
星期六, 4月 01, 2017


BOSTON - Friday, March 31, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) calling for a partner to work with the City's Department of Innovation to launch and manage a full service retail merchandise program that would serve as the City of Boston's Online Store. The goal of the store is to provide merchandise that aligns with the City's new digital brand on boston.gov, and that offers constituents, visitors, and employees the opportunity to buy a part of Boston's history and its future.

"We are excited about the opportunity to share our redesigned digital brand in a new way," said Mayor Walsh. "In the City of Boston we have so much to be proud of, and by sharing official City of Boston branded merchandise, we are inviting residents, visitors, and everyone to proudly represent and be a part of our City. I look forward to finding new and innovative ways to continue building our assets around the desire of our people."

The objective of the online store is to maximize engagement with Boston residents. Achieving this objective requires the selected partner to develop merchandise using our designs, acquire stock, fulfill orders, and manage sales.

The ideal candidate will have a well-established and managed vendor sales network; produce high-quality merchandise that meets City style guidelines; seamlessly fulfill orders; and provide excellent customer service.

The selected vendor will retain a portion of proceeds from the sale of its merchandise, and will provide services described in the RFP at no cost to the City.

The term of the contract will be one year, with two one-year options to review at the City's sole discretion. More information about the RFP is available here. Responses will be due no later than 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11 by 12pm.

In June 2016, Mayor Walsh launched Boston.gov , the redesigned digital front door at the City of Boston. The website features significant changes to the visual design, organization, and underlying technology of the City's website.

BPS Transportation Challenge gathers tech, academic leaders to solve complex school bus issues

BPS Transportation Challenge gathers tech, academic leaders to solve complex school bus issues
Kick-off event held today at District Hall in Seaport District
BOSTON Saturday, April 1, 2017 - Today, local and national computer science experts from across industry and academia gathered at District Hall in Boston's Seaport District to kick off the first-ever BPS Transportation Challenge, a three-month hackathon-style initiative to generate routing efficiencies within Boston Public Schools' (BPS) complex transportation system and to explore adjustments to school day start- and end-times.

The challenge, in partnership with the Rappaport Institute, has two components. First, participants will attempt to produce an algorithm which will yield improvements to the routing system; second, they will work on adjusting school bell-time schedules based on routing and feedback from school communities. The submissions from each of the two challenges that are deemed to be the most promising for the school district, from a cost, efficiency, and community engagement perspective, will receive a $15,000 award thanks to generous donations from project partners.

"It's incredible to see such high-caliber talent from world-class colleges and universities helping to improve the lives of our students in the Boston Public Schools," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "The 2017 BPS Transportation Challenge gives us a unique opportunity to take another look at the complexities within our school bus system to produce results that will positively impact all students."

The Transportation Challenge will involve a wide range of local and national computer science experts from private industry (Microsoft, Google, FedEx, Uber, ZipCar, various bus routing companies, and others) and premier academic institutions (Harvard, Boston University, MIT, and Northeastern).

"Transportation and school start- and end-times have a major impact on families," said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael O'Neill. "It's important that we recognize the BPS Transportation Challenge as a unique and incredible opportunity to help us make positive changes in a thoughtful and strategic way."

The examination of school day start- and end-times comes amid a national and local conversation on potentially making high school start times later, and a local discussion to make many elementary school start times earlier. BPS is extending the school day at an additional 39 schools next year to increase academic outcomes and close opportunity and achievement gaps, prompting some elementary schools to dismiss later in the day.

"The 2017 BPS Transportation Challenge perfectly blends together the district's three core values of equity, coherence, and innovation," said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. "I am thrilled that Boston's world-leading academic and tech communities are using innovation to help make our transportation system more efficient."

Boston has the second-most expensive per-pupil school transportation system in the country - the $120 million budgeted for transportation funding in fiscal year 2018 reflects an approximate 7.5% annual increase since 2011.

