星期四, 9月 14, 2023


          (Boston Orange) 中華表演藝術基金會訂923(週六) 晚上8點,在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) ,以水為主題,舉辦青雲綠水集音樂會,邀8位國際知名中國器樂音樂家演出。



曾任哈佛大學歷史系教授的陸惠風應邀為這音樂會寫序。他以 水的隨想曲為題,寫下: "水在中西文化中,都是謎一般的課題。創世紀的第一句說: 「起初上帝創造天地,上帝的靈,運行在水面上。」, 沒有說,上帝創造了水,引起人們無限聯想。戰國時代簡牘說: 「太一生水」,指太一在創造萬物前,先創造了水! 可見水是所有生命的泉源。老子則把水與人性並提,說「上善若水」。孔子把水比做時間。莊子把水比做神靈。一般人,也都曾用水來比擬自己心情,如驚濤拍岸,捲起千堆雪,又從水深火熱到浪平水靜,水是那麼貼切地反映了無數人的心聲。

陸惠風說: "文字與語言永遠不能表達如水深情。請大家細細體會這場音樂會的深意。"


胡建兵是笙演奏家及作曲家,畢業於中央音樂學院,擔任北美中樂團團長,馬友友曾聘他為《絲綢之路》樂團音樂總監。波士頓環球報(The Boston Globe) 曾形容他的演奏,展現了他對笙的控制力,他的演奏可以上至古典、深入民間、遊走現代,曲目之廣泛,令人印象深刻。

包鍵是管子演奏家,畢業於中央音樂學院並留校任教。1995年他榮獲中國民族器樂獨奏國際大賽管子組第一名,1998年再獲美國專業音樂家(Pro Musicis)國際大賽第一名。包鍵是首位以同等標準和西洋管樂家競賽並獲勝之華人管樂家,他參加柏林Baoder Weltkulturen 藝術節演出時,《柏林日報》褒譽他的演奏,"猶如來自東方的神樂"

陳濤是笛子演奏家。他曾任紐約中國民族樂團的藝術總監和指揮,也是美國神州中樂團團長及創始人。陳濤的音樂融匯了南,北笛子風格之精華。音色圓潤、醇厚,技藝嫻熟、輝煌魅力獨特。紐約時報 (The New York Times) 曾稱譽他為 "音樂詩人""神奇的東方魔笛"。紐約世界日報,星島日報稱其為 "笛王" "笛子藝術大師"

周懿是琵琶演奏家,畢業於上海音樂學院。她的演出經歷包括紐約大學 "新視覺與聲音"音樂會-- 譚盾的"地圖";舊金山歌劇院盛宗亮歌劇 "紅樓夢"的世界首演,在聖達菲歌劇院-- 黃若 "孫中山" 劇的世界首演中擔任特邀琵琶演奏。華盛頓郵報(Washington Post) 形容她的演奏有著 "精緻的技巧與絕佳演奏風範,美得令屏息凝神" 的佳譽。


 劉麗是古琴演奏家,畢業於中央音樂學院。2011年她與舊金山灣區的漢聲樂團合作,演出了作曲家司徒剛特別為古琴創作的現代作品《古琴誦》。2002年,她更與世界小提琴大師伊薩克-帕爾曼(IsaacPerlman)合作錄制了由張藝謀執導,譚盾的《英雄》,以及《英雄》的音樂CD2007年,她應美國著名電影公司Merchant Ivory 的邀請,為電影《伯爵夫人-The WhiteCountess》錄制電影配樂,是目前活躍在美國音樂界的古琴家。




 音樂會票價$20 (7-13)$40$60。中華表演藝術基金會將為14歲以上學生,提供免費票http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/specials/20230923/index.html ,以及非學生贈送券http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/complimentary/20230923/index.html需事前預訂。6歲以下兒童請勿入場。詳情請查中華表演藝術基金會官網: http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/contents/season/20230506/index.html主辦單位表示,該慧深知音樂對大眾的重要性,也了解人們或有經濟壓力,所以每一場演出都提供免費票。但希望有心人能慷慨解囊,贊助音樂會的出場費和場租錄音等等費用,免稅捐款可上網http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/donation/index.htm

