
星期五, 1月 15, 2021

Governor Baker Signs ‘Laura’s Law’ (with video)


BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito participated in a ceremonial signing of S.2931, An Act to ensure safe patient access to emergency care.

 Named in memory of Laura Levis, Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito were also joined by Laura’s husband, Pete DeMarco, members of her family, and Senator Pat Jehlen.

 “I signed ‘Laura’s Law’ to safeguard against future tragedies occurring just steps away from hospital emergency departments,” said Governor Baker. “In the wake of her tragic passing, Laura’s husband, Pete, undertook an exhaustive effort to honor her legacy and protect others from similar fates. After months of collaboration and hard work with legislators, including Senator Jehlen and Representative Barber, I am proud to sign Laura’s Law and celebrate her memory in a meaningful way.”

 The new law would implement minimum criteria and standards that ensure safe, timely and accessible patient access to the entrances of Massachusetts hospital emergency departments. These regulations will require that entries must be clearly marked, easily accessible and properly monitored by security when appropriate. Additionally, the Department of Public Health will convene a working group on patient access to hospital emergency rooms or departments to report on and make recommendations to inform these policies. In 2016, Laura Levis died of an asthma attack outside of an area hospital when she was unable to locate an accessible entrance to the emergency room.


 Heffernan, Rodrigues, Michlewitz, Announce Consensus Revenue Forecast of $30.120 Billion for Fiscal Year 2022


Projected state tax revenue growth set at 3.5%


BOSTON — Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan, Senate Ways and Means Chair Michael J. Rodrigues, and House Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz today announced a consensus revenue forecast for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) of $30.120 billion, representing 3.5% growth in state tax revenue over adjusted Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) projected revenue of $29.090 billion.


The adjusted FY21 revenue collections estimate incorporates a $700 million upgrade of projected state tax revenues announced by Secretary Heffernan today, which is based upon current year-to-date revenues and economic data.


The consensus revenue forecast is the basis on which the Baker-Polito Administration, the House, and the Senate will build their respective FY22 budget recommendations.


Pursuant to Section 5B of Chapter 29 of the General Laws, the three officials above convene every year to establish a joint revenue forecast by January 15th. In addition to conferring with each other, the Secretary and Chairs held a public hearing on December 15, 2020 to receive testimony from the Department of Revenue, the State Treasurer’s Office, the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission, and independent, local economists from area foundations and universities on tax revenue.


“The consensus revenue forecast for Fiscal Year 2022 is consistent with the expert testimony offered in December and importantly accounts for updated revenue trends in the current fiscal year,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “We appreciate the consistent and thoughtful collaboration of our colleagues in the House and Senate Ways and Means Offices, and look forward to developing spending plans for Fiscal Year 2022 which continue to protect essential government services, fund critical priorities, and maintain financial discipline and responsibility.”


“We have worked diligently with our partners in the Administration and the House throughout this pandemic, and the consensus revenue agreement reached today for Fiscal Year 2022 reflects our continued partnership to ensure our Commonwealth remains in sound fiscal health,” said Senate Committee on Ways and Means Chair Michael J. Rodrigues (D-Westport). “As we develop a budget for Fiscal Year 2022, we will continue to closely monitor tax collections, weigh the fiscal implications of COVID-19, and strive to put forward a budget that maintains fiscal responsibility and protects core essential services for our most vulnerable populations, while building an equitable economic recovery for all.”


“After a tumultuous budget cycle over the last few months, this consensus revenue agreement for Fiscal Year 2022 is a modest and responsible forecast that will allow the Commonwealth to continue to provide the services our constituents deserve, while at the same time preserving our fiscal health. Despite the pandemic, our revenue intake continues to be better than anticipated, proving the continued resiliency of the Commonwealth’s economy,” said House Committee on Ways and Means Chair Representative Aaron Michlewitz (D-Boston). “I want to thank Chair Rodrigues and Secretary Heffernan for their continued partnership in these challenging times.”


Additional details:


  • Of the forecasted $30.120 billion in FY22 state tax revenues, an estimated $1.516 billion is projected to be capital gains tax revenue, of which $165 million will be transferred to the Stabilization Fund per statute and other long term liability funds for pension and retiree health insurance costs ($16 million).
  • The agreement also includes the following statutorily required off-budget transfers that are mandated by current law:
    • $3.415 billion transferred to the pension fund, a $300 million increase over the FY21 contribution, which keeps the Commonwealth on schedule to fully fund its pension liability by 2036
    • $1.174 billion for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
    • $1.014 billion for the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)
    • $25 million for the Workforce Training Fund


After $5.628 billion in off-budget transfers, the Secretary and Committee Chairs agree that $24.327 billion will be the maximum amount of tax revenue available for the budget in FY22, absent statutory changes.


