
星期二, 11月 17, 2020

BAAFF宣佈本屆最受觀眾歡迎獎 11/27將紀念李小龍80歲生日

               (Boston Orange) 波士頓亞美電影節(BAAFF)宣佈2020年最受觀眾歡迎獎有5部,另訂1127日免費放映「若水(Be Water)」,紀念李小龍80歲生日。

              由甄翠嬿(Susan Chinsen)創辦,已跨入第12屆的波士頓亞美電影節,在1021日至25日之間,包括敘事劇情片,紀錄長片,敘事短片,紀錄短片,動畫短片等5個類別,共選映了50部影片,還安排了許多場與導演及演員座談。

              電影節正式開幕前,從金融界跨入演藝界,並組有製片小組的曹育倫(Michael Tow)還為波士頓亞美電影節主持了一場網上座談會。

              經由觀眾投票結果,本屆影展最受歡迎的敘事劇情片為Bao Tran執導的「紙老虎(The Paper Tigers)」;記錄長片為Hao WuWeixi Chen,以及一無名者執導的「76(76 Days)」;敘事短片為Hao Zheng執導的,「廚師(The Chef)」;紀錄短片為Danielle Ayow執導的「但你不是黑人(But You’re Not Black)」;動畫短片為Angeline VuArlene Bongco執導的「感覺到愛(Flet Love)」。


         波士頓亞美電影節還宣佈,1127日是李小龍的80歲生日,為誌記這重大日子,該會將和夏威夷電影節(HIFF)合作,當晚8點,免費放映一場「若水(Be Water)」,並接著舉辦一場座談會。


              將出席座談的講者包括「若水(Be Water)」導演,Bao Nguyen,李小龍的女兒Shannon Lee,文化作者,也是「憤怒亞裔男(Angry Asian Man)」的創作者Phil Yu,以及名廚暨「難看得好吃(Ugly Delicious)主持人Dave Chang等。

              波士頓亞美電影節歡迎觀眾上網回顧電影節中不下40名嘉賓出席的座談,查詢可上網http://bit.ly/BAAFF2020_QA。欣賞「若水(Be Water)」的網址為https://fp.hiff.org/films/detail/be_water_2020?mc_cid=c741a0a292&mc_eid=b8a70ea638,參加座談的網址為https://fp.hiff.org/films/detail/be_water_bruce_lee_80th_birthday_celebr_2020?mc_cid=c741a0a292&mc_eid=b8a70ea638。(更新版)

全世界新型冠狀病毒確診人數累計5502萬 麻州11/16回降至1967


紐英崙客家鄉親會客家話講座 朱真一從糖尿病談到了凡四訓

            (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)紐英崙客家鄉親會在1178兩日,邀行政院客家委員會2019年客家終身貢獻獎得主朱真一教授,暢談台灣客家人患糖尿病,地中海貧血症等病症的原因、療法,鼓勵客家人多說母語,養成雙語習慣,有益身心健康。








             紐英崙客家鄉親會會長宋玉琴說明,兩場講座還在講說結束後依序放映,「客家文藝復興:浪漫台三線介紹」的(2)客庄食記 ,以及(3)客語風情。


星期一, 11月 16, 2020

波士頓市長馬丁華殊公佈汽車零排放進程圖 訂2023年全市設電動車充電站


The Roadmap charts a course to reach Boston's transportation electrification goals and increase access to EV charging for all resident

BOSTON - Monday, November 16, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the City of Boston has released its Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Roadmap, a long-term strategy to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and other zero-emission transportation, with specific actions to be taken by the City. In tandem, the Boston Transportation Department is installing publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in its neighborhood municipal lots. 

"In Boston, we know the urgency around climate action and we are committed to leading on a national and international scale," said Mayor Walsh. "Our new public electric vehicle charging stations are a key element of reducing our emissions while making our city healthier and more accessible today and for years to come."

The first batch of charging stations have been installed in the municipal lot located at 737 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain. The next phase, expected later this fall, will add EV charging stations to municipal lots in East Boston, Roslindale, Hyde Park, Mattapan, and Dorchester. The City's investments are in partnership with Eversource's Make Ready Program. The utility provides the infrastructure to support the EV charging stations, and the City is installing and operating the stations. The goal is to have publicly accessible EV charging stations available in every neighborhood by 2023. Currently, there is a fee of $0.25/kWh for electricity consumed. 

