
星期五, 2月 03, 2023

The Physical Determinants of Health: the Building as a Health Intervention?

 The Physical Determinants of Health: the Building as a Health Intervention?

Lucas DiLeo, Contributing Writer for Boston Orange

A growing body of research suggests that the design and architecture of a health care facility substantially influences the health outcomes of the patients in it.  Yet there are few formal experiments to develop and test these ideas about the physical determinants of healthcare and incorporate them into design practices.    This was the conclusion of an interdisciplinary panel of bioethicists last week at the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics. 

The speakers, summarizing their three years’ collaboration, called for a more ‘systems based’ approach to exploring, testing and evaluating how design can enhance the care delivery environment and patient health outcomes. And that these insights be brought into the formal health facility design process. 

How can buildings shape the well-being of patients? 

There is an effort to understand how the buildings in which clinicians practice can shape the health and well-being of patients, according to Kelsey Berry, PhD, Associate Faculty Director of the Master of Bioethics Degree Program at HMS and panel Moderator. 

Kerry noted the industry’s increasing focus upon the social determinants of health. There has been a paradigm shift.   And we have the opportunity to do this again. 

So how should healthcare respond?  What the role should health groups play in testing and developing design solutions?  And what values should shape particular design interventions? 

The built environment as a parameter of care 

The built environment is a parameter of care in the view of Diana C. Anderson, M.D., M.Arch., Geriatric Neurology Research Fellow at the VA Boston Healthcare System.   And needs to be considered alongside other parameters of care.   As medical students they took courses on determents of community health.  But no one was talking about the physical determinants of health. 

Their view is the built environment has as much impact on us as other medical interventions, and essentially it is a medical intervention.  It can effect us as much as a medication or a procedure.     

Healthcare design and its impact upon the care environment 

There are a number of qualities of built space that are reasonably well documented, and generally inferable as to how they would affect us, according to William J. Hercules, M.Arch., CEO of WJH Health and former President of American College of Healthcare Architects.   

Such as how it looks; access to as view of nature; lighting or acoustic effects that may have a positive or negative effect on our mood or well-being. 

Hercules’ view is that architecture could benefit from a bioethics lens.  Outside of building codes or various guidelines there is a lack of structure around the health implications of design. Design projects have millions of decisions by many more people than just architects, but these decisions are not well regulated like pharmaceutical development. 

He quoted Winston Churchill: “We shape our buildings and they shape us”.   And Florence Nightingale wrote about how soldiers did not die from battle wounds but from the environment of care. 

However, code changes are really about minimum compliance.  The bigger idea is the codes themselves are not transformational.  We need a different kind of infrastructure and organizational Infrastructure to do these things. 

What is the framework that can be applied to design and healthcare? 

Stowe L. Teti, M.A., Clinical Ethicist at Inova Health System discussed examples of the impact of design on health practices and outcomes.   

Stowe framed the design-ethical issues in clinical care:  incidental events around facility operations and deliberate actions that are taken in terms of physical design.  And he raised the question: is it appropriate to do research on the built environment outside of a research context. There is no oversight required to put people in a physical setting. 

One example from Canada about people living in long term care facilities - approximately 2.1 million, a tiny percentage of the total population.  But around 40% of COVID deaths were from such facilities.  Upon further analysis one third of the nursing homes had multiple occupancy of rooms and communal design.  Those facilities were responsible for 2/3rd of those deaths.  So it is not just the settings but the features of those settings that can have an impact, 

Sometimes our decisions are being influence by the space we are in.  Another study researched the impact of design upon clinical care and child birth. They found facilities which had more surgical suites performed more c-sections than those that devoted more space for natural birth.   

And COVID illustrated how in solving one problem they created another - such a moving IV pumps outside of rooms to lower staff exposure risk.  Which led to patients being less closely monitored, which also coincided with visitation restriction.  During this period they saw increases in pressure ulcers and hospital acquired illness.  

Evidence Based Design leading to differential outcomes.  

A study of Columbia Presbyterian ICU indicated that sicker patients assigned to the corner rooms did not do as well, according to Dr Anderson.   Those had greater morbidity and mortality due to the lower visibility from the staffing stations.   Our expectation is that the care is equal to what the person in the next room receives- but what if not every room in the hospital does not allow the same opportunity to get better. 

Another is a study of sink availability by McGill University.  They found that every additional meter that must be walked by healthcare workers decreased the likelihood of hand washing by 10%. 