Currently, the BPS transportation routing process is semi-automated; with much of it still done by hand. Meanwhile, nationally, improving routing efficiencies is an area of trailblazing technological investment and growth. This creates a unique opportunity for BPS to partner with the many academic and industry experts in the Boston area and beyond who are working to find cutting-edge solutions to this computational problem.

During the Transportation Challenge, BPS will reach out to families and school staffs via a survey to develop a better understanding of their preferences and considerations when it comes to school school start and end times.

"Using this challenge to solve a perennial problem is a great example of BPS working with the innovation community to benefit the city's children and families," said Rappaport Institute Executive Director Steve Poftak. "We're excited to work with BPS in convening this important event."

"We're thrilled to be hosting this competition," said BPS Chief of Operations John Hanlon. "We believe that by tapping into Boston's tremendous innovation network we can truly harness the the tremendous recent technological progress around routing optimization to improve the student experience and free up reinvestment back into schools."

"If this effort can lead to even small improvements in routing, we believe that it could lead to significant savings that could then be reinvested back into the classroom," said BPS Chief Financial Officer Eleanor Laurans.  "We're excited that this Challenge will help us act upon one of the most popular ideas presented our Long Term Financial Plan, which was to maximizing efficiencies in transportation."

Keynote Speakers:
  • Superintendent Tommy Chang, Superintendent of Boston Public Schools
  • Steve Poftak, Executive Director of the Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston
  • John Hanlon, Chief of Operations for Boston Public Schools

Discussion panelists:
  • Regina Robinson, Dean of Student Affairs at Cambridge College and Boston School Committee Member
  • Andy Rotherham, co-founder and partner at Bellwether Education Partners
  • Dimitris Bertsimas, Professor of Management, Professor of Operations Research, the Co-Director of the Operations Research Center, and the Director of the Master of Business Analytics at MIT Sloan
  • Jascha Franklin-Hodge, Chief Information Officer, City of Boston
  • Velecia Saunders, Headmaster of the McKinley Schools in Boston, Massachusetts
  • Mike Hughes, Assistant Director, BPS Transportation

Breakout Sessions Leaders
  • Jeremiah Riddle, Analytical Industrial Consultant, SAS
  • Jonathan Steketee, Director of Transportation for Boston Public Schools
  • Mike Hughes, Assistant Director, BPS Transportation
  • William Eger, Strategic Project Manager for Boston Public Schools
  • James Racanelli, Director of Planning and Analysis, Boston Public Schools

波士頓華埠綵絲樓翻修竣工 88單位面貌一新 市長到賀

With partners, City preserves 88 rental units in Chinatown
BOSTON - Saturday, April 1, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined The Community Builders (TCB), MassHousing, City of Boston's Department of Neighborhood Development local elected officials and Chinatown residents to celebrate the grand re-opening of the newly-renovated Chauncy House Apartments in Chinatown. In total, the redevelopment preserved 88 affordable rental units and created a new community room for low-income families.

"This is an important preservation project in a neighborhood where affordable rental housing is in high demand. This project has shown that when we work together, we are able to maintain the rich character of Chinatown," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "I want to congratulate all of our partners who helped make this renovation possible - I know it means a world of difference to the families who will continue to live here in Chinatown."

The historic Chauncy House was built in 1922 in Chinatown, and has been an affordable housing resource for the Chinatown community for the last 45 years.The building was originally constructed as an office building and subsequently converted for residential use in 1973 through HUD's Section 236 program. The property was acquired and renovated by The Community Builders in 1997, but with the Section 236 mortgage and its related affordability restrictions set to expire in 2015, TCB the City of Boston and TCB implemented a plan to preserve Chauncy House's affordability for the long term and restore the building's historic features.

The $34 million recapitalization plan was completed with the help of several partners, including MassHousing, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Cambridge Housing Authority.

The project made significant improvements to the building, including new kitchens and bathrooms in units; installation of high efficiency heating systems and upgrades to building mechanical and life safety systems; installation of new, historically accurate aluminum windows; and new retail storefronts and sidewalks at the street level. The first floor was also reconfigured to provide a community space for residents and visitors to gather. Chauncy House residents remained in their units during the majority of the 13-month rehabilitation of the property and not a single resident was permanently displaced as a result of the renovations.

