
星期四, 6月 10, 2021

麻州首批"快速重新就業補助"款36萬元發給6機構 總額460萬元

麻州州長查理貝克( Charlie Baker)。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(10)日在洛士百利社區學院宣佈,460萬元快速重新聘用補助款項目的第一階段36萬元,將發給6個機構,約可培訓150人。





            首批獲得補助的雇主,以及預定培訓的員工人數依序為JVS15人,麻州區域技術學校10人,Polus社會經濟發展中心15人,科技代工(Tech Foundry)20人,上鱈魚角區域技術學校(Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School)30人。

麻州教育卿(Education Secretary) James Peyser.

 https://www.mass.gov/workshare-for-employers ,或致電 (617) 626-6877

            雇主也可以和地方上的麻州聘僱職業中心(MassHire Career Center)”聯絡,辦理免費的虛擬招聘活動。

薩福克郡治安官Steve Tompkins也出席提問。(周菊子攝)
$4.6 Million Rapid Reemployment Grant Program Launches in Massachusetts

First round of funding will train residents impacted by COVID-19 to access high demand job categories in the Commonwealth

BOSTON -  Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the launch of the $4.6 million Rapid Reemployment grant program, with the first round of grant funding totaling $360,000 being awarded today to six employer partner programs that will train 105 participants. The grants will support training residents who have experienced an employment interruption due to COVID-19 and help place them in high-demand job categories such as Information Technology and Health Care by scaling up training opportunities provided by organizations to employers.


“As Massachusetts focuses on economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that we think strategically about getting people back to work and increasing our investments in programs that are successfully serving local businesses and people most affected,” said Governor Charlie Baker. "The Rapid Reemployment Program can help thousands of people get access to high demand jobs in the Commonwealth through workforce training and building skills to get people hired quickly." 


“The pandemic has been particularly difficult for those who experienced job loss over the past year,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Our Administration is committed to prioritizing investments like these in addition to ones in the Workforce Skills Cabinet and Career Technical Institutes so that those looking for work have access to the skills-building programs they need to acquire a good, high-paying and sustainable job.”


The Rapid Reemployment Program is designed to help businesses develop a pipeline of workers to meet their skills needs as well as providing better lifetime earnings potential for those whose job prospects have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. These grants are funded through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES” Act). The application process is rolling through September 30, 2021, or until funds are expended.


“No economy can succeed without a high-quality workforce. This funding will help individuals and businesses accelerate a return to full employment that is more equitable and leads to more employment resiliency in Massachusetts,” said Labor and Workforce Secretary Rosalin Acosta.


“This grant program will play a key role in helping people get back to work, which is a central component of our strategy for economic recovery,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy.  “As we continue taking steps to put this pandemic behind us, efforts that assist in matching workers with available jobs and that provide necessary training to address gaps in skills will further our goal of accelerating the Commonwealth’s recovery.”


“Community colleges play an important role in reemployment efforts, particularly in healthcare occupations like certified nursing assistants, home health aides, and pharmacy techs. These types of programs at community colleges provide individuals with opportunities to earn credentials while they work, and give them a pathway to continue their education and move toward a degree to further advance their careers,” said Education Secretary James Peyser.


To learn more about this initiative, find an existing pipeline in your region, or request a free consultation to get customized support, you can visit—A Partnerships for Recovery Talent Access Portal or download the Rapid Re-Employment One-Pager now. The Rapid Reemployment Program is administered by Commonwealth Corporation on behalf of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development.


“CommCorp is dedicated to getting people the training and jobs they need in these unique circumstances. New funding opportunities allow for just that,” said Christine Abrams, CEO, and President of CommCorp. “As the economy continues to expand, we will continue to push for strategies which lead to a more productive and diverse in the Commonwealth.”


