
星期二, 8月 04, 2020


8月起每月一檔 帶領觀眾尋回遺失的美好

波士頓臺灣影展今年邁入第二屆,從8月起到年底,每月一檔線上播映經典臺灣電影,並邀請導演或演員參與映後座談會。影展策展人Andrew Lin指出,回首2020上半年的疫情與世界巨變,全世界的人們都正在經歷失去,同時學習珍惜,因此本屆主題是「Lost & Found」,透過電影的啟發帶領觀眾尋回遺失的美好,修復重建對於人生的期待與意義。

打頭陣的是1967年台語片傳奇導演辛奇的《三八新娘憨子婿》(Foolish Bride, Naive Bridegroom),及2019年新銳導演梁秀紅拍攝的劇情短片《前世情人的情人》(Like Father, Like Daughter),兩部片將於美東時間87日中午12時至89日中午12時於線上播映。梁秀紅導演則將於88日晚上8時現身線上映後座談會,與觀眾分享拍片心得。




紐約臺北文化中心表示,這是首次與波士頓臺灣影展合作,影展選片主題性強且相當多元,每個月配合時令播片,也反映出台灣電影的當代多樣性。8月份臺灣父親節從愛情探討父女關係,9月份國際失智症日時選映《老大人》(Dad’s Suit),探討老年照護問題;10月份以臺灣超馬選手陳彥博紀錄片《出發》(Run For Dream)為他加油出賽第35界摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠250km超馬;11月份選映《滿月酒》(Baby Steps)呼應臺灣同志遊行,探討多元成家、傳宗接代以及代理孕母議題。

更多影展內容及相關購票資訊,請上波士頓台灣影展官網:https://www.taiwanfilmfest.org/查詢。購票鏈接: Buy ticket https://rb.gy/5zeq78

《三八新娘憨子婿》Foolish Bride, Naive Bridegroom




《前世情人的情人》Like Father, Like Daughter



星期一, 8月 03, 2020


The 10-day pop-up site is in partnership with the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center

BOSTON - Monday, August 3, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the City of Boston's pop-up COVID-19 testing site, in partnership with the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, will now be offering COVID-19 testing in South Boston. This COVID-19 testing initiative will be available starting tomorrow, Tuesday, August 4 to Saturday, August 15 at Moakley Park on Old Colony Avenue near 1187 Columbia Road in South Boston. Testing will be available at no cost for both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals by walk-up only. No appointment needed but registration is required for individuals to receive test results. For a quicker testing experience, residents are encouraged to pre-register at (617) 568-4500.

"Testing is one of the best tools we have to stop the spread and reopen safely, and we're going to keep making sure it's widely available here in Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "If you think you might be sick, or if you've been in a group without distancing or masks, get tested. Thank you to the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center for your partnership in making COVID-19 testing more accessible for more residents."

The dates and hours of operation at Moakley Park on Old Colony Avenue near 1187 Columbia Road in South Boston are: 

Tuesday, August 4th to Friday, August 7th: 2:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. 
Saturday, August 8th: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 
Tuesday, August 11th to Friday, August 14th: 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 
Saturday, August 15th: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

The pop-up testing initiative was announced by Mayor Walsh back in May as a way to help fill any gaps in testing availability, prioritizing neighborhoods and populations that need dedicated testing efforts to create equitable access to testing. The site was located at the Washington Park Mall in Roxbury in June and most recently at the BCYF Jackson Mann Community Center in Allston. In Allston, over the course of 10 days, there were 3,205 COVID-19 tests conducted. Of 2,504 results received so far, approximately 1% tested positive for COVID-19. 

"We are glad to be partnering with the City of Boston to provide pop-up testing sites throughout the city," said East Boston Neighborhood Health Center president and CEO Manny Lopes. "Testing is one of the ways that we can mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and by offering accessible testing at sites in Boston, we are able to minimize the spread especially among our most vulnerable populations. For 50 years, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center has served residents of Boston regardless of status and we will continue to do so, even in the face of new challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic."