波士頓榮光會慶中秋 包餃子、吃月餅

               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 波士頓榮光會910日在波士頓華僑文教中心包餃子,吃月餅,慶祝中秋節,為第18屆理事會的為會員服務拉開序幕。





波士頓榮光會理事長鄭增壽(左三)和陳阿友 (左一起),周仙海,
              鄭增壽表示,雖然該會現在已無會址,但新冠病毒疫情已過,將恢復正常的會員服務,並加強聯繫。有意捐款支持該會活動者,可以支票抬頭寫R.O.C. Veterans Association in Boston, 郵寄給該會財務張明燦, Ming-Tsan Chang, 5 Beards Hill Road, Bedford, NH 03110
     (僑務電子報:     https://ocacnews.net/article/350127?cid=2)

也都來到會場和老朋友歡喜相聚。 (周菊子攝)

僑教中心借出大帳篷,經文處處長廖朝宏 (右三)也來幫波士頓榮光會理事長

AAJC Applauds the Confirmation of Anna Gomez to the Federal Communications Commission

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC Applauds the Confirmation of Anna Gomez to the Federal Communications Commission

Washington, DC — September 13, 2023 — The Senate recently confirmed Anna Gomez, former senior advisor in the State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, as the fifth member of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Commissioner Gomez becomes the first Latina to serve on the FCC since 2001. She fills a vacancy that has been open since January 2021.

John C. Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC, a civil and human rights organization whose telecommunications, technology, and media work focuses on ensuring that the principles of opportunity, fairness, and equity are protected online, issues the following statement in response to the confirmation:

“Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC celebrates the confirmation of Anna Gomez to the FCC. Gomez’s confirmation fills a two-and-a-half-year vacancy at the Commission and enables the FCC to act more swiftly on media and telecom matters that affect our communities. It is also the first time in over 20 years that a Latina has been confirmed to serve in the position, making her confirmation a step toward a more diverse and inclusive Commission. Gomez has a celebrated career in public service and impressive expertise in communications policies.

“I first met Commissioner Gomez in law school. Even back then, I knew her for her intellect, commitment to service, and belief in diversity. Anna Gomez is an important addition to a now complete FCC that must work to protect and advance the rights of American consumers and communities. Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC looks forward to working with her and the other Commissioners on the numerous telecom-related issues of importance to the Asian American community. We also look forward to the swift reconfirmation of current FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks, to maintain a complete and robust Commission.”

星期三, 9月 13, 2023

麻州長Healey 為2023會計年申請21.5億元補充預算

Governor Healey Files $2.15 Billion Supplemental Budget to Close Fiscal Year 2023  

Bill also proposes funding to support emergency shelter system and schools 


BOSTON – Today, Governor Maura Healey filed a supplemental budget that will enable Massachusetts to close out Fiscal Year 2023 in balance, pay for new collective bargaining agreements and continue to provide safe shelter and support services for thousands of families experiencing homelessness. 


The budget allocates $2.15 billion gross / $833.3 million net to cover spending deficiencies and continue with a MassHealth payment strategy that has enabled Massachusetts to spread the impact of the loss of enhanced COVID-19 reimbursements across fiscal years. In total, $2.11 billion gross / $798.8 million net will be dedicated to MassHealth. 


“Massachusetts remains in a strong financial position to make these investments and continue to pursue priorities such as meaningful tax relief that will make Massachusetts more affordable, equitable and competitive,” said Governor Healey. “This bill will allow us to turn the page on Fiscal Year 2023, begin to implement the new fiscal year budget we secured in partnership with the Legislature, and continue to make critical investments in our people and institutions.” 


