
星期四, 10月 21, 2021

Annissa Essaibi George 向黑人社區領袖重申一億元公平、正義、包容計畫

Annissa Essaibi George在多徹斯特波士頓房屋局辦公室前重申公平、

            (Boston Orange綜合報導) 波士頓市長候選人Annissa Essaibi George在多徹斯特的波士頓房屋局辦公室前,晤見一小群黑人社區代表,重申她有更為「公平、正義、包容」的計畫,在撥款一億元改變黑棕社區所面對現況之餘,還將增撥5000萬元為小企業提供貸款及週轉資金。

                Annissa Essaibi George強調,有計畫,沒經費,就是空話,所以她要在提出的計畫上增加經費數字,以及行動議程,以說到做到的真正落實。

               Annissa Essaibi George說自己把對話得來的資訊,轉成承諾,以及繼之而有的行動計畫。她要彌平族裔財富,擁有住宅,就業培訓,教育及成就,就業等差距,把波士頓市打造成為更公平、正義、包容的城市。

Annissa Essaibi George和黑人社區活躍份子Shirley Shilingford(右)。



Annissa Essaibi George上WBUR接受訪問。




華人社區中的Annissa Essaibi George支持者,預定本週六到華埠牌樓

            在黑人社區活躍份子Shirley Shilingford Terrence Williams等人的站台支持中,Annissa Essaibi George強調,波士頓市的下一任市長需要作出特別承諾,以根除系統中的種族主義,族裔財富差距,以及從住宅,教育到人力培訓,交通等所有方面的不平等。

                  在發言時,Annissa Essaibi George直言,她有「公平、正義、包容」的計畫,她的對手吳弭有氣候改變計畫,但沒有致力公平、正義的計畫。

               在任務丘(Mission Hill)長大,現在住在多徹斯特的Terrence Williams認為,Annissa Essaibi George是唯一給出經費數目的候選人,相信Annissa會把他的聲音帶進波士頓市政府。

Annissa Essaibi George(右三)在聆聽及學習之旅中,到波士頓華埠的
C180麵包店(員皇冠麵包店)拜會,和出席的華人,右起Betty Kim,

                  Annissa Essaibi George在晤談現場的發言簡短,她的競選陣營事後發出新聞稿,重新列舉她早前提出的「公平、包容及正義議程」,要斥資一億元在波士頓市的黑人,拉丁裔,以及亞裔社區中實行該計畫。她將組成包括社區成員,宗教領袖,以及居民等的工作小組,針對社區所述說的各自需求,來帶領一個透明、公開的經費分配過程。


Annissa Essaibi George21日聽到有人問及她對吳弭民調領先30%的看法時,嗤之以鼻的表示,那不真實;聽到如果當選,是否考慮成立亞美顧問會這問題時,表示當然,並補充的說她希望能照顧到所有族裔居民。

             支持Annissa Essaibi George的華人,預定於10月23日到華埠牌樓前舉牌。(更新版)


Boston, MA—Today At-Large City Councilor Annissa Essaibi George highlighted her plan to close the racial wealth gap through homeownership pathways, workforce training, and jobs, as outlined in her Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda. Essaibi George was joined this afternoon by members of the Black community and community activists Ms. Shirley Shillingford and Terrence Williams.


“To close the racial wealth gap, Boston needs to root out racism within our systems and tackle inequities in everything from housing and education to workforce training and transportation. For the next Mayor to do that she needs specific commitments, not just talking points,” said Essaibi George. “I’ve released an equity plan with specific action points on how we further equity, inclusion and justice in everything we do.” 


“I have known Annissa for a very long time, and she has shown up in our communities, at the food pantry or at the Caribbean Festival, time and time again—not just during an election,” said Ms. Shirley Shillingford, a longtime community advocate. “Annissa is the one who has laid out specific commitments and dollar amounts to support the Black community. That’s leadership, and that’s why she has my vote.”


“From education to housing to closing the racial wealth gap, Annissa has offered specifics to make Boston a more equitable place for everyone, especially our communities of color,” said Terrence Williams, who grew up in Mission Hill and now resides in Dorchester. “I’m proud to support Annissa in this race because I trust she’ll bring my voice to City Hall.”


