
星期五, 2月 10, 2023

劉珒音樂獨奏會 觀眾數度起立鼓掌

中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵 (右) 很高興鋼琴家劉珒那麼受歡迎。 (周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange) 中華表演藝術基金會上週六24日在紐英崙音樂學院喬頓廳 (Jordan Hall) 舉行劉珒 (Kate Liu) 鋼琴獨奏會。400多觀眾不畏波士頓當晚驟降至華氏零下的氣溫,趕到會場,盛讚劉珒演出水平,數度起立致意,掌聲久久不歇。


波士頓音樂情報(The Boston Musical Intelligencer) 樂評 ,目前住在波士頓的指揮家Julian Gau以『蕭邦和普羅科菲耶夫的微妙之處 (Exquisite Subtleties in Chopin and Prokofiev)”


Julian Gau, “從最柔和、最親密的耳語到最大膽的吶喊,劉珒以她敏感、熱情的演奏,深深吸引了週六這晚坐在喬丹廳裏的觀眾。劉珒對蕭邦的小品表現出了非凡的奉獻和關懷。音樂從低語變成洪流,激情的浪潮洶湧澎湃。幾乎就像我們在偷聽一些極其親密的事情。讓觀眾全神貫注。她在舞台上的每一時刻,都貫穿於每一個音符和每一個沉默之間。她的存在,她的專注,她的誠實,五顏六色在空中升起,邀請觀眾傾聽她的音樂思想。讓我們進入劉珒的廣闊、淒美、感人的音樂世界。


劉珒畢業於柯蒂斯(Curtis)音樂學院,獲有茱莉雅(Juilliard)音樂學院最高學位的藝術家文憑(Artistic Diploma) ,2015年贏得國際蕭邦大賽銅獎之外,還獲得波蘭廣播電台特別獎,以及觀眾投票選出的最佳馬祖卡Mazurka舞曲特別獎。她的首張蕭邦作品專輯, 2016 年由蕭邦學院 (Chopin Institute)發行。



2021320日,劉珒曾在波士顿伊莎貝拉博物館(Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum) Calderwood 音樂廳,為中華表演藝術基金會舉辦的音樂會獨奏演出。由於那時新冠病毒疫情仍猛,只有10人獲准進入現場。但音樂會的全程錄影放上YouTube後,一天就有逾千次觀賞記錄,累計至今,已超過三萬二千次。(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcG2yUjWG3I&t=1900s)

24日的劉珒音樂會錄影,將上傳Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUDuiQiOzZI_M7iDNXWXEDA/videos,供大眾免費欣賞。中華表演基金會的Instagram帳號是: @ cathychanfcpa

Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces 2023 Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program Awards

 Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces 2023 Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program Awards 

50,000 employees from 177 municipalities and public school districts will receive cybersecurity awareness training to better detect and avoid cyber threats 


BOSTON – Today, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced the 2023 Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program award recipients. Administered by the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security and its Office of Municipal and School Technology, this program will provide over 50,000 employees from 177 municipalities and public school districts across the Commonwealth with critical cybersecurity training to better detect and avoid cyber threats. 


The 2023 Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program, which is funded by $250,000 in capital IT authorizations from the 2022 General Governmental Bond Bill, is designed to support local government efforts to improve overall cybersecurity posture through comprehensive online end-user training, evaluation and threat simulation. Awarded communities will receive licenses for end-user training, assessment and phishing simulation procured by the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security. Demonstrated buy-in from the Chief Executive in the community is a requirement of all program participants. 


“Our administration is committed to providing communities across Massachusetts with the resources they need to defend their technology against potential cyber threats,” said Governor Maura Healey. “We are thrilled to see municipal leaders from across the Commonwealth prioritize cybersecurity by providing this vital training to their employees. Our administration will continue to advocate for resources to further support our partners in municipal government to meet the needs of the constituents they serve.”

“Building good cybersecurity habits doesn’t require a technical background and is important for all employees in the digital era,” said Lt. Governor Kimberley Driscoll. “The Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program is an important resource for the Commonwealth’s municipalities, is provided at no cost, and is crafted to fit into the hectic and busy schedules that municipal officials, teachers, and administrative staff have.”


“This grant program is a critical component to ensuring that our local government technology is resilient, secure, and remains accessible to the constituents we serve,” said Secretary of Technology Services and Security Jason Snyder. “Municipal officials from across the Commonwealth are demonstrating their leadership on cybersecurity by participating in this important program and I thank them for their partnership in this initiative.” 