"The Community Builders are committed to preserving and constructing affordable and mixed income housing in the city of Boston," said Bart Mitchell, TCB president and CEO. "The renovation of this beautiful, historic building preserves high quality affordable housing to local families in an area of Boston with rising rents."

Chauncy House has 88 studio and one-bedroom apartments with 10 percent of the units restricted to families making no more than 30 percent of annual median income (AMI), 85 percent of the units are restricted to families making no more than 50 percent of AMI and five percent of the units are restricted to families making no more than 60 percent AMI. Five of the units were made handicapped-accessible as a result of the rehabilitation.

Financing for this project includes tax-exempt bond financing through MassHousing, 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits, which raised over $9.7 million in equity, and federal and state Historic Tax Credits, which raised a total of $3.7 million in equity. The project would not have been possible without the commitment of HUD, which facilitated the recapitalization transaction and provided project-based rental subsidy for the project. As a result of the redevelopment, 100 percent of the units now have a project based rental subsidy and residents will never pay more than 30 percent of their income towards rent.
About The Community Builders, Inc.
The Community Builders, Inc. (TCB) is one of America's leading nonprofit real estate developers and owners. Our mission is to build and sustain strong communities where people of all incomes can achieve their full potential. We realize our mission by developing, financing and operating high-quality housing and implementing neighborhood-based models that drive economic opportunity for our residents. Since 1964, we have constructed or preserved hundreds of affordable and mixed-income housing developments and secured billions of dollars in project financing from public and private sources. Today, we own or manage 11,000 apartments in 14 states. We are headquartered in Boston with regional hubs in Chicago and Washington, D.C.


     2017331日的午后,美国罗德岛州阴雨绵绵,但在罗德岛大学Swan Hall的礼堂内,一场激烈而紧张的汉字比赛正在如火如荼地进行.......
最后,由罗德岛大学语言系代系主任Norbert Hedderich 教授与何文潮院长为获奖选手颁发了证书与奖品。

 汉语作为世界上最古老的语言,承载和凝聚着华夏民族几千年的文明与智慧。通过此次“汉字酷”比赛,汉字的独特魅力,定会在同学们的心间烙下深刻的印记。( 供稿:万洁华)

四面來風音樂會聽後感 陸惠風

四面來風音樂會聽後感            陸惠風
 四面來風: 音樂的對話與呼應!中國音樂學院 劉順教授指揮并演出。
 所謂 四面可能指中西樂章風格的不同外,還包括樂器的不同與中西作曲家傳統之不同。不同層次的對話與呼應是這次音樂會與眾不同的地方。
第二個曲目是David Ludwig的作品百合,歌謠和星辰。企圖描摹混沌初開時人類對聲響藝術的朦朧醒悟。用古拙單純的嘯聲(王華主奏)描述意識蘇醒的迴蕩情緒,配合絃樂器與鋼琴碰撞的聲音,相當成功地營造出一幅天地初開時空靈的圖畫。
接著是Daniel Walker的新作首演,See without Looking。(中文翻譯成不見而明似乎不太好。原意不視而見。)作曲家想用樂器來論 。也是想用簡單的結構表達複雜的思想內容。當然以聲達意遠不如以聲傳情容易。何況新時代的新作品欠缺古典音樂有長遠的傳統可以依仗利用傳統的詞彙。但正因如此,令人有耳目一新的感覺。用東方人的耳朵聽,對於道德經裏面的 略有領會不足的感覺。
第三個葉小綱作曲光明行可能是音樂會中最令聽眾感動的一個曲目。作曲家利用了新舊對照的辦法,提出了他個人的光明行。當晚聽眾中不少民族音樂家在場,一部份人在腦子中與劉天華的光明行對照著聽。會覺得似乎在聽不同時代的 重奏!現代的音樂結構當然比二十世紀前半要更加靈動複雜。但新作品的意境與韻味,又的確是光明行的精神。這對我言,甚有中國音樂在 演進的直接感覺。主奏二胡張尊連技藝精湛,令人神往。