Essaibi George released her Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda earlier this month, and announced a $100 million investment towards implementing the plan in Boston’s Black community as well as Latinx, AAPI, and other marginalized communities. She will form a task force of community members, faith-based leaders, advocates and residents to lead a transparent and open allocation process that is driven by our communities and neighborhoods and speaks to their needs.


The plan includes specific action items to close the racial wealth gap through investments in housing, small businesses, workforce training, and jobs:


  • Further investments in down payment assistance for first time and first generation homebuyers, with a specific goal of increasing the rates of Black, Latinx and AAPI homeownership.


  • Lay the groundwork for a $1 million investment in the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance’s STASH program.


  • Leverage community partnerships in schools, workforce development programs, community and religious centers to conduct outreach about homeownership technical assistance programs and opportunities.


  • Create a $50 million fund that can be deployed directly to support Black, Latinx and AAPI entrepreneurs, and partner with local banks and micro lending institutions to continuously refresh the fund.


  • Identify Black, Latinx, AAPI owned businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19 and triage support to them using existing city technical assistance programs. 


  • Connect with Black, Latinx, AAPI entrepreneurs who lost their businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and develop an array of technical assistance programs that will support them in rebuilding their credit and potentially opening a business again.


  • Increase investments in the City’s workforce development programs by no less than $10 million, prioritize Madison Pak and vocational education programs in BPS, and increase the number of school to career pipelines for individuals living, studying, and working in the city. 


  • Create development opportunities for Madison Park students to build skills in areas such as building trades, technical assistance, allied health, website building and development, social media operations, cosmetology, and culinary experience by partnering with Boston-based small business owners, labor unions, and training programs. 


  • Partner with employers across Boston to hold monthly job fairs for students and build pathways to internships, apprenticeships, and jobs for Boston’s youth.


  • Reform the City’s procurement process by filing a Home Rule Petition granting the City of Boston authorization to directly manage our procurement process, allowing the city to create smaller contracts that are more accessible to smaller businesses. 


  • Help Black, Latinx, AAPI Owned businesses win city contracts by offering specific technical assistance programming to help entrepreneurs prepare bids and ensure their business is ready. 

專家說鱈魚角暑假逾千人感染未釀重災 疫苗接種率高是主因

             (Boston Orange編譯)今年7月,普羅溫斯頓(Provincetown)新冠病毒疫情爆發,1千多人感染,人們這才知道Delta變種病毒已先後侵襲這城市不下40次。那1千人中的83%,是從其中1人或一小群人那感染來的。


             洛克斐勒基金會流行病預防研究院的病原體監測執行主任Samuel Scarpino說,沒有大幅度散播傳染的原因是社區及公共衛生人員果斷因應,並充分利用了我們已知有效的工具: 遮蔽的檢疫,做檢測來控制情況。





             耶魯大學傑克遜全球事務研究院講師Shan Soe-Lin表示,她對研究發現感到很安慰。她形容那是非常小心,徹底,而且基因超級酷。她說該研究強調了疫苗在保護人們免於重病上的確有效。



Petition Follows Congressional Report that Found Commercial Baby Food Manufacturers are Selling Food Contaminated with High Levels of Toxic Metals


BOSTON Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey today joined a coalition of 20 attorneys general in petitioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to protect the health and well-being of babies across the country by accelerating actions to remove toxic heavy metals from infant and toddler foods.


Today’s petition responds to rising alarm about the health hazards posed by dangerous heavy metals in these foods, and the failure of baby food brands and their suppliers to aggressively reduce these hazards. In February, the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform published a report that found that four of the country’s largest commercial baby food manufacturers are selling food contaminated with high levels of toxic heavy metals including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Last month, the committee issued a follow up report urging the FDA to move quickly and efficiently to set limits for the toxic metals in baby food.


“Each year, thousands of babies are born in Massachusetts and we need to do everything we can to keep them healthy and safe,” AG Healey said. “We’re calling on the FDA to protect children from the serious developmental risks associated with these dangerous metals by taking immediate steps to remove them from baby food.”


The FDA does set limits on toxic metals in other consumable products — like bottled water, juice, and candy — but the agency has failed to adequately regulate baby food, and has, so far, only established one action level for one type of heavy metal (inorganic arsenic) in one type of baby food product (infant rice cereal). The FDA itself has concluded that babies’ and young children’s smaller body sizes and metabolisms make them more vulnerable to the toxic impacts these heavy metals can have on the developing brain.