Boston's ZEV Roadmap establishes aspirational targets and actions the City of Boston can take to support electric vehicle adoption. The Roadmap sets goals in three areas:

  • Support widespread adoption of electrification, 
  • Ensure affordable, convenient access to charging infrastructure for all residents, 
  • Lead by example to electrify Boston's municipal fleet. 

"In addition to encouraging more people to walk, bike or take transit, an essential path to reaching carbon neutrality is switching from gas-powered to electric vehicles. This Zero-Emission Vehicle Roadmap identifies concrete steps we must take to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles," said Chris Osgood, the City of Boston's Chief of Streets. "The Roadmap furthers our commitments made in Go Boston 2030 and the Climate Action Plan Update, and it will help us provide more reliable and sustainable transportation options for our residents." 

Transportation accounts for nearly a third of Boston's total greenhouse gas emissions, 65 percent of which comes from personal vehicles. Ongoing Go Boston 2030 projects aspire to shift travelers out of personal vehicles toward public transportation, walking and biking, and the City's 2019 Climate Action Plan Update details actions for the next five years to significantly cut emissions to reach its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

"Every resident in Boston should have convenient access to affordable environmentally friendly travel," said Gregory Rooney, the Transportation Department's Commissioner. "In the past several years we have implemented projects to encourage walking, biking and riding transit. The ZEV Roadmap builds on that work." 

In addition to installing electric vehicle chargers in its municipal lots, the City's Recharge Boston program has:

  • Developed how-to guides to support residents and employers through the process of charger installation, starting workplace charging programs, and purchasing a vehicle or charger
  • Started the process to transition the City's vehicle fleet to become zero-emission, starting with all light-duty vehicles by 2035 and all heavy-duty vehicles by 2060
  • Required all new developments to fit 25 percent of their parking spaces with EV Chargers and the remaining to be "EV-Ready" for future installations.
  • Started to explore opportunities for an e-cargo bike initiative to support congestion-reducing environmentally-friendly last mile delivery
  • Drafted a Request for Proposals for an EV Car Share program

Supporting transportation electrification is part of a broader investment of resources by Boston to lead on climate action and is supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies American Cities Climate Challenge. Boston is one of the 25 winning cities in the Climate Challenge, which is helping cities set and surpass ambitious climate goals by ramping up action in the two highest-emitting sectors in cities: transportation and buildings. For more information, visit boston.gov/transportation/recharge-boston.

Earlier today it was announced that Mayor Walsh has been named Chair of Climate Mayors, a coalition of 468 U.S. mayors committed to bold environmental action and upholding the Paris Climate Agreement. In this role, Mayor Walsh will help catalyze efforts to combat climate change at the local level, provide an example of climate action for leaders at all levels of government, and advocate for an economic recovery founded in equity and environmental stewardship. Mayor Walsh succeeds Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who founded Climate Mayors, and has also served as the network's Chair since its launch in 2014. 


             (Boston Orange 編譯)「現代(Moderna)」今(16)日宣佈,該公司研發,用於治療新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的疫苗,有效率高達94.5%,希望能在數星期內獲得緊急使用許可,用於治療一些人。



             「現代(Moderna)」執行長Stephane Bancel表示,該公司第3期臨床研究的中期分析,給了該公司疫苗有效的第一個臨床驗證。該公司將持續盡力協助終結新型冠狀病毒。



             Moderna發言人Roy Jordan表示,週日下午,該委員會通知「現代(Moderna)」,在95名新冠病毒患者中,有90人只注射了安慰劑,只有5人注射了真正的疫苗。這結果顯示疫苗有效率為94.5%

             美國傳染病頂級醫生佛奇(Anthony Fauci)博士今年稍早表示,疫苗有效率達到60%,他就已經很高興了。








             Moderna的首席技術營運長Juan Andres表示,Moderna的疫苗能夠在製藥公司一般使用的冷凍庫及冰箱內儲存,將使該疫苗可以在美國,甚至世界其他地方,做更為靈活及更大規模的運送。



