
星期二, 7月 07, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights EEE Preparedness Measures

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights EEE Preparedness Measures

PLYMOUTH – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito today joined Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Monica Bharel and local officials to highlight steps the Commonwealth is taking to prepare for Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) this year. Preparedness measures include ongoing and increased surveillance testing, an updated public awareness campaign, and mitigation efforts such as larvicide, spraying, and horse vaccination. The Administration also highlighted its recently-filed legislation that would authorize a coordinated, proactive, statewide approach to mosquito control activities.

EEE is a rare but serious and potentially fatal disease that can affect people of all ages. EEE is generally spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. There were 12 human cases of EEE in Massachusetts in 2019 with six deaths. There were also nine cases in domestic animals.

“After Massachusetts experienced a significant outbreak of EEE last year, our Administration has been taking proactive, early steps to prepare for the virus this year, especially as the Commonwealth continues to confront the ongoing public health challenges associated with COVID-19,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are implementing early mitigation efforts and reminding residents to take steps to protect themselves and their families. We also look forward to working with our legislative colleagues to pass our legislation authorizing a statewide, coordinated approach to EEE.”

“As we prepare for an outbreak of EEE this year, our Administration has been working for months on early preparedness efforts to combat mosquito-borne illnesses,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “These steps will complement our work to facilitate a coordinated statewide approach through our recently-filed legislation and the work we all must do to keep ourselves and our families safe.”

Regional mosquito control projects and districts provide mosquito control services to member communities, and have been engaged in proactive, preventative activities since early spring. Spring larviciding applications were conducted by regional mosquito control districts covering 10 counties, from the Berkshires to Cape Cod, and targeted over 19,600 acres. These larviciding operations specifically targeted the mosquito species that drive the EEE disease cycle, with the goal of reducing the risk of EEE.

Regional mosquito control districts also coordinated to conduct field trials using three different larviciding products to determine their effectiveness in early spring treatments. Additionally, truck-mounted spraying using adulticiding products started in June and will run through the end of the summer.

“After last year’s significant spike in EEE cases, it is critical that the Commonwealth take aggressive, proactive measures to prepare for another potential outbreak,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “We are pleased to work closely with mosquito control districts across Massachusetts to support the early planning and deliberate action needed to mitigate the threat to public health presented by mosquito-borne diseases like EEE.”

The Department of Public Health (DPH) recently launched a new website for updated information and an expanded public awareness campaign reminding people to take steps to protect themselves from mosquito-borne illnesses like EEE. To prepare for mosquito season:

  • Drain standing water in and around your house or yard to prevent mosquito breeding.

  • Repair window and door screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

  • Use a mosquito repellent with an EPA-registered ingredient according to the directions on the label.

  • Wear clothing to reduce exposed skin when weather permits.

DPH is also conducting surveillance testing on mosquitos as it prepares for the 2020 EEE season. Yesterday DPH confirmed EEE in a mosquito sample collected on July 5 in the Franklin County community of Wendell, raising the risk level to “moderate” in Wendell and New Salem. On Friday, state officials reported the state’s first EEE positive mosquito sample in the Franklin County community of Orange, raising risk levels to “moderate” in Orange and Athol. No human or animal case of EEE has been detected so far this year. Current information and maps for risk levels can be found here.
“People have an important role to play in protecting themselves from mosquito-borne illnesses, which can be very serious,” said Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Monica Bharel. “We have already launched a robust public awareness campaign with messages to continue throughout the season to remind our residents early and often about the specific measures to take to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites.”

For more information about preventing mosquito and tickborne illness, visit www.mass.gov/mosquitoesandticks or watch this video from DPH about how you can protect yourself and your family.

