman owned business as the primary vendor of an exciting team, to showcase Boston as a welcoming city that truly has something for everyone."

While contributing 4.83 percent to the Gross City Product, prior to the pandemic, the categories of Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation; Accommodation and Food Services made up 10.4 percent  of the City's jobs. The Arts, Culture, and Tourism sectors provide approximately three times the jobs in Boston compared to the nation overall, and create more jobs than either educational institutions or medical institutions. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, in 2019, Greater Boston hosted over 19.9 million domestic and 2.9 million international visitors per year.

Travelers adhering to the  Commonwealth of Massachusetts Travel Order, effective August 1, 2020, are welcome to visit Boston and responsibly enjoy its many tourist attractions. All visitors entering Massachusetts, including returning residents, who do not meet an exemption, are required to: Complete the Massachusetts Travel Form prior to arrival, unless they are visiting from a lower-risk state designated by the Department of Public Health; and quarantine for 14 days or produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to your arrival in Massachusetts. 

"Boston has so much to offer as a tourist destination, from our diverse restaurant scene to our vibrant cultural attractions and museums," said Kate Davis, Director of the Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment. "With this campaign, we welcome regional and local travelers to explore all that Boston has to offer, and invite Bostonians to explore their own backyard in a new way too."

Travelers to the City of Boston are encouraged to review the latest public health guidance on  boston.gov/covid-19. Travelers may also prepare for their visit by learning about the City of Boston's reopening efforts and public health guidelines for businesses at boston.gov/reopening.

This project will be funded by CARES Act Relief Funding. In accordance with the regulations, the project must provide resources or assistance to mitigate effects on health and/or provide economic support.

This announcement is part of the Walsh Administration's ongoing work to support small businesses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. On October 2, Mayor Walsh,  announced the expansion of the Reopen Boston Fund to ensure restaurants in Boston are able to purchase necessary equipment for outdoor dining this fall and winter. On September 15, Mayor Walsh announced the City of Boston is extending the outdoor dining season to better serve restaurants and patrons. On May 21, the City of Boston announced new measures to help restaurants during the ongoing public health crisis, including expanding outdoor seating, and waiving fees for outdoor space.

To date, nearly $6.7 million in debt-free grants have been distributed to over 1,850 small businesses in every neighborhood across the City of Boston through the Office of Economic Development's Small Business Relief Fund. The businesses receiving grants represent industries most impacted by closures, policies, or general loss of revenues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Reopen Boston Fund, launched in May 2020, continues to offer grants to Boston's businesses of up to $2,000 to assist with reopening costs, including for PPE. The Reopen Boston Fund has issued more than $2.65 million in grants to 1,471 businesses and is still accepting applications at boston.gov/reopen-fund.

To further assist the City's small businesses, the City of Boston created a platform to help businesses source the personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaning supplies they will be required to have available in order to ensure the safety of employees and customers as industries begin to reopen. Along with industry-specific reopening requirements, the page includes a list of self-identified, local suppliers of PPE and cleaning supplies, information on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' vendor database, and partner organizations helping to connect businesses with vendors.

In addition, in October, Mayor Walsh announced a collaboration with SimpliSafe, maker of award-winning home security systems, to donate 250 security systems and 12 months of free professional monitoring to Boston's small business community in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In July, Mayor Walsh announced a new ramp initiative to increase accessibility to outdoor dining amidst the COVID-19 public health emergency. Restaurants that have been granted a temporary license to have seating in a parking space or on the street are eligible to request a portable ramp.    

星期三, 11月 04, 2020

11月4日新冠病毒新增確診個案 麻州上衝1,629宗 美國88,427宗

            (Boston Orange編譯)預定116日起實施的新宵禁還沒開始,麻州的新冠病毒(COVID-19)新增確診數先直衝1,629宗,累計已達158,937宗。新增27人死亡,累計9836人死亡。







Massachusetts Democrats Flip 3 Seats in the State Legislature, 2 County Seats

 Massachusetts Democrats Flip 3 Seats in the State Legislature, 2 County Seats

After voters turned out in record numbers on Tuesday, Massachusetts Democrats celebrated victories down the ballot, adding to majorities in the state House and Senate, in addition to wins at the county level. 

