
星期三, 4月 05, 2023

新英格蘭中文教師專業協會春季研習 孫儉元處長籲助台灣邁向雙語國家


是春季研習會的講者。 (周菊子攝)
           (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 新英格蘭中文教師專業協會 (NECTA)41日在波士頓僑教中心會址辦舉春季研習會,從遊戲、情境語法、用PPT設計課程到教學分享,內容十分豐富。波士頓經文處處長孫儉元在會中期許教師們協助中華民國達成2030成為雙語國家的目標。




                 黃薳玉組長指出,外交部、教育部及僑委會都有許多資源,項目、獎學金等,可從各方面協助教師們的教學。例如「學華語到台灣」項目,可以是教師團到台灣受訓,也可以是學生到台灣學華語。教育部還設計有「華語101」,教人基本生活應用中文的應用程式 (app)。另外教育部也在推動幼稚園到12年級 (K-12) 的台美兩地學校交流,目前全美各地已有約40所國高中在做交流,有一家Weston的高中,目前正在台灣拜訪3所學校。






               鍾雨靜在「運用PPT設計課程活動、回家作業」這環節,分享了她用PPT設計課堂活動,協助學生複習已經教過內容的範例,以及幾個用Google Slides來指派回家作業的案例。鍾雨靜表示,這是提高學生完成作業意願的方法之一。


                  新英格蘭中文教師專業協會(New England Chinese Teachers Association,簡稱NECTA) 成立於2009年,目前以籌畫小組方式運作,主要成員有會長許瑛伶,以及龍宇、張君芳、王郁萍、莊珮娸等人。  (查看僑務電子報版本,請上網    https://ocacnews.net/article/336688。)

麻州長Maura Healey 參訪Advent 誓言把麻州帶成全世界的清潔能源領袖


I as Governor you know do this because I really  want Massachusetts to succeed and we're going to   succeed and we do really well and lean in some  key sectors where our knowledge base is such a   great state and we have these assets you look  around the country and there are places that   are on the Move now and they're looking to do  different things but at the end of the day you   know I think Boston Cambridge the history here  of the human and intellectual Capital the brain   power this is where this is where it's at and and  because everything's so close together approximate  


there's a lot of activity engagement and then  we've got a pretty big Venture Community Tier   Two And so there's a lot of there's a there's a  lot um here I've said I want us to be the global   leader when it comes to clean technology when  it comes to addressing climate when it comes to   harnessing you know all of what we can through  through really diverse portfolio of options   and what Advent does is very much part of that  but and we're definitely going to work together


I look I look forward to it and I want to thank  you so much Dr Gregorio for inviting me to be   and inviting our team to be part of this this  day-to-day um I'm really thrilled to be joined   by so many great colleagues I'll start with our  undersecretary for energy Mike Judge who's here   and just started at DEA under secretary  for economic development Ashley Silva and   our secretary of Workforce Development as well  we also have our wonderful representative for   our Massachusetts Clean Energy Center thank you  so much for all the work that you all are doing  


making important investments in technology and  in companies that we want to see grow and thrive   none of this gets done without the work and  partnership and that includes partnership with   the local and state level and to that end  we have our fabulous state senator saldina   medical who is who is here and maybe we should say  something in a minute I uh I'm sure he will yeah um and also I know we have a representative  from our U.


S department of energy so it's about   Partnerships local state and federal to get  us done look as governor of this great great   state our greatest calling card is our human  and intellectual capital and we're sitting in   the heart of it what both Boston what Cambridge  has in terms of research development Innovation   the potential that is why you come here that  is why people come here and study it is why   we want people to stay here not only research  and incubate but also move from the laboratory   to actual manufacturing but none of this happens  none of that is possible without r d and we are  


just so thrilled that Evan has decided to open  this facility here in Charlestown Massachusetts   it is incredibly exciting you are you are on the  front lines in our Global fight to address climate   change and all that is happening and I can tell  you this that as Governor I've committed to doing   everything we can to address climate this is part  of it and you know to that end we recently put   forward one percent of our state budget 55 billion  a year budget for the first time ever one percent  


is going to go towards clean energy and climate  that's important we're tripling the investment in   our clean energy center because funding from our  Massachusetts clean energy center helps see that   helps fund uh work that advent and others out  there are doing so we're really really excited   about this and uh know that we're a team that is  about Innovation because the status quo hasn't   worked and we are where we are so we need to  think about doing things in new and in different  


