
星期二, 5月 11, 2021


 Baker-Polito Administration Applauds Federal Approval of Vineyard Wind Project

Massachusetts to Launch U.S. Offshore Wind Industry with First Commercial-Scale Project in Nation

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today applauded the Record of Decision issued by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) granting approval to the Vineyard Wind project and concluding environmental review of the project through the National Environmental Policy Act. The key federal permitting approval allows Vineyard Wind to advance its Construction and Operations Plan to bring 800 Megawatts of cost-effective, renewable offshore wind power to Massachusetts ratepayers, enough energy to power 400,000 homes. Following the announcement, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides will join Vineyard Wind CEO Lars Pedersen at the Wind Technology Testing Center in Charlestown to celebrate the decision. 


“Massachusetts should be proud that this decision launches the nation’s first commercial-scale offshore wind project on the Commonwealth’s shores,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This groundbreaking project will produce affordable, renewable energy, create jobs and prove Massachusetts developed a successful model for developing offshore wind energy. We appreciate the federal government’s partnership to grant this approval and look forward to working with Vineyard Wind to create thousands of jobs and set the Commonwealth on a path to achieve Net Zero emissions.”

“Offshore wind represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for communities across Massachusetts, especially in the South Coast region, to pioneer this new clean energy industry in the U.S.,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Building this new industry will bring new jobs and economic development to cities and towns in the Commonwealth, while providing a significant clean energy resource that will save ratepayers money while helping to meet our ambitious climate goals.” 


Through a competitive procurement process established in comprehensive energy legislation signed by Governor Baker in 2016, the Vineyard Wind project was selected in May 2018 to provide 800 MW of cost-effective renewable offshore wind power to Massachusetts. Following the selection of the Vineyard Wind project, a second competitive procurement process resulted in the selection of the Mayflower Wind project in October 2019. Together the two projects represent major steps in meeting the state’s greenhouse gas emission reduction mandates and growing the Commonwealth’s clean energy economy.


“Offshore wind is critical to meeting Massachusetts’ nation-leading commitment to achieving Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2050, and today’s decision by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is a monumental step in our shared effort to take on the generational challenge of climate change,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “With this key federal approval, the Vineyard Wind project is positioned to break ground as the first commercial-scale offshore wind project in the U.S., and the Baker-Polito Administration will continue to build on its national climate leadership by ensuring that all residents benefit from the affordable clean energy and economic opportunities offered by this new American industry.”


“Today’s Record of Decision is not about the start of a single project, but the launch of a new industry,” said Vineyard Wind CEO Lars T. Pedersen. “Receiving this final federal approval means the jobs, economic benefits and clean energy revolution that have been long talked about can finally come to fruition. It’s been a long road to get to this point, but ultimately, we are reaching the end of this process with the strongest possible project. I want to thank BOEM, the Department of Interior and the Biden Administration for their efforts in finalizing the review of this project. I also want to thank Governor Baker, the Massachusetts federal delegation and State Legislature for their steadfast commitment to seeing this endeavor through to today. And of course, I want to extend my sincerest appreciation to all our supporters and stakeholders for all of their work, input and dedication. We could not have reached this milestone without you.” 


The 800 MW Vineyard Wind project will utilize 62 GE Haliade-X turbines, currently the world’s most powerful turbine with a capacity of 13 MW per machine utilizing wind blades spanning 107 meters. In November 2019, GE shipped a 107 meter Haliade-X blade to the Wind Technology Testing Center – the only facility of its kind in North America – for stress and durability testing that validated the technology can withstand more than 25 years of operation at sea, a key part of the technology development process.


“Cost-effective offshore wind energy plays a pivotal role in advancing the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote economic development, and ultimately meet our ambitious long-term climate goals,” said Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Patrick Woodcock. “Today’s decision from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management marks a historic day for the country and Massachusetts and is the testament of the hard work of state and federal agencies over nearly a decade. Our leadership in offshore wind has established a new industry in the United States that has the opportunity to reduce emissions, boost our economy, and lower energy costs for our residents and businesses.”


“On behalf of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, I would like to congratulate Lars Pedersen and the entire Vineyard Wind team for today’s major milestone,” said Steve Pike, CEO of MassCEC. “We look forward to hosting Vineyard Wind at the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal and continuing our mutual efforts to advance workforce and supply chain development as well as science, research and innovation for the Nation’s first commercial offshore wind farm.”