To discourage dementia patients from leaving the facility, one home applied masking tape in horizontal bars on the floor in front of the doors.   Where the stripes were applied vertically the patients would walk right past them.  Patients misperceived the horizontal bars as a 3-dimensional stairs which may not be welcoming to someone frail.  The question raised: is there a difference between using medication to limit wandering vs using architecture to induce a psychological state to achieve the same end? 

The natural progression of using illusions that deceive is complete immersion.  An example of a dementia village - the original is in the Netherlands and others have popped up around the globe.  They permit permissive wanderings by the patient.  An artificial reality of a community of streets and retail shops.   An illusion of freedom but does not lead to the outside world.   One can go to a supermarket or barber or pub, but ultimately it is a gated dwelling unit. 

Is there a right to reality for patients with advanced dementia?  

These are examples of the emerging ethical issues in long term care design for which there are no research or oversight but they believe should.  Such as the perception that the patient is free to leave, when they are not.  Or the immersive settings that convince residents they are somewhere else or in a different time period.   Controlling behavior thru design interventions: not different than interventions undertaken in medical pharmaceutical development in their opinion. 

Institutional policy and the built environment 

Do healthcare systems need to rebuild hospitals?  Not necessarily, according to David A. Deemer, M.D., Bioethicist and Internal Medicine Resident at University of Wisconsin, Madison. 

Policies are another tool.   They govern how we operate within buildings and can mitigate harmful effects of a given space.  They offer flexibility and can be rapidly implemented.  And cost a lot less than a new hospital building. 

For instance, a study on visitation polices by 32 hospitals found that strict no visitation policies led to more effective disease isolation.  However, patients experienced increased rates of pressure ulcers, falls and sepsis.  And loss of patient’s connection to ‘reality’. 

Allowing some degree of limited visitation may mitigate some of these adverse association but may cost more. 

Takeaways and Next Steps 

Teti concluded by offering a set of recommendations. 

·       It is time for the built environment to become part of the same calculation as other physical and psychological factors affecting care.

·       funding and research is required to investigate the curative efficacies of specific architectural interventions.

·       The Ethical issues in healthcare architecture experimentation requires an ethical rubric to clarify intent, risks and expected outcomes.

·       Bioethicists need to engage with health architects around issues of equal access and treatment, prevention of co-morbidities, and use of space to influence people. 

Where does the field go next? 

Pierre M. Barker, MD, MBChB, Chief Scientific Officer, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, offered a commentary on the presentations and his thoughts on where the field goes next. 

First is the extent of family and patient engagement in the design process and testing of the design changes.  The starting point is what matters to the patients we are trying to serve   Those closest to the patients have the best ideas for how to respond to the needs identified.  

Second: what can we learn from using the tools of improvement science - particularly iterative learning and systems thinking to guide the designs.  There is an opportunity to incorporate ideas learned from the studies and move into perspective design that use rapid cycle thinking. 

One final point, using improvement study designs to test the interesting data accumulating in this field.  The studies we saw today are observational, and all retrospectives.  He did not see much in terms of good matching.  So, they do risk that the evidence on which some profound decisions are being made are potentially at risk of bias.  

The next step is what do you do with that data.  The idea of co-design and that we can perturb the environment in a prototype way while looking at the results of those tests before committing to expansive, more lasting design changes. 

There is a lot that can be done with the data at hand.  He wondered if there isn’t a lot of opportunity for more testing of ideas and more manipulation of the existing spaces.  

Lucas DiLeo, Contributing Writer for Boston Orange

星期四, 2月 02, 2023

波士頓市府慶祝兔年 節目豐富 市長吳弭臨時未出席

洪青體育會瑞獅舞動,博得滿堂采聲。 (周菊子攝)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市政府21日下午1點半,在市政府大樓3樓大堂,舉辦農曆新年慶祝會,以舞獅、民俗舞蹈、音樂演奏,手工藝,書寫春聯等活動,讓人一覽亞裔文化習俗。





波士頓是議會議長Ed Flynn(中)號召波士頓市議員們到市政府大樓三樓大堂,和華人社區

               波士頓市議會這天正好開會,轄區包括華埠的波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)特地促進議員們都從5樓下來,到3樓大堂感受一下農曆新年氣氛。波士頓市長的幕僚長朱為婷也特地下樓,舉手和場中眾人打招呼。

波士頓市不分區市議員Michael Flaherty在五樓和樓下民眾打招呼。 (周菊子攝)
               波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)原本預定出席這活動,當天一早10點半,臨時通知媒體,取消這一公開行程。市長辦公室也不肯透露,到底是何原因,她未能到場。