In addition to funds necessary to cover Fiscal Year 2023 spending, Governor Healey is proposing to use $250 million in one-time resources from the Transitional Escrow Fund to cover the ongoing cost of providing safe, temporary shelter to thousands of families in need. Governor Healey earlier this summer declared a state of emergency due to rapidly rising numbers of families arriving in Massachusetts in need of shelter and services and a severe lack of shelter availability in the state. The state’s Emergency Assistance program is for families with children or pregnant women who are experiencing homelessness, including newly arrived families and local families. The administration continues to work with its state and federal partners to find families permanent housing, expedite access to work permits, request federal funding and identify other potential solutions. However, the growing demand for shelter continues to put pressure on the system’s capacity to meet the needs of families seeking assistance, as well as municipalities that have welcomed students to their classrooms. 


Our emergency shelter system has been rapidly expanding in recent months to ensure that families in need have a safe place to stay,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. Our administration remains committed to providing these families with safe and temporary shelter and the services they need to remain healthy and find a permanent home. This funding will enable us to meet that need as it stands today, as well as continue to support the municipalities that are sheltering families in their communities.”  


The supplemental budget also allocates: 

  • $16 million for a reserve to cover costs accrued by sheriffs 

  • $15 million to support Section 35 substance abuse treatment at sheriff facilities 

  • $11 million for shared services at the Department of Unemployment Assistance 

  • $8.8 million for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to extend for one year the contract for the administration of the MCAS exam 

  • $500,000 for Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth operations. 

  • $185,000 for military death benefits and early fiscal year National Guard activations 

  • $27,564 for Group Insurance Commission dental and vision benefits for a unit within the  Trial Court 


In addition to the funding necessary for the Commonwealth to close the books for Fiscal Year 2023, the budget filed today would make a number of corrections to policies enacted in recent legislation, including the Fiscal Year 2024 budget signed last month. This includes a technical change to the universal free school meals policy made permanent as part of the Fiscal Year 2024 budget that would ensure all students at almost all public schools across Massachusetts have access to free breakfast and lunch, as intended by the Legislature and this administration. 


Additional sections would allow municipalities impacted in July by natural disasters like flooding to pay back the cost of those emergencies over multiple years; simplify the implementation of a tax credit for small businesses who hire members of the National Guard; and facilitate the elimination of copays for MassHealth members. The bill also updates the quorum requirements for the MBTA board of directors to reflect the addition of new members; corrects the transfer mechanism for the Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund; expands eligibility for CHIPS matching funds; and sunset the daily COVID-19 reporting requirements put in place for the Department of Public Health during the pandemic. 


“We have worked hard over the past eight months with our partners in the House and Senate to carefully manage finances and put Massachusetts in the best position to continue to make impactful investments and reforms that will move our economy forward,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Matthew J. Gorzkowicz. “We’re hopeful that the Legislature can take this supplemental budget up quickly to close the books on Fiscal Year 2023.” 


A separate $200 million reserve created by this bill would be used to fund new collective bargaining agreements reached between the administration and many of the state’s public employee unions. Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll remain committed to forging a strong partnership with labor organizations, whose members are on the front lines of delivering the services on which Massachusetts residents depend. 


Committee of 100 Next Generation Leaders Program:2024 Application Now Open for Submission 

New York, NY (September 13, 2023) – Committee of 100, a non-profit organization of prominent Chinese Americans today announced that applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Next Generation Leaders (NGL) class. The 2024 NGL class will be announced and spotlighted at Committee of 100’s 2022 Conference and Gala, which will take in April 2024. 

Launched in 2014, Committee of 100’s NGL program convenes an exceptional group of change-makers and rising leaders from diverse sectors, leveraging a collective sense of service and purpose to elevate the impact of each individual. Currently, there are over 180 NGL alumni across a multitude of sectors who make up a vibrant and diverse network.