The Record of Decision concludes NEPA review by BOEM, outlining along with its final decision an approval of the project’s mitigation package. In response to extensive stakeholder engagement, including with the Massachusetts Fisheries Working Group, the Massachusetts Habitat Working Group, and other state and local entities, Vineyard Wind has agreed to provide millions of dollars to compensate Massachusetts and Rhode Island fishermen for potential loss of revenue and lost gear, and to enhance their ability to fish in and around the lease area. Vineyard Wind has also committed to continue funding pre- and-post construction survey studies with the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology (SMAST) and the Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association (MLA) to measure any impacts to the marine environment.


To ensure that the project is developed in an environmentally responsible manner that protects and preserves marine wildlife, including the critically endangered North American Right Whale, Vineyard Wind will invest millions of dollars to develop and deploy innovative technologies and undertake scientific research to further safeguard marine mammals; institute comprehensive monitoring protocols to ensure that construction doesn’t take place when right whales are near the lease area; utilize acoustic monitoring technology throughout construction including in transit corridors, and employ trained protective species observers to spot right whales visually during transit and foundation installation.


In August 2020, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the signing of lease agreements with Vineyard Wind and Mayflower Wind to utilize the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal as the primary staging and deployment base for the construction and installation of their offshore wind projects located in federal waters south of Martha’s Vineyard. The lease agreements commit the facility to full-time offshore wind work from 2023 into 2027 and are worth more than $32.5 million.


Constructed and operated by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal is a 29-acre heavy-lift facility and the first port in North America specifically purpose-built to support the staging and installation of offshore wind components.


On March 26, 2021, Governor Baker signed comprehensive climate change legislation that increased the Administration’s authorization to solicit an additional 2,400 Megawatts of offshore wind, bringing the state’s total commitment to 5,600 Megawatts. On December 30, 2020, the Administration released two reports – the Massachusetts 2050 Decarbonization Roadmap Report and an interim 2030 Clean Energy and Climate Plan (CECP) – that detail policies and strategies to equitably and cost-effectively reduce emissions and combat climate change. The 2050 Roadmap found that the most cost-effective, low-risk pathways to Net Zero share core elements, including a balanced clean energy portfolio anchored by a significant offshore wind resource, more interstate transmission, and widespread electrification of transportation and building heat.


On May 7, 2021, the Baker-Polito Administration, in the third round of its offshore wind solicitation process, issued a Request for Proposals seeking up to 1,600 Megawatts of affordable, resilient clean energy. Bids are due on September 17, 2021, and a selection of project(s) will be announced by December 17, 2021.

美總統拜登和兩黨八州長網晤 查理貝克要全州7月4日時都打了疫苗

 Governor Charlie Baker will virtually meet with President Joe Biden and a bipartisan group of Governors about the successes and best practices of state COVID-19 vaccination programs.

波士頓慈濟慶佛誕 為眾生祈福


             (Boston Orange)佛教慈濟基金會波士頓聯絡處和紐約聯絡處合作,59日近午在該會牛頓市會址慶祝佛誕,舉行浴佛儀式,在感念佛恩,親恩,眾生恩之際,為眾生祈福。




浴佛結束後,波士頓慈濟負責人長金滿和慈濟志工向孫儉元處長和潘昭榮主任介紹波士頓慈濟人為關懷麻州弱勢團體或個人,過去一年來不畏疫情,親自出席許多社區服務活動概況,捐贈口罩不包括4月中,波士頓慈濟首次參加牛頓市的食物銀行及冰箱(Newton Food Bank)的社區服務項目,在每個月的第2,第4個星期六中安排3個時段,運送、分發食品;1月時為羅德島美國退伍軍人會募集兒童冬衣,平日也參與社區組織的地方服務,為患有重病及慢性病者與其家人提供熱食,營養餐。慈濟人文學校校長彭淑敏也介紹該校在疫情期間的校務推動情況及未來展望。



星期一, 5月 10, 2021


           (Boston Orange)北美洲台灣商會聯合總會訂今年619日在加州舊金山舉行年會,改選總會長。大發地產投資負責人張聖儀,55日踏上「請益之旅」,特地從亞歷桑納州鳳凰城飛抵波士頓拜票,分別和波克萊台灣商會,新英格蘭台灣商會理事餐敘。







