
星期二, 6月 27, 2023

中華廣教學校歡送4名畢業生 波士頓市長吳弭出席頒證書

2名畢業生,因故未能出席。 (廣教學校提供)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 中華廣教學校624日在泰勒街校址舉行畢業暨頒獎典禮。4名學生在波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,駐波士頓經文處處長孫儉元,以及多名僑團首長,近百名師生祝福聲中,歡喜畢業。


              這天不但有波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu),波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn),駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元,波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮等嘉賓出席,紐英崙至德三德公所、黃氏宗親會、至孝篤親公所,余風采堂,華埠退伍軍人會、華埠獅子會等不下6個僑團,也依序有黃周麗桃、黃國麟、余寶愛、司徒文信、周麗玲及李典儒等人代表各自所屬僑團,給品學兼優的學生們頒發獎學金。


波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn特地出席廣教學校畢業典禮,送上祝福。




              根據廣教學校的畢業冊,該校現任董事會成員包括董事長梁爾尊,副董事長雷國輝,司庫陳德懿,書記黃琳妲,董事陳家驊,陳遇均,陳毓禮,陳鐵堅,蔡麗梨,葉家威,阮愛玲,Linda See 鍾曼怡,黃瑞瑜,黃綺,黃偉濂。
 (僑務電子報 :   https://ocacnews.net/article/343589)

黃周麗桃 () 代表紐英崙至德三德公所送出樂於助人獎。
波士頓經文處處長孫儉元應邀上台頒獎。 (周菊子攝)
廣教學生表演時,家長們紛紛搶鏡頭。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓3僑團攜手辦講座 素描湘分享斜槓創業路

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 當生物醫藥科學家踏上斜槓之路,開起餐廳,還贏得最佳中餐館,年度餐館美譽,那會是段什麼樣的經歷? 三組織合辦的「斜槓創業講座」,624日吸引包括多名正在斜槓中的年輕人買票入場,探索更豐富的人生可能性。

(左二),梅錫銳()Thomas Xie(右三),劉清怡(右一)(周菊子攝)
                           波士頓台灣人生物科技協會的牛勝雍獲悉,座落在全世界生物科技重鎮的劍橋市,從一開張就吸引川流不息人群,陸續還有亞馬遜 (Amazon) 創辦人Jeff Bezos等名流光顧的「素描湘」餐廳,竟然是由一位生物科學家所創辦時,立刻萌生巨大好奇心。

                       徵得波士頓台灣人生物科技協會 (BTBA) 共同會長邱亮源、何逸雲同意,邀得波克萊台灣商會 (BTCC) 會長李孟潔,副會長洪維謙,公關韓璦琳,新英格蘭台灣商會 (TCCNE) 會長王志維,祕書長林思妤共襄盛舉,還爭取到波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮支持後,他們推出了這麼一場「斜槓創業講座」。

              除了請「素描湘」創辦人陳素描做主題演講,分享斜槓創業歷程外,這講座還特地邀請到經營在波士頓市和昆士市 (Quincy)有龍鳳酒樓,燒酒屋等的老闆梅錫銳,以及Lotus Test Kitchen (蓮花測試廚房)創辦人,本身在貝斯以色列醫院(BIDMC)擔任麻醉科臨床資訊營運主管的Thomas Xie和陳素描一起座談。

              陳素描的分享,一如她的科學家本色,有條不紊,還十分全面,從她父親是畫家,自己從小備受藝術薰陶,歷經時代變遷,帶著同濟和湘雅醫學院資歷,來到美國,一頭栽進製藥公司,工作了28年。因為熱愛美食,又遇到一群志同道合的朋友,2007年她成了風水餐飲集團投資人之一,2014年在業餘時間進了法式藍帶廚藝學院 (Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts)劍橋市分院進修,2017年自己開辦了「素描湘」,後來索性辭職,專心經營餐館。



龍鳳酒樓、素描湘和Lotus Test Kitchen各自準備了一、二樣菜品,
              龍鳳酒樓老闆梅錫銳坦言,龍鳳酒樓的前身是「華珍樓 (陳毓璇與家人經營)」,從1960年代起,就是華埠內規模最大的酒樓,大型宴會選場地,非龍鳳莫屬,從沒愁過客源。當然隨著時日流轉,子女加入工作團隊,他們也得與時俱進,包括增加了主要由他兒子負責的「燒酒屋」,菜餚,經營模式都比較針對年輕人。

