
星期二, 5月 04, 2021


             (Boston Orange) 駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處、波士頓僑教中心和波士頓急難救助協會及新英格蘭大波士頓臺灣商會合作,429日晚在網上舉辦「i臺灣窗口」線上講座,提供僑台商服務新方案,攝取營養增強免疫系統,以及人身安全防衛等相關資訊。


             這場講座由臺灣世衛外交協會波士頓聯絡人林思妤主持,共分三段,分別為波士頓文教中心主任潘昭榮介紹僑委會與產學研發單位合作,推廣臺灣農業醫療等僑臺商服務新模式;營養師陳譯庭闡述如何攝取營養增強免疫系統;劍橋市警官Buckowe Yam簡報如何保護,防衛個人的人身安全。



             營養師陳譯庭畢業於臺北醫學大學,獲有北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校(UNC Chapel Hill)公共衛生營養學碩士學位,目前在美國J.C. Blair紀念醫院擔任營養師。她從「吃得健康」開始,暢談2020-2025的美國飲食指南,如何用USDA網站的「MyPlate」資訊,來管理個人的營養攝取,增強免疫力。她還特地指出,美國的新版食品營養標示,讓人能夠更加一目了然每樣食品可分多少份,有多少卡路里,一般人適宜的每日用量等資訊。 

                 劍橋市警官Buckowe Yam的簡報以個人安全為主題,包括如何注意,辨別,減少,避免危險。他提醒人不要邊走邊打電話、刷手機或戴耳機,在路上要注意周圍環境,保持警覺,別深夜獨自上路,出門最好有朋友結伴,選擇光線充足、人多的地方,走路時姿態要擡頭挺胸,不怕與陌生人眼神接觸。如果遭遇持械搶劫,務必保持鎮靜,並切記此時不可與歹徒對視,但應找機會記住歹徒所穿著鞋靴、配飾、外貌等特徵,好讓警察更容易做後續逮捕或指認。他建議民眾可自備高分貝警報器、防身噴霧等物品,以降低個人受害的風險等。



劍橋市警官Buckowe Yam說明個人警報器發出的聲音,


星期一, 5月 03, 2021

聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊拜訪華埠 提醒商家「餐館振興基金」即日起可申請

聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)(中)在華人前進會榮譽主席
Revitalization Fund)」5月3日起可以申請。(周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)「波士頓華埠餐館商家們,聯邦政府振興餐館基金53日起受理申請,你們申請了嗎」?聯邦眾議員普莉斯來(Ayanna Pressley)52日特地走訪波士頓華埠,提醒餐飲業東主,這是不需償還的補助款,婦女及少數族裔業者有優先權。

聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)(中)在華人前進會榮譽主席
               美國總統拜登(Joe Biden) 311日簽署通過1.9兆元的「美國援救計畫(American Rescue Plan)」,其中包括286億元的餐館振興基金(Restaurant Revitalization Fund)」,期以幫助在新冠病毒疫情中遭受打擊最重,卻在薪資保護法(PPP)中未能獲得充分援助的中小餐館業者。


聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)(中)在華人前進會榮譽主席


聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)(中)在華人前進會榮譽主席



聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)(左)和華人前進會榮譽主席
普莉斯來在拜訪店家時指出,她深知餐館業,小企業面對的艱困,所以在美國副總統Klama Harrisc還是聯邦參議員時,就和他攜手起草過「拯救我們的街道法案(Save Our Street Act,簡稱SOS法案,要更有針對性的幫助員工25人以下的中小企業,最高得到25萬元來度過難關。她計畫在本年度會期再重新遞出這一法案。

聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)(中)在華人前進會榮譽主席
陳玉珍(左二),波士頓華埠社區中心主任Ben Hire傾談。


一名獲悉普莉斯來到訪華埠商家原因的路邊旁觀者表示,不知道波士頓華埠的社區服務機構,例如波士頓華埠主街,華埠商會等機構,有沒伸出援手,通知並協助華埠商家申請這不需償還,甚至幾乎不限用途的「餐館振興基金」。   (更新版)     

波士頓華埠中心主任Ben Hire和聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna

聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)(右)和華人前進會主任陳玉珍


                      (Boston Orange) 波士頓台灣影展協會(TFFB)跨入2021年,策展團隊選定「苦樂參半(Bittersweet)」為主題,繼續藉電影,促請更多海外人士認識台灣。