Nationwide coalition will continue to lead on climate action and advance an equitable and sustainable economy for the future 


BOSTON - Monday, November 16, 2020 - As the City of Boston continues to lead nationally on urgent climate action, Climate Mayors today announced that Mayor Martin J. Walsh has been named Chair of the coalition of 468 U.S. mayors committed to bold environmental action and upholding the Paris Climate Agreement. In this role, Mayor Walsh will help catalyze efforts to combat climate change at the local level, provide an example of climate action for leaders at all levels of government, and advocate for an economic recovery founded in equity and environmental stewardship. Mayor Walsh succeeds Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who founded Climate Mayors, and has also served as the network's Chair since its launch in 2014.

"I'm very proud to be named Chair of the Climate Mayors," said Mayor Walsh. "As Mayors, we're close to the people we serve. We see how climate change is already impacting the residents in our cities, and we know how important it is for us to take decisive action for the sake of public safety and public health. American cities have led on climate action for a long time, and especially over the last four years. As we welcome in a federal administration committed to urgent, bold climate policies, the Climate Mayors are looking forward to accelerating our efforts."

In the absence of national leadership over the last four years, Climate Mayors has remained committed to the tenets of the Paris Climate Agreement, which the Trump Administration withdrew from in 2017. In June 2018, the City of Boston hosted the International Climate Mayors Summit, which provided a critical opportunity for some of the most influential mayors and leaders to strategize, collaborate, and learn from one another about approaches to the global crisis of climate change. Climate Mayors has continued to advance and promote progress and send a clear signal nationally and internationally that the U.S. has not turned its back on its commitments. In July 2020, Climate Mayors sent a letter to Congressional leaders advocating for bold investments in an economic recovery that injects more resilience, equity, and sustainability into our communities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Since founding Climate Mayors in 2014, Mayor Garcetti has helped shape Climate Mayors into a robust, engaged network of more than 450 members and cemented it as a leading voice in climate advocacy," said James Ritchotte, Director of Climate Mayors. "As we look ahead to this new phase under the leadership of Mayor Walsh, the Climate Mayors network expresses its deepest gratitude to Mayor Garcetti for galvanizing our membership and for his commitment to addressing the climate emergency. We're honored to have Mayor Walsh serve as the new Chair, knowing that he will expand on this legacy, and drive an ambitious agenda focused on a green and equitable recovery across the country." 

Mayor Walsh has made bold climate action a top priority since beginning his term in 2014. The City of Boston's 2019 update to the Climate Action Plan outlined a five year roadmap to accelerate action towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, and put Boston on track to meet the goals laid out in the Paris Climate Agreement. In order to decarbonize large buildings, the City of Boston is currently developing an emissions performance standard that, when implemented, is projected to decrease citywide emissions nearly 40 percent by 2050. To decrease municipal emissions, Mayor Walsh last year signed an Executive Order for all new City-owned buildings to target a Zero Net Carbon standard, and recently required that all new affordable housing construction funded by the City must meet Carbon Neutral performance standards.

Boston continues to build on its long track record of driving down emissions while simultaneously preparing for sea level rise, extreme temperatures, and storms. In each year of Mayor Walsh's tenure so far, Boston has ranked among the top two cities in the country for energy efficiency by the American Council on an Energy Efficient Economy, highlighting programs such as Renew Boston Trust, Boston's long-standing building energy benchmarking program, and the upcoming Community Choice Electricity program. The City is also implementing climate solutions to make Boston's most vulnerable communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Climate Ready Boston and Resilient Boston Harbor are the City's comprehensive efforts to fortify Boston's 47-mile coastline against sea level rise and storm surges, while improving public access to the waterfront and greenspace. These goals are supported by Imagine Boston 2030, Boston's first citywide plan in 50 years, that helps to ensure that climate plays a role in all city planning and growth.