大家可能期待以後會有更多的這類教育意義濃重的演出。          惠風3/30/2017

星期五, 3月 31, 2017



BOSTON - Friday, March 31, 2017 - As part of the Walsh Administration's commitment to improve schools, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the City of Boston will invest over $9.2 million for roof and boiler replacements at five schools, after approval by the City Council on Wednesday. The five schools that will receive funding are: Boston Latin School, James F. Condon Elementary in South Boston, John W. McCormack Middle School in Dorchester, Paul A. Dever Elementary School in Dorchester and the William E. Channing Elementary School in Hyde Park.

The Walsh Administration has put a renewed focus on maximizing the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) as a resource for improving facilities. While Boston has contributed almost $1 billion to the MSBA since its creation, the City has only been approved for $65 million in capital spending.

"While the teaching and learning inside schools is of the utmost importance, the actual physical school building themselves need to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our kids to grow and thrive," said Mayor Walsh. "Accessing and utilizing MSBA funds allows Boston to update and modernize our facilities and increase cost-savings. I want to thank the City Council for approving these critical investments."

This roof and boiler replacement project leverages nearly $6.1 million in MSBA Accelerated Repair Funds, a program focused on performing energy-efficient and cost-saving upgrades, which will result in direct operational savings for the school district.

"Projects like these make an important difference in our students' learning environment while also providing significant savings for the school district," said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. "This is one of the many improvements the City of Boston has in store for Boston Public Schools over the next decade and I look forward to the end results."

Mayor Walsh recently announced a $1 billion commitment to improve Boston's school buildings through BuildBPS, a ten-year Educational and Facilities Master Plan for Boston Public Schools. Mayor Walsh also committed $13 million in near term investments for schools across the district through the creation of the 21st Century Schools Fund.

In 2016, Mayor Walsh invested $25.1 million for door and window replacement at seven schools, which leveraged nearly $16.4 million in MSBA accelerated Repair Funds. This project will allow for nearly 3,000 windows to be replaced at these schools by the fall


Investments include new police cadet class; new class of 100 officers to start in August 2017
BOSTON - Friday, March 31, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Boston Police Commissioner William Evans today announced the addition of a new class for the Boston Police Cadet Program, a training program for Boston's youth seeking a career in law enforcement, as part of the FY18 budget proposal being announced next Wednesday. In addition, Mayor Walsh announced a new class of 100 recruits is set to begin training in August 2017, marking the largest police class in recent years.

"The City of Boston has the best police force in the country, and through these investments we're able to continue building a pipeline of individuals who are committed to protecting and serving their community," said Mayor Walsh. "Since reinstating the Boston Police Cadet program in 2016, we have taken a step forward in making the police more reflective of our communities. I am proud that in the coming year we will be able to expand this opportunity, while adding an additional class of officers who will work hard to keep Boston safe and make a positive impact in our neighborhoods."

Beginning in the fall of 2017, the Boston Police Department will begin processing applicants for the cadet program, which will add a class of 20 cadets, providing a stable pipeline of young people for future police officer classes.

"The Cadet program is a proven way for the Department to recruit and mentor young people seeking a career with the Boston Police," said Commissioner Evans. "As a former cadet, I recognize and appreciate the value of having this program available for the young people in our city. I thank the Mayor for his commitment to the program and look forward to welcoming the new cadets to the Department in the fall."  

To be eligible, candidates must be between the ages of 18-24, be a current resident of Boston, and have maintained Boston residency for the last five years, be a United States citizen, have a valid Massachusetts driver's license and take and pass the exam. All highly motivated young men and women who meet the above requirements are encouraged to apply.

