
星期三, 12月 12, 2018

A Conversation on Innovation & Gentrification 12/13

A Conversation on Innovation & Gentrification:
The Future of Boston and Learning Lessons from Seattle and San Francisco
Boston is considered one of the most innovative cities in the world. What are the consequences of being so innovative? How do we work together to responsibly and inclusively grow our regional economy? Similar cities such as Seattle and San Francisco are struggling to work together to solve issues caused by such rapid growth. 

Join us in an honest conversation with experts - advocates, developers, brokers and academics - who will discuss what's occurring in Boston and how we can work proactively and collaboratively to make Boston innovative and inclusive.

Opening Remarks:
Paul Lee, Board President, ACDC; Board Member, The Boston Foundation
Orlando Watkins, Vice President for Programs, The Boston Foundation
Damon Cox, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Angie Liou, Executive Director, Asian Community Development Corporation
Jon Frisch - Partner, T3 Advisers 
Dr. Karilyn Crockett - Lecturer of Public Policy and Urban Planning, MIT; Author, People before Highways
Kyle Gross - Northeast Director of Strategy, WeWork

Sheena Collier - Director of Economic Opportunity, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce; CEO, The Collier Connection
Event Details
Thursday, December 13
11:30am - 1:00pm
Lunch will be provided.

  • 11:30am Check-in & Lunch
  • 11:50am Panel Discussion followed by Q+A

Special thank you to the Boston Foundation for providing the event space and lunch!

新英格蘭台灣商會年終尾牙 李以蕙接任會長


                  (Boston Orange 周菊子傅萊明罕市報導)新英格蘭台灣商會(TCCNE)129日在尾牙晚宴中舉行新舊會長交接儀式,歐陽露卸任,李以蕙接掌印信,兩名副會長,黃千姬,林才民都是新人,為2019帶來新氣息。
             蔡坤喜在開場致詞中,歷數了台商會過往的多項成績,包括2003年台灣爆發SARS (非典)疫情,儘管各地缺貨,新英格蘭台商會動用私人關係,在5週內,就購置到47,000N95口罩,運到台灣。此外,無論是卡翠娜風災,花蓮震災,逢有災難發生,台商會都積極捐款馳援。台商會也不定期舉辦教育,地產理財,衛生保健等講座,服務會員及社會大眾。
             徐佑典致詞時特別提及新英格蘭台灣商會與青商會合辦的提案日(A Pitch Day)”活動,稱許兩會執行力超強,透露科技部將於未來兩週內派員到波士頓設立科技組,希望將來台商會和經文處加強合作,讓台灣優勢被更多人看見。
             台商會卸任會長歐陽露匯報過去一年,該會舉辦了稅務講座,保齡球賽,和青商會攜手為加斯林糖尿病中心做義工,舉辦平等就業機會講座,慈善高爾夫球賽,台語研習營,65歲以上退休規畫講座,支持亞裔婦女健康會活動,舉辦A Pitch Day活動,很感謝理事及會員們的支持。(圖片已於10日發表)




Two Previously Charged Retired State Troopers Agree to Plead Guilty

BOSTON – A Massachusetts State Police Trooper was arrested and charged today, and two previously charged retired State Troopers agreed to plead guilty in connection with the ongoing investigation of overtime abuse at the Massachusetts State Police (MSP).

Heath McAuliffe, 40, of Hopkinton, was arrested this morning and charged in a criminal complaint with embezzlement from an agency receiving federal funds. McAuliffe will appear in federal court in Boston later today.

            As alleged in court documents, McAuliffe was an MSP Trooper assigned to Troop E, which is responsible for enforcing criminal and traffic regulations along the Massachusetts Turnpike, Interstate I-90. McAuliffe allegedly received overtime pay for hours that he either did not actually work at all, or shifts in which he departed one to four hours early.   

            The alleged conduct involves overtime pay for selective enforcement initiatives, including the Accident and Injury Reduction Effort program (AIRE). That initiative was intended to reduce accidents, crashes, and injuries on I-90 through an enhanced presence of MSP Troopers and targeting vehicles traveling at excessive speeds. McAuliffe was required to work the entire duration of the four hour shift and truthfully report the date, time and sector of deployment on the citations issued during the shift. As alleged, McAuliffe concealed his fraud by submitting citations that were issued prior to the overtime shift, altered the citations to create the appearance that citations were issued during the overtime shift, and/or submitted citations that were never issued to drivers. 

Trooper McAuliffe earned $164,680 in 2016, including approximately $60,908 in overtime, and earned $180,215 in 2015, including approximately $83,496 in overtime.  According to court documents, between Aug. 1, 2015, and Aug. 31, 2016, McAuliffe was paid $9,825 for AIRE overtime hours that he did not work. 

            In addition, retired Troopers David Wilson, 58, of Charlton, and Daren DeJong, 57, of Uxbridge, both agreed to plead guilty pursuant to plea agreements filed today. Wilson and DeJong were arrested and charged on June 27, 2018, and July 25, 2018, respectively, with embezzlement from an agency receiving federal funds. A date for the plea hearings has not yet been scheduled. 

