
星期五, 11月 24, 2023


               (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導) 紐英崙中華資訊網路協會 (NECINA) 1118日在麻州牛頓市政府戰爭紀念堂舉辦「人工智能與我」會議,邀有AI達人吳恩達,哈佛教授孔祥重及網協共同創辦人暨系列創業家吳錦城等重量級講者,吸引250多人參會,盛極一時。

網協共同創辦人吳錦城(左)、哈佛教授孔祥重 (右)都是院士。 (周菊子攝)
              網協會長庄輝壯表示,人工智能 (AI) 近年發展之迅速,正在顛覆世界,該會特地以「人工智能與我:攜手探討未來 (AI & Me: Navigating the Future Together)」為主題,從科技、醫療,投資,應用軟件等不同角度,探討人工智能對人類社會與生活的影響,

              這天的會議主講人是哈佛大學比爾蓋茲講座教授孔祥重,講題為「擁抱生成式人工智慧:處理個人及企業需求 (Embracing Generative AI: Addressing the Demands of Individuals and Business)」。

是這次會議的主要籌辦者。 (周菊子攝)
              也是美國國家工程院院士,中央研究院院士,以及台灣人工智慧學校校長的孔祥重教授,早在1978年就提出陣列式平行 (Systolic Array) 理論,對當年的電腦科學產生革命性影響。他先開宗明義的指出生成式人工智能已無所不在,而且這發展趨勢將持續加速,接著從ChapGPT等應用、基本的科技與趨勢、和人類價值觀的呼應,生成式影像,反省等大方向來逐一闡述。

網協會長,會議主席,以及網協董事何穎。 (周菊子攝)

              在時代雜誌2023年人工智能領域世界最具影響力百大人物中排名第17的牛人,深度學習人工智能 (DeepLearning AI) 創辦人吳恩達,這天在網協共同創辦人,系列創業家,工研院院院士,目前是台杉投資管理顧問股份有限公司科技基金合夥人的吳錦城邀約下,為網協這會議預錄了一段爐邊對談,泛談人工智能早從幾十年前就已存在,但在採用大型語言模型,巨大數據庫的ChatGPTOpenAI等出現後,是否就成了新一代的遊戲規則改變者。

Tandem AI的首席科學長Steve Swann。 (周菊子攝)
              這天的會議,還邀請了Tandem AI的首席科學長Steve Swann談「藥物研發和生命科學中的人工智能」,請Summit 夥伴副總裁程瀚垠從投資者角度來闡述人工智能的投資策略及趨勢。

Summit 夥伴副總裁程瀚垠。 (周菊子攝)
              Steve Swann指出,人們對於人工智能可能加速藥物研發速度,都感到十分興奮,但是否真能發揮人們所預期的功效,還待驗證。說到底,藥物研發是十分耗錢,難以預測,又風險極高的行業,一般要花上1015年,才能研發出一種藥物,而在藥物研發路上,98%的研發項目都以失敗告終,67%在進行到人體試驗這階段之前,就已經失敗了。由於人工智能可專注於特定挑戰,從2017年以來,先採用人工智能來做預估的意識,已逐漸浮現,在製藥業的某些領域當中,人工智能也的確會比人類的表現傑出。

右起,張桃印、程瀚垠、孔祥重、Steve Swann、鄔濤。

劉麗娟 (右一) 主持座談。(周菊子攝)
              會議當天下午,還有2場座談,分別是由網協新任總幹事劉麗娟主持,NeuShen製藥副總裁趙靈之,Nimbus製藥資深主任李德潤,Nested 製造主任楊若京參與討論的「藥物研發革命:創新的人工智能應用」,以及由微軟應用科學經理鄔濤主持,Mathworks首席工程師張桃印,Red Hat傑出工程師陳華民餐與座談的「賦予每個人發展者能力:用人工智能編碼」。