              小時候隨父母從台山移民來美的Thomas Xie,以他自己的醫學知識,擬定約20種蔬菜麵飯輕食搭配,來經營「蓮花測試廚房」,吸引注重飲食營養健康的新世代,就連聘請的店長劉清怡,也是零零後世代。




Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Announces

2023 Annual Pacesetters Awards Honorees

BOSTON, MA -The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the honorees of the second annual Pacesetters Awards. The Chamber’s Pacesetters Awards celebrate the intense commitment, action, and extraordinary results of companies and individuals leading in corporate supplier diversity. Honorees are recognized in the categories of Company of the Year, Champion of the Year, and Partnership of the Year.   

“Congratulations to the Chamber’s 2023 Pacesetters Awards Honorees! These business leaders and companies represent the best of the Commonwealth’s supplier diversity community. Incorporating equity into procurement best practices is one of the important and meaningful ways that we can build a more inclusive business community. Successful partnerships between businesses of color and large corporations means that we are championing equity and closing the region’s racial wealth gap. It is our responsibility to ensure that Massachusetts is a place where every business of color can succeed, and our honorees exemplify how to champion equitable commerce every day,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. 

2023 Pacesetters Awards Honorees

Company of the Year: Manulife/John Hancock

  • Manulife / John Hancock created a multi-year strategy to advance supplier diversity into their company’s global procurement operations, including adding KPIs and RFP requirements that center supplier diversity.

Champion of the Year: Rosanna Molinaro, Director of Procurement and Contracts Management, Department of Planning, Real Estate, and Facilities, Northeastern University

  • Rosanna Molinaro is an expert and thought leader in supplier diversity best practices, and at Northeastern University, Rosanna leads the bidding and contract management for the Planning, Real Estate, and Facilities Department while advancing supplier diversity in procurement.

Partnership of the Year: Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) and Casablanca Services

  • The BPDA and Casablanca Services, a minority-owned landscaping company, developed their partnership over the years, beginning with a multi-year contract for downtown waterfront landscaping and most recently partnering for a multi-year snow removal contract.

星期一, 6月 26, 2023


BPDA Accepts Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Pacesetters Award for Minority Business Enterprise Partnership of the Year

BOSTON - Monday, June 26, 2023 -  The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) today accepted the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s Pacesetters Award for increasing participation by diverse suppliers in procurement contracts. The Agency received the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Partnership of the Year Award for their work with Casablanca Services Inc., a minority-owned landscaping firm. The Pacesetters awards announced today recognize growth in spend, innovative procurement practices, and overall commitment to creating economic opportunities in the business community. 

“We are honored to be recognized by the Chamber in this way, after formalizing our equitable procurement plan two years ago,” said Chief of Planning and BPDA Director Arthur Jemison. “Though the work continues, I believe this recognition of our work with Casablanca Services is a positive step forward in ensuring we are moving in the right direction and allowing the City to grow by building and investing in a more diverse workforce.”

"Congratulations to the Boston Planning & Development Agency for receiving the Chamber's Pacesetters Award that recognizes their Partnership of the Year with Casablanca Services! The Chamber created Pacesetters to lead Boston forward to a more inclusive and equitable future, and the successful partnership between the BPDA and Casablanca shows us how to be a champion of supplier diversity. With this partnership, we see a deep relationship that has moved beyond a transaction to a transformative business relationship. This is how we move the needle and create a business community where every business can start, stay, and succeed in the Commonwealth," said James E. Rooney, President & CEO, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.

"Our experience with the BPDA has been great. The process of working with them was clear and easy, and we felt welcomed as a minority small business,” said Casablanca Company President Yacine Ibrahimi. “From getting information about the bids to answering our questions, they are always responsive and understanding of what a small business goes through. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the community through working with the Agency."

The BPDA initially connected with Casablanca at a city-sponsored event to diversify participation in snow removal opportunities. The BPDA then referred Casablanca to several other opportunities to contract with the Agency. Casablanca in turn shared with the BPDA ways to make contracting opportunities more accessible, beginning a strong partnership that continues today. Casablanca later won a contract for Downtown Waterfront Landscaping & Maintenance, followed by two additional contracts in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, and partnerships with other City departments. The relationship is a testament to the importance of intentionally creating and maintaining relationships with a variety of vendors. 

The BPDA adopted an Equitable Procurement Plan in May 2021 to ensure that Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) are represented and benefit from the agency’s contracts. Through the Equitable Procurement Plan, the BPDA has redesigned the procurement process to increase the number of opportunities for M/WBEs to participate in the agency’s contracting. The BPDA has increased training and staffing to better equip the agency to successfully diversify the yearly contract spend. Most notably, the agency has hired a Supplier Diversity Specialist, who reaches out directly to M/WBEs to provide notifications of upcoming contract opportunities and provide technical assistance. 

In addition, the BPDA is working to make the public aware of new Requests For Proposals (RFPS), Requests for Quotes (RFQs), and Solicitations for Quotes (SFQs). That outreach also includes a public buying plan and additional information on the Equitable Procurement Plan available to the public on the BPDA’s website

Through all its work, the BPDA is committed to fostering inclusive growth within the City of Boston through creating opportunities for everyone to live, work, and connect. In addition to the Equitable Procurement Plan, the Agency has focused on integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into all policies and procedures, from the ongoing Article 80 development review and community engagement modernization work to our DEI Disclosure Policy. 

Implemented in August of 2022, the BPDA’s DEI Disclosure Policy requests that proponents of large development projects include plans focused on increasing economic participation, employment, and management roles for people of color, women, and certified Minority and Women Owned Businesses within their projects. The DEI Disclosure Policy informed the Commonwealth Development Compact, a partnership between the City of Boston and five municipalities that commits to increasing access to the economic and social benefits of real estate development to all people and businesses in the Commonwealth through aligning DEI policies in public land dispositions and private development.

星期日, 6月 25, 2023

Huntington劇院"雷曼三兄弟" 加演6場

Steven Skybell, Firdous Bamji, Joshua David Robinson; photo by Nile Hawver
           (Boston Orange) 亨廷頓 (Huntington) 劇院推出,2022年贏得東尼獎最佳舞台劇的雷曼三部曲 (The Lehman Trilogy) ,因廣受好評,將從7 23 日(週日)起,在亨廷頓劇院(264 Huntington Ave )加演6場。


《雷曼三部曲》是一齣關於家庭、野心和風險,有著史詩般故事的舞台劇,橫跨 163 年歷史,聚焦於改變了世界的雷曼兄弟家族,以及公司的輝煌興衰,由 Stefano Massini 創作,Ben Power 改編成英語,並由美國音樂學院劇院榮譽藝術總監 Carey Perloff 執導。

                          這齣戲全場只有三名演員和一名音樂家,講述雷曼三兄弟以及他們的兒子和孫子,從貧窮到富有再到破產的生命旅程。那是1840 年代,一名巴伐利亞移民來到阿拉巴馬州,夢想著要讓家人過上更好生活。到2000年代初,他的後代引發了前所未有的金融災難。在非凡的故事講述中,這傑出劇作既是關於一個家庭的私密傳奇,也有如里程碑般的揭露了資本主義的肆無忌憚。

Firdous Bamji, Steven Skybell, Joshua David Robinson; photo by T. Charles Erickson.
亨廷頓製作的《雷曼三部曲》是第一部源自美國並由美國導演執導的作品。 珀洛夫對這部作品的獨特設想包括馬克·貝內特 (Mark Bennett) 的全新配樂,以及莎拉·布朗 (Sara Brown) 的充滿活力場景設計,其中的木箱讓人想起用於儲存和運輸棉花的容器,而棉花是雷曼兄弟財富的原始來源。

《雷曼三部曲》已被翻譯成 24 種語言,並在國際間獲得了評論家和觀眾的一致好評:《紐約時報》稱讚《雷曼三部曲》是“真正的史詩”, 它的範疇和活力讓人離場時仍感餘波盪漾” 《好萊塢報導》稱其為“最激動人心……令人驚嘆!”截止日( Deadline) 稱其為“傑作。 這是一個奇蹟,也是對戲劇可能性的引人入勝展示。” 倫敦《衛報》稱其為“令人震驚”。 這是一部關於美國夢定義轉變的親密史詩。”

                             這部榮獲托尼獎的舞台劇先後於2013 年在法國, 2015 年在意大利首演,英文改編版於 2018 年在倫敦國家劇院首演,隨後於 2019 年春季在紐約公園大道軍械庫 (Armory) 上演。在新冠病毒導致延遲後,這部國家劇院作品在百老匯(2021 9 月至 2022 1 月)和洛杉磯(2022 3 月至 4 月)做了短期演出。 斯特凡諾·馬西尼還將該劇改編成小說,由理查德·迪克森 (Richard Dixon)翻譯成英文,並於 2020 年出版。



 Audiences are cheering The Huntington’s production of the 2022 Tony-Winner for Best Play,now running through July 23 at The Huntington Theatre 

(BOSTON) – The Huntington announces their acclaimed production of The Lehman Trilogy will extend, now running through Sunday, July 23, 2023 at the Huntington Theatre (264 Huntington Ave). Six additional performances have been added due to overwhelming demand from audiences. 

The Lehman Trilogy is an epic and timely story of family, ambition, and risk, sprawling across 163 years of history and shining a calculating spotlight on the spectacular rise and fall of the Lehman Brothers, a family and a company that changed the world. Captivating theatergoers, the 2022 Tony Award-winning Best Play is by Stefano Massini, adapted to English by Ben Power, and directed by artistic director emeritus of American Conservatory Theater Carey Perloff. 

Performed entirely by three actors and one musician, the story follows the original three Lehman brothers, then their sons and grandsons, as they journey from rags to riches to ruin. In 1840s Alabama, a Bavarian immigrant dreams of a better life for his family. By the early 2000s, his descendants trigger unprecedented financial disaster. In a marvel of storytelling, this extraordinary piece of theatre is both an intimate saga about a family and a monumental exposé of unbridled capitalism. 

The Huntington’s production of The Lehman Trilogy is the first to originate in the US and be directed by an American director. Perloff’s unique vision for the production includes a new, sweeping score by Mark Bennett, and a dynamic scenic design by Sara Brown that features wooden crates reminiscent of the containers used to store and ship cotton, the original source of the Lehman brothers’ wealth. 

The Lehman Trilogy has been translated into 24 languages and has received international acclaim from both critics and audiences: The New York Times praised The Lehman Trilogy as “genuinely epic. You’re left reeling by the scope and vitality of it.” The Hollywood Reporter called it “most thrilling...breathtaking!” Deadline called it, “A masterpiece. A miracle and a spellbinding demonstration of theatre’s possibilities.” And London’s The Guardian called it, “astonishing. An intimate epic about the shifting definition of the American Dream.” 

This Tony Award-winning play first premiered in France in 2013 and in Italy in 2015, before the English adaptation debuted at London’s National Theatre in 2018, then played the Park Avenue Armory in NYC in spring of 2019. After pandemic delays, the National Theatre production had a limited run on Broadway (Sept 2021 – Jan 2022) and in Los Angeles (Mar – Apr 2022). Stefano Massini also adapted the play into a novel which was translated into English by Richard Dixon and published in 2020. 

The Huntington’s 2023 production of The Lehman Trilogy, now running through Sunday, July 23, is the first original, American-based production.

建微電網、增開放空間、記歷史文化足跡 華埠土地信託會報告多項計畫

華埠土地信託會開會討論各項計畫進展。 (周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 華埠土地信託會(CCLT) 624日在華人前進會會議廳舉行月會,報告該會正在推行的工作,並討論該如何推動打造“華人歷史文化區”,請出席董事及熱心民眾提意見,預告將於812日舉辦街區派對,9月改選董事。

李素影、黃國威。後排左起,鄭繼良、Eddie Hickey。 (周菊子攝)
CCLT行政主任駱理德說明,華埠土地信託會的宗旨是穩定社區未來,伸張環境正義,增加永久性的可負擔房屋,保留華埠具歷史性的聯排屋 (row house)等。

在穩定工薪階層生活,為華埠地區保留可負擔住宅上,該會已在屋街 (Oak) 29號,以及乞臣街(Hudson) 95號,買下兩棟樓七個單位,均已出售。最近再買了好事福街(Oxford) 84個出租單位,其中一個目前還未租出。

正在辦理的多項計畫。 (周菊子攝)


出席者圍桌討論。 (周菊子攝)

華埠土地信託會計畫把八棟樓宇連成一個微電網。 (周菊子攝)
                        在解決華埠一帶溫度比波士頓市其他地區都高這問題上,華埠土地信託會認為方法之一是增加華埠內綠地與開放空間。該會已成立有開放空間委員會,和其他機構一起合作,目標之一是爭取在未來的圖書館旁闢出一塊空間,綠化菲利浦廣場 (Philips Square)