The coalition’s petition seeks to strengthen protections for young children by urging the FDA to issue interim action levels for limiting heavy metal contamination in baby food more swiftly than the timelines announced by the FDA in their “Closer to Zero plan,” announced this past April. Under the current plan, the FDA would propose: guidance on limiting lead in baby food by the middle of 2022, guidance for limiting inorganic arsenic by April 2024, and guidance for limiting cadmium and mercury sometime after April 2024. The members of the “Baby Food Council” — a group created in 2019 by four of the largest baby food brands — have not publicly committed to meeting any particular voluntary targets for reducing the levels of heavy metals in their products, pending FDA action. 


The petition specifically calls on the FDA to:


  • Propose limits for inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in relevant categories of infant and toddler foods; 
  • Propose a lower limit for inorganic arsenic in infant rice cereal than those that are currently set forth in FDA guidance; and  
  • Instruct all baby food manufacturers to test their finished products for toxic heavy metals.   


The coalition of attorneys general urge the FDA to take these actions no later than April 2022, the shortest timeframe for requesting FDA action on a petition under the agency’s regulations. 


Joining AG Healey in sending today’s petition are the attorneys general of New York,

California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.


Handing this matter for Massachusetts are Assistant Attorney Brian Clappier and Deputy Division Chief Turner Smith of AG Healey’s Environmental Protection Division and Assistant Attorney General Abby Eshghi of AG Healey’s Children’s Justice Unit, with assistance from paralegal Carly Pusateri, also of AG Healey’s Environmental Protection Division.

Working Families Party Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston

Working Families Party Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston


Boston, MAThe Working Families Party endorsed Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston today. 

"This is what putting progressive values into action looks like," said Georgia Hollister Isman, New England Regional Director of the Working Families Party. "From leading the charge for paid family leave, affordable housing and climate solutions that meet the moment, Michelle’s bold vision has improved the lives of thousands of working families. She’s a changemaker who doesn’t shrink away from transformative solutions, and she’s ready to lead on the most pressing issues facing Boston families. WFP is proud to have her back in this race.”


“From fighting for a livable wage and safe working conditions, to organizing powerful campaigns throughout the nation, the Working Families Party has led the way in reshaping what’s possible,” said Michelle Wu. “I’m grateful to be endorsed by the Working Families Party in fighting to make Boston a city for everyone.”

The WFP is a national independent political organization that recruits, trains and elects grassroots progressives to office. In 2020, the Working Families Party led a $2.5 million voter mobilization effort in Georgia to elect Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to the Senate, helped elect WFP champions Jamaal Bowman and Mondaire Jones in heavily contested Congressional races, drove a wave of victories for progressives in Rhode Island, shook up the New Mexico Democratic establishment with progressive victories under the banner of "No Corporate Dems,” elected a diverse slate of progressives in Delaware, and helped create the most progressive NY state legislature in decades by winning thirty-three state legislative primaries. 


The WFP will be mobilizing its 16,000 members in the state and lending the support of its national texting team to help elect Michelle Wu for mayor.


The Working Families Party’s endorsements add to an enthusiastic multigenerational, multicultural coalition of grassroots supporters, including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Mayor Kim Janey, Sheriff Steve Tompkins, Suffolk County Register of Probate Felix Arroyo Sr., Boston City Councilors Ricardo Arroyo, Liz Breadon and Lydia Edwards; State Senators Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, Sonia Chang Diaz and Julian Cyr; State Representatives Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran, Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz, Jay Livingstone, Adrian Madaro, Vanna Howard, Natalie Higgins, Liz Miranda, Tram Nguyen, Maria Robinson, Andy Vargas, and Tommy Vitolo; former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; former State Transportation Secretaries Fred Salvucci and Jim Aloisi; former MBTA FMCB Chairman Joseph Aiello; former Boston City Councilor Tito Jackson; former State Representative Charlotte Golar Richie; labor unions 1199 SEIU, 32BJ SEIU, North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of UNITE HERE!, UAW Region 9A, Laborers Local 22, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; climate organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Boston’s Ward 1, Ward 4 and Ward 5 Democratic Committees; The Boston Guardian; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements.