A total of $360,000 has been awarded this round to train 105 program participants:


  • JVS: $60,000 to train 15 Participants
    • In partnership with MassHire Downtown Boston Career Center, JVS will provide training and placement to prepare individuals impacted by COVID-19 for jobs as Patient Care Technicians. Individuals trained will be placed at employer partners, including MassGeneral Brigham and Boston Children’s Hospital.
  • Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School: $30,000 to train 10 Participants
    • In partnership with MassHire North Central Career Center, Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School will provide training and placement to prepare individuals impacted by COVID-19 for jobs as Certified Nursing Assistants. Individuals trained will be placed at employer partners, including Next Step Healthcare, Heywood Wakefield Commons, Sunrise Assisted Living, Care Central VNA & Hospice, Inc.
  • Polus Center for Social & Economic Development, Inc.: $45,000 to train 15 Participants
    • In partnership with MassHire North Central Career Center, Polus Center for Social & Economic Development, Inc. will provide training and placement to prepare individuals impacted by COVID-19 for jobs as Pharmacy Technicians. Individuals trained will be placed at CVS Pharmacy.
  • Roxbury Community College: $45,000 to train 15 Participants
    • In partnership with MassHire Boston Career Center, Roxbury Community College will provide training and placement to prepare individuals impacted by COVID-19 for jobs as Pharmacy Technicians. Individuals trained will be placed at CVS Pharmacy.
  • Tech Foundry: $80,000 to train 20 Participants
    • In partnership with MassHire Springfield Career Center, Tech Foundry will provide training and placement to prepare individuals impacted by COVID-19 for jobs as Computer Network Support Administrators. Individuals trained will be placed at Rediker Software, Paragus Strategic IT, Veritas Prep Charter School and Winslow Technology Group.
  • Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School: $100,000 to train 30 Participants
    • In partnership with MassHire Cape and Islands Career Center, Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School will provide training and placement to prepare individuals impacted by COVID-19 for jobs as Pharmacy Technicians, Medical Assistants and C.N.As. Individuals trained will be placed at Community Health Center of Cape Cod, Cape Cod Healthcare and Bourne Manor.

Kim Janey大放利多 波市首次購屋者有望獲得最高4萬元補助

波士頓代市長Kim Janey宣佈新政

            (Boston Orange 編譯)今年下半年以後的波士頓市首次購屋者,有望獲得高達4萬元的補助。波士頓代市長Kim Janey另發佈行政命令,71日起,市府勞工合約薪資將比照州府標準。

波士頓代市長Kim Janey(10)日宣佈兩項方案,期以促進經濟發展機會。其一為在2022會計年度中撥款240萬元,支持波士頓家庭中心(Boston Home Center)”的購屋者計畫,收入符合資格的首次購屋者,最高可得4萬元補助,比波士頓市往年撥發的平均金額高了3倍。



Kim Janey今日還在記者會中,站著簽署了一份行政命令,規定波士頓市府從71日起,所有的清潔,守衛等地服務合約,將比照州政府較優惠的薪資費率簽署。目前的麻州政府薪資費率為每小時14.85元至20元,另加6.26元到6.7元的醫療及退休金福利。

                    Kim Janey表示,這一行政命令旨在認可薪資及福利必須能夠支持家庭的重要性。波士頓市府希望藉此為其他雇主樹立榜樣。

                      波士頓市府是波士頓市最大的雇主,聘有18,000名員工。波市府稱,雖然行政命令的對象是合約工,波士頓代市長Kim Janey有意經由協作議價過程,讓相關位置的市府員工都享有州政府標準的薪資。

            波士頓市府在新聞稿中指出,Kim Janey上任以來,陸續宣佈了多項確保市民從新冠病毒疫情中平等恢復正常生活的措施,包括四月份由社區保存委員會(CPC)500萬元給波士頓家庭中心的One+Boston首次購屋者計畫,三月份撥5000萬元的租金紓困款以支持租住房屋的波士頓居民有穩定住所。Kim Janey最近還提議,從美國援救計畫經費撥5000萬元辦緊急紓困計畫,以支持波士頓居民、工人及小企業的平等恢復,重新開放。

Mayor Kim Janey Announces Measures to Boost Homeownership, Wages and Economic Equity in Boston 

First time homebuyers will receive up to $40,000 and City service contractors will be guaranteed State prevailing wage rates.   


