
星期五, 2月 03, 2017

麻州參眾兩會推翻州長否決令 將加薪45%

            (Boston Orange)麻州眾議會以11643票,參議會以319票,通過了推翻麻州州長否決案,將即起生效的為他們自己加薪約45%,州政府預算將須為此增加撥款約1800萬元。
            麻州議員的加薪案經歷3星期爭議,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)發表聲明,指議員們的加薪決定是對麻州財政的不負責任,而且也沒和州民大眾做過充分討論。雖然他本人和副州長白莉朵都是加薪案的受益人,但他和白莉朵都將拒絕這加薪。查理貝克還拒絕接受大約65,000元的房屋津貼。
            麻州眾議會議長狄樂歐(Robert DeLeo),麻州參議會議長羅森伯(XXX Rosenberg)的薪資將依序增為102,500,以及142,500元,若再加上可領的其他津貼,總額將超過15萬元。這將使他倆擠進全美議會議長中收入排名最高之列。
參議會多數黨黨鞭Harriette Chandler,眾議會領袖Ronald Mariano將因擔任領導人,看到津貼爺22,500增至60,000元。
              麻州總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey)和麻州財政長高柏珂(Deborah Goldberg)在參議會有投票結果後,也宣布將不接受加薪。


波士頓新續聘9名僑務榮譽職人員 籌組關懷救助協會

(Boston Orange)  駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處21日在「僑務工作座談會」中宣佈刻正籌組「波士頓地區僑界關懷救助協會」。頒發的9份僑務榮譽職人員聘書,在彰顯年輕化之際,兼顧傳承。

惠文訪品貴 台灣高中生遊學麻州做國際交流

(Boston Orange) 14名台灣惠文高中師生日前到訪麻州的姊妹校品貴(Pingree)高中,做為期兩週的國際交流與文化學習。經文處教育組盡地主之誼,與故鄉來客同慶新春,並介紹大波士頓地區教育界概況。


Governor Baker Issues Statement Regarding Legislative Pay Increase Veto Override

Governor Baker Issues Statement Regarding Legislative Pay Increase Veto Override

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker released the following statement in response to the Legislature’s vote to override his veto and pass H. 58, ‘An Act Further Regulating the Compensation of Public Officials’ into law, which provides pay increases for legislators, constitutional officers and the judiciary:

“While Lt. Governor Polito and I are thankful for our collaborative relationship with the Legislature, we are disappointed in their decision to override this veto and believe it is fiscally irresponsible to increase compensation for elected officials given the current fiscal outlook for the state. One of the key roles of elected officials is to protect the people’s hard earned tax dollars. Authorizing this drastic salary increase with limited debate defies this obligation and places an undue financial burden on the people of Massachusetts. Lt. Governor Polito and I will reject this pay increase and any stipends associated with the law.” 

星期四, 2月 02, 2017

貝爾蒙華人協會盛大迎雞年 500餘人同歡

(Boston Orange周菊子麻州報導) 麻州貝爾蒙華人協會 (Belmont Chinese American Association)128日在Chenery中學以豐盛的18個節目,與500多觀眾盛大迎春,慶祝丁酉雞年來到,展現華人眾志成城力量。
            貝爾蒙鎮議員Jim Williams,鎮社區辦公室副主任Ara Yogertian,鎮學校委員會主席Lisa Fiore,鎮教育基金主任Elizabeth DustinJamie Shea當晚都出席與盛。
            Elizabeth Dustin感謝貝爾蒙華協對鎮上教育基金的支持,稱許表演節目令人印象深刻,Jim Williams也肯定華人對貝爾蒙鎮的貢獻,還說明鎮上正在籌建新的高中,希望華人社區一起努力。

Governor Baker Signs Commonwealth Procurement Resolve for Conflict-Free Congolese Minerals

Governor Baker Signs Commonwealth Procurement Resolve for Conflict-Free Congolese Minerals

Click here to download in high-resolution

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker ceremoniously signed a Resolve examining commonwealth procurement policies relative to Congo conflict minerals (S. 2463), requiring the Executive Office of Administration and Finance in consultation with the Office of the Inspector General to review state procurement policies and examine best practices ensuring that the Commonwealth’s electronics and information technology suppliers provide products that do not directly or indirectly finance armed conflict or result in labor or human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country, use minerals that the origin and exporter can be identified and contain raw materials that appropriate tax payments have been made on.

“I was pleased to sign legislation upholding Massachusetts’ reputation as being a global leader in ensuring both the human rights and protections of all those that participate in supplying goods and services in Massachusetts, said Governor Charlie Baker.