星期日, 11月 15, 2020

紐英崙華人歷史協會頒遊子獎 表揚阮郇標、李保華

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙華人歷史協會(CHSNE)1112日在網上舉行2020年會,頒遊子獎表揚創辦大波士頓中華文化協會的阮郇標醫師,創辦麻州亞裔律師會的李保華律師,以感謝獎向塔芙茨醫療中心致謝。




             阮郇標的家族也頗令人矚目,不但外祖父沈載琛是首名華裔聖公會主教,舅父沈嗣良是上海聖約翰大學校長,連襟周華聯還中華民國前總統蔣介石和蔣經國的家庭牧師。阮郇標自己從聖約翰大學畢業後,來到塔芙茨大學做住院醫師,追隨美國神經外科學會會長Bertram Selverstone,後來歷任劍橋市Mount Auburn醫院,Natick Leonard Morse醫院,傅萊明罕市聯合醫院等的神經外科長。退休後他還在退伍軍人醫院服務。






             6歲時,他們家在Ash街買了房子,但後來中央幹道工程逼使整條街的人都得搬家,許多人搬到了南端(South End),他們家卻為了讓子女上更好的學校,搬到了布魯克蘭鎮。



CHSNE新執行主任Brianna Allen。(攝自CHSNE網路年會)
       紐英崙華人歷史協會會長曾雪卿及新任執行主任Brianna Allen在會末表示,邁向2021年,該會有多項活動,希望各界關注,包括首名華裔女飛行員Rose Lok等的多項網上展覽,以及12月的以「無名英雄」為主題,邀陳紹章將軍講述第二次世界大戰華裔參戰者歷史。

            CHSNE在網路會議結束時,還以圖片悼念今年辭世的華裔退伍老兵及社區首長,包括黃庭琛,黃君裕,余錦芳,李燦輝,陳灼鋆,阮全義,Eileen Hang。(更新版)

星期五, 11月 13, 2020

伍佩琴打破棒球大聯盟歷史 出任邁阿密馬林魚隊總經理


伍佩琴(Kim Ng)。(圖片來自棒球大聯盟臉書)
          (Boston Orange 編譯)美國棒球大聯盟上出現有史以來的首名女球隊總經理。邁阿密馬林魚隊(Miami Marlins)(13)日宣佈,聘請伍佩琴(Kim Ng)出任總經理。




            馬林魚隊執行長Derek Jeter在伍佩琴為洋基隊工作時,是該隊球員。

            Derek Jeter在一份聲明中表示,期待伍佩琴為邁阿密馬林魚隊帶來豐富的知識,以及冠軍級的經驗。她在棒球隊伍營運上的領導力,將對該隊的持續成功扮演重要角色。此外,她在擴展青年棒球隊,以及壘球計畫上的豐富經驗,將在該隊持續正面影響南佛羅里達州時,加強該隊吸引地方青少年喜歡球賽的成果。

            伍佩琴曾有8次和打入決賽隊合作,3次贏得世界冠軍杯的經驗。當Michael Hill2020年賽季之後未獲續聘,她成為馬林魚隊的第五位總經理,

麻州民主黨Gus Bickford連任黨主席 支持率62%

 Statement from Gus Bickford on Reelection to Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee

Last night, the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee held its election for Chair. Democratic State Committee members nominated three individuals and with a vote of 62%, members reelected Gus Bickford to another four-year term as Chair. The following is a statement from Gus:

“I am honored and humbled to be given the opportunity to continue to serve the Democratic Party as Chair. I look forward to continuing to work with Democrats to build an even more inclusive and more effective Party, and to electing a Democrat to the Governor’s Office in 2022. We have a lot of work ahead of us, beginning in Georgia where we have already begun to do our part to support the two Democratic Senate candidates, and in parts of the Commonwealth where we will be working to unseat Trump-like elected officials, including at the County level. Thank you to the State Committee members for this opportunity.”