BOSTON — Thursday, June 10, 2021 — Mayor Kim Janey today announced a pair of measures to promote economic opportunity in the City as part of her agenda for Boston’s equitable recovery, reopening, and renewal. With $2.4 million committed to this program in the Mayor’s FY22 budget proposal, the Boston Home Center's first-time Homebuyer Program has been expanded to provide up to $40,000 in assistance to income-eligible, first-time homebuyers who seek to purchase a home in Boston. This change more than triples the average amount of assistance previously offered by the City. These homebuyers will also be informed earlier in the buying process about the amount of financing they are eligible to receive from the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) Boston Home Center. The Mayor has also issued an executive order today, guaranteeing the prevailing wage set by the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards for workers on key City of Boston service contracts, starting July 1, 2021. 

“Homeownership provides economic stability and a chance for working families to build wealth that can be passed from generation to generation,” said Mayor Janey. “Increasing opportunities for Boston families to buy their own homes is essential to closing the racial wealth gap in our city. I am proud of the work of the Boston Home Center to make the dream of owning a home a reality for more Boston residents through the Homebuyer Assistance Program.” 

The First Time Homebuyer Assistance Program will offer $30,000 to $40,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance, depending on home type. Condominiums, one-, two-, and three-family properties are eligible. Historically, the average financial assistance awarded to a first-time homebuyer had been about $10,000 and over 70% of program participants were households of color. The expanded program will also now provide eligible homebuyers with pre-qualification letters, to ease the homebuying process. For more information about the Boston Home Center Homebuying programs, please visit here.

“The work that the Department of Neighborhood Development does is not only about homeownership, it’s also about planting seeds for the next generation,” said Shimika Callender, a resident of Dorchester who was recently able to buy a home in her own neighborhood. “My 13-year-old son has witnessed his mom buy a home, and now he is interested in real estate himself. For every family that DND is able to help, there is likely a child bearing witness to the process and dreaming big. The work that DND does contributes to giving families and children the vision to turn their dreams into reality.”

In a separate measure, Mayor Janey signed an executive order that adopts the prevailing wage rate set by the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards for all city contracts for cleaning and security services going out to bid after July 1, 2021. The current State prevailing wage rate is $14.85 to $20 per hour, with an additional $6.26 to $6.70 in health and pension benefits.  

“This executive order recognizes the importance of family-sustaining wages and benefits as well as maintaining high quality services in our public buildings,” said Mayor Janey. “The City of Boston is setting a standard for other employers to follow that supports the wellbeing of Boston’s working families and promotes a more equitable recovery for our economy.”

The City of Boston is the city’s largest employer, with more than 18,000 public workers across a wide range of roles. While the executive order targets city contractors, Mayor Janey intends to work with city unions through the collective bargaining process to extend prevailing wages to city employees in related positions. This executive order provides an equitable platform for wage progression, helping to achieve family sustaining wages for low-wage workers, and seeks to promote economic mobility. The City will lead by example and encourage other private employers in and around Boston to join in the effort. 

"I commend Mayor Janey for this important and needed executive order, as so many of these essential workers have supported our City so well, especially during this stressful time of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Natalicia Tracy, PhD, of the Brazilian Worker Center. “This executive order will level the playing field somewhat so that these hard-working people can provide for their own families, as they continue to maintain our buildings to ensure they are safe, clean, and secure for the City as a whole." 

Today's announcements are the latest in a series of measures that the City is taking to ensure the equitable recovery for our residents from the COVID-19 pandemic. In April, Mayor Kim Janey announced that the City of Boston’s Community Preservation Committee (CPC) awarded $5 million to the Boston Home Center’s ONE+Boston First-Time Homebuyer Program. In March, Mayor Janey announced $50 million in new rental relief funding to support housing stability for thousands of Boston renters. Additionally, Mayor Janey recently proposed a $50 million emergency relief plan, funded through the American Rescue Plan, to support an equitable recovery and reopening for Boston residents, workers and small businesses. 