該會也打算改善黃樹沾紀念公園的環境,並已和麻州交通廳 (MassDOT)達成協議,將以每年一元的價格,租用15年,麻州交通廳還同意清理該地塊土壤。雙方已有口頭協議,一旦簽約落實,估計明年春天可以開始改善工程。

為保留華埠的歷史、文化,華埠土地信託會打算向有關單位爭取,經由區域規劃 (zoning) 等方式,把華埠設為歷史文化保留區,藉以保護華埠不致於被貴族化擠壓得消失於無形。

                   為展現華埠內的歷史、文化,以及保留華埠的價值,華埠土地信託會已經著手蒐集圖片,視頻,個人口述故事,製作移民歷史足跡,並使用二維碼 (QR Code) 等社群網路科技,讓人們更容易獲取資訊。


會中,華埠土地信託會主任駱理德還請出席的該會董事與社區民眾集思廣益,各自描述中國城的構成元素 (What makes Chinatown Chinatown)? 到底都是什麼東西,讓人覺得那是個給華人歸屬感,給華人精神安慰,讓其他人覺得那是個象徵中華文化的地方。出席者從社區集會,華人居住,代表性,移民熟悉的事物、習俗、文化、語言、食物,不一而足。建築師鄭繼良並指出,還應該照顧到年輕人的想法與感受,找出歷史文化與年輕人之間的聯繫,才能從歷史望向未來。

                      這天出席會議的華埠土地信託會董事有李素影,鄭繼良,黃國威,梅清焉,余珮瑛,王嘉接,Eddie Hickey等人。華埠土地信託會主任駱理德還籲請眾人廣告週知,該會正在招聘副主任。

星期六, 6月 24, 2023


左起,AbbVie 副總裁,免疫學發現研究全球負責人Tim Radstake
昆士小學校長司徒玉英,美國之心執行長Jill Hardy Heath,
為在昆士小學辦理的「可能週」揭幕。 (周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠的昆士小學 (JQS)622日經由艾伯維 (AbbVie) 生物製藥公司和美國之心 (Heart of America) 攜手合作,在學校圖書館闢出一個「創客空間 (Makerspace)」,鼓勵小朋友手腦並用,發揮創意、想像力。

AbbVie義工驚喜見到昆士小學學生們魚貫進校。 (周菊子攝)
              艾伯維的副總裁,免疫學發現研究全球負責人Tim Radstake美國之心執行長Jill Hardy Heath,項目副總裁Shelly Lucas在昆士小學校長司徒玉英 (Cynthia Soo Hoo),昆士小學副校長Wai Chin Ng的歡迎中,簡述了他們深入社區學校,義務服務的緣由,以及這天的活動內容。

AbbVie義工們領取要發送的書籍。 (周菊子攝)
              這是艾伯維生物製藥公司第8屆,每年一度的「可能週 (Week of Possibilities)」,回饋社區活動。50名艾伯維公司的科學家、研究員們,這天當義工,和美國之心合作,為有將近800名學生的昆士小學,帶去許多包括書籍,各種手作學習材料等和科學、科技、工程、數學 (STEM)相關的教育資源,讓學生們帶回家,還把圖書館的一個角落清理出來,畫上美麗壁飾,做出一些傢俱,擺放可供組裝的科技套件,鼓勵小朋友們在耳濡目染及動手學習中,喜愛上STEM等科目,觸發深度思考。


              艾伯維免疫學研發全球副總裁Tim Radstake指出,該公司從2014年進波士頓市舉辦「可能週」活動以來,該公司義工為社區提供了大約20萬小時的義務服務。該公司今年的「可能週」在全球各地50個國家及地區,舉辦了不下319個服務活動。

            美國之心執行長Jill Hardy Heath說明,該機構總部設於芝加哥,是個旨在以翻修學校設施、教室,圖書館或STEM實驗室等行動,來協助美國改善教育環境及質量的全國性機構。他們和各界合作,每年帶動不下56千人做義工。該機構官網也稱,他們迄今已為社區提供440萬本書,注資科技950萬元。

              昆士小學校長司徒玉英表示,該校在20229月就已成為國際文憑認證 (IB)世界學校,也是波士頓市第一所辦理國際文憑認證項目(IB PYP)的小學。在AbbVie和美國之心的協助完善「創客空間」下,相信該校學生將獲益更多。