ways and I think harishing the public private  Partnerships is so so key and so um thrilled   to to be here today it's really thrilled to be  here today and you know I lived in Charlestown   it's amazing to see all that has has transpired  here but our great state senator Sal de Domenico   um it must be something to come in and see all  that's happening here yeah amazing you know   when but it's great to be here because I was  here probably I don't know how long ago maybe   months ago yeah and the walls went down the  lights went down we were walking through empty  


space and it's hard to imagine how it's going to  come together I love how it work a lot of hard   work a lot of dedication and a lot of foresight on  your part thank you by the whole team and Advent   but also you know taking a chance in our community  in our state and you know as the governor said we   have amazing skilled Workforce in the state and  that's why you came here so we're very happy to   have you in our hometown uh we're very happy  pronounced a nice day but more importantly  


the economic engine that drives our state we need  growth we need good companies that come here doing   great things and playing with the people and  contributing to the local County but also local   communities and I know we've talked about this  in the past and we've been committed to not just   Charlestown but our entire state so we need good  partners and do good things and we're very happy   to have you here with the governor because you  know the Investments that she's talking about are  


dollars but being present and being here in person  to show her support and to be here with all of you   to not just talk to Taco walk is important for  all of us and but the message to not just people   here today but of course the entire Commonwealth  in the nation that we are ready to be partners for   our businesses thank you very much so we really  are a global company um with a global footprint   in multiple time zones um and we're you know  we're excited about what we're doing we have a  


Innovative technology that we think is disruptive  um and we're really looking to to create a cleaner   you know better world to live in we think  Boston is a great place to be uh I'm biased   I I I'm from Massachusetts the silly our CEO  um he's originally from Greece however he spent   a lot of time here in Massachusetts he worked  for Polaroid Corporation for I think 16 years   uh it always has loved Massachusetts and recognize  the opportunity that it presents and you know with  


Governor Healey's visit today we feel that we're  going to get the support that we need um to grow

星期二, 4月 04, 2023


Boston Orange 編譯)有關人員表示,麻州OrangeDexter Park 創新學校,有十名學生吃下含有胡椒粉的口香糖後,被送往醫院。


根據聲明,有六名學生被救護車送往AtholHeywood醫院,消防局局長James Young在接受簡短訪問中表示,另外四名學生由他們的監護人送往醫院。


消防局局長James Young表示,還不知道有多少學生吃了口香糖,有些甚麼狀況,,學生的年齡也還不清楚。根據學校網站,Dexter Park創新學校有三到六年級的學生。

波士頓市獲選接受減少暴力培訓 將推出療癒之旅

                (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)今 (4)日和1波士頓警察局局長 Michael Cox,波士頓公校總監 Mary Skipper等人聯袂宣佈,波士頓市獲選為馬里蘭大學減少暴力與實踐中心(Center for the Study and Practice of Violence Reduction)的培訓隊伍之一,未來數週將在波士頓推出「療癒之旅」。


              波士頓警察局局長 Michael Cox說,警察迄今逮捕5名兇殺案嫌犯,調查員也正在繼續查察。

              在任務丘(Mission Hill) Tobin社區中心,波士頓市長吳弭表示,大家知道,波士頓市是全美最安全的大都會之一,不過她要強調的是,談到公共安全事件,犯罪率達到歷史低點還不夠好,他們要致力根除每一個鄰里、社區,市內每一個角落中的暴力。

              廣播電台主持人James “Jimmy” Hills在簡報會中說,波士頓市將推出「療癒之旅」,作為努力的行動之一。最終目的是在市政府支持下,把改善生活品質的主權帶回社區。

              出席活動的發言者還包括薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin Hayden,社區安全資深顧問Isaac Yablo,波士頓公共衛生局主任及公衛委員會委員長Bisola Ojikutu博士等人。

Flynn、Breadon、Coletta等3位波士頓市議員訂4/11開公聽會 討論除害蟲

Council President Flynn, Councilor Liz Breadon and Councilor Gabriela Coletta to Hold Hearing on Pest Control on Tuesday, April 11th 

