
星期四, 4月 25, 2024



NECINA第18屆青少年創業營結業 3隊簡報公益創新兼備

           (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 紐英崙中華資訊網路協會 (NECINA) 420日下午在勒星頓鎮社區中心舉辦第十八屆青少年創業營 (YES) 成果簡報會,並邀2名已事業有成的前期學員分享經驗,3名評審稱許學員們在社會影響、企業計劃書及創新構想上的努力。

第三期畢業學員Eric Ouyang現已自行創業,藉網路從紐約
和學弟、妹們分享經驗。 (周菊子攝)

          網協YES承辦人李正敏邀得YES第一期學員,從波士頓學院畢業,取得哈佛企管碩士學位,目前是Summit 夥伴公司投資   Principal 的程瀚垠,以及第三期學員,哈佛大學畢業,創辦Perci PBC,出任執行長,致力於解決房荒問題的'Eric Ouyang為第18YES的決賽當主講人,分享經驗,回答提問,鼓勵學員們有為者亦若是。

也擔任評審。 (周菊子攝)
          當天的YES學員,分別組成3隊,包括湯博凱、蔡林瑞、Kevin Wang的地方廢物處理公司”Phoenix Waste Revitalization” ,以及蔡嘉寧,胡双,張彥君組成的移動手臂桌助理 (Mobil Arm Table Assistant)David GuoDavid Xiong以人工智能來協助藝術家的TitianX,在決賽這天各自製作了一份簡報,親自陳述他們的選題與6個月的學習成果。

湯博凱、蔡林瑞、Kevin Wang的地方廢物處理公司
”Phoenix Waste Revitalization”。(周菊子攝)

David GuoDavid Xiong以人工智能來協助藝術家的TitianX。(周菊子攝)

蔡嘉寧,胡双,張彥君組成的移動手臂桌助理 (Mobil Arm Table Assistant)。(周菊子攝)

第一屆畢業學員Eric Ouyang現已自行創業,藉網路從紐約
和學弟、妹們分享經驗。左為網協副會長徐劍。 (周菊子攝)



星期三, 4月 24, 2024

伯克利音樂學院學生威脅同學案 法官判入獄九個月

               (Boston Orange編譯) 美國區域法院法官Denise J. Casper (24) 日判前伯克利音樂學院學生,26歲的吳嘯雷入獄九個月,監管釋放3年。


              代理美國檢察官Joshua S. Levy表示,吳先生的罪行非常嚴重,他利用人們對中國政府可能報復的恐懼,威脅在伯克利音樂學院校園內張貼無害,支持民主傳單的無辜個人。吳嘯雷的暴力威脅達到了目的,讓勇敢的受害者和其他可能公開發聲,反對中國政府的人心生恐懼而沉默。司法部不會容忍恐嚇威脅,以壓迫人們第一修正案權利的行為。

              聯邦調查局波士頓分組特工主管Jodi Cohen表示,吳嘯雷今天了解到,只因為同學批評中國執政黨,就騷擾、威脅,跟蹤,侵害其憲法權利,後果嚴重。吳嘯雷武器化中國的威權,來威脅同學的行為,讓人非常困擾。他們感謝這位受害同學敢於站出來。這也提醒了其他人,聯邦調查局會盡其可能來確保試圖侵害他人基本權利的人,會面對類似後果。




(Boston Orange) 中華民國僑務委員會的「海外青年文化大使協會 (FASCA)」,波士頓地區訂621 22日在波士頓僑教中心 (90 Lincoln St, Newton Highland) 舉辦新生培訓,歡迎1417 歲臺裔青少年報名參加。

波士頓僑教中心指出,「海外青年文化大使協會 」是僑委會為鼓勵海外青年成為頂尖國際人才,掌握領導技能,培養服務精神,開啟未來人生更多可能性而設計的組織。波士頓僑教中心作為「海外青年文化大使協會 」分佈於美國、加拿大、澳洲和亞洲等地的全球訓練中心之一,今年將於62122兩日,辦理培訓。


完成培訓,加入「海外青年文化大使協會 」後,青少年大使們將有機會開拓視野,更深入了解東西文化差異,和全球各地的台灣青年建立聯繫,一起學習台灣傳統文化,增加對台灣人文地理的認識,消減身份認同焦慮,培養組織力,逐步奠定成為未來國際領袖基礎。

波士頓僑教中心「海外青年文化大使協會 」本年度的活動,將增加招募舊學員回流項目,並開設僑社經營、公眾外交等課程,鼓勵青年大使們將來投入僑社活動,成為僑社中堅幹部,並協助推動臺美國民外交。

「海外青年文化大使協會 (FASCA)」培訓課程完全免費,但參訓者須自行負擔餐費。結訓學員具有加入「海外青年文化大使協會」資格,將可參加僑委會提供的許多多元學習機會。

報名可上網: https://forms.gle/PH2HRCEnTyYzvKfb7

WBUR 裁員 共31人約14%離職

               (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓著名廣播電台WBUR傳出裁員消息,共有31人選擇自動或被迫離職,約佔該廣播站人力的14%