M.G.L. Chapter 29 Section 7H ½ requires the Secretary and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means to jointly develop a potential gross state product (PGSP) growth benchmark for the ensuing calendar year. The PGSP growth benchmark is used by the Health Policy Commission to establish the Commonwealth’s health care cost growth benchmark. The three bodies have reached an agreement that the PGSP figure for calendar year 2021 will remain 3.6%. PGSP is a measure of the “full employment” output of the Commonwealth’s economy and reflects long-term trends in the economy rather than fluctuations due to the business cycle and, as a result, is meant to be fairly stable from year to year.




Through city and state partnerships, more than 1,000 Boston area families experiencing homelessness received affordable housing assistance in 2020


BOSTON - Friday, January 15 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today celebrated a significant milestone in the City of Boston's housing work, as the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) has provided housing choice vouchers to more than 1,000 Boston families experiencing homelessness with school aged children, since December 2019. The 1,000 families represent more than 1,700 children who will now have much needed housing stability, an effort made possible through partnerships with Boston Public Schools (BPS) and the state's Department of Housing and Community Development. 

"Being able to offer safe and stable housing for families is one of the most important things we can do as a city government, and I am so glad that these students and families all now have a place to call home," said Mayor Walsh. "Homelessness creates barriers for our students to grow, learn, and succeed, which is why these vouchers are critical to our efforts of ending homelessness in Boston."

The BHA partnership with BPS and its non-profit partner FamilyAid Boston integrated established partnerships, including the Family Led Stability Pilot, which worked with seven BPS schools to house homeless families in public housing units, as well as Boston Children's Hospital and the Boston Medical Center, which enabled a true continuum of wraparound services, such as housing search assistance, case management, and access to health and behavioral health services. Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, BHA was able to uphold its commitment to provide assistance to homeless BPS families. As part of this process, BHA made operational changes that allowed eligibility determination to be completed remotely with smartphone applications and electronic signatures. 

"This is an investment in Boston's future. Stable housing is essential to any effort to empower Boston's students to succeed in school and beyond," BHA Administrator Kate Bennett said. "We're proud that we were able to step in and make a difference at a time when so many families are pushed to their limit."

The vouchers expanded the capacity for the BPS network of 175 school-based homeless liaisons, with each school across the district having at least one homeless liaison. Homeless liaisons were able to refer over 700 families through an efficient and easy to access referral process. Also benefiting was the Family Led Stability Pilot (FLSP), a collaborative of four nonprofit organizations and five public sector partners launched in 2018 to address the growing challenge of youth homelessness in Boston schools and demonstrate the positive impact of stable housing on educational outcomes, starting with families connected to seven key BPS schools. The goal is to find homes for 100% of the students needing housing. With the help of BHA, FLSP has housed 75% of students experiencing housing instability at these seven schools.

Bolstering the BHA housing vouchers, BPS and its partners have offered a range of complementary services to families during the pandemic. This includes case management and wraparound services provided through its partnership with FamilyAid Boston, as well as distribution of laptops and wireless technology to ensure internet access. BPS secured $150,000 in CARES Act funding, which enabled BPS families to receive financial assistance and enhanced housing search services provided by FamilyAid. 

BPS students and families experiencing homelessness receive meal delivery if they reside more than one mile from a pick-up site. Hygiene items and school supplies are also available at BPS meal sites through a partnership with Boston Resiliency Fund grantee Catie's Closet. FamilyAid supplements this service for BPS families participating in the voucher program with their own food delivery program. In addition, FamilyAid leveraged their partnerships with Boston Children's Hospital and the Boston Medical Center to increase access to health care, behavioral health services, and other case management services for participating families. In spring 2020, 80 BPS families experiencing homelessness received financial assistance through a $250 gift card, also made possible by Catie's Closet, while more recently, 50 BPS families received a $200 gift card from Wayfair to purchase a desk or workstation for their children's learning as they move into their new home.