US Army veteran John Cronin defeated incumbent Republican Dean Tran in MassDems' third flipped seat in the Senate this year. “I’m so incredibly proud of what we’ve been able to do in this district,” said Cronin. “It’s time for north central Massachusetts to have bold, brave representation in the state Senate. I’m honored that voters have entrusted me with that job and deeply appreciate the support of my volunteers and the MassDems to ensure that every voter had a voice.”

On Cape Cod, Democrat Kip Diggs flipped another Republican-held seat, becoming the first Black legislator to represent the Cape in the legislature. “This race has always been about community, and I’m thankful for the voters, volunteers, and party support that brought us to this point,” said Diggs. “Voters in this district came together to demand a new kind of Representative for this district, and I vow to be a fierce advocate for the Second Barnstable in the Massachusetts House.”

North Attleboro Town Councilor Adam Scanlon flipped a long time Republican-held House seat in Bristol county. “I jumped in this race because I believe in equity and opportunity for all people in this district, and I promise to champion our shared values in the state House,” said Scanlon. “I’m so grateful for everyone who offered their support: my family and friends, the folks at the MassDems, and all of the volunteers and voters who turned out for us this fall.”

Democrats also picked-up two county seats: Patrick McDermott defeated Jerry McDermott in the race for Norfolk County Sheriff, and Sheila Lyons and Mark Forest won seats as Barnstable County Commissioners, defeating incumbent Republican Ron Beaty. 

“These victories show that hope triumphs fear, that unity prevails over division. Democrats ran on bold, positive visions for our Commonwealth, and voters turned out for them in record numbers,” said MassDems Chair Gus Bickford. “These victories don't just belong to our candidates, they belong to activists, organizers, volunteers, and most importantly, the voters, everyone that cast a ballot in favor of a brighter, better future for our Commonwealth and our country.”




Since launched in May, the mobile testing teams have administered 13,795 tests across Roxbury, Allston, South Boston, Mattapan, East Boston, and Dorchester


Mayor Marty Walsh thinks there is no need to worry about protest. (By Chutze Chou)
BOSTON - Wednesday, November 4, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh yesterday announced the City of Boston's two mobile testing teams are now available again to anyone at no cost and regardless of symptoms. East Boston Neighborhood Health Center will continue its mobile operation in East Boston's Central Square Park located on Border Street across from Liberty Plaza Shopping Center. Whittier Street Health Center will operate in Mattapan at Jubilee Christian Church at 1500 Blue Hill Avenue. Both testing sites are available through Saturday, November 14.

"As we see an increase in COVID-19 activity, it is vital that we continue to ensure access to testing, especially in neighborhoods and communities where there's a greater positivity rate.  And, in addition to the City of Boston providing availability, I need every Bostonian to get tested, even if they aren't showing symptoms, so individuals can protect their health and the City can be guided by accurate public health data," said Mayor Walsh. "Thank you to East Boston Neighborhood Health Center and Whittier Street Health Center for helping to provide this important resource and healthcare to our residents." 

East Boston Neighborhood Health Center: Central Square in East Boston

In East Boston, testing is available through Saturday, November 14 in Central Square Park on Border Street, across from Liberty Plaza Shopping Center. Testing is available to anyone at no cost and regardless of symptoms. Individuals are asked to register by calling 617-568-4500.

The dates and hours of operation are:

Wednesday, November 4 - Friday, November 6: 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 7: 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, November 10 - Friday, November 13: 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 14: 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

"We are again thankful for Mayor Walsh and the City of Boston for providing East Boston with key testing resources. Now more than ever, we need to focus on identifying and stopping the spread of COVID-19," said East Boston Neighborhood Health Center president and CEO Manny Lopes. "The entire team at EBNHC urges East Boston and surrounding neighborhoods to wear a mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and get tested. We can make a difference if we do it together."

Whittier Street Health Center: Jubilee Christian Church in Mattapan

In Mattapan, testing is available through Saturday, November 14, 2020 at Jubilee Christian Church, which is located at 1500 Blue Hill Avenue. Anyone can get tested at no cost and regardless of COVID-19 symptoms during the hours listed below. Individuals are asked to register by calling 617-858-2406.

