
星期一, 7月 26, 2021



 All riders using MBTA bus Route 28 will be able to board and ride this route for free from August 29 to November 29, 2021


Boston Acting Mayor Kim Janey announce free fare pilot on 
MBTA Route 28. (Photo by Chutze Chou) 

BOSTON - July 26, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey has announced that the City of Boston will begin a free fare pilot on MBTA Route 28 starting August 29th for three months to November 29th. Route 28 riders will be able to board buses at all doors without needing to pay a fare. 

 Route 28 is one of the MBTA’s highest ridership bus routes both prior and during the COVID-19 pandemic, carrying approximately 12,880 riders every weekday pre-pandemic. Ridership is generally steady throughout the day compared to most other routes that see low off-peak ridership. The route runs from Mattapan Square to Ruggles Station by way of Nubian Square and Roxbury Crossing. It serves as a vital connection for the residents of Mattapan, Roxbury and Dorchester to the MBTA’s key bus, subway and commuter rail networks. The neighborhoods are home to families that pay a higher percentage of their household income on transportation compared to most other neighborhoods. 

 “As someone who depends, like many Bostonians, on consistent and reliable MBTA service, I know firsthand how vital Route 28 is for the economic corridor that connects Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. The Route 28 Free Fare pilot program demonstrates the City’s commitment to making transportation accessible and affordable for residents and commuters,” said Mayor Janey. “I am grateful for the partnership of the MBTA and the Boston Transportation Department for their collaboration in realizing this effort.”

 “We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the City of Boston on this pilot,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “We look forward to evaluating it and learning more about its impacts on ridership and the transit network.” 

 Funded by a $500,000 investment from the City of Boston, the goal of the pilot is to provide direct benefit to some of Boston’s communities who have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than two-thirds of riders on Route 28 are classified as low-income according to MBTA’s most recent systemwide survey. The free fares will lessen riders’ financial burden at a time when economic vulnerability is at a historic high, and all-door boarding will speed boarding and travel times on a route that frequently runs behind schedule. Together, this will help Route 28 riders more easily join in the City’s reopening and recovery efforts.

 The Boston Transportation Department and the MBTA will jointly manage the pilot program, making any adjustments as necessary. To evaluate the pilot, the agencies will be collecting operational data and conducting rider surveys. Key metrics relative to the goals of the initiative include travel time impacts, on-time reliability, rider experience, and ridership. 

 The pilot also coincides with the City of Boston’s effort to improve transit service along Blue Hill Avenue, Warren Street and Malcolm X Boulevard. City agencies are working with local community groups and abutters to make these corridors safer to cross for pedestrians, have improved traffic flow including for buses, and be stress-free for people on bicycles. Earlier this July, the City also submitted an application for $25 million in federal funding for Blue Hill Avenue with the support of the MBTA.

 The Pilot is part of a larger initiative to help with economic recovery after the initiatives including a now completed program to distribute free MBTA and Bluebikes passes to small business employees at the City’s Main Streets districts and the outdoor dining program. 

 For more information on the Route 28 Pilot Program, visit www.boston.gov/28bus and mbta.com/28pilot. (From Mayor's office)

共享單車Blue Bike慶10週年



Since launch in 2011, the publicly-owned and managed bike share program has enabled more than 14 million trips by bike


Photo from twitter

BOSTON - Monday, July 26, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today joined with officials from Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville to celebrate the first decade of public bike share in the Boston region. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, the bike share’s title sponsor since 2018, was also on hand to celebrate. 

 At an event in front of the Boston Public Library in Copley Square, they unveiled a new “unicorn” bike. The bike features a unique design created by Helen Deng, Caroline Cedano, Tino Vo, and Elaine Chung at Artists for Humanity. The bike frame features 400 bike icons, each icon representing 10 bikes in the system today. The fender design includes a stylized “10” pattern to represent buildings and bridges in the Metro Boston area.