星期一, 7月 06, 2020

MIT教授李燦輝辭世 波士頓華埠輿圖待續

                    (Boston Orange )202072日時,波士頓殞落一名關心華人社區的學者。曾任麻省理工學院市區研究及計畫(Urban Studies and Planning)系主任,紐英崙華人歷史協會,亞美社區發展中心,以及中華廣教學校董事的李燦輝(Tunney Lee)因癌症引起的併發症辭世,享年88歲。
                   李燦輝是廣東台山人,1931年出生,也是極少數,當年在波士頓華埠長大,並一直留在麻州的華裔學者。他對華埠感情極深,辭世前致力於製作華埠輿圖(Chinatown Alta)”,從建築角度,為波士頓華埠的發展留下歷史紀錄。
根據麻州大學亞美研究院副院長羅燕卿(Shauna Lo)200910月做的口述歷史採訪記錄,李燦輝的曾祖父於1882年應徵來美,參與修築橫貫美國大陸的第一條鐵路-太平洋鐵路,其後於1892年來麻州,在水橋(Bridgewater)的一家洗衣店工作,奠下他一家落腳麻州的遠因。
            李氏公所的人透露,李燦輝的父親Kwang Lien Lee是名學有所成的律師,更是李氏公所得以在泰勒街上擁有一座至今仍美輪美奐大樓的關鍵人物。
1937年,中日戰爭爆發,礙於當年美國有移民配額限制,只有男生才能入境美國,李燦輝的父親因而只帶著6歲的他跋涉重洋,先抵達加拿大溫哥華,再搭火車穿越加拿大,到新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia),登上蒸汽船,一路來到波士頓時,都已經是1938年,李燦輝也7歲了。他還記得在東波士頓移民站,被移民官盤問了不下一個小時。
他母親Kam Kwai Chan及三個妹妹,礙於美國當年的移民法規定,留在中國,直到後來,才依序於19701980年代來到美國。
李燦輝來美後,曾在波士頓華埠的牛津地(Oxford),乞臣街(Hudson)等地居住,一直到1949年他從波士頓拉丁學校(Boston Latin School)畢業,進密西根大學建築系,才離開。由於他祖父逝於1948年,他父親長年在華府工作,中學畢業後,他竟從此沒再過回波士頓華埠。
大學畢業後,他從追隨建築師及未來學家Buckminster Fuller,以及著名的華裔建築師貝聿銘(I.M. Pei)工作,就是在紐約為貝聿銘工作時,他認識了從芝加哥大學畢業,在Cooper Union深造的Irene Friedman,並在獲得傅爾布萊特獎學金,赴義大利深造期間,展開情書攻勢,最終於1957年在羅馬締結良緣。
李燦輝後來曾經擔任波士頓市政府重建局(BRA)計畫及設計長,在杜卡吉斯(Michael S. Dukakis)的麻州州長任內,做過麻州都成營運及計畫局( Division of Capital Planning and Operations)副局長,從麻省理工學院退休後,他又應香港中文大學之邀,為該校創立建築系,並擔任創系主席。
同時間,他也回到波士頓華埠,為保存華埠歷史,展開了後來也設置網站,並獲得麻州歷史局表揚的”華埠圖輿(Chinatown Alta)”計畫。
李燦輝身後遺有二女,住在劍橋市的Kaela,住在布魯克蘭鎮的Dara Lee Lewis3個妹妹,住在BraintreeMu Zhen Li,住在昆士市的Cui Yu Li ,以及住在牛頓市的Xiao Xia Li,以及3名孫子女。李燦輝的家人計畫以Zoom舉行追思會,日期未定。

星期五, 7月 03, 2020


BOSTON, MA – The Red Sox today outlined several physical changes to Fenway Park and new operating protocols that support the safe operation of Summer Camp (the resumption of 2020 Spring Training). 
To allow for appropriate density and physical distancing between players, lockers for the players have been moved from the Red Sox Clubhouse into suites. Other spaces such as the workout areas, batting cages, and bullpens, have also been expanded into fan seating areas and concourses in different parts of the ballpark. 
Suites Converted to Red Sox Locker Rooms 
To best adhere to the MLB guidelines promoting proper physical distancing, suites in Right Field have been converted to accommodate locker room space for two Red Sox players per suite. Spaces within the existing Red Sox clubhouse will be re-assigned and adjusted to provide players and staff with facilities that are in line with MLB’s health and safety guidelines.
Concourse Conversion
The Right Field Concourse, typically a concession area and walkway for fans, has been transformed into an expanded training and conditioning area that includes the installation of a new open-air batting cage. Located in close proximity to the existing Red Sox Clubhouse, the auxiliary space includes artificial turf with equipment like bikes and weights lining the walls. A covered pitcher’s mound has also been installed in a portion of the Big Concourse located under the Bleachers. In addition to the significant expanded space afforded in the concourses, enhanced air circulation is also a benefit of the covered but not fully enclosed areas.
Alternate Summer Camp Sites
In addition to activities at Fenway Park, the Club will utilize Boston College’s Harrington Athletic Village and McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket as alternate training sites. Workouts will begin at Boston College over the weekend and in Pawtucket later in camp.
COVID-19 Testing
Screening and testing of all Red Sox players, coaches, and staff has taken place throughout the week in advance of the start of Major League Baseball’s Summer Camp. Regular asymptomatic testing of players and staff will continue throughout camp and the regular season. The Red Sox have worked closely with medical experts and MLB on the planning and execution of a comprehensive and stringent set of health and safety protocols. All Red Sox testing is being facilitated by MLB through a separate testing facility the league has established to avoid competing with public testing needs. 