Boston residents are urged to prevent injuries and COVID-19 transmission


Boston – Thursday, October 21, 2021 – Mayor Kim Janey and the Boston Public Health Commission today released guidance on celebrating Halloween safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, urging residents to take extra precautions to keep themselves and others safe. The City offered practical tips to have a fun Halloween, avoid injuries and to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

“Enjoy the fun tricks and treats of Halloween, while taking precautions to stay safe,” said Mayor Janey. “I encourage everyone to practice social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand washing. And remember to carry a flashlight and use crosswalks. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween.”

“We are thrilled that vaccination rates in Boston are high but remember that children under 12 still can’t be vaccinated against COVID-19 and some neighborhoods of Boston have much lower vaccination rates than the overall Boston rate,” said Dr. Jennifer Lo, Medical Director of Boston Public Health Commission.

To prevent the transmission of COVID-19, BPHC encourages residents to:

·    Get vaccinated

·    Keep all activities outdoors

·    Wear masks and encourage your children to wear masks underneath their Halloween masks. This will protect your children without getting in the way of their costumes.

·    Wash hands regularly and use hand sanitizers as much as possible

·    Consider individually wrapped goodie bags that are lined up so children can grab-and-go, while continuing to social distance.

·    Consume food and treats outdoors.

·    Consider hosting a vaccine clinic at your event.

·    Encourage participants to get COVID-19 tested before and after attending

·    Alcohol use can affect behavior. Encourage moderate alcohol intake if it is present.

·    Encourage smaller groups. Younger children can trick or treat earlier, while older kids can participate later

Additionally, take simple steps to prevent injuries while celebrating Halloween.

·    Carry glowsticks or flashlights to be visible.

·    Cross in the crosswalk and follow the traffic lights.

·    Wear a mask that allows you to see and a costume that doesn’t create a tripping hazard.

·    If driving, stay alert for children and others in the streets.

·    To prevent choking, don’t allow children under five to have hard candies

·    Ensure that all candies are wrapped and packaging intact.

Several City departments are hosting COVID-safe and family-friendly events for Halloween, including Boston Centers for Youth & Families, Boston Parks Department, and the Boston Police Department. Visit Boston.gov for more information.

For more information on preventing injury and preventing transmission of COVID-19, go to www.bphc.org and follow us on twitter at @healthyboston. 

麻州第86屆168新州警畢業 3州警因打疫苗規定辭職

                (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 在麻州正副州長、總檢察長,以及逾千名家屬、親友出席的祝福中,186名州警1021日在屋斯特 (Worcester) DCU中心畢業,將從22日起實習12週。

                   麻州州警發言人Dave Procopio表示,這一屆的州警學員共有216人,經過22週訓練後,有186名學員畢業,其中73人來自地方市鎮警察,43人曾經在軍隊服務,包括23名女警,共有37%為女性或有色人種。


麻州副州長Karen Polito致詞。
             麻州州警警司 (Superintendent) Christopher Mason上校在畢業典禮致詞中,提及在發生喬治弗洛伊德謀殺案,以及其後的明尼阿波利斯警察被定罪後,目前的大環境氛圍是全國清算種族正義,加強了對警察工作的檢視。新警察們是在執法行業正快速巨變,人們支持度搖擺不定之際入行。那些心臟不強的人恐怕早被嚇走了,但新警察們卻有別於眾的選擇了踏進這領域。


麻州總檢察長Maura Healey致詞。
             不過波士頓前鋒報(Boston Herald)指出,在有一批新警察將加入服務行列之際,由於麻州州政府規定轄下42518名員工都必須接種新冠疫苗,有300多名警察面對處罰危機,有3人甚至已經辭職。麻州州警可能出現人手不足現象。

麻州州警警司 (Superintendent) Christopher Mason致詞。

星期三, 10月 20, 2021

波士頓亞美電影節今晚揭幕 首映「三華埠傳奇」

             (Boston Orange整理報導)波士頓亞美電影節(BAAFF)13屆影展訂今(20)晚揭幕,7點半首映「三華埠傳奇(A Tale of Three Chinatowns)」,將一連舉行5日,至1024日止。


              「三華埠傳奇(A Tale of Three Chinatowns)」這部片由Lisa Mao執導,全長90分鐘,探討美國華府,芝加哥及波士頓這三個華埠的興衰,變化,以及發生在其中的一些故事。這三個華埠,芝加哥的亞裔人口正在增長,華埠範圍也在擴大,華府的華裔人口卻減少到只剩300人左右,和芝加哥成為一個非常鮮明的對比。波士頓則介於其間,也正面對著社區豪華化,人口結構大變的考驗。