Becoming a member of Committee of 100’s NGL program comes with the exclusive opportunity to join a vibrant community of like-minded NextGen leaders, motivated to work towards a more productive U.S.-China relationship and a more diverse and inclusive U.S. society. NextGen leaders will engage with Committee of 100 to develop customized programming and content tailored to the NextGen community and to collaborate with Committee of 100 Members, who are comprised of leaders across business, government, science, academia, and the arts. NextGen leaders also receive complimentary invitations to Committee of 100’s annual conference, with dedicated NextGen programming, and special access to additional Committee of 100 events. Additionally, NextGen leaders will engage in impactful service projects with both Committee of 100 and partner organizations as brand ambassadors and change-makers for positive social impact and community-building. 
Committee of 100 is now accepting applications from exceptional young professionals and rising leaders from all sectors who are passionate about Committee of 100’s dual missions to promote the inclusion of Chinese Americans and the larger AAPI community in all aspects of U.S. society and to advance constructive dialogue and relations between the U.S. and Greater China. Individuals who demonstrate a remarkable history of professional and personal excellence and aged forty-five and younger may apply. The full list of criteria and access to the application can be found here.

The deadline to submit applications is January 5, 2024 at 5:00pm Eastern Time.

波士頓計畫發展局公佈區域規劃分析報告 吳弭市長揚言將重整BPDA架構

BPDA Releases Analysis of City’s Out of Date Zoning Code, Announces Restructuring of Planning Department to Tackle Inequities

Mayor Wu Announces Major Planning and Zoning Initiatives to Rezone Squares & Streets and Allow Childcare Across the City

BOSTON – The City of Boston today released a report commissioned by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) to assess the Boston Zoning Code. The report, authored by Cornell University professor and Director of the National Zoning Atlas Sara Bronin, details issues such as extreme length and inconsistencies that make the code inaccessible to most Bostonians. The City and BPDA also announced a significant restructuring of the Planning Department, creating Zoning Reform and Zoning Compliance teams and replacing the previous neighborhood planning team with a new Comprehensive Planning team. These new teams will support the City’s ability to modernize and enforce the Code, which has not been comprehensively updated since 1964, and will lead the next major planning and zoning initiative: Squares & Streets. Mayor Wu announced the restructuring of the Planning Department during her keynote address at the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Forum. 

“One of the most impactful responsibilities of city government is to set the rules for how our neighborhoods grow,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “But for decades, our system in Boston has been built on a confusing and inconsistent process of handing out exceptions. Reforming our planning process and zoning code will be a sea change for our city, helping to fulfill a commitment for predictability and equity to meet the needs of our communities.”

“We take seriously the recommendations in the report and will tailor our response to Boston’s needs - including exploring how to build design recommendations into the code that improve equitable access but protect the ability for neighborhoods to maintain their unique character,” said Chief of Planning Arthur Jemison. “We need a solid policy foundation and a modern zoning code to enforce a structure of accountability for growth.”

Having an antiquated Zoning Code limits the City’s ability to address the current housing crisis by creating steps and costs to the creation of new housing. The report released today shows that Boston’s code is abnormally long compared to cities of comparable size by geography and population. At nearly 4,000 pages, Boston’s code is nearly 40 percent longer than that of New York City, which has 13 times Boston’s population and six times its land area. By every form of comparison to comparable size cities, Boston’s code is significantly longer. 

The analysis also shows that length does not result in a clearer or more effective code, but rather, a more complex, inconsistent, and inequitable Code. The report indicates that the length of the code and its many contradictions impede residents from making even small changes to their home or business without hiring a lawyer. This creates barriers that prevent Bostonians from being able to participate meaningfully in the planning process.

The BPDA’s newly restructured Planning Department includes three new teams: Comprehensive Planning, Zoning Reform, and Zoning Compliance, in addition to the existing Transportation & Infrastructure Planning division. The Comprehensive Planning team will reform and expand the former neighborhood planning team’s capacity to focus exclusively on long term, Citywide visioning, in partnership with other City departments. The previous neighborhood planning team was also responsible for reviewing development proposals in their assigned neighborhoods, which consumed a significant portion of the planners' time and limited the team's capacity to complete proactive, Citywide planning. Zoning Compliance, a new division of the Planning Department, will work with the Development Review Department to support planning-led development. The Zoning Compliance team will root their approach to reviewing projects within a clear planning and zoning context from prefile through approval, ensuring that development projects comply with plans and new zoning recommendations, and facilitating fewer exceptions to the Code.