2009年就當過全美亞裔地產協會亞利桑那州理事長,20132016年當過聯邦眾議員Matt Salmon的亞太事務顧問委員會主席,2017當亞利桑那州婦女地產協會全州總會長,還在2016-2018當聯邦參議員John McCain的婦女委員會共同主席。

                  張聖儀參與,迄今仍擔任的職務,也十根指頭都數不完,不但是2015年起,亞利桑那州聯邦眾議員Paul Gosar的亞裔諮詢委員會主席,2016年起的大鳳凰城台美商會會長,

2016年,張聖儀獲僑委會遴選為全球26名台裔傑出女企業家,同年應邀返台晉見總統,還促成亞利桑那州錢德樂市副市長Jack Sellers率團訪問台灣,和時任台南市市長的台灣現任副總統賴清德簽約締結姊妹市。


星期日, 5月 09, 2021



麻州摩頓(Malden)市長Gary Christenson
              (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 麻州摩頓(Malden)市長Gary Christenson日前宣佈202159號至16號為摩頓市的「台美人傳統週」。

             Gary Christenson在回覆本刊時表示,他認為支持摩頓市居民花時間和其他居民分享其本土特色,是很重要的,以台灣來說,代表了民主、自由與人權這概念。摩頓市會做此宣佈,是由該市居民鍾佳君(Chia-Chun Chung)的推動。

             鍾佳君在臉書上分享了這一喜訊。她感謝摩頓市長Gary Christenson撥冗和她們見面,進一步的了解了台灣及台美關係現況,以及「多年來對台灣、台美人群體及整個亞裔族群的關心和他的各種行動支持」。





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Mayor Janey celebrates opening of 2021 Boston Swan Boats season


Mayor Janey takes a ride with her family to celebrate the 144th anniversary of the Boston Swan Boats


BOSTON - Saturday, May 8, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey and her family today joined the Paget family -- owners and operators of the Swan Boats -- and local residents today to open the popular Boston Swan Boats for the 2021 season at the Boston Public Garden lagoon. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Swans Boats were not open for the 2020 season. 

“As warmer weather comes to Boston, the reopening of the Boston swan boats is a great way to celebrate our recovery from the pandemic, especially after being closed last season,” Mayor Janey noted. “We welcome Bostonians and visitors back to our historic park to enjoy this joyful attraction in keeping with current health guidelines for a safe ride with family and friends.”

Launched in 1877 by Irish immigrant and shipbuilder Robert Paget, the Swan Boats continue to be owned and operated by the Paget family. Mr. Paget designed the Swan Boats after attending the opera Lohengrin in New York City. At the end of the opera, the hero crosses a river in a boat drawn by a swan. 

2021 marks the 144th season for the Swan Boats. The oldest and smallest boat in the fleet just celebrated its 111th season, while the newest was launched in 1993. The swan on today’s boats is made from either copper or fiberglass, depending on the age of the boat. Fully loaded, each Swan Boat weighs three tons and is powered by the driver using a foot-propelled paddle wheel. The Swan Boats are built on oak framed pontoons sheathed in copper just as they were initially constructed in 1877. After being stored in a safe place for the winter, the boats are returned to the Public Garden Lagoon in the spring. 

Masks are currently required and passengers will be safely spaced both in line and on the Swan Boats. For more information on hours of operations, ticketing and pricing, please visit the Swan Boats of Boston online at www.swanboats.com, call (617) 522-1966, or email info@swanboats.com.

星期五, 5月 07, 2021

麻州亞美局推出小額獎助金 5/17截止申請

The Asian American Commission is proud to launch this small grant fund to support community efforts to fight for some of the most vulnerable communities and/or to provide support to organizations looking to continue relationships or begin new relationships dealing with Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities across the Commonwealth. These one-time grants ranging from $250 to $1,000 will be made available on a rolling basis until funds are depleted.