麻州將重啟Worcester DCU田野醫院

麻州麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)強調,遏制疫情,必須全體州民同心協力,不鬆懈的
             (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(13)日表示,將重啟位於屋斯特(Worcester)DCU中心的田野醫院。有必要時,可在121日時撥出240個病床給病人用。麻州大學紀念醫療中心(University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center)將負責營運。



Eric W. Dickson , 麻州大學紀念醫療董事長。(周菊子攝)

波士頓希望(Boston Hope)”,這個斥資1200萬元,有1000張病床,設在波士頓會議展覽中心(BCEC)的田野醫院,在8個星期的營運中,接納了720名病人,以空出急診病房給病情更重的病人。最後的2名病人在6月初從那兒出院。

在達特茅斯(Dartmouth)、羅爾( Lowell),以及伯恩(Bourne)的這3個田野醫院,在一個病人都沒有之後,關閉了。

麻州健康及人民服務長Marylou Sudder表示,州政府正在加強接觸追蹤,已批准兩個機構增聘接觸追蹤者,目前共有能說16種不同語言的接觸追蹤者。


Baker-Polito Administration Announces Re-establishment of a
Field Hospital at the DCU Center in Worcester


BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that the first field hospital will be stood up at the DCU Center in Worcester as the Commonwealth prepares additional capacity for COVID-19 patients. This site will be built by the National Guard and is the first field hospital to re-open in the state since June.


“The Commonwealth continues to see an alarming rise in cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19 and we are acting now to expand hospital capacity,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “All residents are urged to follow guidance to wear masks, stay home at night and stop gathering. We are preparing our hospital system to add more beds and stand up our first field hospital to care for COVID-19 patients if these trends continue. We will keep working with our health care system to monitor capacity and will be prepared to open more locations if needed.”


The plan to re-establish the field hospital in Worcester was activated this week. The site is expected to be available for patients in the first week of December if needed and additional locations will be added in other regions if necessary. No further changes or restrictions to regular hospital services in Massachusetts are being implemented at this time.


“Since Day One of our response to this crisis, we have worked to ensure that our hospitals and health care providers have the resources they need to meet the acute care health needs of our residents,” said EOHHS Secretary Marylou Sudders, the COVID-19 Command Center Director. “We are in a much better position to respond to what will be a difficult next few months, and the early re-opening of this field hospital is based on the data we see is the right action to take at this time."


State officials have closely monitored several metrics and note that hospitalizations since Labor Day have increased from 178 to 661. While the hospital system manages the current demand for COVID and non-COVID care, the DCU site will provide approximately 240 additional beds to care for lower-acuity COVID-19 patients, helping preserve hospital system capacity for higher-risk patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or other serious health conditions.


The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) will coordinate the logistics of the DCU Center field hospital, in close collaboration with the Command Center, City of Worcester, and UMass Memorial Health Care, which will again lead all clinical, day-to-day, operations.


“The Commonwealth’s forward planning and ability to stand up this Alternate Care Site with our partners is a direct result of lessons learned and our experience during the first wave of the pandemic,” said MEMA Director Samantha Phillips. "We hope that we won't need all of these overflow beds, but if we do, they’ll be ready.”


The DCU Center was the first of five field hospitals constructed by the Commonwealth during the response to the springtime surge of COVID-19 cases. From early April until late May, when it was de-mobilized, the DCU site served 161 patients. In total, the DCU and the Boston Hope field hospitals cared for more than 570 hospital patients during the first pandemic surge.     


“This is the right thing to do and at the right time. The field hospital was an enormous asset for Central Massachusetts hospitals during the spring surge. I believe it can serve an even greater purpose today because we have learned so much more about the virus and caring for COVID-19 patients since then. Our team is ready to deploy and to assist the state’s hospitals,” said Eric W. Dickson, MD, President and CEO of UMass Memorial Health Care.


Alternate Care Sites are designed as clinical spaces for lower acuity patients. These sites provide a relief valve for hospitals, allowing them to manage or reconfigure their facilities to care for more seriously ill patients. Each site is built to safely accommodate the beds, equipment, and medical supplies needed to appropriately care for COVID-19 patients.


The establishment of field hospitals has been a critical strategy in Massachusetts' response to COVID-19. Additionally, the Command Center has added 30 specialty beds at two long term care facilities to increase capacity for individuals being discharged from acute care hospitals to nursing home level of care and are on ventilators or had tracheotomies. The Commonwealth’s continued preparedness has also included the stockpiling of millions of pieces of PPE, including gloves, masks, gowns, and other essential equipment as hundreds of additional ventilators. The state’s emergency stockpile will buttress strong preparedness that hospitals and other health care facilities have undertaken in the last several months, including building their own inventories to respond to the next stage of the pandemic.

(From the governor's office)