Metro Boston’s bike share program launched on July 28, 2011 as Hubway, with 600 bicycles and 60 stations. Logging more than 100,000 rides within the first 10 weeks, it quickly proved itself to be an essential part of Boston’s transportation network. In 2012, the municipalities of Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville installed their own stations, enabling trips throughout the core of the region. Within the first five years of bike share, more than 5 million trips were taken.

In 2018, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts became the title sponsor, supporting a massive expansion of the network and rebranding the system  as Bluebikes. Since then, seven additional communities  have joined the Bluebikes system: Arlington, Chelsea, Everett, Newton, Revere, Salem, and Watertown. Bluebikes are now available across an area of over 95 square miles with 400 stations and 4,000 bikes.

“We’re thrilled to see the incredible impact the public bike share system has had on Metro Boston over the last decade and we’re honored to partner with the municipalities in supporting Bluebikes’ continued growth,” said Kathy Klingler, chief consumer and marketing officer of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. “Our sponsorship of Bluebikes aligns perfectly with our mission to help all Massachusetts residents lead healthy lives and to stand as an ally in strengthening the overall health of our communities.”

Today, more than 22,000 people hold annual passes for Bluebikes. As a public system, fares are set to ensure affordability for the region’s residents, workers, and visitors. Discounted fares are available for $5 per month or $50 per year for any resident who participates in public assistance programs such as SNAP. Over 350 employers offer discounted bike share passes to their employees.

“Bluebikes has helped make Boston a more accessible, affordable, and environmentally friendly city,” said Mayor Janey. “By connecting Boston neighborhoods and surrounding cities for residents, commuters, and visitors alike, bike sharing represents a key intersection of transportation equity and climate justice. I was proud to provide free Blubikes memberships to many of the workers in our community hardest hit by the pandemic and I look forward to continuing our partnership for many years to come.”

“Bluebikes has been a critical addition to the transportation options available in Greater Boston,” noted Chris Dempsey, Chair of the Brookline Transportation Board. “Today, Bluebikes is one of the most popular bike share systems in the country, and it serves commuters, residents, students and visitors in neighborhoods across the region. We applaud the work of so many who have made this anniversary possible, and look forward to the next decade of this thriving, vital system.”

“Cambridge is proud to be one of the original Bluebikes municipalities. This robust bike share system has created an affordable, environmentally sustainable public transportation option to the people who live, work and visit here,” said Louis A. DePasquale, Cambridge City Manager.  “We particularly appreciate the support from our community partners, including Harvard and MIT who were with us from the start, as well as CambridgeSide, the Museum of Science, Biogen, Verizon, Google, BioMed Realty, Alexandria Real Estate, and EF.”  

“Congratulations to Bluebikes, its many members, and our municipal partners on ten years of public bikeshare,” said Somerville Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone. “Bluebikes is a convenient, inexpensive, and essential public transportation service in the region and continues to be an important tool for equitable mobility in Somerville. We look forward to continuing to enhance and expand this important public service.”



復甦之路共同前進   攜手為下一代鋪路

              (國際領袖基金會訊) 國際領袖基金會 (ILF) 724日在網上舉辦「2021 國際領袖基金會企業與領袖高峰會」,以「復甦之路:共同前進」為主題,邀請戴琪、趙小蘭、趙美心、孟昭文等九名政商界領袖與民眾交流,攜手為下一代鋪路。



Erika L. Moritsugu
                        戴琪表示,她的任務是要制定貿易政策,提升美國工作者的機會。 拜登政府正在持續推動以工人為中心的貿易政策,也在深入了解各領域商家在當前貿易大環境中的處境和需求,以為中小型企業、創業者,制定能提供更多資源和支持的優化貿易政策。



                       Erika L. Moritsugu


國會議員孟昭文(Grace Meng)也表示,過去這一年,很多亞裔生活在恐懼,氣憤中,真的很不容易,舉報在案的反亞裔仇恨事件就有不下6000多宗。這情況促使亞裔團結,也才給了他們力量,推動通過新冠病毒仇恨法。她將繼續推動反仇恨犯罪的法案,鼓勵疫苗接種,關注小商家需要,促進經濟復甦;針對如何提高亞太裔的政治參與度並擴大話語權。現在她還正在推動立法,要全美學校教授亞裔美人歷史。