Applications due: Monday, May 17, 2021 @5PM EST
Go to our website to download the application:
Eligibility and Criteria:
- Your organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization designated by the Internal Revenue Service or you are a small business located in Massachusetts with no more than 500 employees (or which meets the applicable size standard for the industry as provided by SBA’s existing regulations).
- Applicants must have the ability to work with low-income AAPI communities in the Commonwealth.
- Request amount should not be below $250 and not exceed $1,000.
Required Documents:
- Completed grant application.
- Your organization’s Letter of Determination (sent from the IRS confirming 501(c)3 status) or a copy of your Business Certificate (obtained from your city of operation).
- Your organization/business’ W-9 form (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf) have to be submitted with the grant proposal to be eligible.
- Please submit your completed application to yasmin.padamsee@aacommission.org


5月10日起 麻州主題公園等戶外場所營運量可提高至50%

             (Boston Orange編譯)麻州政府宣佈,510日起,列於第四階段開放的遊樂場,主題公園等戶外行業,將可以50%營運量重新開放,預定529日,81日會陸續有更進一步的開放。麻州政府將採取在公共衛生數據持續向好方向發展中,繼續重新開放麻州經濟。











             酒吧 ,啤酒花園,釀酒廠,酒廠及蒸餾商將依照餐館業規定,只可提供入座服務,限逗留90分鐘,不准設舞池。


             麻州已於上週放寬某些戶外場所的戴口罩規定,同時宣佈計畫81日進一步開放。 查詢更多詳情,可上政府官網mass.gov/reopening 

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Reopening of Additional Phase 4 Industries to Go Into Effect May 10th

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that Massachusetts will move forward in the Commonwealth's reopening plan to reopen certain outdoor Phase 4 industries effective May 10th, as previously announced. The Administration continues to take steps to reopen the Commonwealth's economy with public health metrics continuing to trend in a positive direction. 

On March 22, Massachusetts loosened restrictions and advanced to Phase IV of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan. Since then, daily new COVID-19 cases have dropped by 45%, hospitalizations have dropped by 23%, and deaths have dropped by 69%. All these metrics have dropped by around 80% or more since the beginning of the year. The Commonwealth also remains a national leader in COVID-19 vaccinations, and over 3.9 million people are fully or partially vaccinated, and Massachusetts is on track to meet its goal of vaccinating over 4 million people by the beginning of June.

Effective Monday, May 10th:

The Commonwealth will reopen certain outdoor Phase 4 industries.

  • Amusement parks, theme parks and outdoor water parks will be permitted to operate at a 50% capacity after submitting safety plans to the Department of Public Health.
  • Road races and other large, outdoor organized amateur or professional group athletic events will be permitted to take place with staggered starts and other appropriate safety measures after submitting safety plans to a local board of health or the DPH.

Additionally, large capacity venues such as indoor and outdoor stadiums, arenas and ballparks currently open at 12% capacity as part of Phase 4, Step 1 will be permitted to increase capacity to 25%.  

Youth and adult amateur sports tournaments will be allowed for moderate and high-risk sports.

Singing will also be permitted indoors with strict distancing requirements at performance venues, restaurants, event venues and other businesses.

Grocery stores and retail stores with a pharmacy department should consider dedicated hours of operation for seniors, but will no longer be required to offer senior hours. 

Additional Changes Anticipated to be Effective Saturday, May 29th:

Contingent on continued positive trends in the public health and vaccination data, on May 29th, additional sectors will be permitted to re-open and gathering limits will increase to 200 people indoors and 250 people outdoors for event venues, public settings and private settings.

The additional sectors that will be permitted to open include:

  • Parades, street festivals and agricultural festivals, after submitting safety plans to the local board of health including measures for maintaining social distance, staffing and operations plans and hygiene and cleaning protocols.  
  • Bars, beer gardens, breweries, wineries and distilleries, which will be subject to restaurant rules with seated service only, a 90 minute limit and no dance floors.

Subject to public health and vaccination data, the restaurant guidance will be updated to eliminate the requirement that food be served with alcohol and to increase the maximum table size to 10.