BOSTON - City Councilors Ed Flynn, Liz Breadon and Gabriela Coletta will hold a hearing to discuss pest control in the City of Boston on Tuesday, April 11th at 10 a.m. at the Boston City Council Iannella Chamber. This hearing will be combined with another docket to discuss trash contracts and procedures in the City of Boston, which is sponsored by Councilors Kenzie Bok, Ruthzee Louijeune, and Michael Flaherty. Residents are encouraged to participate and testify in person or via videoconference by reaching out to meghan.kavanagh@boston.gov. The hearing will be broadcasted live on Xfinity 8/RCN 82/ Fios 964 and streamed at: boston.gov/city-council-tv.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an uptick of rodent activity reported across many neighborhoods in the City, causing heightened concerns over public health and quality of life. In the past few years, Council President Flynn has partnered with a number of Councilors to hold at least one hearing per year to discuss the measures the City of Boston has in place to reduce rodent populations. This hearing will serve as part of an ongoing series of annual check-ins with the Public Works Department to see how far the City is progressing on curbing rodent populations, and whether current measures are effective. 

“Pest Control is an important quality of life issue for many residents across the City. I have worked on this issue for a number of years now and have heard from various residents, city officials and experts about different strategies to combat rodents.” said Council President Flynn. “I look forward to holding this hearing with Councilors Breadon and Coletta and having the Public Works team report on their latest findings and results. It is important to discuss what is working or not in our neighborhoods, and whether we can adopt new approaches.” 

“As we enjoy the warmer weather we will once again see an exponential increase in rodent activity in District 9. We must continue to educate residents, hold absentee landlords accountable and implement proven strategies to address this health hazard and improve the quality of life for Bostonians.” said Councilor Liz Breadon.

“The infestation of rats in our city is a perennial issue that has worsened since the onset of the pandemic. My office has the constituent services data to support that this is an urgent issue our city needs to address to protect from the health hazards pests present” said Councilor Coletta. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to significantly reduce rats in the City of Boston through major investments in Pest Control.”

For more information, please contact Council President Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov

生物科技領域潛力仍在 Cure Ventures第一輪募資3億5千萬元

圖片截自Cure Ventures 網站。
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 以具突破性療法科技早期生命科學及生物科技公司為投資對象的創投公司Cure Ventures,今 (4) 日宣佈,第一輪基金募得35千萬元。

過去這2年,麻州的生物科技公司飽受上市公司股價大跌,人們對上市興趣大減,企業陸續裁員,房地產需求萎縮等打擊,士氣頗為低迷。成立於2021Cure Ventures,募款成績之亮麗,令人精神一振。

Cure Ventures的共同創辦人David Fallace表示,該公司將支持大約20家初創公司,分別投資25萬元到600萬元的種子輪資金,估計其中約1215家會展現足夠潛能,讓該公司及其他公司繼續再投資15002000萬元。然後其中最具潛力的公司會上市,或者出售,或者有一部份資產賣給大製藥公司。

Cure VenturesDavid Fallace和另外2名執行合夥人,5AM 和第三岩 (Third Rock) 創投公司的前合夥人Lou Tartaglia,以及Omega 基金前董事長Richard Lim,在牛頓市及衛斯理市的公共圖書館,租下會議室,在白板前腦力激盪,決定了成立Cure Ventures,專注於支持創新療法,甚至以協助每日營運決定的方式,來和他們所投資的公司一起努力。

Cure Ventures的第一輪基金,投資者來自美國內外,包括州市政府的退休基金,基金會,捐贈基金,醫院及醫療系統,家族辦公室等。

該公司在網站上貼出的團隊成員有10人,9名合夥人中前述3人為執行合夥人,共有2名華人,一為執行合夥人,哈佛大學畢業的Richard Lim,一為合夥人,北京大學畢業的May Han

星期一, 4月 03, 2023

波士頓市公民組織主任Henry Santana宣佈參選波士頓市不分區市議員

Henry Santana。 (圖片取自波士頓市府網站)
             (Boston Orange 編譯) 在波士頓市選區重劃的法律訴訟正在如火如荼進行之際,波士頓市府的公民組織 (Civic Organization) 主任Henry Santana (3) 日宣佈參選波士頓市不分區市議員。

             去年3月才上任的Henry Santana出生在多明尼加共和國的Bani,孩童時代移民來美,具西班牙語及英語的雙語能力,曾就讀波士頓公校,畢業於Lasell大學,擁有歷史及政治學士學位。他曾在MFS投資管理公司工作,也曾擔任波士頓市議員Kenzie Bok的地區主任,營運主任和任務丘及芬衛聯絡員。