前任交通部長趙小蘭(Elaine L Chao,左起)和加州聯邦眾議員
(Young Kim),加州聯邦眾議員朴銀珠(Michelle Steel)
趙小蘭主持爐邊談話 - 培養領導力

                         前任交通部長趙小蘭(Elaine L Chao)應邀主持爐邊談話,和加州聯邦眾議員金映玉(Young Kim),加州聯邦眾議員朴銀珠(Michelle Steel)對話,暢論亞裔女性參政之路,分享他們打破族裔、性別阻礙,在前人種樹,後人遮陰中傳承經驗,強調要發聲,要參與。鼓勵想要代表自己族裔發聲的年輕學子,可以從參與社區活動、關注親友需求為起點,積累實踐經驗,培養領導力。

聯邦眾議員Amata Catherine Coleman Radewagen
                  Amata Catherine Coleman RadewagenArizona 州財務長Kimberly Yee也致詞鼓勵亞裔社區。

                         ILF 共同創辦人傑龍(Joel Szabat)指出,從1999年董繼玲和他在沙加緬度創辦國際領袖基金會以來,核心使命始終如一,要推廣公民意識,鼓勵參與,扶持亞裔社區的下一代。他說美國創始人相信,政府權力來自受統治者同意,ILF的使命就是要確保亞裔的聲音,統治者聽得到,亞裔社區未來領袖能擁有所需工具,促使政府回應。回溯1830
ILF 共同創辦人傑龍(Joel Szabat)






白宮亞太裔計畫候任主任Krystal Ka’ai
高峰會頒發ILF領袖獎獎項 - 服務社區  攜手為下一代鋪路

                         高峰會還頒發公共服務領袖獎表揚白宮亞太裔計畫候任主任,夏威夷本土人的Krystal Ka’ai,在白宮服務的亞裔;頒ILF 年度企業家獎表揚Vizio創辦人王蔚,頒全球領袖獎表揚Bing Zhao企業領袖獎表揚唐兆成,喻斌,周筱玲等


                      「對我們的青年、大學生和年輕的專業人士,我想說:錯誤是生活的一部分;但是,只有當你允許錯誤擊倒你時,錯誤才會定義您。從你的錯誤中學習,永不放棄。我在南加州大學工程學院的 GPA  2.3
,因為我很懶。但是我把這個錯誤變成了努力工作,多年後南加州大學工程學院邀請我回去做畢業典禮演講。在之前的一次創業中,因為管理不善我損失了 4000 萬美元。但 24 年後,我敲響了紐約證券交易所的收盤鐘。無論您是在創業、競選公職還是面對任何人生挑戰,都要勇敢無畏地面對,並改正錯誤,不要放棄。作為 ILF 大家庭的一員,我們在這兒支持你」。

  海景基金會創辦人 Bing Zhao
                               海景基金會創辦人 Bing Zhao因為多年支持公益和支持對抗新冠病毒,獲頒ILF全球企業領袖獎。當年從哥倫比亞大學畢業後,進入所羅門1997兄弟公司工作,1997年從副總裁一職離任,創辦了自己的投資顧問公司。2004年起,Bin Zhao也是中礦收購的財務長,董事。他還是Capital Bridge Investment Ltd. 的聯合創辦人及董事。他支持哥倫比亞大學研究如何對抗新冠

  Smartlink 健康解決方案公司創辦人兼執行長唐兆成 (Dr. Siu Tong)
                        Smartlink 健康解決方案公司創辦人兼執行長唐兆成 (Dr. Siu Tong),是一位系列創業家,因動員亞裔社區捐贈個人防護設備,對抗病毒大流行,獲頒企業領袖獎。在Smartlink之前,他還創辦了Infina 連接,這2013年華爾街日報選為十大年度初創企業之一的醫療系統公司。1998年他還獲得安永會計師樓的年度企業家獎,以及美國總統服務獎。