              在這幾天中,1021日將放映核心敘事片,「威基基(Waikiki)」,1023日放映核心紀錄片「天花(Sky Blossom)」,1024日為閉幕片,「誰是露娜梅諾(Who is Lun*na Menoh?)」。影片放映後都安排有和導演,製片人員晤談環節。這閉幕片只有康州、麻州、緬因州、新罕布夏州,羅德島州及佛蒙特州居民可以欣賞,也只放映一晚。


              在主要影片之外,每天都有短片放映。1021日晚7點放映「威基基」之後,晚上915分開始放映「亞裔美國人 Eyzd:移民喜劇特輯 (Asian American – Eyz’d: An Im migrant Comedy Special)」。

              1022(週五)下午5點半放映「無論我們可能在那兒(Wherever We May Be)」,7點半放映「翹家女孩(The Girl who left home)」,晚上945分放映描述3名洛杉磯亞裔移民喜劇片「 春捲復仇(Lumpia with a Vengeance)」。

              1023日下午3點放映Hui-Ling Chen導演的紀錄片「給阿嬤的信(A Letter to A’ma)」,下午6點放映Richard Lui導演的紀錄片「天花:下一代的日記(Sky Blossom: Diaries of the Next Greatest Generation)」,晚上9點放映Iman Zawahry導演的「美國式(Americanish)」。

              1024日下午2點有一場任何人都可參加,在網上舉行的特別聯誼活動,下午5點放映Jeff Mizushima導演的紀錄片「誰是露娜梅諾(Who is Lun*na Menoh?)」。






(右二),吳子平(左二)。左一為國際領袖基金會創辦人Joel Szabat。
                        (Boston Orange 羅德島州報導)國際領袖基金會 (ILF)1017日在羅德島州中央瀑布市河畔舉辦露天盛會,頒發總統義工服務金獎表揚葉超、吳子平,並邀羅德島州州長麥基(Daniel McKee)做主題演講,頒特別獎表揚10名該會有功於社會的會長等人。

              葉超和吳子平兩人還在會上代表10個華人教會合作舉辦的愛心音樂見證會,把共籌得8萬元平分給八個幫助弱勢群體非牟利機構的最後1萬元支票,捐給羅德島州普域敦斯救援任務(Providence Rescue Mission)

羅德島州州長Daniel McKee頒發特別獎給國際領袖基金會各分會會長,幹部後合影
國際領袖基金會是全國亞裔總商會執行長董繼玲和創辦人Joel Szabat22年前創辦,旨在培育政商各界下一代亞裔領袖的非牟利組織,迄今已在全美設有20個以上分會。


羅德島州州長Daniel McKee發表講話

羅德島州中央瀑布市前市長James Diossa(右起)代表現任市長送上市鑰給
Joel Szabat夫婦。
在拜登政府執政後,甫卸任的前美國交通部政策副部長Joel Szabat這天應邀作特別講話。他說明,國際領袖基金會的主要宗旨之一是鼓勵年輕一代亞裔積極參與公眾事務,培養領導能力,為社區、國家奉獻心力。讓人很高興的是,在該會成立之初,美國僅有3名亞裔國會議員,如今已有21位,成長了7倍。他進一步指出,美國的建立奠定在開國功臣們的二個基本原則上,一是人人平等,二是政府的權力來自其所管理人民的共識,而這也是美國吸引人的地方。他又引述林肯的話,指今日社會中對民主定義的左中右派等各種分歧見解,是人們面對的新挑戰,美國是否能再如過往般成功,要看包括亞裔的所有美國人民如何因應。

Joel Szabat合影
當天的活動由ILF主任黃靈輝主持,曾任中央瀑布市市長的James Diossa為開幕致詞,並代表該市現任市長Maria Rivera,送了一把市鑰給董繼玲、Joel Szabat。到會嘉賓包括駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元、倪雪娥夫婦,羅德島州眾議員Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung及前任克蘭斯頓(Cranston)市市長馮偉傑夫婦。布朗大學學生董家睿代表公民事務領袖學員,北阿圖孛羅高中學生李美恩代表青年領袖學院學員致詞。



羅德島州州長Daniel McKee(左二)和葉超(左一)、吳子平(右一)10,000元支票捐給
(Providence Rescue Mission),由Shawn Crew牧師代表接受。