Program participants begin their training with an initial cyber strength assessment to measure baseline cybersecurity awareness. Following the assessments, periodic assessments consisting of training modules and simulated phishing email campaigns help participants build good cyber hygiene habits to increase their awareness of deceptive techniques used by bad actors to gain unauthorized access to government systems. At the end of the program, participants complete a final cyber strength assessment to measure their progress. 


The Commonwealth offers the training program free of cost to organizations, who are further supported with quarterly threat briefings and weekly newsletters with cybersecurity best practices and program updates provided by the Office of Municipal and School Technology. Municipal information technology officials also receive a monthly summary progress reports that detail the number of employees that inadvertently clicked on malicious links contained in the simulated phishing emails, offering important visibility on the threat landscape. 


In addition to the Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program, The Healey-Driscoll Administration offers a number of other programs to further support municipal officials in their cybersecurity and information technology modernization efforts, including the Free Cybersecurity Health Check Programthe Community Compact IT Grant Program, and the Municipal Fiber Grant Program. 


Municipal leaders are receiving additional support in their efforts to strengthen the cybersecurity posture of their respective organizations with the arrival of the first of its kind State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program. Included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed by Congress in 2021, the $1 billion grant program will provide much needed funding to states to enhance municipal cybersecurity capabilities to defend against the increasing threat of cyber attacks that attempt to disrupt critical government service operations. 


To see the full list of awardees, click here. 

星期四, 2月 09, 2023

Lydia Edwards、Mike Connolly 推動成立「居者有其屋核心小組」

麻州參議員Lydai Edwards。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)

              (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州議會在參議員Lydia Edwards和眾議員Mike Connolly推動下,由61名議員成立「居者有其屋核心小組 (Housing for All   Caucus) 」,並於7日舉行了首次會議。


眾議員Mike Connolly表示,在近代歷史中,麻州對可負擔住宅的需求,從來沒有這麼迫切過。因此這一議題需要所有議員們攜手努力。

參議員Lydia Edwards則指出,她幾乎每天都能聽到轄區內傳出有家庭面對逼遷危機,或租金上漲,可能沒地方住了的消息。她決心要動用所有可以動用的資源來解決住屋問題,為有需要的家庭送上紓解方案,和各方合作,找出一個真正的居者有其屋辦法。

該小組的成立目的是在議會成員間建立共識,和麻州住宅及社區發展廳廳長 (DHCD Secretary)合作,以解決有關住房危機的所有層面問題。 

Senator Lydia Edwards & Representative Mike Connolly launch Housing for All Caucus

(BOSTON 02/07/2023) Senator Lydia Edwards and Representative Mike Connolly, joined by 60 of their colleagues, launched the Housing for All caucus in the Massachusetts Legislature. At the inaugural meeting, legislators presented their priority housing policy ideas for the current legislative session on a myriad of topics including: homelessness prevention, tenant protections, support for first-time homebuyers, affordable housing production, zoning reform, revenue to support local affordability, anti-discrimination, and civil rights. 

“I am proud to launch the Housing for All caucus with Senator Lydia Edwards and so many of our legislative colleagues,” Representative Mike Connolly (D-Cambridge) said. Today’s affordable housing emergency is without any precedent in modern history, so it requires all of us to come together to seek consensus on comprehensive solutions that can address each aspect of this ongoing crisis.”  

“I’m thankful to be joined by Representative Mike Connolly and many of my colleagues from the legislature in this work,said Senator Lydia Edwards (D-Boston). Every day I hear from families in my district who are facing eviction, rent increases, and housing instability. I am committed to using every tool available to address the housing crisis, deliver immediate relief to families in need, and to work collaboratively to create a system that makes housing truly affordable for all.”

The purpose of the caucus is to build consensus for policies addressing all aspects of the housing crisis. Initial areas of interest include: advancing the vision of Housing as a Human Right, working to end housing discrimination in all its forms, building support for local affordable housing policies and programs, and working with DHCD Secretary and the future Secretary of Housing to improve systems currently in place. The caucus will achieve these aims by supporting legislation, advancing budget priorities, expanding the knowledge base of members, staff, and the public, and by building collaborative relationships with the administration, legislative leadership, local housing authorities and affordable housing developers, and other key community stakeholders.

馬丁華殊傳將搬回波士頓 出任曲棍球聯盟球員協會主任 年薪300萬

Marty Walsh在波士頓市長任內於2014年和女友進華埠,為小朋友說故事。
              (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓環球報今 (9)日刊文指出,坊間數媒體傳出,曾任波士頓市長的美國勞工部部長馬丁華殊 (Marty Walsh)將成為全美曲棍冰球聯盟球員協會 (NHLPA)的下一位執行主任,領300萬元年薪,並搬回波士頓住。

率先透露這消息的「對峙日報 (Daily Faceoff) 」稱,現年55歲的馬丁華殊,可能在拜登總統發表國情咨文後的幾天內卸任。

CNN,政治報 (Politico),以及彭博 (Bloomberg)新聞社都在7日下午引述不具名來源,確認了這一消息。

「對峙日報 (Daily Faceoff) 」稱,全美曲棍球聯盟球員協會搜尋委員會在上週五的會議中,把馬丁華殊列為該會下屆主任的首選之一。NHLPA32名執行董事其後在網上和馬丁華殊見了面,並做了決定。不過董事會還須辦理一次儀式性的投票。


                一旦這一聘任落實,馬丁華殊將成為從2010年起就擔任該職的Donald Fehr的繼任者。

               Donald Fehr近年來在託管,參加奧運會,以及聯盟處理Kyle Beach涉嫌被芝加哥黑鷹隊視頻教練Brad Aldrich性騷擾案等事件上的決定,讓許多球員感到很憤怒。

             全國曲棍球聯盟球員協會 (NHLPA) 和全國曲棍球聯盟 (NHL)之間的集體談判協議 (CBA),將在2025年到2026年賽季後到期。


             前任麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)  在2023年1月4日卸任前傳出消息,將走馬上任全國大學體育協會 (NCAA)會長,年薪上看300萬元。當初和查理貝克有如兄弟的波士頓市前市長馬丁華殊,如今竟在高升華府當部長不到2年後,緊跟查理貝克腳步,也轉任全國性的體育協會首長,還都年薪一跳百倍。

星期三, 2月 08, 2023

APIAVOTE Statement on the Biden Administration's Second State of the Union Address


Chief Jemison welcomes new Director of Planning Aimee Chambers

Chief Jemison welcomes new Director of Planning Aimee Chambers

BOSTON - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - Chief of Planning Arthur Jemison today announced the hiring of Aimee Chambers, AICP as the new Director of Planning. Her professional experience includes a wide range of planning and urban design work from affordable housing development to bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure design. The planning team led by Chambers, which is currently housed at the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA), will move to a new City Planning & Design Department, which was announced by Mayor Wu in her 2023 State of the City, to restore planning as a core function of City government. As the City Planning & Design Department is being formed to drive the city’s planning function, the BPDA will continue to build out a strong planning team to deliver on the Mayor’s vision for resilient, affordable, equitable growth. 

"I'm thrilled to welcome Aimee to our leadership team, where she will serve a critical role helping us create a more resilient, affordable, and equitable future for Boston,” said Chief of Planning Arthur Jemison. “Aimee's experience in other municipalities will bring new perspectives and momentum for delivering our bold vision for the city.”

Chambers will be responsible for implementing the Mayor’s vision for citywide land use planning strategies and action plans that shape equitable long-term growth. This vision includes a Citywide plan to rezone and enhance squares and corridors, creating the opportunity for thousands of new housing units and neighborhood small businesses, retail, and jobs. It also includes completing neighborhood plans, bringing them to zoning, and building out the zoning team to evaluate and modernize the zoning code. 

“I am very excited to be joining the team at such a pivotal point in time for planning work in Boston,” said Director of Planning Aimee Chambers. “Thank you to Chief Jemison for recognizing and valuing my passion for equitable planning principles, service delivery, and zoning analysis. I look forward to serving the Wu Administration and delivering outcomes focused on resilience, affordability, and equity for the people of Boston.”

As Director of Planning, Chambers will also work closely with Deputy Chief of Urban Design Diana Fernandez to ensure a seamless integration of planning and urban design policies to shape the built environment of the city. Another goal of this planning work is to make the development process more predictable for community members and developers, and to reduce the number of proposals that require relief from the Zoning Board of Appeal.

Chambers has worked across the non-profit and public sectors for 12 years as a planner and project manager and, prior to that, as a foster care case manager. She most recently served as the Director of Planning for the City of Hartford, Connecticut, where she led planning and zoning for the city. Chambers also has experience in climate change-related disaster resiliency working for the Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance as a contractor for the State of Louisiana Office of Community Development - Disaster Recovery Unit. In each of the communities that she has served, Chambers has centered her work on the implementation of programs that engage with and advocate for residents and worked to amplify the voices of people of color and underserved populations. 

Chambers is a 2019 Next City Vanguard (Newark, NJ) and was nominated in CT Magazine’s 40 Under 40, Class of 2022. She graduated from Manhattan College with a degree in Sociology and Urban Studies. Her master’s degree in Community Planning is from the University of Maryland-College Park.


Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC Says Race-Based Violence, Voting Rights, Immigration, and Education Censorship Should Be at the Top of Biden Administration and Congress To Do List


Washington, DC — February 8, 2022 — Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC’s President and Executive Director, John C. Yang, issues the following statement about President Biden’s State of the Union address:


“In his State of the Union address last night, President Biden said there’s more work to be done…and he’s right. Now more than ever we need to have an administration and Congress willing to tackle the tough issues and make the right decisions.


Principal among the issues is to act on Biden’s call to Congress to fix our broken immigration system. Current policies are hurting our most vulnerable immigrant communities, prolonging visa backlogs, not protecting asylum seekers, and missing opportunities to give a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants. Americans agree on most of the basic steps necessary.  It is past time we had a more humane immigration system.


Congress has the power to restore and strengthen the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, so it protects a cornerstone of our democracy. This is an American issue, not a partisan one.


Lastly, there is clearly more work necessary to protect our communities of color from racist attacks, police brutality, and attacks on teaching the true history of our nation. Advancing Justice – AAJC tackles these tough issues every day and now we look to the Biden Administration and Congress to do the same.”

麻州政府指派 7人擔任退伍軍人之家協會董事

             (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) (8) 日宣佈,為退伍軍人之家協會 (Veterans’ Homes Council) 指派7名董事。

            20227月時,麻州為加強管理退伍軍人服務,通過法案,成立退伍軍人之家協會,向退伍軍人服務廳廳長 (Secretary of Veterans’ Services) 提建議,以確保州營退伍軍人之家居民都健康、安全,能得到公平、高品質的好服務。

            麻州副州長Kim Driscoll是海軍退伍軍人之女。她說自己了解退伍軍人得到完整的醫療服務有多重要。

            麻州健康及人民服務廳代理廳長Mary A. Beckman表示,這是實踐法案第144章的重要里程碑。


            麻州州長今日公佈的指派名單,包括州長奚莉指派的4名個人,以及代理健康及人民服務廳廳長Mary Beckman指派的3名個人。


            Ziven Drake,擔任戰略飛機維修組長的美國空軍退伍軍人。她目前是Pile 司機本地56工會成員,以及北大西洋國家地區委員會木匠學徒培訓基金的助理執行董事。

            Mike Dunford,已退休的海軍陸戰隊預備役中校。現在是Covidien公司的資深人力資源副總裁,人力資源長,在企業圈很活躍,尤其重視退伍軍人就業、食物充裕、流離失所問題等。她也是鱈魚角及島嶼退伍軍人外展中心 (Cape & Islands Veteran Outreach Center) 董事長。

            Andrea Gayle-Bennett,退休陸軍准軍。在麻州陸軍國家衛隊服務35年有多,曾任主任醫師助理,營外科醫師。他目前也是州長處理性騷擾及家庭暴力的委員會委員,北岸社區學院董事會董事,以及退伍軍人企業主計劃公司秘書。

            Michael Jefferson,美國海軍退伍軍人,尚莫維爾IAFF本地76分會會長,也是消防員退伍軍人兄弟會 (Fraternal Order of Firefighter Military Veterans, Inc) 創辦人,以及麻州專業消防人員協助計畫主任。


            Louis Chow博士,紅襪隊基金和麻州總醫院的合作項目,Home Base的網路發展及訓練機構資深主任。他也是麻州總醫院的臨床心理醫師,心理學助理,哈佛醫學院的心理學講師,以及治療因戰爭患有創傷後壓力失調,眼睛所看不見創傷退伍軍人的專家。

            Tony Francis,企管碩士,波士頓非牟利頤養院Edgar Benjamin健康中心的董事長。波士頓醫療保健準備聯盟共同主席。

            Jill Landis,註冊護士。她是Integritus 醫療護理品管副董事長,麻州耆英護理協會成員。

            在麻州州長和代理健康及人民服務廳廳長指派的7人之外,退伍軍人之家協會的董事還包括退伍軍人之家及住宅的執行主任Robert Engell。她也是ChelseaHolyoke士兵之家董事會主席。

Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces Appointments to the Veterans’ Homes Council  


BOSTON – The Healey-Driscoll Administration today announced the appointment of seven members to the Veterans’ Homes Council. Established through a 2022 law aimed at strengthening the governance of veterans services in the Commonwealth, the Council is an advisory body that makes recommendations to the Secretary of Veterans’ Services to ensure the health, well-being, and safety of residents of state-operated Veterans’ Homes and access to equitable, high quality, and competent care for veterans across the Commonwealth.  


“The Veterans’ Homes Council will play a critical role in ensuring that we are providing the care that our veterans need and deserve. These seven appointees have an intimate understanding of the complex needs of veterans, including access to health care, mental health care, housing and food assistance,” said Governor Maura T. Healey. “Our administration is grateful to the Legislature and our teams at the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and Department of Veterans’ Services for their hard work to create this important council.”  


“As the proud daughter of a Navy veteran, I understand how important it is that our veterans receive comprehensive services and care,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “This Council will be critical for ensuring that families can trust that their loved ones are being well cared for in our Veterans’ Homes and that their health, safety and well-being are protected.” 


“We are pleased to reach this important milestone in the implementation of chapter 144 and appreciate the valuable perspective that today’s appointees will bring to the Veterans’ Homes Council,” said Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services Mary A. Beckman. “The Council will contribute meaningfully to ensuring that the Commonwealth’s Veterans’ Homes provide high quality care and support the health, safety and wellbeing of our veterans.” 


The Council’s responsibilities include recommending improvements and policies for Veterans’ Homes to the Secretary of Veterans’ Services, submitting recommendations for appointments and removal of Veterans’ Homes Superintendents, and developing an annual report reviewing the Veterans’ Homes’ demographics, finances, staffing levels, efficacy, equity, and resident well-being. 


Today’s council appointees include four individuals appointed by Governor Maura Healey and three individuals appointed by the Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services Mary Beckman, and as indicated in statute.  


Appointed by the Governor: 


Ziven Drake 

Ziven Drake is a US Air Force Veteran who served as a Crew Chief in Tactical Aircraft Maintenance. She is a current member of the Pile Drivers Local 56 Union. Drake currently serves as Assistant Executive Director of the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters Apprenticeship Training Fund.  


Lt. Colonel USMC (Retired) Mike Dunford 

Mike Dunford is a retired US Marine Corps Reserve Officer and served as the Chief Human Resources Officer and Senior Vice President of Human Resources for Covidien. Dunford is an active member of the business community and a veteran advocate focused on employment, food security, homelessness, case management and outreach. Dunford currently serves as president of the Cape & Islands Veteran Outreach Center.  


Colonel USA (Retired) Andrea Gayle-Bennett 

Andrea Gayle-Bennett, Retired Army Colonel, Brigadier General (Massachusetts), served for more than 35 years in the Massachusetts Army National Guard, including as a chief physician assistant and battalion surgeon. Gayle-Bennett currently serves on the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, the Governor’s Advisory Council on Veterans’ Services, the North Shore Community College Board of Trustees, and is corporate secretary for the Veteran Business Owners Initiative. 


Michael Jefferson 

Michael Jefferson, a veteran of the US Marine Corps, is president of Somerville IAFF Local 76 and founder of the Fraternal Order of Firefighter Military Veterans, Inc. He is also a member and director of the Member Assistance Program for the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts.  


Appointed by Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services: 


Dr. Louis Chow, PhD 

Dr. Chow is the Sr. Director of Network Development and Training Institute at Home Base, a Red Sox Foundation and Mass General Hospital program. He is a clinical psychologist, Assistant in Psychology at MGH, Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and a specialist in treating veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and other invisible wounds of war. Dr. Chow has overseen the education and training of thousands of clinicians and health professionals across the Commonwealth seeking to care for veterans impacted by the invisible wounds of war.  


Tony Francis, MBA 

Tony Francis serves as the president and CEO of Edgar Benjamin Health Center, a non-profit nursing home in Boston and the only minority-owned nursing home in New England. Francis brings with him broad experience in long-term care, business administration and management consulting. He has served as chairman of the Central Boston Elder Services Board of Directors and is currently a co-chair of the Boston Healthcare Preparedness Coalition. 


Jill Landis, RN 

Jill Landis has been the vice president of quality management at Integritus Healthcare, a not-for-profit committed to fulfilling the health and residential needs of communities, since 2008. Landis previously was a regional nurse manager at Genesis Health Care, where her responsibilities included the management of quality outcomes for nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Landis is certified in rehabilitation nursing and is a member of the Massachusetts Senior Care Association. 


In addition to the seven members appointed by Governor Healey and Acting Secretary Beckman, the Veterans’ Homes Council includes Executive Director of Veterans’ Homes and Housing Robert Engell, who serves as chair, and Chelsea and Holyoke Soldiers’ Homes Boards of Trustees members, who are ex officio, voting members.