              根據該廣播站執行長Margaret Low發給員工的一則消息,包括4名資深經理在內,共有24人接受了公司提出的自動離職條件,另有包括兼職員工的7名職員,今日(週三)被裁。


              Margaret Low表示,這些變動將可為該廣播站節省400萬元,而下一個會計年度,仍將是個有赤字的年度。

              2個月前,Margaret Low就已經通知廣播站員工,公司面對財政困難。上個月她發信告訴捐贈者,WBUR的廣播贊助過去5年來銳減40%。上一次WBUR裁員是在2020年時,裁減了10%左右。

              今年3月時,WBUR就已經向員工提出買斷  (Buyout)” 合約條件,以刪減10%開支預算。




           (Boston Orange) 中華表演藝術基金會第33屆全美加青少年國畫書法比賽,從22歲以下,分4個年齡層,今年 (2024) 5131收件,625日公佈評選結果


            2023年起改在網路上舉辦的這比賽,邀請美國和加拿大所有 22 歲及以下學生參加。 四個年齡層:9 歲及以下、10 13 歲、14 17 歲、18 22 歲。每人可提交2幅國畫或書法作品,同時參加國畫與書法比賽者,最多4作品


            報名參賽,每人10美元,獎金最高250元。比賽簡章、報名表,19992023年的入選優秀作品,都可上網查看: http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/contents/competition/painting/2024/index.html


Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts Announces 33rd Annual All-American and Canada Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition

(Boston Orange) The Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts is announcing the 33rd Annual All-American and Canada Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition acceptance date set from May 1st to May 31st, 2024.

The result of this competition is scheduled to be announced on June 25th, 2024 and winner will receive up to $250 in prize money.

This competition is an annual event, segmented into four age groups: under 9, 10 to 13, 14 to 17, and 18 to 22. Each participant can submit the most 2 pieces of work. If applying for both Painting and Calligraphy Competition, the number of works participants could submitted can increased to 4.

Judges of the 2024 competition this year, includes Dr. Edward Chiang, Dr. Doris Chu, Dr. Wei Du, Mr. Ho-Chung Lam, and Mr. Qingxiong Ma.

To apply, find out more information, download application forms, and to view images of award-winning art works from 1999 to 2023, please check on-line to: http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/contents/competition/painting/2024/index.html.

Shin-pei Tsay 出掌波士頓市新城市機制辦公室


Shin-pei Tsay named Director of MONUM; Marcy Ostberg named Deputy Director of MONUM

BOSTON - Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced Shin-pei Tsay as the new Director and Marcy Ostberg as Deputy Director of the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM). Tsay and Ostberg bring experience in urban planning and city government, including in areas of sustainability, transportation, housing, and education. Tsay and Ostberg both started earlier this month and are filling previous vacancies in MONUM.  

MONUM works across departments and communities to explore, experiment, and evaluate new approaches to government and civic life. The office was formed in 2010 as the Mayor's civic research and design team (one of the first in the nation). Since then, MONUM has been instrumental in seeding experiments that have become critical public services, such as Boston’s 311 apptruck side guards, which have spread to over a dozen cities in the US and is the model for state law and national research efforts; Boston Saves, which is now available to all BPS students to help them save for college; and zoning changes to allow homeowners to add Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs). Tsay and Ostberg are both eager to reimagine civic innovation at a time when the City and people of Boston have so much innovation underway.

“I’m excited to welcome Shin-pei and Marcy to MONUM, an office at the center of innovation and research that collaborates with a wide variety of city departments and projects,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Shin-pei brings an extensive expertise in urban mechanics, in crucial issue areas for Boston such as transportation and sustainability. Marcy has a firsthand knowledge of City Hall and how to solve problems for our residents, having worked previously in MONUM, the Mayor’s Office of Housing, and as a Boston Public Schools teacher.”

Shin-pei Tsay

Tsay’s work experience converges on policy, design, and governance to shape inclusive and sustainable cities. She has spearheaded innovative approaches to systemic challenges across numerous urban issues, often with a focus on the public realm and transportation. Her intersectional work is infused with entrepreneurialism, building teams to co-create strategic research agendas, engagement, and tactics aimed at broad public impact and with multiple stakeholders. 

Prior to joining the City of Boston, she was the global policy director for cities and sustainability at Uber, where she was named a Sustainability Star by AdWeek for her work on the company’s first global sustainability commitment. She founded Make Public, a social impact analysis firm, and was executive director of Gehl Institute, a non-profit that advocated for public life and public spaces, where her team created a framework that integrated factors in the public realm with social determinants of health and equity that is now used widely by philanthropies. Tsay also served as deputy executive director of TransitCenter, a national foundation focused on improving urban transportation where she played a pivotal role growing the transit civic ecosystem to lead policy reform. She created the Cities and Transportation program under the Energy and Climate Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace where she worked with Senator Bill Bradley, Secretary Tom Ridge, and Honorable Dave Walker on developing an innovative revenue mechanism to fund the federal transportation program. 