BIO Takes on Health Equity in Clinical Trials

BIO Takes on Health Equity in Clinical Trials


First-ever BIO Clinical Trial Diversity Summit will engage stakeholders to build a sustainable and equitable clinical development ecosystem


Washington, D.C. (June 10, 2021) – When clinical trials were the center of attention this past year, another issue came to the forefront: the need for greater health equity in clinical trials. The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) today announced the featured speakers at its first-ever BIO Clinical Trial Diversity Summit June 24-25, 2021.


The virtual summit will bring together stakeholders from across the clinical development spectrum to address inequities, learn from patient experts and help companies improve trials. The summit will culminate in the creation of a comprehensive vision for an equitable drug development ecosystem and transforming that vision into an actionable strategy to execute real change.


“More diverse clinical trials not only improve outcomes, but they also benefit the entire health care industry,” stated Ted W. Love, M.D., president and CEO of Global Blood Therapeutics (GBT) and Chair of the Emerging Companies Section of the BIO Board of Directors, who will moderate the “Social and Business Imperative of Increasing Clinical Trial Diversity” session at the summit. “The BIO Clinical Trial Diversity summit brings together industry, community and clinical research leaders and patient advocates to help move this from conversation to action.”


Speakers include industry leaders, academics and health equity experts from across the field including:

·        Silas Buchanan, Co-founder and CEO, Institute for eHealth Equity

·        Dr. Cartier Esham, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, BIO

·        Dr. Julie Gerberding, MD, Chief Patient Officer, Executive VP of Population Health, Global Policy, Merck

·        David Coman, MBA, President and CEO of Science 37

·        Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath, MD, PhD, President and CEO of BIO

·        Dr. Merdad Parsey, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, Gilead

·        Dr. Elena V. Rios, MD, President and CEO, National Hispanic Medical Association, National Hispanic Health Foundation

·        Dr. Darryl Sleep, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Amgen


Also speaking at the conference is Debra Fraser-Howze, founder of Choose Healthy Life, and principal with D. Fraser Associates. “It takes partnership and collaboration to solve the historical problem of racism and health inequities in health care,” she said. “I look forward to the opportunity to speak on community and patient engagement at the BIO Clinical Trial Diversity Summit. We have to build support with patients and advocates to have meaningful change.”


To counteract the systemic inequality, injustice and unfair treatment of underserved communities, BIO launched its BIOEquality Agenda in 2020. Enhancing clinical trials is at the heart of the agenda’s three pillars for change – Promote Health Equity, Invest in the Current and Next Generation of Scientists, and Expand Opportunity for Women and Other Underrepresented Populations.


Registration for the BIO Clinical Trial Diversity Summit is free and open to all participants.

昆士市國旗日70週年 6/12將遊行放煙火

              (Boston Orange)昆士市每年一度的國旗日(Flag Day),今年慶祝70週年,訂612(週六)晚上7點起遊行,和往年不同的是,今年將取消升旗儀式,煙火施放,也改於9點在華樂斯頓(Wollaston)海灘舉行。

               昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)表示,雖然今年的國旗日可能無法像往年般盛大,但他仍期盼有場像樣的遊行。把施放煙火的地點搬到華樂斯頓海灘,也是為了讓更多人能欣賞到那燦爛美景。他說,去年的第69屆國旗日,礙於新冠病毒疫情,被迫取消,實在很可惜,但也給了他們時間去製作一幅30呎乘50呎的大國旗。


               柯奇市長鼓勵今年到場參加遊行的人,如果無法保持安全社交距離,最好戴口罩。遊行路線長1.2英里,從CoddingtonHancock街交界處出發,遊行到Merrymount Parkway,並在Pageant Field解散。



               昆士市的國旗日始於1952年,由現任市長柯奇的父親,Richard Koch倡議推出。他率領了一群Koch俱樂部的年輕人,從諾福克下城(Norfolk Downs)一路遊行到Cavanagh體育館舉行升旗儀式。70年後,成就一段父子傳承佳話。


BOSTON - Thursday, June 10, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey and Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) today announced that registration has opened for a variety of summer teen programs. The programs are expected to run from Monday, July 12 through Friday, August 20. Interested youth can apply here.