波士頓台灣影展感恩各方的熱烈支持,讓2020 Lost & Found』 線上影展系列圓滿落幕。 團隊於今年初開啟第三屆的籌劃,有幸獲得許多熱情有才華的新血加入,讓團隊的組成與視野更加豐富多元。秉持著創造對話、促進交流的初心,經過無數漫漫長夜絞盡腦汁的評估與討論,策展團隊從二十幾個主題中,精選出了本屆的影展主題ー『Bittersweet』。

『人生如戲,戲如人生』,電影中的議題是社會的縮影,也是導演與影人,透過不斷累積與醞釀,淬煉出來的人生百味。台灣對於飲食文化的重視與講究,使得飲食成為連結人、事、物的重要媒介。本屆影展的初衷,是希望透過台灣電影,引領觀眾探索記憶中的滋味。記憶中的滋味,是有溫度的鄉愁,更是人生重要的養分。近年來的台灣電影,也如同分子料理與各種 fusion 餐廳一般,混搭出充滿新鮮感與多元文化的新滋味。波士頓台灣影展團隊期許本屆的 『Bittersweet』系列,能夠讓更多海內外的觀眾,用不同的視角與生命經驗,深度尋根探索台灣獨特文化中的情與味,並且加以傳承與推廣。

本屆影展將於 2021 下半年舉辦,屆時將帶領觀眾細細品味色香味俱全,笑中帶淚,鹹中帶甜, 且令人回味無窮的台灣電影。映後將舉辦座談會,邀請您與影人對話,深度了解電影角色與影人的酸甜苦辣。更多資訊請洽官網。敬請期待!(May 2nd, 2021)

 Taiwan Film Festival of Boston selects theme for their third season

BOSTON, Mass. -- Apr. 26, 2021 -- Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (TFFB), a nonprofit organization that emphasizes connection and dialogue through films announces the theme for the upcoming third season as “Bittersweet”.

“People often find connections with each other through food and dining. The goal of our third annual film festival in 2021 is to take our audience through a journey back in time, to rediscover feelings and nostalgia,” said Andrew Lin, Chair of Curation. “These emotional capacities are what makes us human and keeps us connected to each other. The TFFB team commits to sparking conversations and inspiring exploration via different perspectives, and to savor the Taiwanese culture that we all cherish.”

TFFB’s annual film festival will take place in Fall 2021, with the format to be decided.

To learn more about TFFB, visit www.taiwanfilmfest.org. (April 30th, 2021)

AG辦公室: SUBOXONE不實行銷 付款665萬元和解


Payment Part of $300 Million Global Settlement with Indivior over Improper Promotion of Suboxone for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment 

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey has secured $6.65 million for Massachusetts from Indivior plc and Indivior Inc. (Indivior) to settle allegations that they falsely and aggressively marketed and promoted the drug Suboxone, resulting in improper expenditures of state Medicaid funds. When treatment is properly administered by a licensed professional, Suboxone and other formulations of buprenorphine can be effective treatments for opioid use disorder by suppressing withdrawal and cravings for opioids.

“We allege this drug company recklessly and illegally pushed doctors to prescribe Suboxone to patients suffering from opioid use disorder, including for uses that were unsafe and not medically necessary,” said AG Healey. “This office remains steadfast in our commitment to go after any company that helps fuel the ongoing deadly opioid epidemic that continues to ravage our communities.”

Under the terms of the global settlement, Indivior will pay $300 million to resolve various civil fraud allegations impacting Medicaid and other government healthcare programs, of which approximately $204 million will go to Medicaid—$91 million of the Medicaid recovery will go to the 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico, with the remaining $113 million going to the federal government.

The global settlement resolves the claims against Indivior brought in six qui tam lawsuits pending in federal courts in the Western District of Virginia and the District of New Jersey. A National Association of Medicaid Fraud Control Units (NAMFCU) team worked in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice to reach this settlement. In addition to entering into this settlement, Indivior executed a five-year Corporate Integrity Agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services-Office of Inspector General, requiring Indivior to implement numerous accountability and auditing provisions.

            The settlement agreement with AG Healey’s Office resolves allegations that, from 2010 through 2015, Indivior, directly or through its subsidiaries, promoted the sale and use of Suboxone to physicians resulting in prescriptions that lacked a legitimate medical purpose, were issued without any counseling or psychosocial support, were for uses that were unsafe, ineffective, and medically unnecessary, and that were often diverted.

The AG’s Office also alleges that Indivior knowingly promoted the sale or use of Suboxone Sublingual Film based on false and misleading claims that the film was less subject to diversion and abuse than other buprenorphine products and that it was less susceptible to accidental pediatric exposure than Suboxone Sublingual Tablets.

Indivior also allegedly submitted a petition to the Food and Drug Administration in September 2012, fraudulently claiming that Suboxone Tablet had been discontinued “due to safety concerns” about the tablet formulation of the drug. The company took other steps to fraudulently delay the entry of generic competition for various forms of Suboxone to improperly control pricing of Suboxone, including pricing to the states’ Medicaid programs.

            This settlement is the latest action that AG Healey has taken to combat the opioid epidemic and hold accountable those who are responsible for creating and fueling the crisis. Since taking office, AG Healey has prioritized combating the opioid epidemic through a multi-disciplinary approach that includes enforcement, policy, prevention, and education efforts. Learn more about AG Healey’s work to combat the opioid epidemic here.

In the Massachusetts AG’s Office, this settlement was handled by Assistant Attorney General Stephany Collamore of the AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division.

The Medicaid Fraud Division receives 75 percent of its funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under a grant award. The remaining 25 percent is funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

麻州預計六月410萬人打完疫苗 將關閉四大疫苗注射站

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)強調麻州防疫做得很好。
                       (Boston Orange 編譯) 踏入六月,麻州就會達標,有410萬人完全注射新冠疫苗(COVID-19)了。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)等人今(3)日一早10點,在州政府大樓說明,下一步將推廣社區化選擇,更有針對性的鼓勵麻州居民接種疫苗。

                 查理貝克和副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),健康及人民服務卿Marylou Sudders,以及麻州總醫院(MGH)傳染病中心主任Paul Biddinger一起,就麻州疫苗施打及分配情況,做進一步說明。


麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)。


麻州健康及人民服務卿Marylou Sudders。

             許多地方已經開始提供新的注射疫苗機會,包括都會北區域合作機構,有三個新的疫苗注射站,包括艾佛瑞特(Everett)市的Encore賭場,麥特福(Medord)的塔芙茨(Tufts)校園,以及尚莫維爾市(Somerville)的劍橋健康聯盟(Cambridge Health Alliance)


             流動疫苗診所將分佈在Lynn, New Bedford, Worcester這三個城市,以及使用不同語言的秋河(Fall River)市地方教堂,寺廟。

麻州總醫院(MGH)傳染病中心主任Paul Biddinger。

             布洛克頓(Brockton)市的西門商場(Westgate Mall),以及不同的市府住宅大樓也都有疫苗門診。

             大型疫苗站即預先登記部分,麻州政府運作的七個大型疫苗注射站,將逐漸收縮規模或轉型。預定六月底時,關閉其中的四個,吉列體育館,海恩斯(Hynes) 會展中心,丹佛市(Danvers)內的雙樹(Double Tree)酒店,以及納堤克(Natick)商場。從第一個大型疫苗注射站於118日在吉列體育館(Gillette Stadium)開張運作以來,已施打了120萬劑疫苗,為47萬人完整的注射了二劑疫苗。麻州估計在五月分內將施打25萬劑第二劑疫苗,並在未來七天內施打18萬劑第一劑疫苗。



Baker-Polito Administration on Track to Hit Goal of 4.1 Million People Vaccinated, Announces Next Phase of Vaccination Efforts

Massachusetts set to vaccinate 4.1 million people by the beginning of June

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito were joined by Secretary of Health & Human Services Marylou Sudders and Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Disaster Medicine Director Dr. Paul Biddinger to discuss the Commonwealth’s vaccine progress and outline the next phase of vaccine distribution.


In December, the Baker-Polito Administration set a goal of vaccinating approximately four million people in the Commonwealth. According to the CDC’s vaccine data, 3.9 million people in Massachusetts have been fully or partially vaccinated as of today. Another 180,000 people are scheduled to get their first dose in the next 7 days.


Altogether, 4.1 million are set to be fully vaccinated by the beginning of June —reaching the administration’s initial goal and representing a significant achievement for the Commonwealth.


Next Phase of the Commonwealth’s Vaccination Efforts: More Targeted, Community-Based Options


Massachusetts is a national leader for vaccine distribution across every national metric. As a result of the state’s efforts, hospitalizations and new positive cases decreased — particularly among our most vulnerable residents.


