星期四, 6月 17, 2021


     (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓代理市長Kim Janey17日宣佈,即日起至78日,學校委員會2席委員空缺接受申請。獲選者將於71314日下午面試。


          Kim Janey表示,波士頓公校的平等,不能再等下去,而她作為市長,致力為所有波士頓公校學童創造機會。她邀請所有關心波士頓公校未來的人,考慮這一重要的服務機會。



         為在波士頓學校委員會中進一步的栽培拉丁裔代表,Kim Janey已指派Betty Francisco進入波士頓公校學校委員會提名小組。Francisco是一名住在多徹斯特的波士頓公校學生家長,也是一名創業者,企業高管,律師,以及社區領袖。


          Francisco目前是向有色人種所擁有企業投資的社會影響基金-波士頓影響計劃(Boston Impact Initiative)的執行長。在那之前,她是非牟利金融服務公司指南針營運資金(at Compass Working Capital)的總法律顧問,一直積極參與社區組織,並且是Amplify Latinx / Latina Circle的共同創辦人。

           Francisco已從616日上任,刻正和with Laurie Ciardi, Tony Barros, Jerry Howland, Angelina Camacho, Michelle Cannon, Joanne Freeman, Michael McGuire, Susan Ou, Valerie Roberson, John Riordan, Rhoda Schneider, 以及 William Thomas等人,將在30日內,交給Kim Janey一份學校委員會委員推薦名單。





BOSTON - Thursday, June 17, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced applications are now being accepted by the Citizens Nominating Panel, which is composed of parents, teachers, principals and representatives of the business and higher education communities, to fill two current vacancies on the Boston School Committee. Applications opened today, June 17, and the deadline to submit is Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 11:59pm. No applications will be accepted after this time. An application can be found here and submitted to scnominatingpanel@boston.gov or mailed/delivered to Room 612 of Boston City Hall. 

“Equity in Boston Public Schools cannot wait. As Mayor, I am committed to creating opportunities for all children in Boston Public Schools,” said Mayor Janey. “I want to invite those who care about the future of Boston Public Schools to consider this important opportunity to serve.”

The Boston School Committee is the governing body of the Boston Public Schools. The School Committee is responsible for:

·    Defining the vision, mission, and goals of the Boston Public Schools;

·    Establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget;

·    Hiring, managing, and evaluating the Superintendent; and

·    Setting and reviewing district policies and practices to support student achievement.  

The seven members of the School Committee are Boston residents appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor appoints members from a list of candidates recommended by a 13-member Citizens Nominating Panel. The School Committee also includes a non-voting student member of the Boston Student Advisory Council.  

To cultivate further Latinx representation on the Boston School Committee, Mayor Janey has appointed Betty Francisco to the BPS School Committee Nominating Panel. Francisco, a Dorchester resident and BPS parent, is also an entrepreneur, business executive, attorney, and community leader.

"I am grateful to Mayor Janey for appointing me to serve on the BPS School Committee Nominating Panel which has the important task of recommending candidates to the Mayor,” said Francisco. “Currently, 20 percent of Boston residents and 42 percent of Boston Public School students are Latino, which calls for having strong and proportionate Latino representation on the School Committee. As a BPS parent and Latino leader in Boston, I appreciate Mayor Janey's commitment to advancing equity in our schools and ensuring that the School Committee is representative of the makeup of BPS students and families. I share her belief that we must continue the important progress made towards achieving the twin goals of excellence and equity in our schools. I look forward to serving on the Panel and contributing towards creating a healthier climate and a more diverse and resilient School Committee."

Francisco currently serves as CEO of the Boston Impact Initiative, which is a social impact fund that invests in enterprises owned by people of color. She previously worked as General Counsel at Compass Working Capital, a financial services non-profit that provides financial coaching and asset building programs for families with low incomes. She is also deeply involved in community organizations and serves as a member of the Board of Trustees at Roxbury Community College and the Board of Trustees of the Boston Foundation among others. As the co-founder and board chair of Amplify Latinx / Latina Circle, she works to build economic and political power within the Latinx community in Massachusetts.

Francisco began her service June 16, along with Laurie Ciardi, Tony Barros, Jerry Howland, Angelina Camacho, Michelle Cannon, Joanne Freeman, Michael McGuire, Susan Ou, Valerie Roberson, John Riordan, Rhoda Schneider, and William Thomas. The Nominating Panel members will select School Committee nominees for Mayor Janey’s consideration within 30 days of their June 16th meeting. 

The School Committee meets approximately twice per month during the school year to adopt, review and modify policies and practices that support teaching, learning and improved student achievement. With the exception of executive sessions, Committee meetings are open to the public, feature public comment periods and are broadcasted on Boston City TV.  

An application for the Boston School Committee can be found here. The deadline to submit an application is Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 11:59pm. Interviews for selected candidates will be held on July 13 & 14 from 2:30 - 5:30pm . Please direct all questions and submit completed applications to scnominatingpanel@boston.gov or mail/deliver to Room 612 of Boston City Hall. For more information on the Boston School Committee, please click here.  