               波士頓市聯邦關係主任Sam Hyun這天再次代表未能出席的市長,向場中眾人致意。他還發表一番談話,強調亞裔必須發聲,加入決策圈,才能保障亞裔權益。波士頓市平等及包容長 (Equity and Inclusion) Mariangely Solis Cervera 也致詞表示,波士頓市致力平等對待各族裔。 (更新版)
波士頓市府員工坐在3樓大堂石階上欣賞表演,大拍手掌。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市平等及包容長 (Chief of Equity and Inclusion)
Mariangely Solis Cervera 致詞。
波士頓市聯邦關係主任Sam Hyun代表當天未能到場的波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)致意。
波士頓市政府大樓。 (周菊子攝)



Settlement Resolves Allegations That the Company Failed to Provide Post-Repossession Information to Consumers; Eligible Borrowers May Qualify for Debt Relief and Credit Repair  


BOSTON– Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell today announced a settlement reached with Toyota Motor Credit Corporation to resolve allegations of certain illegal auto loan collection practices, securing more than $7.6 million, including approximately $5.5 million in debt relief. More than 500 borrowers across the state are expected to be eligible for relief under the settlement. 


The assurance of discontinuance, filed on January 17th in Suffolk Superior Court, alleges that Toyota Motor Credit failed to give certain consumers sufficient information about the calculation methods for deficiencies left on their auto loans after their cars were repossessed. The settlement also alleges that Toyota Motor Credit made excessive collection calls to certain consumers, in violation of the AG’s Debt Collection Regulations.  


“Consumers facing repossession and collection actions on their vehicles deserve clear and transparent information from auto lenders,” said AG Campbell. “It is our hope that the debt waiver and funds secured through this settlement will assist hundreds of residents in getting the relief they need and deserve – and build on our efforts to provide economic opportunity to families across Massachusetts.”  


Today’s settlement is part of the ongoing work of the AG’s Office to protect consumers, especially from unfair and predatory collection practices. The AG’s Office has previously pursued Credit Acceptance Corporation (CAC) for failing to provide similar information to auto borrowers after auto repossession – this claim was part of a much broader suit against CAC relating to unfair lending, collection and securitization issues. In August 2020, the AG’s Office sued CAC and announced a settlement in September 2021 for over $27 million in cash as well as debt forgiveness and credit repair for affected consumers. Last year, the AG’s Office entered into a $5.6 million assurance of discontinuance with Santander Consumer USA relating to its alleged failure to provide post-repossession information to borrowers.  


Borrowers eligible for relief under this settlement will be contacted by the AG’s Office. Anyone with questions about settlement eligibility should contact the Attorney General’s Insurance and Financial Services Division at 617-963-2220. 


This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Andrew Labadini and Mathematician Dr. Burt Feinberg, both of the AG’s Insurance and Financial Services Division. 


White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
Vice President Kamala Harris places flowers at a memorial for the victims of the mass shooting in Monterey Park, California on Jan. 25, 2023. Photo courtesy of the White House.

A Message from President Joe Biden to the Monterey Park Community



On January 24, 2023, Erika L. Moritsugu, Deputy Assistant to the President and Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Senior Liaison, participated in a vigil at Monterey Park City Hall in California to mourn those who were killed in the mass shooting on January 21, 2023. Moritsugu shared the Biden-Harris Administration’s full support and condolences for the community and delivered the following message from President Joe Biden:

2023 年 1 月 24 日,总统副助理兼亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民高级联络员 Erika L. Moritsugu 参加了在加利福尼亚州蒙特利公园市政厅举行的守夜活动,悼念在2023 年 1 月 21 日大规模枪击事件中丧生的受害者。 Moritsugu分享了拜登-哈里斯政府对社区的全力支持和慰问,并传达了拜登总统的以下信息:

2023 年 1 月 24 日,總統副助理兼亞裔美國人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民高級聯絡員 Erika L. Moritsugu 參加了在加利福尼亞州蒙特利公園市政廳舉行的守夜活動,悼念在2023 年 1 月 21 日大規模槍擊事件中喪生的受害者。 Moritsugu分享了拜登-哈里斯政府對社區的全力支持和慰問,並傳達了拜登總統的以下信息:

Presidential seal


January 24, 2023

Jill and I are keeping the people of Monterey Park and the Los Angeles region close to our hearts after a deadly mass shooting pierced your community and our Nation’s soul.