Finally, the reorganization has doubled the capacity of the Regulatory Planning & Zoning team, renamed Zoning Reform, in order to allow planners to amend the code proactively. Many of the issues in Boston’s Zoning Code have been well-known and documented for decades, but the Planning Department lacked the capacity to take on large scale change. The Zoning Reform team will also provide recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA). With a dedicated focus on providing more clear context to the ZBA, and in concert with future changes to the code, this team will reduce the City’s reliance on the ZBA. 

The BPDA’s guiding principles for zoning reform are climate-friendly zoning that legalizes new housing and supports smart growth, a mix of uses, and walkable neighborhoods. The Planning Department will create change by putting policies in place that seek to prevent displacement, reduce nonconformities, end the City’s over-reliance on the ZBA, create more opportunities for as-of-right development, prioritize more approachable language, and produce a Code that is accessible and equitable. The restructured Planning Department has already begun to clean up the code by consolidating definitions into a single section that will apply to the whole code. This will have the impact of creating a common means for interpreting language across the code. 

The team has also moved to make Citywide updates such as approving childcare as an allowed primary or accessory use across commercial and residential areas. The Zoning Reform team’s immediate goal is to implement zoning that results from ongoing neighborhood planning initiatives and to work on a strategy for overhauling the code based on the results of the report and Mayor Wu’s vision for a functioning Zoning Code that serves the City and its residents.

The restructured Planning Department’s first major planning and rezoning initiative, Squares & Streets kicks off this fall and will focus on neighborhood centers and main streets. Vibrant squares and streets include businesses and services, public spaces, cultural institutions, and reliable transportation options. As Boston’s population continues to grow, our squares and streets are important places for ensuring every Bostonian has access to affordable, sustainable, and equitable places to live, work, and play. This initiative will implement a framework for strategic growth and deliver new zoning for transit-oriented development in commercial and mixed-use areas. Over the course of the next two years, this process will be implemented through customized small area plans for selected squares and streets and provide a clear vision for growth.


 Governor Healey Signs Executive Order to Improve Language Access Across State Government 

Order highlights Healey-Driscoll Administration’s dedication to providing more equitable, inclusive access to government services  


BOSTON – Today, Governor Maura T. Healey, joined by members of the Latino Advisory Councilsigned Executive Order #615 to increase language access across state government. The Executive Order aims to make the delivery of services and resources more accessible and equitable for residents with limited English proficiency by requiring executive department agencies to develop Language Access Plans. Governor Healey also issued a proclamation declaring Hispanic Heritage Month in Massachusetts from September 15th to October 15th. 


“Everyone in Massachusetts, regardless of what language they speak, deserves equitable access to government services and resources, but we recognize that language often poses a major barrier,” said Governor Healey. “This Executive Order will help break down language barriers and bridge gaps by instructing state agencies to conduct a thorough assessment of their language access capabilities and develop a plan for improvement. We’re proud to take this important step toward making state government more accessible and equitable during Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month alongside members of the Governor’s Latino Advisory Council.” 


“One in four Massachusetts residents speak a language other than English – which underscores why this Executive Order is so critical, said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. It is essential that we are setting people up for success by ensuring that they are able to read and engage with information provided by their state government. This Executive Order will help us work to ensure that all residents have the chance to get their questions answered and interact with their government in a way they understand. I am excited to see the implementation of strong language access plans across our state agencies and all the benefits this will bring to our state.” 


The Executive Order directs executive department agencies to identify a Language Access Coordinator and develop a Language Access Plan. These plans should include assessments of the agency’s services for residents with limited English proficiency, the languages spoken by the people they serve, their current policies and practices regarding translations, and the capacitof their staff to deliver services in other languages other than English. The plans will also include specific actions and policy changes to reduce language access barriers.