星期六, 10月 24, 2015

Massachusetts Named Most Energy Efficient State for Fifth Consecutive Year

Massachusetts Named Most Energy Efficient State for Fifth Consecutive Year
Commonwealth Tops Scorecard Released by American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

BOSTON – October 21, 2015 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that Massachusetts has earned the #1 ranking for the fifth consecutive year in the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s (ACEEE) 2015 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. Energy and Environment Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton joined ACEEE on a nationwide conference call for the announcement of the annual state-by-state scorecard.

“Energy efficiency is the most cost-effective, accessible way for Massachusetts to meet our clean energy and climate goals and help our citizens manage their energy costs” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Being recognized for the fifth year by ACEEE as the nation’s leader in energy efficiency underlines the commitment we have made to reduce ratepayer costs and provide a balanced and diversified energy portfolio for now and the future.”

Through the Green Communities Act (GCA), Massachusetts has a statutory mandate to achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency. ACEEE credits the Commonwealth’s #1 ranking to its ongoing commitment to energy efficiency under the GCA. Energy efficiency is a low-cost and accessible energy resource, delivering monetary savings for businesses, homeowners, institutions, cities and towns.  

“Massachusetts’ leadership in energy efficiency is anchored by the aggressive and achievable goals we set and meet through our statewide energy efficiency programs,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “I’m proud to say that our energy savings and benefits goals for the next three years will continue to lead the nation and serve Massachusetts’ energy, environmental and economic goals.”

Energy efficiency is also a powerful economic engine that produces in-state jobs, accounting for a majority of jobs in the strong Massachusetts clean tech industry sector.

“Innovation and a shared commitment to ongoing improvement in energy efficiency policies and programs are hallmarks of Massachusetts national clean energy leadership,” said Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Judith Judson. “This recognition is the result of collaboration between many public and private stakeholders in transportation, technology, building and energy providers that is setting a higher bar for the future.”

Massachusetts again earned a perfect score in the utility-sector programs and policies section of the ACEEE Scorecard, which accounts for 40 percent of the Scorecard’s 50 points.  These points come from the Mass Save® electric and gas program budgets and savings, created through collaboration among the Department of Energy Resources, the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, and the Massachusetts energy efficiency Program Administrators - sponsors of Mass Save®.

Improvements in transportation policies and efficient fleets in state government initiatives, along with another perfect score for encouraging combined heat and power as a resource all made a difference in holding onto the top spot. ACEEE’s scores are calculated based on utility efficiency programs and policy, transportation, building energy codes, combined heat and power projects, state government initiatives and appliance efficiency standards.

“For the fifth year in a row, Massachusetts leads ACEEE’s State Energy Efficiency Scorecard,” said Steven Nadel, executive director of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. “The state’s forward-looking energy savings goals helped drive electricity savings of over 2.4% this past year, an impressive achievement. We look forward to Massachusetts continuing to lead by example and ramp up energy savings in future years, recognizing energy efficiency for the low-cost, clean, and reliable resource that it is.”

The statewide energy efficiency plans for 2016-2018 is currently being finalized by the Massachusetts energy efficiency Program Administrators in coordination with the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council which is chaired by the Department of Energy Resources. This statewide plan is poised to keep Massachusetts in a position to continue to lead the nation in energy efficiency and to provide benefits for consumers in the Commonwealth.

The Baker-Polito Administration is committed to energy efficiency efforts and meeting the standards set forth by the Global Warming Solutions Act, filing legislation for the procurement of cost-effective, hydropower generation. The proposal will position Massachusetts to reach its ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets and enable the Commonwealth to achieve over 5 percent of this required emissions reduction – the equivalent of taking approximately 1 million cars off the road, or replacing fossil fuel with renewable energy to power 1.2 million homes.