廖可盈 (左)、郭義(右)聯袂擺出海報,籲請支持一種特殊神經退化疾病的研究與治療。

星期四, 11月 23, 2023

哈佛MIT學術五乘五 深入淺出談科學

                   (Boston Orange  周菊子劍橋市報導) 麻省理工學院和哈佛大學台灣同學會合作的「學術白話文」講座,1119日在MIT 35-225教室讓數十名出席者得以在短短半小時內,一窺5種不同專業領域知識,在跨域交流中腦動大開。

               「學術白話文」是哈佛大學台灣同學會創辦,後來和麻省理工學院 (MIT) 台灣同學會輪流舉辦的活動,每次邀請5名講者,用白話文各在5分鐘內簡潔介紹自己所鑽研課題,藉以提供觸類旁通,開闊思想機會的活動,現簡稱「學術五乘五」。




              張家睿介紹的是什麼是臨床實驗,以及其侷限性。他指出,臨床實驗的有效性,其實會受到地域、環境、人種等等各種外界因素影響,因而近年出現許多拓寬臨床試驗局限性的統計方法。他個人正在研究包括因果推斷 (Causal inference) ,以及取得實證數據等,可以有哪些比較務實的臨床實驗做法。



波士頓經文處科技組組長蔡孟勳 (左二) 會後和同學討論。 (周菊子攝)
(僑務電子報:   https://ocacnews.net/article/355755 )

星期三, 11月 22, 2023

Healey-Driscoll Administration, Reproductive Equity Now Foundation Launch Medication Abortion Toolkit for Public Colleges and Universities

 Healey-Driscoll Administration, Reproductive Equity Now Foundation Launch Medication Abortion Toolkit for Public Colleges and Universities  


Toolkit is intended to assist university administrators in developing readiness plans to provide medication abortion on college campuses 


BOSTON — The Healey-Driscoll Administration and the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation today announced the launch of the Medication Abortion Toolkit for Public Colleges and UniversitiesThe toolkit is designed to assist Massachusetts’ public colleges and universities in preparing medication abortion readiness plans to provide, or make referrals for, medication abortion on college campuses in accordance with new Massachusetts law. 


In July 2022, Massachusetts passed An Act expanding protections for reproductive and gender-affirming care, Ch. 127 of the Acts of 2022, which requires public institutions of higher education to develop medication abortion readiness plans for their students in consultation with the Department of Public Health. Some colleges and universities may directly provide medication abortion to students in campus health centers, and others will provide information and referrals. Requirements of a college or university to meet the mandate of the law will vary depending on an assessment of institutional capability. 


"In Massachusetts, we know that access to reproductive health care options is critical for safe and informed decision making. Colleges and universities have a responsibility to ensure this access for their students, but they don’t have to go it alone,” said Governor Maura T. Healey. “We’re grateful to the Legislature for taking action to expand access to reproductive care campuses, and we are proud to launch this collaboration with the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation to support colleges and universities through implementation.” 


“Through the creation of readiness plans on college campuses, we are ensuring that more people will have safe and effective options for reproductive health care,” said Lieutenant Governor Kimberley Driscoll. “Schools can and should use this toolkit to evaluate and improve their capacity to provide sexual and reproductive health services. Every student in Massachusetts deserves thoughtful and comprehensive support when making decisions about their own health.” 


“Students in Massachusetts deserve to have the autonomy, the ability, and the choice to make decisions about their own reproductive health that are right for them,” said Robbie Goldstein, MD, PhD, Commissioner of the Department of Public Health. “Preserving this right is more than simply a matter of protecting choice; it’s a matter of equity, dignity, and well-being of students in the Commonwealth. This toolkit represents our commitment to reproductive health and individual choice, and we will continue to work hard to protect these rights and safeguard the health and future of young people across the state.” 


“Students face some of the largest barriers to accessing abortion care in Massachusetts, from long distances to reach clinics, time spent away from class or work, scheduling conflicts, and a lack of reliable transportation. The Legislature took bold action to expand access to care on college campuses, and today, we’re excited to be assisting with the implementation of these efforts by releasing the Medication Abortion Toolkit for Public Colleges and Universities,” said Rebecca Hart Holder, President of the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation. “Our hope is that university administrators will have the support, tools, and resources to implement medication abortion readiness plans and increase access to care for all of their students. Students deserve access to the health care they need, when and where they need it.” 


The Medication Abortion Toolkit for Public Colleges and Universities includes: 

  1.  Initial planning steps for university administrators to undertake with planning committee members and campus community stakeholders; 

  1.  A guide to establishing referral relationships with nearby or telehealth abortion providers for care that may not be available on campus;  

  1.  Administrative, clinical, and support tools for clinicians and health center teams to be prepared to order, prescribe, and implement medication abortion protocols;  

  1.  Additional support information regarding liability insurance, insurance coverage, confidentiality, and addressing security concerns; and 

  1.  Sample planning, clinical, administrative and support procedures, protocols, and resources. 

You can find the full Medication Abortion Toolkit for Public Colleges and Universities HERE. 


Public universities and colleges must submit medication abortion readiness plans to the Department of Public Health by November 30, 2023. Plans must then be reviewed by the Department by January 31, 2024. While private universities are not subject to these requirements, this toolkit may be used as a resource to any institution, public or private, seeking to advance access to reproductive health care on campus. 


Medication abortion, or medical abortion, is a safe, effective, common, and non-surgical method of ending a pregnancy prior to 70 days gestation. Between 600 and 1,380 public college students in Massachusetts need abortion care annually, however, at least eight major institutions of higher education in Massachusetts are located 15 miles or more away from an abortion clinic. 

波士頓慈濟年終聚會感謝志工 發制服給達標慈少

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 慈濟基金會波士頓聯絡處1118日在會所聚餐,欣賞表演,感謝志工,頒發慈青制服,歡迎至少3名年齡在1218歲的青年志工加入服務行列,七、八十人歡聚一堂。


              最近接納來自各地,不下7500個難民、移民家庭的麻州政府,顯然也注意到了波士頓慈濟的存在,麻州緊急管理局 (MEMA)為協助新移民自立自足,和國土安全局合作,為新移民舉辦申請工作許可的諮詢服務時,也特地邀請波士頓慈濟支援。當天晚上有五名MEMA義工也應邀來到慈濟會所同樂。


              慈濟波士頓聯絡人長金滿在同樂會開場前,先為做滿20小時社區服務,願意加入慈濟,長期為人間大愛盡力的3名慈少,包括慈濟人文學校10年級學生林鎮宇(Max McAndrew),許芮慈( Grace Hsu) 9年級學生郎偉安 (Kevin Lang),頒發慈青制服。歡迎他們加入波士頓慈濟的大家庭。

金花師姊掌廚,率香積組師姐準備餐點。 (周菊子攝)
              接著的感恩晚會,由還在大學唸書的慈青于聿荻主持,為11月生日的慈少切蛋糕慶生後,邀得林詠綺演奏二胡,黃恺哲演奏電子琴,波士頓大學研究生鄭微臻在You & Me 樂團創辦人黃崇校伴奏下,一連演唱了城裡的月光、飄洋過海來看你,天黑黑,以及台語歌祝福等歌曲。鄭微臻的歌聲之優美,令座中眾人激賞,她每唱完一首歌,場中立即爆出熱烈掌聲。



鄭微臻的歌聲令觀眾激賞。 (周菊子攝)

You & Me 樂團創辦人黃崇校為演唱者伴奏。 (周菊子攝)

林詠綺演奏二胡。 (周菊子攝)
黃偉祥(右)為兒子黃恺哲演奏電子琴報幕。 (周菊子攝)

左起,林岱宜、于聿荻、鄭微臻等3名年輕人在志工感恩餐會中歡聚。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓慈濟志工感恩餐會有不下七、八十人出席。 (周菊子攝)

陳裕逢 (右)等師兄是志工,也為志工服務。 (周菊子攝)

明真師姐(左)和年輕人打成一片。 (周菊子攝)

陳筠媞 (右) 為慈青上課,教她們如何做三合一志工後,和小夥伴出發探訪回聲湖。

星期二, 11月 21, 2023


    (Boston Orange 編譯) 今年的感恩節到除夕夜,麻州財政廳麾下的麻州酒精飲料管制委員會 (ABCC)將在大市鎮的地方酒吧執法,防止與酒精有關的犯罪行為,藉以保障人民及社區的生命安全。



            麻州財政廳廳長Deb Goldberg表示,制止酒吧老闆過度販賣,以在事故發生前加以防範很重要。

            ABCC將在感恩節到除夕夜之間,和全國高速公路交通安全局 (NHTSA)的打擊酒駕小組合作。這行動將由麻州公安辦公室的高速公路安全組資助。




              (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 美國退伍軍人會華埠328分會將於112526兩日,以及1223兩日的早上10點至下午2點,在華埠牌樓前設立募集玩具站,為年紀在5歲到12歲的兒童,募集未包裝的玩具,過個溫馨的感恩節與聖誕節。

              波士頓市政府的社區參與內閣在1121日宣佈,市府將和海軍的「給小孩玩具 (Toys for Tots)」活動合作,將從1211日開始收集玩具,捐贈給小孩子。截至1220日止,人們都有機會當義工。




              有意捐贈玩具、書本的社區民眾可以上網查詢相關資訊,Home - Toys for Tots波士頓市府、波士頓公共圖書館、波士頓青少年家庭中心等,甚至地方上的消防站都有玩具收集箱。



BOSTON - Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the City’s Community Engagement Cabinet today announced the City is collecting donations and searching for volunteers for the annual toy drive in partnership with the Marine Toys for Tots program. Residents are encouraged to spread holiday cheer through donating a new toy or book or volunteering at the holiday toy drive warehouse located at the Boston Convention Center. Toy drive boxes will be located around the City for residents to drop off toys and books. Each year the Marine Toys for Tots program partners with the City of Boston to collect new, unwrapped toys and new books to distribute to children in need. Toy donations will be accepted through December 11, and volunteer opportunities are available until December 20. Those interested in volunteering are encouraged to complete the online form to sign-up for a role. 

"Every child deserves to feel the joy of opening a gift and finding fun in a new toy or book, and the holiday season is the perfect time to give back to our communities,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I encourage Boston residents to donate to the City’s annual toy drive and spread cheer to our neighbors in need.”

Through the gift of a toy or book, Marine Toys for Tots programs bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America’s most vulnerable communities. To date, Toys for Tots has distributed 652 million toys to 291 million deserving children.

"The partnership with the City of Boston is very important to the US Marine Corps because it grants access to additional resources and we are assisted with greater community reach to spread our message across our region,” said Toys Marine Toys for Tots Campaign Coordinator, Sergeant Ricardo Balderama. “We want community members to know that we are here to help those in need during the holiday season."

“The holiday season is a great time to come together as a community and help those in need, especially our city’s most vulnerable communities,” said Community Engagement Cabinet Chief Brianna Millor. “City volunteers, alongside Toys for Tots, are honored to lend a helping hand alongside constituents to ensure every child in our city has a new toy during Christmas.” 

Community members interested in donating toys or books can visit Toys for Tots’s website for more information regarding sites to make donations. There are toy drive boxes located at the front entrance of City Hall, Boston Public Library - Central Library, select BCYF Centers including the Tobin Community Center, and local fire stations. 

“The partnership with Toys for Tots is critical for families in need in Mission Hill and throughout the City of Boston,” said John Jackson, BCYF Tobin Community Center Director. “Most of our families are headed by single households with more than one child, so being able to provide holiday gifts to these families is always appreciated.”