
星期五, 4月 01, 2022


Mayor Michelle Wu
BOSTON - Friday, April 1, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu today launched Fair Housing Month by announcing the submission of the City of Boston’s Assessment of Fair Housing to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. With this submission, Boston is complying with federal fair housing requirements first established by the Obama administration. Fair Housing Month is celebrated annually during the month of April in commemoration of the anniversary of the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

“Housing stability and affordability must be the foundation of our recovery,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m grateful for the years of advocacy of the community advisory committee. Their leadership has made Boston a national leader in fair housing and will help ensure that we’re a city everyone can call home.”

Mayor Wu announced that implementation of the fair housing requirements will be led by a monitoring committee comprised of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Community Advisory Committee (CAC), which previously spearheaded a multi-year community engagement process to identify fair housing challenges, priorities and action steps to advance a fair housing agenda in Boston, and the Executive Director of the Office of Fair Housing and Equity, Will Onuoha. Onuoha will now serve as Chair of the Monitoring Committee. 

Following the submission to HUD, the monitoring committee will now create individual work plans for the Office of Fair Housing and Equity, the Mayor’s Office of Housing, the Boston Housing Authority, and the Boston Planning and Development Agency as required by the Executive Order. The committee will meet quarterly to track progress. The committee will also review development projects by assessing and monitoring the effectiveness of the Boston Interagency Fair Housing Development Committee (BIFDC) and report to the Chief of Equity and Inclusion on the progress of implementation. With the submission, Boston now has five years to meet all 108 fair housing goals in order to successfully implement the plan to affirmatively further fair housing across City departments.

“I’m grateful for the advocates who have worked so hard to advance fair housing and build a city for everyone,” said Mariangely Solis Cervera, Chief of Equity & Inclusion. “We look forward to working alongside the Monitoring Committee to ensure we are embedding equity in everything we do.”

“Housing is a human right. I want to thank Mayor Wu for her courageous leadership,” said Will Onuoha, Executive Director of the Office of Fair Housing and Equity. “She signed the AFFH executive order in her first 100 days and today’s action renews Boston’s commitment to ensure all residents can secure fair and equitable housing. It shows that this administration is serious about diversity and inclusion at all levels of City government.” 

In January, Mayor Wu signed an Executive Order Relative to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing adopting the City of Boston’s Assessment of Fair Housing, intended to instill the practice of fair housing and racial equity throughout all levels of City government. Mayor Wu is building on Boston’s legacy as a leader in fair housing and civil rights after Boston became the first major city to embed fair housing in its zoning code in 2021. The zoning amendment requires developers  to consider impacts on area residents historically discriminated against so that steps can be taken to reduce those impacts, provide new housing opportunities, and address past histories of exclusion. The amendment was spearheaded by State Senator Lydia Edwards. 

“The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is deeply grateful to Mayor Wu for signing the Executive Order adopting the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) that was developed over several years with input from hundreds of Boston residents and community groups,” said Lincoln Larmond, Chair of the CAC. “The CAC is proud to have succeeded in creating a substantive fair housing mechanism with the city. We realize many challenges and a great deal of hard work remain to live up to the letter and promise of the executive order.  The CAC looks forward to working on behalf of Boston residents and is hopeful we will be able to continue to work with the city to create a Boston in which all voices are heard and respected.

星期四, 3月 31, 2022



Councilor calls for City to consider directing federal funds to assist hard-hit local social sector

Boston, Mass. – Boston City Councilor Liz Breadon today filed an order for a hearing on the state of Boston’s non-governmental, nonprofit social sector and charting a post-pandemic recovery. [Recording]

The initiative for the hearing recognizes the vital contributions of non-governmental, nonprofit organizations often regarded as the voluntary, civic, social sector–or the “third sector” in contrast to the public and private sectors. Breadon raised the importance of viewing local community-based nonprofits as the City’s natural partners, serving the same constituents and working to address shared challenges. 