"As a child who grew up in public housing, I know firsthand the tremendous importance of stable housing on a child's academic and life outcomes. In the Boston Public Schools we are committed to supporting the health and well-being of our students and families in every way we can, particularly during this challenging time," said BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. "This incredible partnership ensures that more Boston children have a safe, stable environment to learn, grow and thrive. I applaud Mayor Walsh, the Boston Housing Authority, and all our city and state colleagues for helping us confront youth homelessness to make permanent, affordable housing accessible to our families."

The vouchers allowBoston families experiencing homelessness to seek housing in the private market with a significant rental subsidy. Under the Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher Program, families who receive a housing voucher pay 30 percent of their adjusted income for rent, while BHA provides federal funds to the landlord to cover the difference between the tenant share and the Fair Market Rent (FMR). Property owners interested in making their units available to BHA voucher families can list them here

"This program helped my family to find a good, stable home at a difficult time," said Said Talaa, a parent of two Boston Public School students in East Boston. "These vouchers are a huge lifeline for families like mine."

Today's announcement builds on the goals of Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030, the Walsh administration's plan to stabilize the housing market, accommodate growth, improve housing accessibility, and increase affordability. Since the release of the original Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030 plan in 2014, 26,124 new units of housing have been completed. With an additional 9,204 units currently under construction, the City has secured housing for an estimated 52,300 residents, making significant progress in meeting Boston's rapid population growth. Income-restricted housing stock has grown along with overall new production, with nearly 5,500 income restricted units completed and over 1,700 units under construction. Approximately 20 percent of all newly-developed housing units and 25 percent of new rental units in the City are designated as income-restricted. For more information on the City of Boston's work to create more housing, please visit Housing A Changing City: Boston 2030.


                  (Boston Orange)僑委會發文提醒海外僑民,由於台灣新冠疫情加劇,中央流行疫指揮中心收緊防疫措施,11日起非本國籍人士限制入境;115日起入境台灣,登機前須檢附檢疫居所證明,以及搭機前3日內的檢驗報告,還請民眾格外注意。






星期四, 1月 14, 2021

麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)上臉書"我不參選波士頓市長"


波士頓市長參選人再添一名 Marty Martinez為滅新冠"當然考慮"

           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)波士頓市長的席位之爭,果然越來越熱鬧了。波士頓市健康及人民服務長Marty Martinez(14)日在疫情匯報記者會中坦言,當然我會考慮參選下一任波士頓市市長            。

              Marty Martinez表示,新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情還未消散,下一任市長的首要重任之一,就是率領團隊,處理疫情,也是過去這一年來他每天的最重要工作,所以他當然會考慮參選市長。

              在波士頓現任市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)接受美國候任總統拜登(Joe Biden)提名,將往華府出任勞工部部長之後,先有波士頓市警察局局長葛羅斯(William Gross)說,他有90%的可能會參選,現在波士頓市健康及人民服務長Marty Martinez也表態了。

              Marty Matinez2017年進波士頓市府,出任健康及人民服務漲之前,曾任麻州輔導夥伴(Mass Mentoring Partnership)董事長兼執行長,在波士頓愛滋(AIDS)聯盟,奧本山(Mount Auburn)醫院的健康社區區域中心工作,並執掌尚莫維爾(Somerville)市的青年服務。

              第五號頻道電視台稱,波士頓市不分區市議員米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty)和麻州眾議員Jon Santiago都在探討參選可能性。

              去年9ru.4已經宣佈參選波士頓市長的有波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),第四區議員Andrea Campbell

              如果馬丁華殊在35日前離任,依照規例,波士頓市必需辦理特別選舉。但今年本來就市選舉年,如果舉辦這特別選舉,波士頓市今年就得半4場選舉。波士頓市議員Richard Arroyo已提案今年廢除這特別選舉,麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William Galvin)也表態支持。不過要修改這法令,波士頓市必須先由議會通過此案後,再提交州政府討論通過。



波士頓是長Martin J. Walsh提醒民眾持續注意防疫。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange) 波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)14日的疫情匯報中坦言,新冠病毒已經讓所有人都感到疲累了,但疫情還未消散,人們仍須謹慎。波士頓市內非手術成人重症病房(ICU)床位的佔用量已高達98%,市府人員正密切關注,市民請小心防疫。



波士頓市公校總監Brenda Cassellius
波士頓市的社區確診率現在是8.7%,和上週一樣。東波士頓(East Boston),多徹斯特(Dorchester),海德公園(Hyde Park),以及麥特潘(Mattapan)仍是感染率最高的地方。