In November of 2016, Mayor Walsh and Police Commissioner Evans swore in the first class of Police Cadets since 2009.  Building on the success of recruiting a diverse class of 42 included 74% cadets of color and 36% female cadets, Mayor Walsh's FY18 budget adds another class, for a total of 60 cadets.

In the last year, new hires at BPD mirrored the city's Black and Hispanic populations, with 24% of hires being Black and 18% of them Hispanic. Also, the new hires were 36% female.

These investments in the talent pipeline are showing results in terms of safety on the streets of Boston. For the first quarter of 2017 violent crime is down 6% and total part one crime is down 11%, keeping Boston one of the safest major cities of its size in the country.  

This year through March 26th, homicides have seen a 45% decrease compared to last year for the same time period. Rape and Attempted Rape is down 19% over last year; total aggravated assaults are down 11%. Total burglary in the city is also down 14%.

Non-fatal shooting incidents are also down this year compared to last year, with 1 fewer incident through March 26th. Arrests in Boston are also continuing to decline with 16% fewer arrests made this year over last year.

About the Boston Police Cadet Program
The Cadet program is a minimum of a two-year commitment. Cadets rotate throughout the Department in various assignments and shifts, including Headquarters, District Stations, and other specialized units throughout the City. Primary responsibilities include: routine clerical and administrative duties, answering phones, data entry, traffic duty, utilizing Department vehicles, barrier work, and related duties as required.

If selected for appointment, candidates must pass an extensive screening process including: drug testing, a pre-employment physical, an extensive criminal background check, and a rigorous 8 week cadet training program (both academic and physical in nature) at the Boston Police Academy.

加斯林薑之饗宴表揚黃官羨 宣佈進南京打造健康城


(Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導)加斯林糖尿病中心327日晚在波士頓美術博物館舉行第13薑之饗宴籌款會,表揚長期支持者,帝苑大酒樓東主黃官羨,並宣佈將和南京市政府及紅瑞資本合作,打造南京國際健康城"


就任加斯林糖尿病中心董事長暨執行長甫一年半的Peter Amenta當晚指出,附屬於哈佛大學的加斯林糖尿病中心,過去120年來,儘管在波士頓只占據一踽,卻在全球享有聲譽,從Eliott P. Joslin博士創辦以來,就從事最全面,整合,最先進的糖尿病門診,研究及教育。

今年是加斯林糖尿病中心創建120週年,創辦人Eliott P. Josln150歲,以及發現胰島素100週年的年份,加斯林糖尿病中心將繼續相關工作,並由該中心的亞裔協進會(AADI)”帶領,關注亞裔儘管體重及體脂(BMI)都比較低,染患糖尿病及併發肝病的風險卻更高等狀況。

加斯林執行長Peter Amenta(右)接受郭先奎代表紅瑞資本捐款5萬元

金良城在籌款會上還點名感謝今年薑之饗宴的兩名共同主席,Hepzi Fonesca,以及Nandan Padukone,過去13年來,年年出席的5位名廚,包括Summer ShackJasper White,常熟餐廳的陳維禮一家人,緬粉烘培店的張安柔(Joanne Chang)等人,以及曾大力捐助,並已連續數年舉辦點心宴,為加斯林糖尿病中心籌款,迄今已累計達12000元的帝苑大酒樓東主黃官羨。

今年的薑之饗宴有29家食肆參加,各自設計了對糖尿病患者也適合的美食。常熟餐廳的陳維禮特地用法式烹調法,製作了一道養生雞湯,由於得用特殊道具,除非特別訂製,一般還吃不到。其他的華裔大廚或餐廳東主還包括新英格蘭廚藝學校的甄碧鳳, JP Fuji集團的梁戰士,蔡明,BASHO的陳麗莉,陳嘉寧,華埠餐廳的伍偉業,龍鳳酒樓及Shojo的梅沛傑等人。


Basho餐廳東主陳嘉寧,陳麗莉,大廚Amorncharoenchi (Pap) Wongsakorn。

JP Fuji集團負責人梁戰士(右起)及蔡明,Blair。