"Summer programming is a great way to engage teenagers throughout the City while empowering and inspiring them to learn. As our city recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, I am thrilled that we are able to bring back these popular summer programs and provide Boston’s teenagers with such unique opportunities,” said Mayor Janey. “These programs foster important skills, such as creativity and leadership that allow for positive growth and success in the future. I would like to thank the BCYF for all they do and for making these programs possible.”

Boston teens can register now for BCYF Snap Shot teen photography program, BCYF SuperTeens pre-employment program for young teens, and BCYF Girls Leadership Corps and Jr Leadership Corps. More information can be found here.

BCYF Snap Shot Teen Photography program is a unique summer job program for youth ages 16 to 18, in partnership with the John Hancock MLK Summer Scholars Program. Youth receive a paycheck while participating in the program. This hybrid program will introduce participants to all aspects of photography. Led by a professional photographer, the program includes opportunities to conduct “photo shoots,” visits to museums and art galleries, digital photo editing lessons, online personal development workshops led by John Hancock, and opportunities to serve as a “staff photographer” for BCYF.

BCYF SuperTeens program teaches teens ages 13 and 14 life readiness and resiliency to help prepare them for their upcoming academic year and future employment. For summer 2021, SuperTeens will be back and in person at our centers. The program will focus on opportunities to enhance communication, collaboration, teamwork and problem solving. The SuperTeens will be mentored by BCYF staff throughout the summer, and they will participate in both online workshops and in person job shadowing activities that will highlight employment skills. The SuperTeens will also participate in weekly social and recreational activities, including a new Learn to Crew program on the Charles River, neighborhood beautification projects throughout the city through the painting of murals, as well as visits to some of Boston’s museums and historical sites. 

Participants will have the opportunity to earn their first paycheck in the form of a stipend, and they will also be provided with opportunities that encourage civic engagement and physical health and wellness. The SuperTeens program is sponsored by Comcast and The Foundation for BCYF, and is generously supported by MassHousing, MCCA, NBT II Foundation and Children’s Hospital.

BCYF Girls Leadership Corps (GLC) provides the girls with gender-specific workshops and activities. Special pop-up guests will be invited to speak with the girls. Workshop topics will include self-defense with Girls LEAP, leadership skills, empowerment with the YW F.R.Y.E. program, Media Girls, Girl Scouts and more. The GLC girls are currently planning activities that Boston girls are invited to register for including Girls Day Out on Tuesdays and Thursdays, featuring Zumba and walking in Hemingway Park, Girls Nights on Mondays, and Girls Self-Expressions weekly on Wednesdays, promoting self-love through writing, poetry, and song, while allowing girls to explore their feelings and emotions. 

BCYF Girls Leadership Corps Junior will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays for girls ages 8-11. This summer, the program participants will have the opportunity to participate in a series of workshops and activities that tie into outdoor adventures while promoting teamwork, and building self-esteem and leadership skills. 

“We are looking forward to providing our teens with engaging and fun summer programming,” said William Morales, Commissioner of Boston Centers for Youth & Families. “We have a diverse menu of virtual options planned and look forward to seeing our youth again. 

About Boston Centers for Youth & Families
Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) is the City of Boston’s largest youth and human service agency. BCYF operates 36 community centers in Boston that offer a variety of engaging and enriching programs for people of all ages created through community input and need. BCYF also oversees citywide programs including the nationally-recognized violence intervention and prevention SOAR Program( formerly Streetworker Program), the GIRLS Initiative, Camp Joy special needs program and many aquatic offerings.

星期三, 6月 09, 2021

波士頓慈濟人文學校歡送畢業生 校長叮囑感恩、尊重、愛











波士頓慈濟人文學校將於613日舉辦新學年招生說明會,查詢詳情可上網http://www.tzuchiacademyboston.org ,或發電郵tcaboston@gmail.com




(Boston Orange)今年跨入第42屆的波士頓龍舟節,礙於新冠病毒疫情,將於6月13日中午12點,在官網上以視頻形式舉行。



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