馬丁華殊提醒民眾,全市各地有30個病毒檢測站,包括不論有無症狀,任何人都可去免費做檢測的4個流動檢測站。這4個流動檢測站本週在海德公園,洛士百利,Grove Hall,牙買加平原等4個地點為民眾服務,其中2個需要事先登記,另外2個不須預約,可隨時前往。查詢詳情可到市府網站boston.gov,或者撥打電話311

波士頓市公校總監Brenda Cassellius也在疫情匯報中做說明。她指波士頓市125所公校大約有學生53,000人,其中不少人殘障,或有特殊需要,新冠病毒對這些學生的打擊尤其重大,而且專家學者的研究也都指出到校學習對學生的學習及身心發展,都有比較正面的效果。公校系統將竭盡所能,逐漸讓學校恢復上課。

波士頓健康及人民服務長Marty Martinez表示,波士頓市府和塔芙茨大學,波士頓醫療中心合作,已為11,000名第一線工作人員注射疫苗,下星期開始將為住在群體屋(group house),庇護所等場所的民眾注射疫苗。波士頓市也和州政府合作,尋找適合的大規模施打疫苗場所,芬衛球場(Fenway Park)和洛士百利的The Reggie Lewis中心,都是考慮地點。 至於美國總統就職日那天,地方上是否會出現安全問題,據他所知,目前波士頓沒有面對這方面的威脅。


聯邦調查局逮捕MIT教授陳剛 罪名:詐欺聯邦經費


              (Boston Orange) 聯邦調查局(FBI)(14)日逮捕了麻省理工學院奈米工程實驗室主任陳剛(Gang Chen),指稱他和中國政府合作,卻未向美國能源部報備。

                           聯邦調查局控告陳剛的罪名包括匯款詐欺,未申報外國銀行戶口(FBAR),報稅不實等。陳剛預定今日會再Donald L. Cabell法官面前首次出庭。

                     根據控罪文件,陳剛是歸化入籍的美國公民,現年56歲,在麻省理工學院擔任Pappalardo 微型/奈米工程實驗室主任,固態太陽能地熱能源轉換中心(S3TEC)主任。大約從2013年起,陳剛在麻省理工學院的研究是由美國各個聯邦機構撥給超過1900萬元的經費所支持的。



             該封電子郵件的內容包括,1. 推廣中國合作,中國把創新當成關鍵及核心,不是時尚,但因為我們必須做,從歷史趨勢,以及從我們的舞台。3. 我們的經濟排第2為,但從科技(結構和經濟)以及人力資源來說,我們遠非第2名。4. 我們在環境上,但不是持續性,也不是勞力成本,上付出了很大代價。5. 在同一個地方的環境保護和發展,環境更重要些,如果成本更高就清潔能源,減少鋼鐵,水泥。我們必須依賴科技,不能像以前那樣成長。6.共產黨第18次會議把科技創新放在了核心位置。我們在計畫和實踐上不只是獨立創新,還要國際化。閉門造車的創新不會有用,創新是驅動力量。





MIT Professor Arrested and Charged with Grant Fraud

Defendant allegedly failed to disclose his work for the People’s Republic of China to U.S. Department of Energy

BOSTON – A professor and researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was charged and arrested today in connection with failing to disclose contracts, appointments and awards from various entities in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Gang Chen, 56, was charged by criminal complaint with wire fraud, failing to file a foreign bank account report (FBAR) and making a false statement in a tax return. Chen will make an initial appearance today before Magistrate Judge Donald L. Cabell.

According to charging documents, Chen is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in China. He is a professor and researcher at MIT where he serves as Director of the MIT Pappalardo Micro/Nano Engineering Laboratory and Director of the Solid-State Solar Thermal Energy Conversion Center (S3TEC). Since approximately 2013, Chen’s research at MIT has been funded by more than $19 million in grants awarded by various U.S. federal agencies.

Since 2012, Chen has allegedly held various appointments with the PRC designed to promote the PRC’s technological and scientific development by providing advice and expertise – sometimes directly to PRC government officials – and often in exchange for financial compensation. This includes acting as an “overseas expert” for the PRC government at the request of the PRC Consulate Office in New York and serving as a member of at least two PRC Talent Programs. Since 2013, Chen allegedly received approximately $29 million of foreign funding, including $19 million from the PRC’s Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech).