             Henry Santana表示,他的故事就是波士頓市故事。他家經歷過從另外一個國家移民來這兒的所有挑戰,也得到波士頓市提供的所有機會。他參選波士頓市不分區市議員市因為他想用自己的平台來倡議公屋、公安,以及公民參與和環境正義。他的生活經驗教會了他合作的力量,用以打造更強壯、更有彈性的城市。

             非牟利機構「世代團結(GenUnity)」的執行長Jerren Chang表示,Henry Santana自己的移民經驗教會了他,摸索政府系統可以有多難,人們多迫切的需要打破這些障礙。Henry Santana有這遠見,要把人們團結起來,帶動改變,而且他也有不倦不悔,改善鄰里的紀錄。

             根據波士頓市選務局明列的參選規定,Henry Santana必須在419日前遞交文件,申請參選,然後他必須取得1500個選民支持的簽名,才能名列初選選票。今年的波士頓市初選將在912日,大選將為117日。


BOSTON (April 3, 2023) - Henry Santana today announced his candidacy for Boston City Councilor At-Large. Santana currently serves as Director of Civic Organizing for Mayor Michelle Wu, where he helps drive community engagement across the City. He previously served as Mission Hill liaison and Director of Operations for Councilor Kenzie Bok.

Santana grew up in public housing in Mission Hill after immigrating to Boston as a child from Bani, Dominican Republic. A bilingual English and Spanish speaker, he attended Boston Public Schools and led youth programming in Mission Hill before going to work for the City.

“My story is the story of Boston,” said Santana. “My family experienced all the challenges of moving here from another country, but also all the opportunities our city can provide. I am running for Boston City Council At-Large because I want to use my platform to advocate for public housing, public safety, civic engagement, and environmental justice. My own life experience has taught me the power of working collaboratively to build a stronger, more resilient city together.”

“We are so proud of Henry,” said Matilda Drayton, president of the Tenant Task Force at Alice Taylor, the BHA housing development where Santana grew up. “We need more candidates that know firsthand about living in public housing and can advocate for us.” 

In addition to investing in public housing, Santana is pushing for a truly trust-based approach to public safety. That means investing in the kinds of youth development programs that created a safe environment for him growing up, while also building strong relationships between community and police. He also knows that our communities cannot heal if we do not create strong pathways for returning citizens.

"As someone who's spent years working with incarcerated individuals, I know firsthand how important it is to have leaders who prioritize criminal justice reform and support reentry programs,” said David Jean-Jacques, Executive Director of the Big Hope Project. “Henry Santana is that kind of leader. He understands the challenges faced by the formerly incarcerated and is committed to ensuring they have the resources they need to successfully reintegrate into our community.”

In his work running the Office of Civic Organizing, Santana travels all over the city to better connect every neighborhood to city government. "I've seen firsthand how Henry Santana is committed to improving the lives of our neighbors in East Boston,” said Sandra Nijjar, Executive Director of East Boston Community Soup Kitchen. “As a City Councilor At Large, I know he'll fight to ensure that every person in our community has access to healthy food and a warm meal.”

It was Santana’s own immigrant experience that taught him how hard the systems of government can be to navigate, and how urgent it is to break down those barriers every day. “Each of us can contribute to building a community that works for all of us,” said Jerren Chang, CEO of civic nonprofit GenUnity. “Henry Santana shares this vision of bringing people together to drive change and has a proven track record of working tirelessly to improve our neighborhoods.”
To learn more about Henry Santana’s campaign for City Councilor At-Large, visit henrysantana.com or follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

麻州總檢察官辦公室和Mystic電力達成協議 為麻州居民節省900萬元


Agreement Reduces the Amount That Mystic Power Can Recover to Cover the Cost of Operating the Mystic Generating Station in Everett 


BOSTON – Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell announced today that her office has reached a settlement with Constellation Mystic Power (Mystic), the owner of the Mystic Generation Station in Everett, that will save Massachusetts ratepayers approximately $9 million on their electric bills, if approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  


“As many continue to feel the economic impact of this winter’s record high energy rates, this settlement will save families millions on their electric bills,” AG Campbell said. “My office will continue to push for lower electric costs and cleaner energy for residents all across Massachusetts.” 