波士頓市議員吳弭與Kim Janey呼籲地鐵減價或免費

波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)(左)在Nubian廣場地鐵站前

                    (Boston Orange) 波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)和市議會議長Kim Janey,幾位民選議員一起,71日在Nubian地鐵站舉行記者會,重推改善公共交通系統運動,呼籲減價,甚至索性免費,以期更可負擔。他們也呼籲增加汽油稅,以資助更好的服務。
               吳弭和Kim Janey表示,71日是MBTA最近一次漲價的一週年,也是MBTA7年來第4次漲價。該漲價行動引發的抗議,後來導致巴士免費的呼籲。
                 吳弭也和她的前任波士頓市議員同事,現任聯邦眾議員普利斯萊(Ayanna Pressley),聯邦參議員馬基(Ed Markey)MassLive.com上,聯名發表了一篇文章,稱自由移動法案(Freedom to Move Act)”將增加流動性,聯繫社區,協助經濟恢復。
             波士頓市議會現任議長Kim Janey表示,新型冠狀病毒展現給人們看的是,免費巴士是可行的。她說,我不要看車票減價,我要見到某些巴士路線免費,尤其是那些經過黑人及棕人社區的巴士須要免費
             支持交通系統改革的人(Transit advocates)今年稍早前表示,讓所有巴士免費得耗用MBTA3600萬元一年,約等於增加一分錢汽油稅可產生的經費。
             MBTA曾經承諾為所有低收入乘客設立折扣票價系統,以青年派司(Youth Pass)”,為25歲以下的低收入成人也提供折扣。但這提案討論經年,進展不大。
             五月時,病毒大流行讓搭乘率崩塌,為低收入乘客減價也變得比以前更難。交通廳廳長Stephanie Pollack曾建議,由地方政府或非牟利機構協助出資辦理減價。
             另一個可以減價或免費的做法是爭取聯邦經費。聯邦眾議員普利斯來(Ayanna Pressley)和麻州聯邦參議員愛德華馬基(Edward Markey)最近已遞交一項法案,為交通機構減票價提供資金。
             MBTA已採取了幾項行動,他們相信會讓低收入乘客受惠,包括今秋開始廢除以現金或查里卡付費之間的費用差距;准許乘客免費轉乘巴士,以及紅線到費爾蒙通勤火車線(Fairmount commuter);把青年派司的優或擴展到通勤火車上。
             Nubian廣場上,麻州眾議員Nika Elugardo Tommy Vitolo呼籲參議會通過眾億會3月時通過的交通經費法案。該法案包括汽油稅加5分,以及資助交通項目的新企業稅架構。

星期四, 7月 02, 2020


(Boston Orange)快被新型冠狀病毒悶得發瘋?別急,波士頓市來救你了,78日到29日,每星期三晚上,波士頓市的停車場有免費駛入看電影院(drive-in movies)”系列。
71日的星期三下午,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)在推特上宣佈了這一計畫,還播放了一段模仿影片播放前宣傳片段的視頻,上面甚至還有類似夢工廠的標誌。
78日,15日這兩晚,將在波士頓會議展覽中心(BCEC)的停車場舉行,分別在晚上6點及8點半,各放映兩場電影。8日晚放映” Moana” 以及昨天(Yesterday)”15日晚放映冷凍(Frozen)”,以及侏儸紀公園(Jurassic Park)”
和新型冠狀病毒大流行期間,在麻州的其他駛入電影院(drive-in movie theaters)相似,波士頓市這駛入看電影要求進場看電影的車輛彼此保持6英尺距離,步出車輛就得戴口罩,去上廁所也得戴口罩。

第三階段重新開放 麻州7月6日 波士頓市7月13日

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)強調民眾應該保持警惕心。
               (Boston Orange)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)在今日中午舉行的疫情簡報中宣佈,下週一(76),麻州重新開放邁入第三階段。健身房,博物館,還有賭場都可以營業了。波士頓市則將暫緩至713日才實施。

麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)說明州政府和地方市鎮交流緊密。
波士頓市決定暫緩一週,延至713日才開始進入第三階段,因為在麻州進入第二階段開放期間,北端(North End)出現人們擠成一堆用餐現象,引出抱怨無數,波士頓市甚至為此舉行公聽會。
          麻州健康及人民服務廳廳長Marylou Sudders表示確診率已大幅下降。
             麻州健康及人民服務廳廳長Marylou Sudders表示,最近的COVID-19一週7天確診平均率,和4月中相比,已下降了94%,住院病人的3天平均數也下降了79%,整個麻州已做了100萬人次的檢測,所有數據都讓人欣慰。
             由於美國多地出現疫情回升現象,不少已重新開放的州、市都開始收緊規定。新澤西州原本今日開始開放室內用餐,但該州州長Phil Murphy週一時表示,將無限期展延。紐約市市長白斯豪(Bill de Blasio)也稱其他地方的個案快速增加,值得警惕。康州州長也說,他要重新考慮在本月內重新開放酒吧。

Reopening Massachusetts: Baker-Polito Administration Initiates Transition to Third Phase of Four-Phase Approach

Reopening Massachusetts: Baker-Polito Administration Initiates Transition to Third Phase of Four-Phase Approach
Consistent with Public Health Data and Trends, Phase III of Reopening Massachusetts Set to Begin on July 6

The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that on July 6th, Phase III of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan will begin and updates on gatherings will be in effect. For the City of Boston, Phase III and the gatherings order will take effect on Monday, July 13th.

The Department of Public Health (DPH) also issued updated guidance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Step One of Phase III:

On May 18, the administration released a four-phased plan to reopen the economy based on public health data, spending at least three weeks in each phase. Key public health data, such as new cases and hospitalizations, have been closely monitored and has seen a decline allowing for Phase III to begin on July 6th. Phase III will begin on July 13th in Boston.
The public health dashboard designating the progress of key COVID-19 data metrics has been updated to reflect the number of COVID-19 patients in Massachusetts hospitals to green, indicating a positive trend. 

Since mid-April, the 7-day average for the positive COVID-19 test rate is down 94 percent, the 3-day average of hospitalized patients is down 79 percent and the number of hospitals in surge is down 86 percent.

More than 1,000,000 total COVID-19 tests have been administered, and testing continues throughout the state.

The following businesses will be eligible to reopen in Step One of Phase III, subject to industry-specific rules concerning capacity and operations:

  • Movie theaters and outdoor performance venues;

  • Museums, cultural and historical sites;

  • Fitness centers and health clubs;

  • Certain indoor recreational activities with low potential for contact;

  • Professional sports teams, under the authority of league-wide rules, may hold games without spectators

Full guidance and list of businesses eligible to reopen in Step One of Phase III can be found at www.mass.gov/reopeningBusinesses and sectors set to begin opening in Phase III are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards.

Revised Gatherings Order:

Under the updated gatherings order, indoor gatherings are limited to eight people per 1,000 square feet, but should not exceed 25 people in a single enclosed, indoor space.

Outdoor gatherings in enclosed spaces are limited to 25 percent of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy, with a maximum of 100 people in a single enclosed outdoor space. This includes community events, civic events, sporting events, concerts, conventions and more. This order does not apply to outdoor, unenclosed gatherings if proper social distancing measures are possible.

This revised order does not supersede previously issued sector guidance, and is effective beginning Monday, July 6. It will be effective Monday, July 13 in the City of Boston.
Public Health Guidance:

In Phase III, health care providers may continue to provide in-person procedures and services as allowed in Phase II, with the addition of certain group treatment programs and day programs. These programs include adult day health, day habilitation programs, and substance abuse services day treatment and outpatient services. Certain human services programs can reopen including community based day services for adults with intellectual and cognitive disabilities and psychosocial rehabilitation clubhouses.       

Health care providers are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards, and must continue to utilize prioritization policies established in Phase II for care delivery and scheduling, as well as monitor patient volume for non-essential, elective procedures and services.

Read the full guidance here.

In Phase III, visitation guidelines have been updated for 24/7 congregate care facilities and programs overseen by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, including the Departments of Developmental Services, Youth Services, Children and Families, Public Health, Mental Health and the Mass Rehabilitation Commission. Offsite visits, including overnight visits, will be allowed, under specific guidelines. Other updated guidelines, including visitation for long term care facilities, will be released later today. Complete visitation guidance is available at www.mass.gov/hhs/reopening. 