Last week, the Administration also relaxed the Face Coverings Order for some outdoor settings and announced further reopening plans for August 1st

For more information, visit mass.gov/reopening

大波士頓土地信託網慶成立五週年 持續努力爭取可負擔住宅

               (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)華埠土地信託會(CLT)日前以創會成員身分,廣邀社區人士參加大波士頓土地信託網(GBCLTN)五週年慶祝會,藉以促使更多人了解土地信託會的宗旨,使命是在為社區保存土地,保留可負擔住宅。

               波士頓華埠土地信託會成立於2015年,接著在2016年和其他地區的土地信託會攜手創立目前已有8個會員組織的「大波士頓土地信託網(Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network)」。

              GBCLTN在網站上我們的故事中說明,該機構成立,全因為波士頓地區不斷豪華化,人們被逼遷離的壓力,不斷增加,各社區內熱心人士紛紛出謀策劃的尋求解決方案。1988年出現的「杜爹利鄰居(Dudley Neighbors)」,歷經三十多年後,擁有227個可負擔住宅單位,以及市區農場,溫室,商業樓宇的機構,成為全美各地模範。2015年時,「杜爹利鄰居」和其他的土地信託會攜手成立這大波士頓土地信託網,互相扶持,攜手爭取政府通過更有利政策。


              在慶祝大波士頓土地信託網成立五週年之際,波士頓華埠土地信託會也藉著年度報告,希望讓更多華埠民眾了解,社區土地信託(Community Land Trust)是以社區為基礎的非牟利組織,取得並永久保留土地,然後以99年的土地租約,要求在該會土地上蓋出來的房屋,只能用作永久性的可負擔住宅,或其他社區用途。



               目前波士頓華埠土地信託會除了繼續關注收購華埠內土地,房屋機會,同時推出了「社區土地信託之家」計畫。亦即購買華埠土地信託會房屋者,在擁有住宅自時,也成為共管公寓(condo)協會成員,每月繳交租貸土地費給擁有土地的土地信託會,以確保土地及房屋供做可負擔住宅之用。「屋街29號公寓協會(29 Oak St. Strret Trust)」就是一個例子。


Baker-Polito Administration Awards $3.5 Million to 7 Agencies Across the Commonwealth to Support Expectant and Parenting Teens

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $3.5 Million to 7 Agencies Across the Commonwealth to Support Expectant and Parenting Teens

Award to provide additional support to young parents during the pandemic

BOSTON (May 7, 2021) – The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) in collaboration with the Department of Transitional Assistance today announced a total of $3.5 million, to 7 community-based agencies serving expectant and parenting adolescents in communities across the Commonwealth with high teen birth rates.

The Massachusetts Pregnant and Parenting Teen Initiative builds on participants' strengths to increase life opportunities and enhance family stability for expectant and parenting adolescents ages 14 through 24.  Programs offer case management that supports both young parents and their children to attain educational and employment goals, improve access to health services, support the development of young children, and promote healthy relationships between co-parents and between parents and their young children.

Among adolescents who have participated in the program for at least 6 months:

  • 58% made progress toward individualized academic and/or career goals
  • Employment increased from 26% to 37%
  • 98% were enrolled in health insurance
  • 71% who were pregnant attended a postpartum visit in the first 8 weeks after birth
  • Contraceptive use increased from 37% to 50%

All the funded organizations are in communities with teen birth rates that are higher than the state average, with funding specifically intended to support expectant and parenting adolescents in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has created significant strain on adolescent parents in terms of employment, food security, and education.  

Award recipients:

  • Brockton Neighborhood Health Center (Brockton)
  • CARE Center (Holyoke and Springfield)
  • Community Teamwork Inc. (Lowell)
  • Family Services of the Merrimack Valley (Lawrence and Methuen)
  • LUK Crisis Center (Fitchburg)
  • Meeting Street (New Bedford)
  • Roca (Chelsea, Everett, and Revere)

5/15 徐千田教你如何"成為健康的好管家"

星期四, 5月 06, 2021

吳弭倡議改革警察局從工會合約談判起步 要設立職工賦能長


              (Boston Orange)波士頓市警察的誠信問題,最近佔據不少新聞媒體版面,更被稱為今年波士頓市長選舉的核心議題。候選人之一的吳弭(Michelle Wu)(6)日公佈藍圖,聲稱將藉由工會合約談判,協議談判過程來爭取清晰的系統性改革步驟。




               吳弭的競選團隊聲稱,這份藍圖,加上吳弭已經提出過的有關公共安全改革方案,將用作為更動合約的基礎。吳弭還公佈了大膽提案,要設立內閣層級的職工賦能長(Chief of Worker Empowerment),彌平托兒照顧差距,公校轉型,波士頓新綠色政策,純復原計畫,食物正義議程,數位平等議程等等。