波士頓市昨(27)日推出“創新樞紐(StartHub.org)“,要借著IBM贊助經費,技術,Gust公司設計製作網路平台,創業咖啡廳(Venture Café)集結本地創投人脈資源,波士頓市統籌,把波士頓打造成創業生態系統的區域中心。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)和IBM雲生態系統及開發人員總經理珊迪卡特(Sandy Carter),Gust公司執行長羅斯(David S.
Wiant),昨日下午在波士頓公校部門所在的布魯斯羅林(Bruce C.
波士頓市府創新辦公室人員表示,“創新樞紐“向所有人開放,目前剛起步,歡迎創新創業社區人士,公司上網登記,加入這資源大家庭。已擴展進波士頓的創業咖啡廳(Venture Café)將負責管理這平台,並於短期內為此新聘一名項目經理。
國際商業機器公司(IBM)雲生態系統及開發人員總經理珊迪卡特(Sandy Carter)透露,IBM一向注重生態系統的創新,並以創新創業潛力為標準,在全世界各地挑選了十個最優秀城市來合作,以增長工作機會,改善經濟。波士頓市是IBM合作的第9個城市。美國有波士頓,舊金山,紐約等3個城市,另外有以色列,倫敦,柏林,印度的德里,班加羅爾,以及南美的城市。
左起,波士頓經濟發展長巴洛斯(John Barros),波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin
Walsh),IBM的珊迪卡特(Sandy Carter),創投咖啡廳的萬恩特(Kevin Wiant),Gust公司執行長羅斯(David S. Rose)會後合影。(菊子攝)
麻州國際投資貿易辦公室亞洲區經理杭特(Richard Hunt)(左),IES診斷公司營運長郭大成(右)都為“創新樞紐”的設計,出過主意。(菊子攝)
Comprehensive Online Platform, Sponsored by IBM, Streamlines Access to Information and Resources of Greater Boston's Startup Economy
BOSTON - Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the launch of StartHub, a comprehensive, centralized, online platform designed to connect, support, and grow Greater Boston's world-class technology and early-stage community. Developed in a public-private partnership between the City of Boston, Venture Café, IBM, and Gust, StartHub will serve as the homepage for Greater Boston's startup community, providing information and resources that will help connect the people of Boston to all the opportunities in the region's ecosystem.
"Boston is a city known for its creative talent and innovative spirit, and I am proud to announce the launch of StartHub which will connect entrepreneurs and innovators with the tools and resources they need to grow and thrive in the City of Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "I am excited to offer our startup community this centralized online platform and I thank all of the partners for their collaboration as we continue to establish Boston as a hub of entrepreneurship."
Announced by Mayor Walsh in his 2015 State of the City Address, StartHub is built to support and grow Greater Boston's burgeoning innovation economy into a world-class leader. Visitors to StartHub will have simultaneous access to a curated stream of Boston-based startup companies and early-stage investors; information on career opportunities and educational courses; the universal calendar for tech and startup community events; the complete guide to co-working and incubator spaces; news about the Boston digital and startup community; and additional features, all in one accessible, centralized location. StartHub is designed to spur economic growth by connecting potential business partners and fostering a thriving startup community.
"Venture Café is proud to be partnering with the City of Boston and Gust to offer StartHub as a startup resource center for the Greater Boston region," said Kevin Wiant, Executive Director of the Venture Café Foundation. "We strive to connect all parts of the innovation community to help start and grow businesses. StartHub will be a great tool for entrepreneurs to find programs, events, funding sources, prospective employees, guidance and general support for their startups. We also look forward to working with many other content partners that will help populate the site. Our objective is that all parts of the innovation ecosystem see increased activity from StartHub."
Innovation and entrepreneurship are the dual engines for economic growth for the Greater Boston region. In order to accommodate this growth, technology and innovation clusters have developed throughout the region. With StartHub, these communities are being brought together into one, unified platform.
"StartHub is an embodiment of how the public and private sectors can align to support and drive innovation by building the infrastructure for a world-class startup ecosystem," said David S. Rose, CEO of Gust. "The City of Boston and Venture Café's commitment to the early-stage community with this new online platform will yield an unparalleled resource for all players of the tech ecosystem. Every entrepreneur, innovator, and curious mind in the Greater Boston region will now have the tools and resources they need to participate in their city's burgeoning economy."
"IBM is proud to have a strong partnership with an innovative city like Boston to spur economic growth in the region," said IBM General Manger for Cloud Ecosystems and Developers Sandy Carter. "This is a driving force in why IBM continues to invest in local digital communities to better shape the cloud startup and developer experience. StartHub is designed to bring the city's dynamic and creative business culture into the cloud, and will help to unleash new innovation which will solidify Boston's status as one of the world's greatest technology hubs."
Members of the community are invited and encouraged to become an active partner in StartHub, whether by adding their startup, event, job, course, workspace, incubator/accelerator, news, or content feed.
For more information, visit http://starthub.org/press