元大期貨副主席 周筱玲
元大期貨副主席 周筱玲獲頒企業領袖獎,以感謝她對亚洲分會的貢獻,鼓勵全球亞裔社區團結,認清所面對挑戰,攜手為下一代鋪路。

    Utegration 創辦人兼主席喻斌 (Bin Yu) 
            Utegration 創辦人兼主席喻斌 (Bin Yu) 因為他在提供機會給剛踏入職場亞裔青年專裔人士上的努力,獲頒ILF企業領袖獎。他是Utegration LLC的創辦人兼主席,曾任職德勤諮詢顧問公司,以及SAP美國公司,率領美國公用事業專業服務團隊。喻斌在20088月創辦Utegration,並帶領這家公司成長為業內最大的SAP公用事業服務公司之一。2019年他成為Houston 亞洲商會主席。

                    會中也放映了一段KHA演唱她和Johnny Black合作撰寫的不再(No More)”一歌的短片。

                    ILF今年這場企業與領袖高峰會,Facebook and Youtbue至少有1000多人上網參加,Youtube上回放https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZu02ZK-_24


星期五, 7月 23, 2021

波士頓華埠公園7/24下午2點唱歌活動 7/25陳耀祥太極健身運動

 Join the Greenway Conservancy & Boston Children's Chorus at We Sing: Chinatown this Saturday, July 24 at 2p! We invite community members of all ages and skill levels to join in singing, games, prizes, and socializing at Chin Park on The Greenway.

Can't make it this weekend? We Sing: Chinatown will return on the Chinatown Gate on August 15 at 2p



BOSTON - Friday, July 23, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced the release of the bid package for the Improvements to Malcolm X Park in Roxbury as the first contract planned for the City’s new supplier diversity program. Building on Mayor Janey’s commitment to addressing equity in City contracting, the Equity and Inclusion Cabinet and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department will pilot participation goals for minority-owned businesses (MBEs) and women-owned businesses (WBEs) with the Malcolm X Park Improvement Project. The pilot will increase the number of contracts awarded to diverse businesses for planned renovations to the park including the basketball courts, tennis courts, playgrounds, and turf field, among many other improvements. The total construction budget is $7.7 million.

“Engaging with diverse contractors can have a powerful impact on our local economy,” said Mayor Janey. “The Malcolm X Park Improvement Project pilot seeks to quantify that impact and improve transparency in the procurement process, as we address the dire need for investment in Boston-based businesses owned by women and people of color. I am proud to work with the City of Boston Equity and Inclusion Cabinet, as well as the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, to expand access for entrepreneurs who are traditionally overlooked.”

These actions build on the City of Boston's commitments announced in February 2021 that followed the completion of a disparity study, including an Executive Order designed to support equitable procurement policies. The Executive Order recognizes the results of the disparity study and established spending goals of 25% for WBEs and MBEs, as well as establishment of a Supplier Diversity Plan to support diverse procurement.

“The Malcolm X Park project will revitalize a treasured community resource while also providing economic opportunities for area businesses owned by people of color and women,” said Celina Barrios-Millner, Chief of Equity and Inclusion. “We appreciate the hard work of the Parks Department to make this pilot possible, and have established a Supplier Diversity Program that will create opportunities for diverse contractors on all types of City contracts moving forward.” 

The City has set an MBE goal of 2.4% and a WBE goal of 4.8% of the total budget for this project based on the availability of MBEs and WBEs for the work required for the renovations. Bidders must either achieve the goals through subcontracting commitments with MBEs and WBEs, or provide documentation with their bids specifically demonstrating good faith efforts undertaken to achieve the goals. Bidders must achieve both goals, as well as the City’s Boston Jobs Resident Policy goals. 