“Locally-based nonprofit organizations provide direct services across Boston while harnessing deep knowledge of community needs with a high-impact reach and an established presence as trusted messengers,” said District 9 City Councilor Liz Breadon. “The social sector has really stepped up to meet the needs of our residents throughout the past two years of the pandemic, and we must especially prioritize the sustainability of smaller nonprofits as essential toward charting our City’s recovery.”

The hearing order draws attention to negative sector-wide impacts of the pandemic on nonprofits, citing reports from the National Council of Nonprofits, the Center for Effective Philanthropy, and the Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns Hopkins University. The proposal is timely due to increased national scrutiny of the so-called “Great Resignation” and its pronounced impacts on the nonprofit social sector’s workforce recruitment and retention, in particular.

Breadon referred to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Final Rule for the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program, released in January 2022, which clarified eligible uses for the City of Boston’s remaining $350 million in relief funds to include the eligibility of charitable nonprofit organizations as both recipients of assistance as well as being providers of assistance to others.

Mayor Michelle Wu today also announced that the City of Boston has received more than $38 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to be distributed among 15 nonprofit organizations that provide critical services and support to Boston’s unsheltered residents.

“The availability of once-in-a-generation resources through federal relief funds provides the potential to address longstanding challenges and improve conditions for our communities,” said Councilor Breadon. “Our local government and the nonprofit social sector are stronger together when we collectively invest in targeted collaboration and intentional, strategic partnerships. I look forward to working with the City administration and local leaders to discuss charting sustainability, relief, and recovery.”

The order, designated as Docket 2022-0436, has been referred to the City Council Committee on Boston’s COVID-19 Recovery and a hearing date is to be scheduled.



An initiative aimed at welcoming workers, visitors and residents back to Downtown with free coffee, entertainment, a beer garden, food trucks and community

BOSTON - Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu, in partnership with the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District, the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, and the Greenway Business Improvement District, today announced Boston Blooms, an April 13 block party welcoming employees, residents, and visitors back to Downtown Boston. As the City of Boston continues to recover from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the goal is to bolster our local economy by encouraging everyone to support Boston’s Downtown.

 Stretching from South Station to Downtown Crossing on Summer and Winter Streets, the all day event will consist of food trucks, live music, local performers, street art installations, and a pop-up beer garden. This kick-off event will be followed by a series of ongoing programming that will run throughout the summer across Downtown Boston as part of Mayor Wu’s Downtown revitalization plan.

 The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted Downtown and its businesses. With the decrease in foot traffic, consumer spending has consequently faltered with it. As the City aims to welcome people back to its commercial centers, the City is focusing on moving forward bold initiatives to increase consumer confidence and support small businesses. Downtown is integral to the economic standing of the City of Boston. While Boston aims to activate spaces in all of our neighborhoods, the City is also seeking to ensure its Downtown core is flourishing. 

 “As we plan for our long-term economic recovery, bringing people back together in person will help our small businesses, restaurants, and arts and culture scene grow. We look forward to highlighting the vibrant community possible with revitalizing our downtown with events, arts, and place-making,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I am grateful to all of our partners for working to ensure that Downtown remains a vibrant and inclusive destination and encourage everyone to stop by the Boston Blooms Block Party.”

 "The Greenway is all about connections. Just as the park connects neighborhoods and Downtown Boston to its waterfront, we are thrilled to partner with Mayor Michelle Wu on reconnecting with what makes Downtown so special - the people who live, work and visit there," said Chris Cook, Executive Director of the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy

 "Downtown Boston is a vital Boston neighborhood; the crossroads where businesses, restaurants and retail meet culture and tourism," says Anita Lauricella, Acting Co-Director of the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District. "We are working closely with Mayor Wu's office to ensure that Downtown Crossing, the Theatre District and the Financial District remain vibrant for the thousands of workers, shoppers, diners, tourists and families who visit us each day of the week."

 Boston Blooms Schedule:

 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. 

·       Music & breakfast food truck (North American Catering), hosted by the Greenway Conservancy and Greenway BID

·       Free Coffee, hosted by Downtown BID

·       Music by Fabiola Mendez and DJ Dephase

 11:30 - 2:00 p.m

 ·       Music & food trucks at Dewey Square hosted by the Greenway Conservancy and Greenway BID 

·       Performances by OrigiNation and JunkMusic, hosted by Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture

·       Plant giveaways, hosted by the Boston Parks & Recreation Department and Downtown BID

·       Street Theory- 2 Walls, hosted by Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture

 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.


·       Beer Garden at Downtown Crossing hosted by Democracy Brewing and Downtown BID

·       Lawn Games, hosted by Downtown BID

·       Performances headlined by the rapper Oompa, hosted by Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture

·       Mural Crew/Photo booth, hosted by Boston Parks & Recreation

·       Plant giveaway, hosted by Boston Parks & Recreation

 Businesses have adapted and innovated beyond their normal operating procedures in response to the pandemic. The City of Boston seeks to continue to help facilitate this transition through the recovery and beyond, as we all pivot to the new normal. The Small Business Relief Fund 2.0, which was recently replenished with an additional $5 million, and the securing of local partnerships to provide targeted technical assistance to applicants are two examples of how the City has sought to provide all of the necessary resources to help our small businesses keep their doors open. Additionally, the City is working to reimagine Boston’s public spaces, particularly City Hall Plaza, and is seeking to work with commercial property owners to fill vacant storefronts and provide affordable housing and childcare opportunities while tying it all together through a PR campaign to encourage people to come back to the City. All of these efforts are to make Boston a vibrant, inviting, and exciting place to visit once again.


         (Boston Orange) 波士頓香港人權組織 (Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston)42日下午,在麻州阿靈頓首都戲院再度放映「時代革命」紀錄片。香港民主委員會 (Hong Kong Democracy Council,簡稱HKDC) 也宣佈,招收暑期實習生。





僑委會委員長童振源抵波士頓 將一連3日拜會僑社

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)





           童振源曾自行撰寫,與人合著共不下14本書,探討兩岸經濟,貿易,未來。他上任僑委會委員長後,陸續推行許多新做法。他說第一個重點是服務僑胞,以應用科技及新模式來增加鄉親的能量,第二個是推動國家大政策,在美國已有35間,在歐洲有10間的華語文中心,第三個是促進台灣產業和海外僑台商的共同發展,正逐步調查海外僑胞經營產業狀況,與之交流,相信未來會對僑商們更有幫助。在東亞部份的重點是積極協助僑生,在加拿大及美國還有FASCA (Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors)的輔佐青少年工作。



波士頓市議會通過縮短抗議時間法令 吳弭反擊示威者贏回一局

波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)提案的縮短抗議示威時限, 波士頓市議會3月30日通過。
                 (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 波士頓市議會今 (30) 日以94票,通過了波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 所提法案,到私人住宅外抗議,時間限為早上9點至晚上9點。


               波士頓市長吳弭自從要求市府員工注射新冠疫苗,以確保他們所服務民眾的安全後,有一批反對注射疫苗者,每天早上都到位於羅森岱爾 (Roslindale)的她家門外站崗,7點一過,就拿出大聲公高分貝的表達反對意見。等吳弭出門上班後,他們才停止。


             吳弭提出的法規修訂案後,波士頓市議會內有不同聲音,支持、反對都有。今日投反對票的市議員有Frank BakerKendra LaraErin Murphy,以及 Julia Mejia。他們認為新規定不公平的縮小了人們的第一修正案權力。


            自從吳弭上個月提出這更為嚴格的新條例後,激發了支持,反對兩方的激烈反應。30日下午的市議會,二度被議事廳外高聲反對這條例的民眾打斷。市議會議長Ed Flynn為此短暫叫停會議,等警察驅離群眾。


            波士頓市議員Frank Baker反對該提案,他認為那是針對抗議吳弭的直接回應。他稱那是完全的錯誤,還補充說那會導致波士頓更加分裂。他說2020年他當選市議員,人們因為政治立場騷擾他時,他曾希望市議會會支持他。他說,現在,因為這事發生在一個人身上,我們就要改變所有的規定我們是在侵犯第一修正案,侵犯言論自由權

                     另一名投反對票的市議員Kendra Lara之前已表達過,她擔心這條例是針對吳弭家門外抗議者的特定條例,可能對邊緣化社區造成問題。她說,抗議就是要造成破壞性,作為有權力者的我們,不應該去告訴人們,什麼時候才適當,或什麼時候出來抗議,才是我們會感覺好,或是對我們最好的時候,






            30日在市議會討論時,市議員Kenzie Bok表示,她認為就第一修正案而言,該條例微修到符合最高法院先例,讓她覺得很舒坦。

            支持該條例的市議員Richardo Arroyo表示,任何針對性的騷擾,都是不對的。他還補充指出,他母親家最近也成了示威者的針對目標。他說,波士頓市今年見證了以我們前所未見方式進行的針對住宅站崗抗議。


            市議員Tania Fernandes Anderson認為這辦法是正確該做的事。她說,對一個人是錯的…….對所有人都錯這不是抗議,是騷擾,是凌虐

            最近這幾個月,在他位於南波士頓的家門前曾被示威者質問的市議會議長Ed Flynn把這事形容為生活品質問題。他說,對鄰居應該有些禮貌與尊重

            上星期,市議員問波士頓警察局總監Gerard Bailey,為什麼市長家門外的抗議者沒有因為違反市府的噪音條例,或是違反州法的有罪騷擾而被罰。


星期三, 3月 30, 2022

MIT 新興科技人工智能會議 (圖片)


紐英崙中華公所通過2022預算 營運經費將增至73.5萬元 (圖片)



 第24屆昆士藝術節(2022年 5月 21及 22日), 在Richard J. Koch公園和康樂中心 (1 Merrymount Parkway, Quincy) 舉行。藝術家們:昆士藝術協會將很快開始徵集作品;手工藝者、工匠和供應商,請使用 quincyastsfest@gmail.com, 617-376-1394作聯絡。


 (Boston Orange)昆士市衛生部29日發出通告,四月一日起,禁止市內零售商提供顧客一次性塑膠袋。四月一日至五月一日為過度緩衝期,零售商家在這段時間內仍可使用現有庫存。

Effective April 1, 2022, disposable plastic shopping bags/retail checkout bags can no longer be provided to customers at check-out at retail establishments in the City of Quincy. There will be a 1-month transition period until May 1, 2022 to allow retail establishments to use existing inventory.

北端餐館7500元戶外用餐計畫費爭議 波士頓市長吳弭提分期付費及折扣辦法

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)說明北端戶外用餐計畫變動。(周菊子攝)
                   (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導波士頓市府規定參加戶外用餐計畫的北端 (North End) 餐廳業者付7500元引發爭議數日後,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)  (29) 日下午在2名州議員,約20名北端餐館業者及居民圍繞中表示,將提供分期付款,或有困難者給折扣的變通辦法。

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu, 中)有麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz, 右)、
麻州參議員Lydia Edwards (左)出席支持。(周菊子攝)
              在轄區包括北端的麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),轄區包括北端、華埠、東波士頓的麻州參議員Lydia Edwards,以及大約20名北端餐館業者及居民支持中,波士頓市長吳弭向20多名媒體記者說,她很感激有那麼多的餐館業者看到了以不同方法辦理戶外用餐計畫的價值。波士頓市府將持續就居民需要的不同事情和大眾對話。



    既是麻州參議員,也是波士頓市議員的Lydia Edwards說,戶外用餐對許多北端居民來說,都是痛點。她很高興看到大家一起來試著找出解決問題辦法。如果北端要實施務外用餐計畫,就得有考慮紓緩狀況,好讓北端成為一個人們可以生活,參訪的地方。

             地方餐館業者Nick Varano認為,能夠和市府一起找出對大家都好的解決方案是襖是,大家需要做對餐館案居民都好的事。

     餐館業者Phil Frattaroli也感謝吳弭市長及其團隊在北端召開會議,和他們討論。他說他們和吳弭市長目標相同,都希望北段的戶外用餐計畫對居民來說是安全可行的。