Tsay served on the NYC Public Design Commission as well as numerous non-profit boards including Transportation Alternatives, ioby, and SPUR, and taught urban design at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Art, and Preservation and Parsons School of Design at the New School. She holds a BA in government from Cornell University and a MSc in geography from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She lives with her family in Jamaica Plain.

“I’m honored to be joining the talented staff in Mayor Wu’s administration to execute on her vision,” said Shin-pei Tsay, Director of MONUM. “I look forward to collaborating on reimagining civic innovation for the City with stakeholders across all sectors while delivering concrete outcomes for the people of Boston.”

Marcy Ostberg

Ostberg brings to her work an eclectic background in civic innovation, urban policy, and education. She utilizes a human-centered design approach to help teams connect and collaborate with people. She believes transformational change comes when these groups work side-by-side to uncover problems and design solutions.


Ostberg has significant experience putting this methodology into practice at the City of Boston beginning as a fellow in the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics and later leading the Housing Innovation Lab. She became skilled at gathering community input, generating buy-in, and building cross-sector teams to move forward with complex projects aimed at making Boston housing more affordable, such as pioneering zoning changes to encourage ADUs and to encourage creative thinking about combining housing with public assets. Then as the Director of Operations for the Mayor’s Office of Housing, she advised leadership and improved operations, leading critical efforts such as coordinating the department’s COVID-19 response to ensure uninterrupted service delivery and expanded access to rental relief and other resources.  

Prior to her civic leadership roles, Ostberg served as a teacher at the Boston Day & Evening Academy, a Boston Public School, where she crafted and delivered experiential, personalized learning modules. Marcy holds a MA in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University, and an MEd from Franklin Pierce University. 

"The opportunity to return to MONUM as Deputy Director is incredibly exciting. Having been part of this dynamic team before, I understand the power of its innovative approach to civic challenges,” said Marcy Ostberg, Deputy Director of MONUM. “I'm energized by the prospect of not only continuing that legacy but also scaling its successful model to empower other city departments, ensuring that its transformative impact reaches even more facets of city life.”

Ostberg lives in Jamaica Plain with her husband and two kids. You're likely to spot them at the community garden, playing softball at Franklin Park, or biking up and down the Southwest Corridor.

"The MONUM alumni, including its former Chair Kris Carter and former Chief of Staff Jaclyn Youngblood, and I are very excited for this new chapter at the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics," said Michael Lawrence Evans, Director of Emerging Technology for the City of Boston and former Interim MONUM Director. "Bostonians will benefit greatly from Shin-pei and Marcy's nationally-recognized expertise, deep understanding of local issues, and collaborative spirit that will support the City of Boston's position at the cutting-edge of government service delivery."

波士頓夜生活經濟辦公室備25萬徵創意項目 最高撥款一萬元


Office of Nightlife Economy’s new grant will use up to $250,000 to support residents and organizations in revitalizing Boston’s nighttime economy through unique activations and programming  

BOSTON - Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the Office of Nightlife Economy today announced the launch of the City’s Wake Up the Night Grant, which will award individuals and organizations up to $10,000 for nighttime activations. The application is now open and the deadline to apply is May 28. 

The Wake Up the Night Grant Pilot Program will use up to $250,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to revitalize Boston’s nightlife economy and foster safe, inclusive social spaces. All activations will take place in July through December 2024 and be free and open to the public.  

"Boston is a city of neighborhoods, and we are working to revitalize our nighttime economy and create opportunities for residents to enjoy safe, joyful spaces throughout the warmer months and into the fall,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “This year we’re trying to make it easier than ever to foster fun programming that showcases the beauty of our communities and support residents and businesses in their efforts to make this summer a safe, enjoyable one for all in Boston.”

All funded events will align with one the following categories: 

  • Accessible Programming: Social events specifically curated for persons with diverse  abilities (physical, cognitive, or emotional)
  • Cultural Expression: Activations showcasing the many cultural interests and expressions of Bostonians.
  • Intergenerational: Activations promoting multi-generational social interaction. 
  • Spirit-Free Programming: Activations mindfully omitting the consumption and presence of alcohol.
  • Weekday Activations: Events promoting social interaction Monday through Thursday, specifically in the Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Youth Programing: Activations aimed to serve persons 20 years old and younger.

"There is a pressing demand for more innovative, inclusive, and accessible nighttime activities," said Corean Reynolds, Director of Nightlife Economy for the City of Boston. “Through the Wake Up the Night Grant Pilot Program, we are excited to directly invest in people and organizations that are reimagining Boston’s nightlife.” 

The Grant is open to individuals, nonprofit organizations, or businesses working in partnership with community partners. Applicants must be Boston residents or demonstrate that their project is led by partners who are Boston residents.

The Wake Up the Night Grant is an Office of Nightlife Economy initiative. The Office, launched in March 2023, works to create a more robust and equitable nightlife economy to enhance the overall quality of life for residents of Boston. For more information about the Office of Nightlife Economy, visit boston.gov/nightlife.