The settlement resolves a November 2021 protest filed at FERC by the New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE), a non-profit that represents the collective perspective of the six New England states, and Eastern New England Customer-Owned Systems (ENECOS), a coalition of municipal electric utilities and quasi-municipal districts in certain New England states. The AG’s Office intervened in the proceeding at FERC and supported NESCOE and ENECOS’ claims. The protest challenged the amount that Mystic sought to recover – $52 million – in capital expenditures for running the Mystic Generation Station. 


Mystic Generating Station Units 8 and 9 and the Everett Marine Terminal are funded through a cost-of-service agreement between Mystic and ISO-New England (ISO-NE), the independent not-for-profit organization that manages operation of the region’s electrical grid.  The funds that Mystic collects under its cost-of-service agreement are charged to electricity suppliers participating in the wholesale electricity market, who then incorporate the costs into the supply rates that they charge customers on their electric bills. Mystic is required to submit informational filings to support the costs that it charges, which can be challenged by consumer advocates and other stakeholders.  


The settlement agreement was negotiated between Mystic, the AG’s Office, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, the Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel, ISO-NE and NESCOE. The settlement agreement will save New England electricity customers an estimated $20 million, and because Massachusetts consumes nearly half of the region’s energy, approximately $9 million of the savings from the agreement will benefit Massachusetts ratepayers. 


Customers who are struggling to pay their electric bills and looking for immediate help should reach out to their utility company and learn about the financial assistance options available to them including flexible payment programs, and many of these options are available regardless of income. For information on how to save on monthly energy bills this winter visit the AG’s resource website. 


The AG’s Office is the ratepayer advocate for Massachusetts and is authorized to intervene in or institute administrative and judicial proceedings on behalf of consumers in connection with any matter involving the rates, charges, prices or tariffs of any investor-owned Massachusetts gas, electric, or water company.  


This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Chris Modlish and Analyst Jamie Donovan of AG Campbell’s Energy and Telecommunications Division. 


(Boston Orange綜合編譯) 麻州副州長 Kim Driscoll (3) 日宣佈,2023年的麻州STEM高峰會訂54日在PTC位於波士頓海港區的全球總部舉行。


麻州副州長 Kim DriscollSTEM 諮詢委員會的共同主席。今日該會在麻州科學博物館 (Museum of Science) 召開第一次會議。她說,麻州政府知道STEM 教育的價值,也視之為加強本州經濟、提升競爭力,為所有人建設更光明未來的關鍵一環。今年的 STEM 峰會將為掃除障礙和提高公平性奠定基礎。 作為歷史上領導麻州的第一個全女性團隊,奚莉 (Maura Healey)州長和她將致力於確保 STEM 中的女性、有色人種和其他代表性不足的群體有機會進入這些關鍵領域。”

教育廳廳長Patrick Tutwiler表示,他很激動,今年的STEM峰會聚焦重新想像高中。他說人們必須重新參與,重新投資近高中經驗,他很高興5月時能把學生、教育者及伙伴雇主聚在一起,展開對話。這峰會也將是收集所有利益相關者關於如何改變每個學生的教育、為更具競爭力和公平的麻州做出貢獻的創新想法的第一個機會。”

成立於1985年,在全世界30多國擁有6500多名員工的PTC,是一家革新計算機輔助設計軟件的公司。PTC 首席多元化官兼 CSR 負責人 Kameelah Benjamin-Fuller 說,能有機會在該公司位於波士頓海港區的全球總部舉辦STEM年度峰會,讓人很激動。該公司經由基金會和社會影響計畫,在STEM領域致力推動多元化。

麻州從2004年開始每年舉辦STEM峰會。STEM 諮詢委員會由副州長 Driscoll、國會議員 Jake AuchinclossVertex 製藥董事長暨執行長Jeffery Leiden 博士擔任共同主席。 STEM 峰會由麻州STEM 諮詢委員會、麻州商業圓桌會議和麻州大學唐納休 (Donahue)學院聯合主辦。

                     今年,麻州政府對高中生未來職業和進大學途徑做了歷史性及戰略性的投資。奚莉州長和Kim Driscoll副州長的 2024 財政預算提案包括近 4700 萬美元用於早期大學和創新途徑,比2023 財政年度增加 1440 萬美元,讓學生在年紀更小時就可研修高等教育課程,也更早面對實體操作培訓,幫助他們決定他們有興趣追求的職業道路。這些舉措是政府正在為整個麻州的學生,形成轉變的高中經驗之路的一種方式。 

Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces 2023 STEM Summit 

Summit Will Be Held May 4th at PTC Global Headquarters, With the Theme of “Reimagining High School” 
BOSTON –– The Healey-Driscoll Administration announced today at Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll’s first STEM Advisory Council Meeting as Co-Chair that the 2023 Massachusetts STEM Summit will be held on May 4th at the PTC Global Headquarters in the Boston Seaport. The Summit will promote the cutting-edge STEM work occurring across the Commonwealth’s education and employer partnerships, featuring captivating speakers and collaborative panels that engage students, educators, and workforce partners with a common goal of “Reimagining High School.” 

“Our administration knows the value of a STEM education and sees it as a crucial piece to strengthening our state’s economy, driving our competitiveness and building a brighter future for all,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “This year’s STEM Summit will set the stage for us to address barriers to access and improve equity. As the first all-women team to lead Massachusetts in history, Governor Healey and I are committed to ensuring that women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups in STEM get a shot at entry opportunities into these critical fields.” 

“I am thrilled that this year’s STEM Summit is focused on Reimagining High School. We must reengage and reinvest in the high school experience, and I am so excited to gather students, educators, and employer partners in May to facilitate that conversation,” said Education Secretary Patrick Tutwiler. “The Summit will be one of our first opportunities to collect the innovative ideas from all stakeholders on how to transform education for every student, contributing to a more competitive and equitable Massachusetts.“ 

The Summit’s theme of “Reimagining High School” will center on a new vision for high school with equity at its core — one that sees and honors the diverse needs, interests, perspectives and life experiences of all students. Redesigned learning experiences will include creating innovative access points and pathways, embracing innovative opportunities for student engagement, increasing class relevancy with deeper hands-on instruction, collaborating with industry partners to provide wider access to work-based learning experiences, and creating deeper advising to empowering all Massachusetts students to make informed career and college choices in STEM fields and beyond.

“We are thrilled to host the 2023 STEM Summit at our global headquarters in the beautiful Boston Seaport. PTC is committed to championing diversity as a driver of success in the communities where we live and work. Through the PTC Foundation and our social impact initiatives, we invest in programs that are aligned with our corporate mission to promote diversity within STEM,” said Kameelah Benjamin-Fuller, Chief Diversity Officer & CSR Leader at PTC

PTC is a global technology company that has been revolutionizing the computer aided design software market since the company’s inception in 1985. The 2023 Massachusetts STEM Summit will be held at their Global Headquarters in the Boston Seaport, which has been recognized as one of the greenest buildings in the U.S. PTC has been headquartered in the greater Boston area since it was founded and has since grown to have more than 6,500 employees across 30 countries. PTC is a prime example of the employer partnerships that are growing Massachusetts’s STEM workforce pipeline — they have been a past sponsor of the Mass Tech Collaborative’s Manufacturing Mash-Up which is meant to inspire the current and next generation of workforce to find fulfilling careers in Advanced Manufacturing.

The Healey-Driscoll Administration and STEM Advisory Council are working to support and expand different types of STEM initiatives that begin to piece together how to reimagine high school. Among these initiatives are Innovation Pathways, STEM-Tech Academies, STEM Internships, and Skills Capital Grants with the Career Technical Initiative (CTI). The STEM Advisory Council is Co-Chaired by Lieutenant Governor Driscoll, U.S Congressman for Massachusetts Jake Auchincloss, and Chairman, President and CEO of Vertex Pharmaceuticals Dr. Jeffery Leiden. The STEM Summit is hosted jointly by the Massachusetts STEM Advisory Councilthe Massachusetts Business Roundtable and the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute. Massachusetts has held an annual statewide STEM Summit since 2004. 

This year, the STEM Summit comes at a time when the Healey-Driscoll Administration has made historic and strategic investments in career and college pathways for high school students. Governor Healey’s and Lt. Governor Driscoll’s FY24 budget proposal includes nearly $47 million for Early College and Innovation Pathways, a $14.4 million increase from FY23. Prioritizing programs that help expose students to hands on training and higher education courses at an earlier age help them decide what career paths they are interested in pursuing. These initiatives are one way the administration is forging a path toward a transformed high school experience for students across the Commonwealth.