The dates and hours of operation are:

Wednesday, November 4 - Friday, November 6: 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 7: 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, November 10 -  Friday, November 13: 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 14: 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

"With recent daily reports of coronavirus cases in Boston and across the country surging to previously unseen heights since the pandemic began, we deeply value the opportunity to partner with the city to make free COVID-19 testing available to all," Frederica M. Williams, President and CEO of Whittier Street Health Care Center. "We are in an urgent crisis, and with testing, contact tracing and following the CDC guidelines of how to protect yourself and others, we believe that we should be able to bend the curve and keep everyone safe and healthy."


The mobile site testing initiative was announced by Mayor Walsh in May as a way to help fill any gaps in testing availability, prioritizing neighborhoods and populations that need dedicated testing efforts to create equitable access to testing. The first mobile testing teams have previously been located in Roxbury, Allston, South Boston, Mattapan, East Boston, and Dorchester. At the Roxbury mobile site in Nubian Square, there were 841 COVID-19 tests given.

In addition to the City's two mobile testing sites, COVID-19 testing is available at over 30 locations across the city. Individuals can call the Mayor's Health Line with any questions using 617-534-5050. View a complete list of all testing sites

Mayor Walsh recently announced the City of Boston launched "Get The Test, Boston," a pledge designed to encourage residents to get a COVID-19 test. Additionally, businesses who sign the pledge will share testing resources and information with their employees. So far, over 20 businesses have signed onto the pledge, including Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics, Boston Red Sox, Boston Main Streets, Bunker Hill Community College, Drift, Greater Boston Labor Council, MassChallenge, Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP, Rapid 7, Rise Construction Management, Roxbury Community College, Stop & Shop, Flour Bakery & Cafe, Myers & Chang, Sociedad Latina, Weber Shandwick, Soleil Restaurant, Emerson College, TD Garden, The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, UNITE HERE Local 26, and Wayfair.

The City of Boston has been partnering with community health centers to increase access to testing, particularly in neighborhoods experiencing higher rates of COVID-19. As of Saturday, October 31, 2020, there were 340,542 COVID-19 tests of Boston residents. Out of 340,542 total tests, 6.2% have tested positive. For all Boston residents, the positivity for tests decreased from 8.0% for the prior week (October 18-24) to 7.2% for the current week (October 25-31). The latest numbers of cases from the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) by neighborhoods are available online.

Mayor Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee have dedicated over $1,790,000 to expand COVID-19 testing and conduct culturally appropriate outreach and education to community health centers across City of Boston neighborhoods, including Bowdoin Street Community Health Center, Codman Square Community Health Center, The Dimock Center, DotHouse Health, Mattapan Community Health Center, Uphams Corner Community Health Center, Whittier Street Community Health Center, Charles River Community Health, Fenway Health, Greater Roslindale Medical & Dental Center, Harbor Health, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center, Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, South Boston Community Health Center, NEW Health Charlestown, South End Community Health Center, and Brookside Community Health Center. The Fund has also supported telehealth services and equipment at those community health centers as well to connect testing to safe treatment options at home.

Resources and information about COVID-19 are available online. Resources available on Boston.gov and through City departments include support for renters and homeowners; small businesses; free meals for Boston students; free toiletries for Boston students; support for older residents; information on homeless shelters; resources for those in recovery or those who have a substance use disorder; and mental health resources. More information on Boston's reopening can be found at boston.gov/reopening.

For additional questions or programs, please visit our coronavirus website or call 3-1-1, Boston's 24-hour constituent hotline. Text BOSCOVID to 888-777 to receive text alerts on a regular basis, available in 11 languages.



BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito released the following statement:

“The United States of America depends on every American having the freedom to cast their vote and for every vote to be counted. Every American, regardless of political affiliation, especially the President and every candidate on the ballot, should be united in supporting this process. Regardless of who wins this election, the challenges facing the Commonwealth and the nation remain: defeating the pandemic, rebuilding the economy, and supporting those who need help in these difficult days. When the results are finally determined, we are hopeful that all candidates, especially the two running for the most powerful office in the world, set aside partisanship to improve the lives of all Americans. While many anxiously await the results of this critically important election everyone must exercise their First Amendment right peacefully if they choose to do so, and we ask everyone to be respectful of one another."