In 2016, Wilson, a lieutenant, earned approximately $259,475, which included approximately $102,062 in overtime pay. Wilson has agreed to plead guilty to having been paid $12,450 for overtime hours that he did not work. Pursuant to the plea agreement, the government will recommend a sentence of between six months and 12 months of incarceration. 

In 2016, DeJong earned $200,416, which included approximately $68,394 in overtime pay. DeJong has agreed to plead guilty to having been paid $14,062.50 for overtime hours that he did not work. Pursuant to a plea agreement, the government will recommend a sentence of between six months and 12 months of incarceration. 

In 2015 and 2016, MSP received annual benefits from the U.S. Department of Transportation in excess of $10,000, which were funded pursuant to numerous federal grants. 

McAuliffe is the eighth MSP trooper charged in the ongoing investigation. Seven troopers have pleaded guilty or have agreed to do so. On July 2, 2018, former Trooper Gregory Raftery, 47, of Westwood pleaded guilty; on Sept. 14, 2018, suspended Trooper Kevin Sweeney, 40, of Braintree pleaded guilty; on Oct.11, 2018, suspended Trooper Gary Herman, 45, of Chester, pleaded guilty; on Nov. 28, 2019, former Trooper Paul Cesan pleaded guilty; and suspended Trooper Eric Chin, 46, of Hanover, is scheduled to plead guilty today.

The charge of theft of government funds provides for a sentence of no greater than 10 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling; Harold H. Shaw, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Division; and Douglas Shoemaker, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Inspector General made the announcement today. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Dustin Chao and Mark Grady of Lelling’s Public Corruption Unit are prosecuting the case.

星期二, 12月 11, 2018


AG Alleges Opioids Illegally Prescribed to At-Risk Patient Led to her Death

            WOBURN – A Dracut physician was charged with involuntary manslaughter for allegedly illegally prescribing opioids to an at-risk patient that resulted in her death, and with illegally prescribing opioids to other at-risk patients for no legitimate medical purposeAttorney General Maura Healey announced today. The doctor was also charged with defrauding the state’s Medicaid program (MassHealth).

Dr. Richard Miron, age 76, a solo practitioner of internal medicine based in Dracut, was indicted on Thursday by a Middlesex County Grand Jury on charges of Illegal Prescribing of Controlled Substances (23 counts), Medicaid False Claims (23 counts), and Involuntary Manslaughter (1 count in connection with the death of one patient). Dr. Miron will be arraigned in Middlesex Superior Court at a later date. 

The AG’s Office began an investigation in September 2017, after the matter was referred by MassHealth. From September 2015 to February 2016, Dr. Miron ranked as the largest provider of high dose, short acting oxycodone prescriptions among all MassHealth providers in the state. MassHealth terminated Dr. Miron from the program in September 2017, and he is not currently practicing medicine following an agreement with the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine

The AG’s investigation alleges that Dr. Miron was responsible for the death of a patient on March 17, 2016. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner determined that her death was caused by acute intoxication due to the combined effects of fentanyl, morphine, codeine and butalbital, all of which were prescribed by Dr. Miron. Investigators allege that Dr. Miron was aware that the victim previously had overdosed on opioids that he had prescribed and was treated and discharged from Lowell General Hospital on February 2, 2016, yet he continued to prescribe large doses of opioids to her on that date and multiple other dates up to March 9, 2016.

The AG’s investigation found that in multiple other instances, Dr. Miron allegedly prescribed opioids, including oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl, methadone and hydromorphone to patients for no legitimate medical purpose. The AG’s Office alleges that Dr. Miron prescribed the drugs, which have a high potential for abuse, to some patients despite their documented substance use disorders. Drug screens ordered and reviewed by Dr. Miron indicated that many patients were negative for prescribed opioids and positive for cocaine, heroin or other non-prescribed opioids, but Dr. Miron allegedly continued to prescribe opioids to those patients. The illegal prescriptions Dr. Miron allegedly wrote caused pharmacies to unwittingly falsely bill MassHealth for the medication. 

            These charges are allegations and defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Steven Hoffman, Deputy Division Chief and was investigated by Investigation Supervisor Christopher Cecchini and Investigator Shelby Stephens, all of the AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division. Victim Witness Advocate Amber Anderson of the AG’s Victim Services Division is assigned to this case. The death of the victim was investigated by Lowell Police and State Police assigned to the Middlesex District Attorney’s office. The Lowell Police Department, Dracut Police Department, MassHealth, and the Drug Enforcement Administration New England Field Division’s Boston Office provided valuable assistance to this investigation.