To the loved ones left behind, no one should ever have to experience the deep, gripping sorrow you are feeling or endure the despair of yet another senseless act of violence. I know nothing I can say will fill the void left by those who are no longer with us and that so many questions are still unanswered. But I hope you can find solace in knowing that the country is keeping you, as well as those who were injured, in our prayers.

The lives taken on January 21, 2023, were grandparents, parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, friends, and neighbors. Many were immigrants who came to America in search of their dreams and to build a better future for their family. They were cherished and loved, and while they are gone, they will never be forgotten.

I share the grief that is felt by the entire Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community, especially those who made Monterey Park their home to feel safe and at peace. Now, instead of embracing the Lunar New Year with hope for a new beginning, this community and the entire Nation are shaken by this tragedy.  

To everyone gathered here today, I stand with you. May your love for the victims serve as a source of your strength—strength to stand up against violence, to rise up stronger, and to find purpose in living lives worthy of those lost and all those we can save.  Let us be there for one another. And let us heal these wounds and unite as one Nation.  

In this moment of darkness, anger, and despair, your light will lead us forward. May God bless you all.

— President Joe Biden
★ ★ ★


2023 年 1 月 24 日


致遇难者身后的亲人们,没人应该经历你们所感受到的这深切的,揪心的悲痛, 没人应该忍受又一起毫无意义的暴力行为带来的绝望。我知道不论我说什么都也无法填补那些不再和我们在一起的人留下的空白,而且还有很多问题仍未得到解答。但我希望你们能在知道这个国家在为你们和受伤的人祈祷时,得到慰藉。

2023 年 1 月 21 日被夺去生命的有祖父母、父母、兄弟姐妹、叔伯、阿姨、朋友和邻居。许多是为了追寻梦想,并为他们的家庭建设更美好的未来而来到美国的移民。他们被珍重爱戴,即使走了,也永远不会被遗忘。




★ ★ ★


2023 年 1 月 24 日


致遇難者身後的親人們,沒人應該經歷你們所感受到的這深切的,揪心的悲痛, 沒人應該忍受又一起毫無意義的暴力行為帶來的絕望。我知道不論我說什麼都也無法填補那些不再和我們在一起的人留下的空白,而且還有很多問題仍未得到解答。但我希望你們能在知道這個國家在為你們和受傷的人祈禱時,得到慰藉。

2023 年 1 月 21 日被奪去生命的有祖父母、父母、兄弟姐妹、叔伯、阿姨、朋友和鄰居。許多是為了追尋夢想,並為他們的家庭建設更美好的未來而來到美國的移民。他們被珍重愛戴,即使走了,也永遠不會被遺忘。




Additional White House statements and remarks:

  • Jan. 22: Statement from President Joe Biden on the Shooting in Monterey Park, California. Read more.
  • Jan. 22: A Proclamation on Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Monterey Park, California. Read more.
  • Jan. 24: Statement from President Biden on the Shooting in Half Moon Bay, California. Read more.
  • Jan. 25: Remarks by Vice President Harris at Memorial for Victims of the Monterey Park Shooting. Read more.
  • Jan. 26: Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at Lunar New Year Celebration. Read more.

Our hearts go out to the victims, survivors, and all those impacted by the mass shootings in California. As our communities mourn, please find a list of resources that may help during this difficult time.

  • The U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime has prepared resource guides for those affected by the tragedies in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay, California. Read more here and here (English中文).
  • After an incident of mass violence, it’s common to feel anxious, overwhelmed, isolated, or depressed. You are not alone. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration supports the Disaster Distress Helpline, a 24/7 toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service. Call or text the hotline at 1-800-985-5990. Learn more.
  • If you or someone you know is struggling with emotional distress or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat at 988Lifeline.org
  • Parents and caregivers play an important role in helping children and adolescents recover from exposure to traumatic events. View resources from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network here.
  • Learn how to apply for crime victim compensation and find contact information for victim assistance programs. Read more.
  • 全国各州都从犯罪受害者办公室接收联邦资助以支持当地的受害者援助和赔偿金计划。在您的近邻地区、州和/或地区内,有各种资源为犯罪受害个体提供服务。(English中文)
  • If you believe you are the victim of a hate crime or believe you witnessed a hate crime, please report it here.

The White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI), established by President Joe Biden through Executive Order 14031, is charged with coordinating a whole-of-government agenda to advance equity, justice, and opportunity for AA and NHPI communities. Learn more.