“We are grateful for Mayor Janey’s and the Equity Cabinet’s leadership in reducing barriers for City suppliers,” said Parks and Recreation Department Commissioner Ryan Woods. “Requiring bidders to thoughtfully engage all available subcontractors will result in a high quality, diverse pool of companies on the project team and a better park project overall.”

The type of contracts required for the project include concrete and asphalt installation, playground equipment installation, electrical, plumbing, earthwork and grading, arborist and tree work, planting, and signage. WBEs and MBEs in these fields can access a list of potential bidders who have requested a copy of the plan, and reach out to them directly to pitch their services. Subcontractors are also encouraged to get certified as WBEs or MBEs. Certified contractors will be included in a list of diverse businesses that City of Boston and external organizations use for recruitment.

The construction bid (IFB) was released on Monday, July 19 and bids are due by August 19, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Bids and specifications are available to be picked up at 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd floor. No appointment is necessary. For an up to date list of plan holders or for any questions please contact Lauren Bryant by email at lauren.bryant@boston.gov or by phone at 617-961-3019. Prospective bidders are highly encouraged to attend a virtual pre-bid conference on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. Boston time. To attend, use the video call link https://meet.google.com/nfq-gjia-twr or dial 319-820-2332 PIN: 158 648 917#.

The Parks and Recreation Department creates and maintains clean, green, safe, and accessible public parks and open space throughout Boston. The department is responsible for 217 parks, playgrounds and athletic fields, two golf courses, 65 squares, 17 fountains, 75 game courts, 16 historic and three active cemeteries, urban wilds, four High School athletic fields, and approximately 125,000 trees, all covering 2,346 acres, 1,000 of which comprise the historic Emerald Necklace. Parks and Recreation is also responsible for more than 35,000 street trees.

The Equity Office works to embed equity and racial justice into all City planning and operations. The Office focuses on dismantling systemic barriers to achieve racial, gender, health and socio-economic equality and works to ensure that an equity lens is placed on all programs, policies, and practices of local government. The Cabinet consists of numerous departments and agencies, including: Resilience and Racial Equity, Human Rights Commission, Women’s Advancement, Immigrant Advancement, Language and Communication Access, and the Economic Mobility Lab. The cabinet also oversees the Boston Resident Jobs Policy and the Supplier Diversity Program.

星期四, 7月 22, 2021

吳弭當市長支持者再添一人 麻州眾議員Tommy Vitolo送上橄欖枝

 State Representative Tommy Vitolo Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor

Boston, MA - Today, State Representative Tommy Vitolo announced his support and endorsement of Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston. Representative Vitolo represents the 15th Norfolk District which covers the town of Brookline. He serves as Vice Chair of the Joint Committee of Election Laws.

 Representative Vitolo said: "I’m proud to endorse my friend Michelle Wu to be the next mayor of Boston. Michelle’s clear vision and regional collaboration has already made her a leading voice across the Commonwealth on the issues we both champion—a transportation system that works for everyone, housing affordability, and climate justice. Her election as mayor will be transformative for Boston and its neighbors."

 “I am so grateful to be endorsed by Representative Tommy Vitolo. He’s been a partner on the climate, housing and transportation justice issues across our region—and a fellow working parent advocating with a sense of urgency for all our families to thrive,” said Michelle Wu. 

 Representative Vitolo and Councilor Wu have previously teamed up to oppose MBTA fare hikes, call for transit equity, and push for climate justice.

 Representative Vitolo has served Brookline since November 2018 and is currently a member of the House Committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, and Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development. He has long been an advocate for environmental justice and energy efficiency, fighting against coal power plants and advocating for wind turbines and solar farms. Recently, he sponsored many bills including H.953, to ensure charter school transparency and public accountability and H.2390, to prohibit state construction or renovation of fossil fuel heating systems.

 Representative Vitolo’s endorsement adds to the Michelle for Mayor campaign’s enthusiastic coalition of multigenerational, multicultural grassroots supporters including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, State Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; unions Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of Unite Here!, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; environmental organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Ward 4 Democrats; Ward 5 Democrats; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements