
星期五, 2月 05, 2021


BOSTON - Friday, February 5, 2021 - Given the improvement in the number of COVID-19 cases and the City's positivity rate over the past few weeks, today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that beginning on Monday, February 8, the City of Boston will align with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' reopening guidance by lifting the 25% capacity restrictions on local businesses, including restaurants and gyms. Effective Monday, February 8 at 5:00 a.m., businesses can operate at 40% capacity, an increase from the current 25% capacity limit.
"Since the start of the pandemic, we've made decisions based on science and data. The data right now tells us things are moving in the right direction," said Mayor Walsh. "While Massachusetts continues to expand access to vaccines and our numbers trend modestly downward, we need to stay vigilant. Please keep wearing face coverings, washing your hands, staying 6 feet apart and please do not gather with people you don't live with."
As of January 28, 2021, the City was averaging 342.7 COVID-19 positive cases per day, down from 590.4 in mid-January. The City's positive rate is currently 6.2 percent, down from a high of 8.9 percent in early January. For more on COVID-19 cases per neighborhood, visit here.  
The following industries in the City of Boston may increase to 40% capacity on February 8, 2021: 
  • Arcades and Recreational Businesses
  • Close Contact Personal Services (employees do not count toward the 40% limit)
  • Driving and Flight Schools
  • Golf (indoor areas)
  • Gyms/Health Clubs
  • Libraries (Boston Public Libraries will not be open for browsing, but services will remain available through the BPL To Go program)
  • Lodging (common areas)
  • Movie theaters (maximum of 50 people per theater)
  • Museums
  • Offices
  • Places of Worship 
  • Restaurants (employees do not count toward the 40% limit)
  • Retail 
The City remains in Step One of Phase Three of the Reopening Massachusetts Plan. Current restrictions on gathering sizes remains the same, limiting gathering sizes to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. The gatherings limit applies to private homes, event venues and public spaces.
These restrictions are intended to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus during the public health emergency. The Inspectional Services Department (ISD) continues to coordinate the City's enforcement of these restrictions in collaboration with the Boston Police Department, the Boston Fire Department, and the Boston Public Health Commission. These departments work together to investigate and address reported COVID-19 related issues and complaints. In 2020, city agencies responded to and resolved approximately 2,500 complaints. BPD has a party line (617-343-5500) set up to flag properties to investigate. Additionally, the Licensing Board has instituted a weekly standing emergency hearing on Mondays to address any violations of these requirements over the preceding weekend. These hearings allow the Licensing Board to swiftly address these violations as they are a public health and safety concern. 
COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Efforts
The City is working with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to vaccinate residents against COVID-19. This week vaccination sites opened at Fenway Park, the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center and at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center at Roxbury Community College to anyone who is eligible under the State's vaccine distribution timeline. Following the State's lead, the Boston Public Health Commission in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Health and Human Services is working to create equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine across all populations and neighborhoods in the city. For more information on when and where you will be eligible to receive the vaccine, visit Mass.gov/COVIDvaccine. Individuals aged 75 and older who do not have internet access, or who are having trouble navigating the site, are encouraged to call 3-1-1 to get connected to the City's Age Strong Commission. They can help answer questions and navigate the options available. The State has also announced a new 2-1-1 Mass Vaccine Scheduling Resource line. Translators are available to assist.
"As we ramp up efforts to vaccinate eligible residents, we cannot lose focus on the proven ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing and get tested. There are more than 30 testing sites open across the City that make COVID-19 testing quick and easy," said Chief of Health and Human Services, Marty Martinez.
The City of Boston is partnering with community health centers to increase access to testing, particularly in neighborhoods experiencing higher rates of COVID-19. More information about COVID-19 testing sites throughout the city can be found here. The City is also offering mobile testing sites that are available to anyone, regardless of symptoms and insurance coverage. The mobile testing sites are located in Upham's Corner, Grove Hall, Jamaica Plain and Hyde Park for the month of February.
For more information about Boston's reopening, please visit boston.gov/reopening. For additional questions, please visit the City's coronavirus website or call 3-1-1, Boston's 24-hour constituent hotline. Text BOSCOVID to 888-777 to receive text alerts on a regular basis, available in 11 languages


 AACYF洛杉磯訊)主題設定為““挑戰、傳承、喚醒、跨越、突破與新生”的“子知新年音樂會” 31日早在華盛頓、洛杉磯、北京、上海、巴黎、阿姆斯特丹等地同步在線上舉行。來自全球各地的傑出青年藝術家和表演團體為各平台上的近四千名在線觀眾帶來了一場充滿喜慶歡樂、文化融合,帶來溫暖治愈能量的藝術饗宴。









當天音樂會由子知教育發起主辦,全美中華青年聯合會、南加州大學國際學院(USC international Academy)、彼岸文化、雲英琴堂、只為你進步公益平台、《洛杉磯郵報》等機構參與合作支持。主辦單位邀請了具有廣泛代表性的表演嘉賓和團體,並為觀眾準備了專業的賞析手冊,將音樂和文化的內涵最大限度傳遞給觀眾。 

麻州政府斥資250萬做廣告宣傳接種疫苗 211專線協助75歲以上居民預約

            (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州政府今(5)日推出信任事實,接種疫苗多語公益廣告,將藉研究導向的內容,以250萬元來推廣新冠病毒疫苗的安全性及有效性,並鼓勵民眾在輪到自己時,踴躍接種疫苗。



          廣告內容將以調查研究為基礎,並由醫療專業人員來傳達訊息。英語及西班牙語的電視廣告,將出現麻州內代表許多不同族裔的醫生。在電視及數位平台上,還將以英語,西班牙文,葡萄牙文,佛德角(Cape Verdean),海蒂克里奧爾語(Haitian Creole),越南文,中文(正體與簡體),俄文,阿拉伯文,阿爾巴尼亞文等不同語言播出動畫廣告,


           廣告內容將以調查研究為基礎,並由醫療專業人員來傳達訊息。英語及西班牙語的電視廣告,將出現麻州內代表許多不同族裔的醫生。在電視及數位平台上,還將以英語,西班牙文,葡萄牙文,佛德角(Cape Verdean),海蒂克里奧爾語(Haitian Creole),越南文,中文(正體與簡體),俄文,阿拉伯文,阿爾巴尼亞文等不同語言播出動畫廣告,



 Baker-Polito Administration Launches Vaccine Public Awareness Campaign, New Call Center for Residents 75 and Older

“Trust the Facts, Get the Vax” Features Diverse Group of Doctors; Vaccine Scheduling Line Available Through 2-1-1 For 75+ Residents Who Cannot Use Website

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced a new multilingual public awareness campaign, “Trust the Facts. Get the Vax.” The research-driven, $2.5 million campaign promotes the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and urges residents to get vaccinated when it is their turn, as vaccines continue to be distributed across the Commonwealth. The ads feature a diverse group of medical professionals who highlight the importance of the vaccine and aim to build trust with communities of color and other populations disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

The Administration today also announced a new call center to help residents 75 and older who are unable to access the vaccine appointment website to schedule vaccine appointments.

Public Awareness Campaign: The new statewide campaign explains how the vaccine works and seeks to build trust around its safety and efficacy with communities of color and other populations. The campaign is grounded in extensive survey research that indicated that these messages are most effectively delivered by medical professionals. TV ads in English and Spanish feature a diverse group of doctors who represent a wide range of races, ethnicities and regions of Massachusetts. Additional animated ads will run on TV and digital platforms in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Cape Verdean, Haitian Creole, Vietnamese, Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), Russian, Arabic and Albanian.

The first TV ad will run locally on Sunday, February 7, 2021, during the Super Bowl Kick-Off show. Throughout the next several weeks, the multilingual public awareness effort will be visible on a variety of additional platforms in several languages, including English, Spanish and Portuguese radio, paid social media and search ads in all languages, streaming services, and print advertising in English and Spanish outlets. A companion video in American Sign Language (ASL) is also launching today. Click here to see all campaign materials.

To develop the campaign, the Commonwealth relied on insights from a 1,000 person survey of Massachusetts residents that identified motivators and barriers around the vaccine, as well as the most effective messages and trusted voices. The Administration also consulted a 19-member external advisory group including community organizations, leaders from communities of color, health care providers, and local health officials.

Additional elements of the campaign will launch throughout the vaccine distribution process. The campaign will continue to direct residents to www.mass.gov/COVIDvaccine, where residents can learn more about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and when and where they will be able to get vaccinated.

Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line: Today, the Administration also announced a new call center to help residents 75 and older more easily schedule an appointment if they do not have internet or are unable to use the website at www.mass.gov/COVIDVaccine. The COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line is a dedicated telephone line available to residents 75 and older. The call center will be staffed with over 500 representatives who can provide live phone support to assist residents with booking an appointment. The line will be open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Live call center workers will be available in English and Spanish, and 100 additional languages will be available through translators. Call center workers will have the same access to appointments that users will see on the public website. 

The line can be accessed by dialing 2–1–1 and selecting the prompt for “Help Scheduling a Vaccine Appointment.” Residents may have to wait on the line given expected high call volume. Once connected with a representative, the caller will be asked to confirm he/she is 75 or older and either has no internet access or otherwise cannot use the website to book an appointment. Call-takers will then use the state’s COVID-19 vaccine site map to find nearby locations and determine whether appointments are available. If no appointments are available within a distance the caller can travel, then callers will be offered the chance to be placed on a call-back list for the mass vaccination sites. Residents will receive a call-back as appointments become available at these sites. Due to high demand and limited supply, callers may experience significant wait times. The Administration will monitor wait times and make necessary adjustments.

麻州州長疫情匯報2/5 接種疫苗撥打211




林肯街125號發展計畫縮水近半 現在只蓋14層高


             (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)”親愛的(鄰居),我把林肯街125號縮小了。發展商牛津物業(Oxford Properties)日前在2場公聽會中說明,相隔近2年,歸納7點社區意見後,發展計畫大幅修改為14層,高225英尺,有150個停車位,地面零售面積近萬英尺的研究發展大樓。



             20194月,以4000萬元買下該一地塊的牛津物業,向BPDA提交了意向計畫,要蓋24層樓高,有625000平方英尺的辦公大樓。歷經公眾會議,顧問會議,社區小組會議等等之後,該公司歸納出7點意見,在2020年內另聘59+SPACE這設計團隊來解決結構問題,探討蓋成包括住宅,娛樂、研發場所等地各種可能,甚至異想天開,考慮把麻州交通廳(MassDOT)的相鄰93號州際公路坡道的上空權(air rights)買下來,擴大可建面積,然後就受新冠病毒疫情影響,延宕至今,才重新開始發展計畫的所有流程。





              林肯街125號影響顧問組有9名成員,其中一半為華埠社區人士,包括華人前進會的李素影,陳玉珍,華埠社區議會(CNC)2名共同主席曾雪卿,梅伍銀寬,波士頓華商會的共同會長蔡倩停,以及亞美社區發展協會的Jeena Ha


星期四, 2月 04, 2021

Public Health Group Applauds Vaccination Equity Bill

 Public Health Group Applauds Vaccination Equity Bill

Calls for Immediate State Action to Overcome Barriers

Boston, MA – Today, the Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) issued a statement of support for An Act Effectuating Equity in COVID-19 Vaccination (SD699/HD1283), which was filed today by State Senators Becca Rausch and Sonia Chang-Diaz and State Representatives Liz Miranda and Mindy Domb.

The Act will require Governor Baker to appoint a full-time Director of COVID-19 Vaccination Equity and Outreach, who will plan and implement actions to overcome inequities in COVID-19 vaccination rates, which are rooted in historic and current racism; biases based on ethnicity, income, primary language, immigration status, or disability; and other limitations, such as access to transportation and/or the Internet.

The Act will also get vaccination information & support directly to people in the hardest-hit communities through partnerships with local organizations, create a mobile vaccination program designated to reach communities with the highest rates of COVID-19, and increase transparency and accountability of the state’s vaccine efforts.

“This Act includes crucial actions for achieving equity in vaccination rates,” said MPHA Executive Director Carlene Pavlos. “We have safe and effective vaccines -- now we must make certain that those who are most impacted by structural racism, poverty and xenophobia have equitable access.”


“A focus on equity benefits everyone,” continued Pavlos. “We will only succeed in controlling this virus by directing resources to communities with the highest rates of infection and death. We must work diligently and in partnership with trusted local leaders to ensure that residents have the opportunity to be vaccinated quickly.”

The Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) is a nonprofit organization that promotes a healthy Massachusetts through advocacy, community organizing, and coalition building. We are leaders in the movement to create health equity by addressing the root causes of health and wellness. We promote policies that impact the major drivers of health outcomes, such as access to healthy food, safe affordable housing, and transportation. We also advocate for equitable public health services throughout the Commonwealth. To learn more, visit www.mapublichealth.org. ###



 Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County)(file photo)

Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County) issued the following statement after the Biden Administration announced it is ending U.S. support for Saudi-led military operations in Yemen. Since his first term, Rep. Lieu has been one of the leaders of the effort in Congress to end U.S. involvement in the armed conflict in Yemen, which has killed thousands of Yemeni civilians, deepened human suffering in the country, and increased instability in the region.   

“I applaud the Biden Administration’s announcement that it is ending U.S. support for military operations in Yemen. Since 2015, I have called for an end to U.S. involvement in this conflict, which has created and perpetuated one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

There has never been a military solution to Yemen, and our government’s support to the Saudi-led coalition over the years—including arms sales, refueling, and political support—has made us complicit in this horrific conflict for far too long. The evidence is overwhelming that the Saudi-led coalition committed multiple war crimes in Yemen. While we must ensure that ‘offensive operation’ is appropriately defined and the new policy properly implemented, I welcome the Biden Administration’s early actions to change course in Yemen.

In addition to ending military support, the U.S. also has a moral responsibility to engage with regional stakeholders to bring the conflict to an end and alleviate the suffering of the people of Yemen. I appreciate the Biden Administration’s promise to play an active diplomatic role and look forward to working with them as a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to achieve our shared goals.”

An overview of Congressman Lieu’s previous work on Yemen:

In July 2020, the House passed Congressman Lieu’s amendment to the FY21 NDAA that created critical reporting requirements for the administration on Yemen. The amendment was included in the final bill that became law following a presidential veto override on January 1, 2021.

In December 2019, the House passed its final version of the NDAA, which included an amendment from Congressman Lieu modeled after his Yemen Refueling Prohibition Act, which prohibited refueling assistance to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen for two years.

In March 2019, Congressmen Lieu and Malinowski led a letter from 13 Members of Congress urging Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to investigate reports that members of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen are recruiting and deploying child soldiers in the conflict

In January 2019, Rep. Lieu, Rep. Yoho and Rep. Malinowski introduced the Yemen Refueling Prohibition Act, which would stop the United States from providing the in-flight refueling of Saudi or Saudi-led coalition aircraft conducting missions in Yemen. The legislation comes after years of failures by both the Obama and Trump Administrations to mitigate the U.S.’s role in civilian casualties from coalition-led airstrikes.

In November 2018, Rep. Lieu issued a statement of support for the Senate's efforts to advance a bipartisan resolution to revoke U.S. support for the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen.


In August 2018, Congressman Lieu sent a letter to the Department of Defense Inspector General calling for an investigation into whether U.S. personnel supporting Saudi and Emeriti coalition operations in Yemen are violating DoD regulations, the Law of Armed Conflict, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, federal statutes or international law. The letter comes after a Saudi-led airstrike hit a school bus in Yemen last week. Rep. Lieu has long called for more scrutiny into the coalition’s actions in Yemen, questioning the U.S.’s efforts to ensure Saudi and Emeriti forces are actively mitigating civilian casualties and avoiding worsening the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.


In July 2018, Congressmen Lieu and Ted Yoho (R-FL) sent a letter to Senate and House Armed Services Committee leaders to express support for a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) provision that would establish certification requirements for U.S. assistance to Gulf partners operating in Yemen.


In December 2017, President Donald J. Trump signed the 2018 NDAA, which included two provisions on Yemen that Rep. Lieu authored, into law. Congressman Lieu authored provisions that will bring critical congressional oversight to the conflict in Yemen for the first time. Sec. 1265 requires the Departments of Defense and State to report to Congress on whether the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners are abiding by their commitments in Yemen. Sec. 1275 requires the President to submit a detailed report that contains a military and diplomatic strategy for Yemen.


In July 2017, the House of Representatives passed Congressman Lieu’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 that requires the Departments of Defense and State to report to Congress on whether the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners are abiding by their commitments in Yemen to avoid civilian casualties.


In May 2017, Congressmen Lieu and Ted Yoho (R-FL) called on House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce to review the proposed sale of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia. Congressman Lieu also introduced legislation to place conditions on all air-to-ground munitions sales to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The three conditions relate to avoiding civilian casualties, facilitating humanitarian aid, and targeting U.S.-designated terrorist organizations such as AQAP and ISIS.


In April 2017, Congressman Lieu led a letter with a bipartisan group of 30 Members of Congress to Secretary of Defense Mattis and Secretary of State Tillerson requesting information related to the operational conduct of the Royal Saudi Air Force in Yemen.


In November 2016, Congressman Lieu led the Lantos Human Rights Commission in holding a hearing on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.


In August 2016, Congressman Lieu led a bipartisan group of 64 Members of Congress in sending a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to postpone the sale of new arms to Saudi Arabia. The letter raised concerns regarding the Saudi-led Coalition’s killing of civilians. Previously, Congressman Lieu had repeatedly raised similar concerns, sending letters to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretaries John Kerry and Ash Carter. He also introduced legislation to establish new guidelines for weapons sales to Saudi Arabia.


In April 2016, Congressman Lieu introduced a joint resolution in the House (H.J. RES 90) to provide limitations on the transfer of air-to-ground munitions from the United States to Saudi Arabia.


In September 2015, Congressman Lieu sent a letter to General Joseph F. Dunford, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, requesting further information about civilian deaths as a result of Saudi Arabian led coalition airstrikes in Yemen. In the letter, Congressman Lieu requested that the United States cease aiding coalition airstrikes in Yemen until the coalition demonstrates that they will institute proper safeguards to prevent civilian deaths.


In August 2015, Congressman Lieu called for the U.S. to halt its participation in coalition airstrikes in Yemen

陳宏林,黃麗貞"河馬行" 退休生涯好悠哉


               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)古人仗劍走天涯,今人輕騎行天下。都學建築的陳宏林、黃麗貞夫婦,從工作上退休,在生活上翻轉,把豪宅變成裝在四個輪子上的蝸居後,開始了許多人羨慕,大讚有勇氣,他們自己稱為河馬行(Hippoing Around)”的非凡人生。





德州休士頓Martin Dies Jr. 州立公園的觀望橋。(視頻截圖)
              過去這大半年中,他們倆欣賞到以前從沒機會去仔細享受的麻州Newbury port,緬因州Acadia 公園,肯塔基州長毛象洞穴(Mammoth Cave)國家公園,亞利桑那州廂式貨車木地花園的半月橋,甚至還回他倆的母校,德州奧斯汀大學去逛了一圈,欣賞著名建築師事務所Nelson Partners & Ziedler設計的長表演藝術中心(The Long Center for the Performaing Arts)”,看了德州休士頓Martin Dies Jr. 州立公園的觀望橋。更難得的是還和他倆的女兒,哥哥們隨心所欲的聚居更長時間。



麥肯錫5億7300萬元協議 總檢察官Murau Healey: 麻州將得1300萬元


麻州總檢察官奚莉(Murau Healey)。視頻截圖)
        (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州總檢察官奚莉(Murau Healey)47州,以及哥倫比亞特區,5個美國領土總檢察官們組成的聯盟,今(4)日宣佈和世界上最大諮詢公司之一的麥肯錫(McKinsey & Company)達成57300萬元協議。




AG’s Office Secures $573 Million Settlement With McKinsey for ‘Turbocharging’ Opioid Sales and Profiting From the Epidemic

Massachusetts to Receive $13 Million; Case Is First Multistate Opioid Settlement to Result in Substantial Payment to Address the Epidemic


  • Office of Attorney General Maura Healey

BOSTON — Attorney General Maura Healey, with a coalition of attorneys general representing 47 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories, announced a $573 million settlement with one of the world’s largest consulting firms, McKinsey & Company, resolving investigations into the company’s role working for opioid companies, helping those companies promote their drugs, and profiting from the opioid epidemic.

Under the terms of the consent judgment, filed today along with a complaint in Suffolk Superior Court, McKinsey will pay a total of $573 million – with $13 million going to Massachusetts – which will be used to fund prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. This is the first multistate opioid settlement to result in substantial payment to the states to address the epidemic. The judgment remains subject to court approval.

“Today’s agreement sets a new standard for accountability in one of the most devastating crises of our time,” AG Healey said. “As a result, our communities will receive substantial resources for treatment, prevention, and recovery services, and families who have seen their loved ones hurt and killed by the opioid epidemic will have the truth exposed about McKinsey’s illegal and dangerous partnership with Purdue Pharma.”

McKinsey is required to turn over tens of thousands of internal documents detailing its work for Purdue Pharma and other opioid companies for public disclosure online. According to the complaint, McKinsey designed Purdue’s marketing schemes, including a plan to “turbocharge” OxyContin sales at the height of the opioid epidemic.

Today’s filings, with evidence about McKinsey’s misconduct first uncovered by AG Healey’s Office, describe how McKinsey contributed to the opioid crisis by selling marketing schemes and consulting services to opioid manufacturers, including OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma, for over a decade. The complaint, filed with the settlement, details how McKinsey advised Purdue to maximize its OxyContin profits, including by:

  • Focusing on higher, more lucrative dosages and increased sales rep visits to high-volume opioid prescribers;
  • Targeting physicians with specific messaging to convince them to prescribe more OxyContin to more patients;
  • Encouraging opioid manufacturers to band together to “defend against strict treatment by the FDA” on risk mitigation efforts that could have reduced high doses and saved lives; and
  • Delivering OxyContin directly to patients through mail-order pharmacies to circumvent retail pharmacy restrictions on high dose, suspicious prescriptions.

When states began to sue Purdue’s directors for their implementation of McKinsey’s marketing schemes, McKinsey partners began emailing about deleting documents and emails related to their work for Purdue.

Under the terms of today’s settlement, McKinsey will pay $573 million, with a total of $558 million distributed to states to abate the opioid crisis, and $15 million to fund investigation expenses and support the document repository. In Massachusetts, today’s settlement will fund the state’s newly created Opioid Recovery and Remediation Fund to help expand access to opioid use disorder prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery options. 

Along with the payment and the disclosure of documents, the agreement also imposes court-ordered ethics rules that McKinsey must implement, including strict company-wide standards for document retention, and conflict disclosures on state contracts. In addition, McKinsey agreed to stop advising companies on potentially dangerous Schedule II and III narcotics. 

Today’s filings are the latest action AG Healey has taken to combat the opioid epidemic and hold accountable those who are responsible for creating and fueling the crisis. Since taking office, AG Healey has prioritized combating the opioid epidemic through a multi-disciplinary approach that includes enforcement, policy, prevention, and education efforts. Learn more about AG Healey’s work to combat the opioid epidemic here [mass.gov].

The states’ investigation, first launched by AG Healey’s Office, was led by an executive committee made up of the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, and Vermont. The executive committee is joined by the attorneys general of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia, and the territories of American Samoa, Guam the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Handling the case for Massachusetts are Assistant Attorneys General Jenny Wojewoda and Sandy Alexander, Senior Enforcement Counsel Gillian Feiner, and Health Care Division Chief Eric Gold, all of AG Healey’s Health Care and Fair Competition Bureau, with assistance from Legal Analyst Julia Walsh, Paralegals Philipp Nowak and Indira Rao, Health Care Division Assistant Attorney General Ethan Marks, Civil Investigator Marlee Greer, Assistant Attorney General and eDiscovery Attorney Paula McManus, and Digital Evidence Lab Director Chris Kelly.