MassHealth will also extend its current telehealth flexibility through at least the end of the year to ensure member access to critical health care services and encourage continued adherence to preventative public health precautions.



Grants will support food access during the summer months, domestic violence services

BOSTON - Thursday, July 2, 2020 - Continuing his commitment to an equitable recovery for City of Boston residents most impacted by COVID-19, Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee today announced the distribution of nearly $1.9 million to 15 organizations. In total, the Resiliency Fund has granted over $22 million to 295 nonprofit and local organizations to provide support to Boston's most vulnerable residents. 

"The COVID-19 pandemic is still having major impacts on the City of Boston and our residents, and we will continue to use the Boston Resiliency Fund to support our communities with the greatest need," said Mayor Walsh. "As we enter the summer months, I am pleased that the Fund will help us support essential and vital services, including providing and delivering meals, expanding capacity in the domestic violence shelter system, supporting those in recovery, and more."

In total, 49 percent of grantee organizations are led by a person of color and 55 percent of grantee organizations are led by a woman. The Fund serves every neighborhood in Boston, but has focused on the neighborhoods hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. A map showing the neighborhood impact of Boston Resiliency Fund grantees across the City of Boston can be found on the Fund's website. Of the new grants announced today, 43 percent are led by a person of color and 57 percent are led by a woman. Since the first round of fund distribution, the Fund has raised over $32.4 million from over 6,400 donors.    

"Ellie Fund is grateful to the Boston Resiliency Fund for this crucial support of patients being treated for breast cancer amid this pandemic," said Meredith Mendelson, Executive Director of Ellie Fund. "This critical funding will ensure that our patients have safe and reliable transportation to treatment, and access to nutritious food. These services also lower their risk of exposure to COVID-19 because our supports are delivered to patients directly. The financial, physical and emotional hardships patients face during treatment are now exacerbated by COVID-19. BRF's funding will help us provide the extra support our patients need at this especially stressful and overwhelming time."

This week, grants will support the expansion of capacity in the domestic violence shelter system, the reopening of farmers markets, a campaign to close the SNAP gap, and additional supports for community-based organizations across the city. The grants range in size and will be awarded to the following organizations: 

Boston Area Domestic Violence Partnership: Boston Area Domestic Violence Partnership will use the funding to expand capacity in the domestic violence shelter system over the summer and provide food, and emergency supplies to these families. Casa Myrna will serve as the lead partner for the group that includes: Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence, Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery at BIDMC of Boston, Domestic Violence Program at Boston Medical Center, Elizabeth Stone House, HarborCOV, HAVEN at MGH, Passageway at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Renewal House of the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry, RESPOND, and Transition House.
Common Good Project: The Common-Good Project will use BRF funds to provide CSA shares to working-class and underemployed minority women, isolated seniors, and community members with disabilities in the Dorchester, Mattapan, and Greater Boston area. The grant does not cover community health worker salaries. 

Community Outreach Ministries, Inc.: Community Outreach Ministries will use the BRF grant to help connect seniors to services and their broader support community through technology. 

DRIVE Boston Community Resources, Inc.: DRIVE Boston will purchase grocery store and general gift cards, along with needed supplies, to support residents in need across the City. 
Ellie Fund: Ellie Fund will use the funding to support and protect vulnerable breast cancer patients from COVID-19. Services include grocery support and delivery, prepared & delivered meals, and safe transportation to/from medical appointments

Family Aid Boston, Inc.: Family Aid Boston will use the funding to deliver food, supplies, and grocery gift cards weekly, directly to client apartments. Social workers will survey clients bi-weekly to assess needs and monitor health and housing status. 