It is further alleged that Chen’s efforts to promote the PRC’s scientific and economic development were partially detailed in a February 2016 email that Chen sent himself using his MIT e-mail account.  The email read:

1. promote chinese collaboration

2. China places innovation (scientific) as key and core not fashion [sic], but because

we must do it, from historic trend as well from our stage

3. our economy is no. 2, but from technology (structure of economy) and human

resources, we are far from no. 2

4. we are paying big price in environment, not sustainable, as well as from labor cost

5. environment protection and development in same place, environment even higher, clean energy if higher cost, reduce steel, cement. We must count on technology, cannot grow as past

6. communist 18th convention, scientific innovation placed at core. We realize not just independent innovation; but also internationalize to plan for and facilitate. Closed door innovation does not work; innovation as driving force

From at least 2017 to 2019 when Chen was serving in several advisory roles for the PRC and PRC entities, Chen applied for and obtained a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant in order to fund a portion of his research at MIT.  In doing so, it is alleged that Chen failed to disclose information about his ongoing affiliations with the PRC as required by DOE.

Chen also allegedly failed to disclose to the IRS in his 2018 tax return that he maintained a bank account in the PRC with more than $10,000 in 2018.

The charge of wire fraud provides for a sentence of up to 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of up to $250,000. The charge of making false statements provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000. The charge of failing to file an FBAR provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling; Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Division; Patrick J. Hegarty, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Northeast Field Office; William S. Walker, Acting Special Agent in Charge of Homeland Security Investigation, Boston; Joleen Simpson, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation in Boston; and Jim Breckenridge, Special Agent in Charge of the Department of Energy, Office of Inspector General made the announcement today. Assistant U.S. Attorneys B. Stephanie Siegmann, Chief of Lelling’s National Security Unit, and Jason Casey and Timothy Kistner also of Lelling’s National Security Unit are prosecuting the case with assistance from Trial Attorney David Aaron of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.

The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.



 BOSTON - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor's Office of Arts in Culture, in partnership with the Boston Art Commission, Boston Public Schools, the Public Facilities Department, and the Boston Police Department today announced artists have been selected for three long-term public art projects funded by the City of Boston's Percent for Art

program, which sets aside one percent of the City's annual capital borrowing as a budget for the commissioning of long-term public art. Monika Bravo was commissioned to create artwork for the new Area A-7 Police Station in East Boston; MASARY Studios was commissioned for interior artwork at the new Boston Arts Academy building in Fenway; and Simon Donovan & Ben Olmstead were commissioned for exterior artwork at Boston Arts Academy.

"Both of these sites are very unique, with Boston Arts Academy being Boston's only public high school for the performing and visual arts, and the East Boston police station being the first new station in a decade," said Mayor Walsh. "Bringing public art into both of these spaces is a great way to highlight the interconnected roles art, education, and public safety play in making our City a more welcoming and vibrant place for residents and visitors.

The City of Boston celebrated the groundbreaking of the new East Boston Police Station on East Eagle Street in October 2019. The construction on the District A-7 precinct, managed by the City's Operations Cabinet, marks a $29.9 million investment in East Boston's community. The total project budget for this public art project is $450,000, and the project is expected to take two years to complete.

The City released an international Call to Artists for this project, and encouraged artists to consider three key qualities of the East Boston neighborhood in their applications: its deep history within a wide variety of immigrant communities, its geographic location and how that has put it on the front lines of climate change, and its strong neighborhood identity and close-knit community.

of DURATION 2017 by Monika Bravo; 2017, Prospect Ave station Brooklyn, NY,

courtesy of the artist.

An Artist Review Committee composed of representatives from the Boston Art Commission and local arts professionals representing East Boston reviewed applications using criteria including experience, past work, knowledge of materials and their durability, experience working with multiple stakeholders, and how well the artist/team responds to the goals and community values outlined in the call. The committee recommended multi-disciplinary artist Monika Bravo for the project. A virtual artist talk will be held on January 21 from 5-6 p.m. 

For the East Boston police station, I aim to create a mesmerizing environment that invites the audience to mutual participation, to an experience of synthesis, a communion," said artist Monika Bravo. "Its source resonates with the roots and origins of all the historical elements that relate to its new location."