The Executive Office of Administration and Finance will issue a report by July 1, 2017 on products in the Commonwealth’s supply chain that may contain extracted mineral resources from the Democratic Republic of Congo and its adjoining countries. The report will also contain the recommended best practices for the implementation of processes supporting conflict-free procurement from Congo.

“This legislation sets the stage for Massachusetts to review how we do business with companies and what their social, economic, and worldwide impact is,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “I am glad that Massachusetts can continue to be a safe and welcoming global economy.”  

"I am proud that this important bill, which I sponsored when I was a
member of the House of Representatives, is being signed today," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "For far too long, millions of people in the Congo have suffered due to greed for mineral wealth. Through its purchasing power, this bill will allow Massachusetts to do its part in combating the labor and human rights violations associated with the mineral industry in the Congo, with the goal of deterring such
behavior in the future."

“This is a step the Commonwealth can take to be better stewards of our world,” said the resolve’s lead Senate sponsor, Senator Thomas M. McGee. “The actions of our State have a ripple effect even as far as the Democratic Republic of Congo, and this resolve is a tool we can use to continue Massachusetts’ tradition of protecting human rights.” 

“I am so proud that Massachusetts is committed to defending human rights, not only here but around the world,” said lead House sponsor Representative Ruth B. Balser.

Massachusetts joins Maryland and California, as well as 25 schools and six cities around the world in implementing policies supporting conflict-free minerals trade and peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, complying with federal laws on conflict minerals as a provision of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act.


AG Healey Offers Tips for Consumers

BOSTON – A national wire transfer provider has agreed to pay $5 million, a portion of which will go to Massachusetts, to resolve a multistate investigation into use of its services to facilitate fraudulent money transfer scamsAttorney General Maura Healey announced today. In a related federal settlement, the company has also agreed to pay $586 million, which includes refunds to Massachusetts victims.

AG Healey’s Office, along with 48 other states and the District of Columbia, participated in the multistate settlement with Colorado-basedThe Western Union Company (Western Union). The settlement resolves a multistate investigation into complaints from consumers that Western Union’s wire transfer services were used to advance schemes to defraud consumers.
“In these scams, fraudsters using Western Union’s services convinced consumers to wire money to remote locations, often outside the country,” said AG Healey. “Western Union took insufficient steps to identify and block these fraudulent transfers. While scam artists use creative and convincing tactics, consumers should always be cautious of any requests for immediate transfers of money, even if they appear to come from people they know.”

Under the terms of the multistate settlement, Western Union has agreed to pay a total of $5 million, of which Massachusetts will receive more than $200,000.

Under a related federal settlement two weeks ago with the Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Department of Justice, Western Union agreed to pay $586 million to provide refunds to victims of fraud-induced wire transfers nationwide, including Massachusetts victims. 
The settlements require Western Union to take additional steps to help detect and prevent incidents of fraud. The settlement with AG Healey’s Office gives the office the authority to enforce certain portions of the federal agreement including:
·         Prohibiting the processing of money transfers when Western Union knows or reasonably should know that the transfers are induced by fraud or through a telemarketing scheme;
·         Requiring the company take steps to protect consumers, including interdiction, fraud warnings, and reimbursement of funds in certain circumstances; and 
·         Requiring the company to perform due diligence, monitor agents (including background checks and mandatory training), and investigate and discipline agents regarding their fraud prevention performance.
In Feb. 2016, AG Healey’s Office was part of a similar multistate settlement with MoneyGram, in which they agreed to pay $13 million to resolve a multistate investigation into fraudulent money transfer scamsand provide restitution to eligible consumers. 

            AG Healey warns consumers to be extremely suspicious if they receive a telephone call, voice message, email or text message from someone asking for money or personal information, including when:
·         The person making the request is a stranger — in this country or anywhere else;
·         The person claims to be a friend or relative in a crisis;
·         The person claims to be in another country or a far-away location;
·         The person claims to be in trouble and urgently needs money;
·         The person requests secrecy;
·         The person asks for the funds to be sent by wire transfer.
Always verify that the person making the request, particularly if it comes in written form, is who he or she claims to be.
Additional information and resources pertaining to consumer scams are available on the Attorney General’s website. Consumers with concerns can call Attorney General Healey’s Consumer Hotline at (617) 727-8400. The FTC also provides information about money wire scams on their website, www.ftc.gov

This matter is being handled and the settlement will be implemented by staff from AG Healey’s Insurance and Financial Services Division, including Emily Garvey, Erica Harmon, Glenn Kaplan, and Jenna Snow. Consumers with questions about the settlement should contact Attorney General Healey’s Financial Services Hotline at 888-830-6277.