In addition to the City's pop-up and mobile testing sites, COVID-19 testing is available at over 20 locations across the city. Mobile testing sites also continue to be available at select locations, prioritizing neighborhoods and populations that need dedicated testing efforts to create equitable access to testing. Individuals can call the Mayor's Health Line with any questions using 617-534-5050. For a complete list of all testing sites, visit here

The City of Boston has been partnering with community health centers to increase access to testing, particularly in neighborhoods experiencing higher rates of COVID-19. As of July 27, 2020, there were 115,712 COVID-19 tests of Boston residents. Of 115,712 total tests of Boston residents, 12.5 percent have tested positive, which is down from 13.3 percent reported through July 20. The latest numbers of cases by Boston neighborhoods are available here.

Mayor Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee have dedicated over $1,720,000 to expand COVID-19 testing and conduct culturally appropriate outreach and education to community health centers across City of Boston neighborhoods, including Bowdoin Street Community Health Center, Codman Square Community Health Center, The Dimock Center, DotHouse Health, Mattapan Community Health Center, Uphams Corner Community Health Center, Whittier Street Community Health Center, Charles River Community Health, Fenway Health, Greater Roslindale Medical & Dental Center, Harbor Health, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center, Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, South Boston Community Health Center, NEW Health Charlestown, South End Community Health Center, and Brookside Community Health Center. The Fund has also supported telehealth services and equipment at those community health centers as well to connect testing to safe treatment options at home.
Resources and information about COVID-19 are available online. Resources available on boston.gov and through City departments include support for renters and homeowners; small businesses; free meals for Boston students; free toiletries for Boston students; support for older residents; information on homeless shelters; resources for those in recovery or those who have a substance use disorder; and mental health resources. More information on Boston's reopening can be found at boston.gov/reopening.

For additional questions or programs, please visit our coronavirus website or call 3-1-1, Boston's 24-hour constituent hotline. Text BOSCOVID to 888-777 to receive text alerts on a regular basis, available in 11 languages.


星期六, 8月 01, 2020










趙錫成博士獲有包括美國最高法院Horatio Alger傑出美國人獎、愛麗斯島榮譽勳章在內的無數榮譽與,兼有美國國土安全局表彰趙博士為傑出美國人 (Outstanding American by Choice)”。他獲有多所大學的榮譽博士學位,包括聖約翰大學、Niagara大學、Nyack大學、輔仁大學、國立交通大學、國立台灣海洋大學,以及麻州海洋學院。另外有美東華人學術聯誼會所頒傑出終生成就獎;中美教育信託會所頒領袖及成就獎,以表彰趙博士作為一名鼓舞人心的領袖,為他的社區、國家和世界所作出的巨大貢獻。麻州海洋學院頒給他首屆海軍上將傑出服務獎,表揚他啟發人心的領導力以及對世界的卓越貢獻。 美國中國工程師協會也因他在船隻設計上採用省油及環保科技的領導力而頒發百年獎章給他。趙博士還獲頒哥倫比亞大學首屆EPIC就獎;倫敦勞埃德船舶日報終生成就獎等殊榮。最近,趙博士是最暢銷自傳逆風無畏(FEARLESS AGAINST THE WIND)”的主題人物,這本書也是他妻子趙朱木蘭自傳淡定自(CALM AMIDST THE STORMS)”的補充。



在當上勞工部部長之前趙部長曾任聯合慈善基金會United Way of America董事長暨執行長以及和平工作團(Peace Corps) 主任每個職位上她總是第一個被任命的亞裔美國人披荊斬棘更多亞裔美國人在美國崛起開闢道路


國際領袖基金會是501( C ) 3非牟利組織,推廣亞太裔社區的公民意識,公共服務,以及經濟繁榮。查詢更多資料請上網 www.ilfnational.org(ILF提供)

