
星期二, 8月 01, 2017

劍橋合唱團《聽泉─逐夢非洲》 歡慶25載






新任團長將由曾莉涵、屠澤寬共同擔任。曾莉涵是阿拉巴馬大學聲樂博士,現職是音樂教師、職業女高音,除了劍橋合唱團之外,也活躍於First Church Boston、Back Bay Chorale等音樂團體,隱藏技能是燒得一手好菜;人稱「大熊」的男高音屠澤寬,家學淵源從小就跟著父母在合唱團長大,也曾加入無伴奏人聲團Mass Whole Note唱遍波士頓各大酒吧野台。 除了嘹亮的嗓音,魁梧的身材也是讓人難以忽視的存在,夢想是有朝一日也能燒得一手好菜。這對開朗熱情的搭檔將繼續凝聚團員與在地社群的力量,為劍橋合唱團傳遞美好歌聲而努力。

New Chapter for CCCS’ Leadership

After serving as CCCS president for six years since 2011, Leo Chan has decided to pass the baton this May. Leo has been instrumental in CCCS’ growth and he has increased the membership by over 300% under his leadership. We greatly appreciate for all of his contribution and support and we wish him the best.

A warm welcome to Lily Tseng and Kevin “Bear” Tu who will work as co-presidents to navigate CCCS to the next chapter.  Lily received her Doctor of Music Arts in vocal performance from The University of Alabama. She is an active performer in chamber music, choir, recital and opera. Lily is now a resident choir singer at The First Church in Boston, voice and piano faculty member of New School of Music (Cambridge) and member of Back Bay Chorale. Bear has come from a music-rich family. He was a member of “Mass Whole Note”, a cappella group in Cambridge. Bear will focus on member relationship and marketing while Lily will continue to bring CCCS to local community. Combining with their unique experience, we expect a much stronger team and more dynamic programing in the years to come.
Kevin “Bear” Tu
Lily Li-Han Tseng 

Boston Landmarks Orchestra + One City Choir

Wednesday, August 2 at 7:00 PM 

今年夏天,我們要在Hatch Shell演出貝九!
8月2日晚上7點,One City Choir 市民合唱團將在查爾斯河河畔的Hatch Shell與Boston Landmarks Orchestra一起演出貝多芬第九號交響曲《合唱》。劍橋合唱團成員也組團加入了這場演出。夏夜晚風中的河畔音樂會、百人大合唱快樂頌,入場免費,經典無價。

On August 2nd, close to a dozen of CCCS members will be joining One City Choir and Boston Landmarks Orchestra to perform Beethoven Symphony No. 9 at the Hatch Shell on the Charles River Esplanade. Packed a picnic, come out and enjoy a night of musical feast! Free admission. For detail info and rain date, check "More Detail" below.
More Detail

新樂季招生 Open House and Audition

劍橋合唱團將於8月下旬起招募新團員,新樂季於8月18日起每週五晚間8點在 MIT 4-270教室練唱,並於8/18, 8/25, 9/1 晚間7:00-8:00開放試音。預計招收女聲 1~3 名,男高音 2~4 名,男低音 3~5 名。試音請準備一首自選曲,並事先約定試音時段。試音期間歡迎自由參觀並加入練唱。詢問加入或預約試音請連絡 cccs-officers@mit.edu,或電話617-615-6108.
Starting from August, CCCS will be recruiting for new members for its upcoming season. We are looking for soprano/alto (1-3), tenor (2-4), bass (3-5). Our fall season starts from August 18th and rehearsals are on Fridays at MIT 4-270 from 8-10pm. For audition, please come prepared with a song of your choice.
Audition date and time: 8/18, 8/25, 9/1; 7-8pm. Please email cccs-officers@mit.edu or call 617-615-6108 in advance to reserve your spot.

未來活動 Upcoming Events

A Feast - from Strings to Vocals 
~ Angel's Bread ~

11/11 星期六  晚上7:30
November 11, Saturday, 7:30 pm
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2 Longfellow Park, Cambridge)
MIT CCCS 2017 Winter Concert
12/17 星期日 晚上7:00
December 17, Sunday, 7:00 pm
MIT Morss Hall