The City released an international Call to Artists for two separate opportunitiesat Boston Arts Academy (BAA)- one for an interior artwork and one for an exterior artwork. The total project budget for the interior site is $300,000 and the budget for the exterior site is $200,000. BAA is Boston's only public high school for the performing and visual arts, and is currently undergoing a $125 million reconstruction that is being overseen by the Operations Cabinet.

The new state-of-the-art facility will include dedicated rehearsal and performance spaces, gallery space, studios for music, visual arts, and fashion design, academic classrooms, recreation areas, kitchens, and student commons. The artworks are expected to be installed in 2022.

Artists and teams were asked to consider BAA's four guiding principles when crafting their proposals: community with social responsibility, diversity with respect, passion with balance, and vision with integrity. The Artist Selection Committee selected MASARY Studios for interior artwork, and Simon Donovan & Ben Olmstead for exterior artwork.

"RUMBLE" ©2019 MASARY Studios for BLINK! Festival, Cincinnati. Photo by Aram Boghosian

"It is an honor to be selected to create an artwork for the City of Boston, and Boston Arts Academy," said Ryan Edwards, Principal of MASARY Studios. "We are thrilled to be working with the city, the BAA staff and students on this project and look forward to the months to come where the artwork and the school are brought to life. Much like the high school experience and the approach of adulthood, this artwork is to be a reflection of the moment, as well as an echo to the future."

"We stand on the shoulders of those that came before us" by Simon Donovan & Ben Olmstead - University Medical Center, New Orleans, LA, courtesy of the artists.

"The intent of our proposed artwork is to serve the site-specific and theme-specificneed of identifying and celebrating the Boston Arts Academy community," saidSimon Donovan & Ben Olmstead. "This project holds great personal meaning to us as artists and as native Bostonians."

The FY21-25 Capital Plan allocates $15 million to the Percent for Art program over the next five years. This, combined with $80,000 for temporary public art projects and several new City staff positions, is the most funding the City has ever dedicated to public art. To learn more about the City-driven public art projects currently underway, visit boston.gov/public-art

About Monika Bravo

Monika Bravo (b. 1964 in Bogotá, Colombia) is a multi-disciplinary artist who currently resides in Miami Beach. Her work integrates a wide array of disciplines, from psycho-technologies to immersive sculptural environments. She was recently awarded the Civitella Ranieri Visual Arts Fellowship, a prestigious residency program for international writers, composers and visual artists, in Italy. Recent public art commissions include: An interval of time, 2020 for the Landmarks Public Arts program at University of Texas, Austin and Duration for the Metropolitan Transport Agency (MTA) Arts design subway in New York. Bravo has exhibited her work (inter)nationally including at the Rubin Museum of Art; 56th Venice Biennale representing the Vatican City-State at the Pavilion of the Holy See; The New Museum in New York; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía; Museo de Arte del Banco de la República; and the Museo de Arte Moderno Bogota, The 5th Seoul International Media Art Biennale,  Seoul Museum of Art, South Korea, CAB in Spain, Site Santa Fe and Stenenser Museum of Oslo, Norway. 

About MASARY Studios

MASARY Studios is an interdisciplinary artist collective reconsidering environments through site-specific installations using sound, light, interactivity, and performance. Based in Boston, the studio's practice includes live performance, electronic music and production, facade projection-mapped video, artistic research, technology and materials fabrication, and the expansive use of animation. The studio is artist-owned and managed and was founded in 2015.

About Simon Donovan & Ben Olmstead

Simon Donovan & Ben Olmstead, both coincidentally Boston born and raised, are currently residents of Tucson, AZ. They are intimate with the Fenway neighborhood and relish the prospect of returning home and contributing artwork to this urban setting. They have worked together on public art commissions for 15 years. Each is a multimedia artist. They have over 25 past and current projects together. They combined forces when they realized the beneficial results of collaboration include strengthened ideas from an added perspective, thorough trouble-shooting and increased talents and additional familiarity with a variety of mediums. Their process is to distill the best solutions through discussion and debate. As collaborators they have prospered from an exchange of ideas and technical information and have developed a complimentary aesthetic sensibility and they work for a unified approach

1月14日麻州州長疫情匯報 (video)


星期三, 1月 13, 2021


               (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州的新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情在113日這天,新增86人死亡,累計死亡人數已經超過13,000人了。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)在疫情匯報中表示,他知道自己像錄音機一樣在重複述說,但他真的希望所有人都把戴口罩,勤洗手,保持安全距離,放在心上。