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn介紹A-1區新警長Ciccolo 聆聽華埠民聲

波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)介紹新上任警長。(周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)遇狀況,撥打311?波士頓華埠民眾、商家感謝波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)介紹新上任的A-1區警長Robert Cioccolo與民晤談的心意,但期盼各界匡助,在311之外,找出不讓流浪漢盤據街頭,店面,逢人索要的更有效方法。
A-1區警長的Robert Ciccolo (左起)和新到任華裔警員Steven Chen,
Michael Stratton,向波士頓華商會共同會長陳文棟
               波士頓市第二區議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)因應波士頓華商會共同會長蔡倩婷,陳文棟,財政余麗媖等人的申訴,731日邀波士頓警察及市府相關人士在華埠牌樓前與民眾晤談,傳達他協助轄區民眾改善生活品質,維護治安的心意。
都希望新到任的華裔警員Steve Chen能協助維護華埠
               出席者包括因梅志強(Ken Fong)退休,722日前後接替他出任A-1區警長的Robert Ciccolo,以及6月才調到A-1區服務的華裔警員Steve Chen(陳冠元),街道外展組組長Michael Stratton等警員,市長助理Kim Thai,以及綠路(Greenway)EMS等工作人員。
               Robert Cioccolo表示,他在波士頓警察局服務37年,其中4年半擔任北區夜間指揮,其中包括A-1區,因此他對華埠並不陌生。他希望大家知道,他的原則是維護地方安全,還要讓人感覺安全。除了警察報告之外,每天早上他都親自審閱來自311電話的市民抱怨。他指出,311電話會有後續追蹤,社區服務警員會進一步的了解問題詳情。
華埠治安巡邏隊資深隊員謝中之(右)向市議員Ed Flynn描述經歷。
               負責街道外展工作,包括處理流浪漢問題的Michael Stratton坦言,警察局人力有限,希望市民在遇到緊急狀況時才撥打911,其他事故,撥打311比較適合。關於流浪漢,警方能做的也只是盡量令到這些流浪漢不舒服,以促使他們不在某一地點滯留。
波士頓市議員Ed Flynn的介紹警員,聆聽民聲活動,在華埠牌樓前
                        住在乞臣街上的華埠居民會執委Arturo Gossage,店面就在華埠牌樓旁的珍寶樓老闆梅華少都表示,近來流浪漢人數多時,甚至有廿、三十人,的確讓華埠牌樓一帶的居民及來往行人非常頭痛,卻迄今仍莫可奈何。

星期五, 7月 31, 2020

White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders hosted Young Leaders Summit

White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) hosted the AAPI Young Leaders Summit 2020 & the President’s Advisory Commission led an AAPI Young Leaders Roundtable Discussion
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On July 20th, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders hosted their first virtual AAPI Young Leaders Summit. The Summit took place over four days, July 20th – July 23rd, and brought together influential speakers from the AAPI community to address mentorship, community outreach, public service, and entrepreneurship. The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, provided special remarks to commence the four-day Summit in which she encouraged young AAPIs to “learn, observe, and listen.”
“We Asian Americans have a wonderful cultural heritage and values. Most of us have wonderful families behind us, supporting us. We have so much to share with mainstream America. Our country is increasingly diverse, so people with diverse backgrounds increasingly have an advantage,” Secretary Chao said as she encouraged college students and interns to “keep learning and remember to always help others along the way.”
“Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are vital not only to American culture, but to our economic prosperity and growth as a Nation” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Co-Chair of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. “It is essential that young leaders within the AAPI community work to integrate their cultural perspectives and values into their current work and future careers. America is a nation that celebrates diversity of thought and experience, therefore we must continue to encourage young AAPI leaders to succeed.”
Secretary Chao was joined by Commissioner Chiling Tong (Maryland) of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (PAC-AAPI), who moderated a
WHITE HOUSE INITIATIVE ON ASIAN AMERICANS AND PACIFIC ISLANDERS 1401 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC 20230 www.commerce.gov/whiaapi
lively panel discussion with AAPI leaders in business, civics, and law to provide advice on mentorship and how to grow one’s network, even during a time of social distancing. This was followed by a professional development segment on how to maximize working from home and utilizing social media platforms to find a job.
The following day was co-hosted by both the U.S. Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service (DOJ-CRS) and PAC-AAPI, with the Chair of the Commission, Dr. Paul Hsu of Florida, joining and presiding over a Roundtable Discussion with young AAPIs. Commissioners Herman Martir of Texas, Grace Lee of Michigan, and Doris Flores Brooks of Guam were also in attendance and expressed their support for the presentation by DOJ-CRS on the topic of growing anti-AAPI sentiment due to the current health pandemic. This was followed by a panel discussion amongst federal partners, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California and the U.S. Department of Education to address concerns of anti-AAPI bias and hate in the workplace, classroom, and community. Immediately following the panel, the Commissioners provided an opportunity for young AAPIs to voice their concerns to the PAC-AAPI as their input is critical for Commissioners to advise the President and the Secretaries of Commerce and Transportation on issues that affect the AAPI community.
WHIAAPI also provided an opportunity for participants to hear directly from AAPI appointees from the Trump Administration. Each provided encouragement and advice as young AAPIs consider going into public service. Included in the “Speaker Spotlight Series” was Derek Kan, Acting Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget as well as Victorino G. Mercado, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities, US Department of Defense, and Keiko Matsudo Orrall, who is also a Commissioner on PAC-AAPI. Attendees also had the privilege of hearing from Joseph Lai, former Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs in the White House; Maya M. Noronha, Principal Policy Advisor to the Commissioner, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; and Joyce Yoon, Deputy White House Liaison, U.S. Department of Transportation. The event ended with a presentation by Ali Ahmad, Associate Director of Communications at the U.S. Census Bureau, on how Census 2020 has been strategically reaching out to AAPIs across the country.
The Summit concluded with a day on Entrepreneurship hosted by the U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) and WHIAAPI featuring two panels, one on “Starting Your Own Business” and another on “Doing Business with the Government.”. Director of the Los Angeles District SBA office, Ben Raju, who is also WHIAAPI’s Regional Network (RN) Co-lead, was joined by Van Tran, Deputy Associate Administrator for the SBA’s Office of Business Development and Tony Yang of Asian, Inc., which is the operator of Minority Business Centers on behalf of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA).
The AAPI Young Leaders Summit focused on the next generation and addressed the importance of building the pipeline of future public servants, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. It was a tremendous opportunity to engage young AAPIs with federal government leaders as well as
successful AAPIs in both the private and public sectors. Along with federal partners, WHIAAPI will continue to work across the federal government and with the AAPI community to advance the economic empowerment and workforce development of AAPIs.

兩大發展計畫上路 紐英崙中華公所將成華埠大地主

(Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所728日晚一口氣通過30項提案,包括將展延至2021年開工的大同村南停車場蓋樓項目;以6個月為期,將和Pennrose協商發展計畫的喜露街50號,中華公所名下未來將有至少四處物業,營運專業化已成迫在眉睫的需求。
當晚會議由中華公所主席鄭慧民點名,確認出席人數後,並介紹新董事,代表青年會(YMCA)Patricia Barnwell後召開。鄭慧民也簡潔報告了,二月份時,他應波士頓僑教中心主任之邀,到加州參加全美中華會館大會,還在那兒遇到也從波士頓去的美國安良工商會總理陳仕維,紐英崙中華總會代表余麗媖。在疫情期間,中華公所籌款,另比照撥款,共動用5萬餘元購買口罩,捐贈給第一線醫療人員。
喜露街(Herald)50號已由中華公所物業小組建議和Pennrose以六個月為期,協商合作發展條件。2016年成立的喜露街顧問委員會也有變動,亞美社區發展協會(ACDC),華經會的代表,黃瑞瑜和建築師鄭繼良為原有的等4名成員。但鄭繼良因參與大同村南停車場發展計畫退出。再另增加代表中華耆英會的梅伍銀寬,華埠土地信託會的駱理德,以及華埠居民會的Arturo Gossage
為發展大同村南停車場,追認成立中華公所夏利臣地出租人責任有限公司(CCBA Harrison Ground Lessor LLC)CCBA貸方公司(CCBA Harrison Lender LLC)CCBA會員公司(CCBA Harrison Member LLC)。同時批准中華公所和這些機構達成營運協議等等。另外授權中華公所主席代表中華公所及中華公所大同村管理公司把南停車場地塊分割出來,地契交給CCBA夏利臣地出租人責任有限公司,同時代表這家公司和波士頓市政府協商。