波士頓市長為華埠聖誕樹亮燈 發"利市"大受歡迎

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh,後左一)和聖誕老人及小朋友們
                                            (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠今年的聖誕節點燈儀式很特別,不但陣仗歷年最大,搭了表演台舞龍,拉拒馬圈出臨時動物園,搭乘夢幻電車來點燈的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)在現場派利市,還獲贈一把模型小提琴。
                                                  波士頓市長親自到市內各社區,為聖誕樹點燈,拉開節日序幕的活動,是前任市長萬寧路(Tom Menino)23年前創立的。現任波士頓市長馬丁華殊繼承了這歡樂傳統,交由波士頓市長辦公室旅遊,運動及娛樂辦公室主辦。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊,麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)發紅包時,圍觀人群討喜氣,紛紛伸手索要,現場氣氛頓時騷動,熱絡。
麻州眾議員黃子安(Donald Wong),波士頓消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,波士頓警察局A-1區警長梅志強(Ken Fong),昆士小學校長司徒玉英(Cynthia Soo Hoo)也特地到會場與民同歡。
波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)參加市議會以色列訪問團,當天未能出席,由妻子做代表向華埠民眾問好。
麻州眾議員黃子安(右一),麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz,左一)都來和波士
頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)一起與民眾同歡,慶聖誕。白衣者為











星期一, 12月 10, 2018

波士頓哲五講座談台港佔領街頭運動 (圖片)

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何明修,國立台灣大學社會學系教授。1973年出生於臺北市西門町,1995年於國立臺灣大學取得外國語言暨文學系學士,其後於2000年取得國立臺灣大學社會學研究所博士。研究範圍主要包括政治社會學、社會運動、勞動社會學、教育社會學以及社會學理論。曾任教南華大學、國立中山大學。著有《社會運動概論》(2005)、《綠色民主:台灣環境運動的研究》(2006)、Working Class Formation in Taiwan(2014)、Challenging Beijing's Mandate of Heaven: Taiwan's Sunflower Movement and Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement (2019)。目前在哈佛大學燕京學社擔任訪問學人。

星期六, 12月 08, 2018

MIT-CEO 駐波XLightelligence AI 深度對話 (圖片)

MIT-CEO組織者管越(後右一),韓烜(後左一),Lightelligence 的兩名創辦人沈亦晨(前左三),孟懷宇(前右三)和部分出席者合影。(周菊子攝)


曾入選富比士"30 Under 30"的沈亦晨,暢談公司創辦緣起。(周菊子攝)

【CEO炉边谈话|05】驻波X Lightelligence AI 深度对话
MIT CEO 联合驻波将于12月7号晚间6-8点在MT 举办一次围绕人工智能的深度对话。此次我们有幸邀请到了明星初创公司Lightelligence 的两位联合创始人:沈亦晨博士以及孟怀宇博士。Lightelligence 是一家利用光子代替电子进行深度学习计算的芯片初创公司。此次对话将会围绕人工智能,分享AI 芯片创业的心得与收获,分析现状,探究未来。机会难得,名额有限(20人),欢迎大波士顿地区对人工智能,半导体芯片感兴趣的朋友们参加!

MIT CEO & Zhubo will together hold a closed-door fireside chat about AI on Friday, Dec. 7th, 6pm - 8pm. Two of the co-founders of the very well-known Boston local startup Lightelligence: Dr. Yichen Shen and Dr. Huaiyu Meng will be our guest speakers. At this event they will cover topics related with Artificial Intelligence, and the emerging domain of AI semiconductor & chips, and analyze the current situation and share their future perspectives. We sincerely welcome students, professionals, faculties and VCs who have strong interest and/or work in this domain to join us. Because space is limited (only 20 slots available), only individuals with relevant background will invited to attend.

星期五, 12月 07, 2018

自由樹廣場耗資130萬元重建 剪綵現場幾無華裔居民

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)為自由樹廣場啟用致詞。(周菊子攝)

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓中華貿易大樓前的自由樹廣場(Liberty Tree Plaza),歷經多年計畫,半年工期,耗資130萬元,124日終於由波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)剪綵啟用了。
             波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)在剪綵致詞時強調,這對波士頓華埠來說,是一個重要的日子。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)為自由樹廣場啟用剪綵。(周菊子攝)
             不過,剪綵現場,除了華埠主街計畫的一名經理和董事之外,連一名華裔民眾也沒。出席的波士頓市府人員中,則有市長亞裔聯絡員徐丹晨,波士頓警察局A-1區警長梅志強(Ken Moy),以及一名新警察Steve Moy為華裔。
             1646年時,有一株榆樹栽種在這兒。1765年英國通過印花稅法,8月時負責收印花稅的Andrew Oliver的肖像,就被人掛上了這株榆樹,上面還附一句:”還有什麼會比看到一個印花稅收稅員被掛在樹上更讓新英格蘭開心?”
1765年時,美國爭取自由,反抗英國徵稅的自由之子(Sons of Liberty)”,就是從這兒開始示威遊行的。
            剪綵儀式除了波士頓市長致詞外,波士頓計畫及發展局(BPDA)局長Brian Golden,以及薩福克大學歷史教授Robert Allison也應邀致詞,講述自由樹廣場的翻修及歷史。
            波士頓市公園及休憩局設計及建築項目經理Allison Perlman透露,由於自由樹廣場的地底下,有許多地鐵管道,土地也屬MBTA所有,整建翻修因此大費周章,耗資總額遠比預期為多,超過100萬元。

波士頓警察局A-1區警長梅志強(Ken Fong,前右)和Steve Moy(中)