While reaching 4.1 million residents vaccinated represents progress, the administration will continue to adapt vaccine efforts to be more targeted and will shift vaccines to smaller scale operations focusing on certain populations and specific communities—such as the Commonwealth’s 20 most disproportionately impacted communities.


This next phase of the Commonwealth’s vaccine efforts will include:


  • Providing all 22 regional collaboratives with doses to fully operate their programs.


  • Doubling the state vaccine allocation for our 20 most disproportionately impacted communities.


  • Working with the Mass Medical Society to increase access of vaccines with additional primary care providers by mid-May. This effort will require affirming complex storage and scheduling logistics to ensure all doses are put to good use.


  • Expanding mobile vaccine clinics in our 20 most disproportionately impacted communities at senior centers, houses of worship and other community-based organizations.


  • Working with current providers and community partners to offer new vaccine clinic opportunities.


Over 21,000 doses have been administered through mobile vaccination clinics in Boston, Chelsea, Brockton, Fall River, Springfield and New Bedford. Mobile clinics have been particularly effective in our equity communities and to reach people of color. So far, 61% of vaccine recipients at these clinics have been people of color.


New vaccine clinic opportunities have already started to be stood up. Some examples include:


  • The Metro North Regional Collaborative’s three new clinics at the Encore Casino in Everett, Tufts Campus in Medford and at the Cambridge Health Alliance location in Somerville.


  • Boston Medical Center’s new vaccine scheduling location at the South Bay Shopping Center.


  • Mobile clinics in Lynn, New Bedford, Worcester and Fall River at local churches and temples in different languages.


  • The City of Brockton’s clinic at the Westgate Mall and at different municipal housing complexes.


Mass Vaccination Sites & Pre-Registration


The Baker-Polito Administration will also begin to transition or ramp down the state’s seven mass vaccination sites. Mass vaccination sites have played a critical role in the Commonwealth’s vaccination process in a very short period of time.


At the mass vaccination sites, the Commonwealth has administered 1.2 million doses and fully vaccinated 470,000 people since the first site opened at Gillette Stadium on January 18th. The state expects to administer around 250,000 second doses in May and another 180,000 first doses across all providers over the next seven days.


With millions of people vaccinated, the demand for high throughput mass vaccination sites will gradually decline, and more vaccines will be dispersed more widely across communities.


The administration will gradually close four out of the state’s seven mass vaccination sites by the end of June (Gillette Stadium, Hynes Convention Center, Double Tree in Danvers & the Natick Mall).


We will soon begin to accept walk-ins at select mass vaccination sites. Information about availability for walk-ups will be reflected on VaxFinder.mass.gov soon.


Appointments for some sites will also be available at VaxFinder.mass.gov or by calling 211.


Since the pre-registration system was launched, over 1.8 million people registered and have been offered an appointment at least twice.


In the coming weeks, the state is anticipating that the CDC may authorize vaccines for children ages 12-15, and we will keep pre-registration available for parents who may want to bring kids to a mass vaccination site.


More details to come when the CDC determines the next steps on this.

警察局問題是燙手山竽 Kim Janey面對三挑戰

                (Boston Orange編譯)波士頓代理市長Kim Janey面對著強敵環伺的今秋波士頓市長選舉,如何處理波士頓警察局的一連串醜聞,議題,陡然成為可能動輒得咎的一大挑戰。

全美最老警察局之一的波士頓市警察局,面對的爭議有三項。首先是波士頓市警察局局長Dennis White目前留薪停職,獨立調查人員正翻查他的1999年家庭暴力控罪。

接著是Patrick M. Rose Sr.的性騷擾兒童案。波士頓環球報稱,調查顯示波士頓警察局在1995年已決定,Rose比可能更確定的性騷擾了一名12歲兒童。但波士頓警察局不斷拒絕公佈檔案,或討論,為什麼Rose繼續擔任巡警,還可以接近兒童,以致後來發生另外5宗性虐待兒童案。Rose甚至還一度擔任波士頓市最有權勢的巡警工會會長。

Kim Janey在本月早前,從Rose案的105頁內部調查報告中,公佈了13頁內容。有關人員說,波士頓市府扣下其他92頁,是為保護受害者的身分。


這三個問題都發生在Kim Janey接任代理市長之前,但如何在政治湍流中為波士頓警察局探索未來方向,卻成了她上任後最立即的挑戰,也強調著她當代理市長,同時競選市長,既有市長職位可帶來的所有優勢,也同時帶有政治危險。

麻州大學政治教授Erin O’Brien說,在競爭激烈初選中,當大多數參選人都爭著要以最激進的名聲競選時,警察問題處理得不好肯定會成為議題。大部分的候選人計算著,在警察議題上強硬是好政策,也是好的政治手腕。

波士頓市長參選人Andrea CampbellJohn Barros就都要求Kim Janey完整的公佈警察局內部調查檔案。

Kim Janey在四月初時說,警察局局長White的調查,在月底會有結果。該調查結果已於週日送抵市長室。Kim Janey的發言人說,White的未來,在五月初會有個決定。

波士頓市內一些政治評論人士,包括一名地方電台主持人Paul Parara認為Kim Janey只是代理市長,無權就永久性的職位做決定,應該讓目前的代理警察局長繼續工作至下一任新市長選出來以後再說。

另一名麻州大學政治教授Kevin Wozniak表示,警察問題在今秋的選舉中,會很重要。不論Kim Janey如何決定,一定會有些選民高興,有些不高興。有些人永遠都要求有更激進的改革,警察工會卻可能會對實質性變化發怒。

在波士頓的犯罪與司法研究所(Crime and Justice Institute)主任Christine Cole表示,在全國各地的警察與社區關係惡化之際,波士頓的領導們和警察局必須以行動取信於民,以顯示他們不容忍警察局內警員有不洽當行為。遮掩以前的壞行為,不符合人們的期望。

               在擔任市議員期間,Kim Janey一直要求波士頓警察局有實質的徹底改變。她最近公佈的375000萬元市府預算,就包括刪減警察局經費,她也公佈100萬元預算,撥給新成立的獨立市府觀察機構,調查警員的不當行為。


星期日, 5月 02, 2021

波士頓雜誌選出100名最有影響力波士頓人 陳玉珍、Candice Wu上榜

               (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓環球報(Boston Globe)的波士頓雜誌,今日發表「最有影響力的100名波士頓人」,其中有2名華人,1人為波士頓華埠社區熟悉的華人錢進會主任陳玉珍,另1人為時裝店店東Candice Wu。                                                                     在這100人中,影響力排名第1的波士頓的疫苗製造者。撰文的David S. Bernstein指出,那是因為疫苗對去年情況有著比任何一個人都更大的影響,莫德納(Moderna)的執行長Stéphane Bancel和主席Noubar Afeyan的成就,也因此無人能及。                                                                                                                                                                                                                     在這100人中,包括排名第3的聯邦眾議員普莉斯來(Ayanna Pressley),排名第4的麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),排名第5的東方銀行主席暨執行長Bob Rivers,第8位起的聯邦參議員沃倫(Elizabeth Warren),薩福克建築公司主席暨執行長John Fish,卡夫特集團董事長Jonathan Kraft,前愛默生學院校長,即將為波士頓基金會董事長的Lee Pelton,大波士頓商會董事長暨執行長Jim Rooney,麻州總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey),排名第16的麻州眾議會議長Ron Mariano等知名人物。                                                                                                                                                                                            名列最有影響力波士頓人榜的這2名華人,波士頓雜誌各有簡短介紹。  

               該文稱,很不幸的,陳玉珍最近的大部分工作,都是在倡議保護本地亞裔社區,對抗日益增加的反亞裔仇恨,以及新冠病毒危機的破壞性影響。單只是過去一年,華人前進會為家庭籌集了緊急資金,倡議住宅穩定,防止驅逐,爭取保護打工人,以免他們流離失所。之所以可能做到這一點,很大程度上是因為陳玉珍在過去這些時日中和市政府領導,勞工組織,慈善基金建立了密切關係。                                                                                        關於Candice Wu,該文稱2020年證明絕對沒有什麼事能夠讓Candice Wu的新娘禮服王國走岔路。儘管新冠病毒對新娘領域行業有著毀滅性影響,她那位於南端的店舖還遇上一次水災,作品經常登上全國性主要時尚雜誌的這位設計家,卻能夠推出一系列新作品,還奪得2020波士頓時尚獎的最佳時裝/正式設計師。至於店鋪嘛,去年秋天,她又開了嶄新的一家。