Faith Based Grassroots Addiction Recovery Coalition: Leaders of the Faith Based Grassroots Addiction Recovery Coalition (FBGARC), along with The Gavin Foundation & community partners, will provide support to people in recovery and returning citizens during the pandemic through:
  • Care Packages: Provide care packages to people entering sober homes, either through the probation/parole partnership or through other treatment programs. These care packages will include personal hygiene items, bedding, towels, flip-flops, and a grocery store gift card, and will be provided directly to the 14 participating sober homes in Boston.
  • Peer Support Meetings: Bring together local houses of worship and recovery service providers to facilitate outdoor peer support meetings. FBGARC plans on enlisting approximately 5-6 places of worship or community spaces, which would be equipped with picnic tables, sun umbrellas, podiums, PPE, and cleaning supplies. All meetings would comply with social distancing and other public health guidelines. 
Friday Night Supper Club: For Boston's homeless population, the COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly devastating as food, shelter and medical care are even harder to secure during this health crisis. Friday Night Supper Club will use the funding to purchase groceries and supplies for their Friday Night Supper Program (FNSP), which serves nutritious takeaway meals at the Arlington Street Church in Boston to anyone in need.
Lena Park Community Development Corporation (CDC): Lena Park CDC will use the funding to secure essential goods and supplies, for 750 residents for a 4-week period. They are planning for the re-opening of the Community Engagement Center (contingent upon and in accordance with local, state, and federal approval/guidance) and will also prioritize funds to offer their broader, non-resident community access to their COVID-19 relief supports and services as they continue moving their lives forward as the community recovers from the devastating effects of the pandemic. The funding will support work to support Lena Park households with grocery store gift cards.

Mass Farmers Market: Mass Farmers Market will use the funding to provide access to farm fresh local fruit and vegetables for families, seniors, and individuals this summer. The program will provide weekly coupons to those in need regardless of immigration status, while supporting the local economy and urban agriculture. A map of farmers markets in the City, days and hours of operation, and available payment methods can be found here.

New England Community Services: New England Community Services will provide grocery gift cards to families in the community. 

Project Bread: Project Bread will develop and implement a public awareness campaign to promote Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) enrollment and utilization, targeting SNAP gap households and other eligible but unenrolled families. These funds will provide operational and additional language support to the FoodSource Hotline and train community-based organizations and health centers to screen for SNAP eligibility and support with applications.
Voice of the Tabernacle Multi Service Center Inc (VTMC): VTMC would use the funding to support critical support services to Haitian refugee and immigrant youth and emergency housing assistance. This program is heavily utilized by unaccompanied youth who need assistance in finding stable, long-term housing in culturally-connected communities. 

We Are Better Together Warren Daniel Hairston Project: We Are Better Together (WABT) will use the funding to purchase food gift cards and groceries. Access to food/financial insecurity is a significant need for their families, many of whom are seniors or single caregivers caring for children due to the loss of a parent/caregiver to homicide and/or incarceration. These families often face barriers in mainstream supportive services.

West End House: The West End House Boys and Girls Club in Allston will use the funding to continue their food delivery program to families they serve. 




Grantees selected will participate in six virtual workshops and will receive $3,500 in funding

BOSTON - Thursday, July 2, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the second funding round of the Childcare Entrepreneur Fund, which will provide cash grants and business skills workshops to 25 family childcare entrepreneurs in Boston this summer and 25 more in the fall. As the City transitions through a safe, phased reopening, access to childcare is critical for parents and guardians returning to workplaces, and the early educators who provide it need additional support. Applications are available starting today through July 22, 2020 at www.boston.gov/childcare-fund.

"In Boston, we are dedicated to a safe, gradual reopening to ensure the safety of residents while also ensuring that families have access to the childcare they need," said Mayor Walsh. "As more businesses begin to reopen as a part of the State's reopening plan, this next round of the Childcare Entrepreneur Fund will increase access to childcare and help families who must return to physical workplaces."

Childcare Entrepreneurship Fund grant recipients will attend six virtual workshops on topics including accounting, marketing, shared services, and resources available to them as they reopen. After completing the workshops, grantees will receive a $3,500 grant to use to stabilize or expand their business. 

In May of this year, the first round of 22 childcare professionals graduated from the pilot program

"I learned that my business is very important to society. We are contributing to a better future with the education and love that we give to the children we have in our program," said grant recipient Maria Estevez. "I hope other colleagues can have the same opportunity that I had, for the education of our children and for the improvement of our community."

Building on Mayor Walsh's commitment to helping small businesses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Childcare Entrepreneur Fund has $175,000 available for grant rounds in summer 2020 and fall 2020. In addition to this Fund, Mayor Walsh has previously made available several grant programs to assist small businesses throughout the pandemic.

The Small Business Relief Fund has awarded grants ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 to businesses most impacted by COVID-19, totally $5.9 million so far. The Reopen Boston Fund was created to help small businesses put safety measures in place, including buying personal protective equipment, installing safety partitions for customers and employees, and managing outdoor space approved for business use. To date, $1.2 million has been provided to 713 businesses. Finally, the Boston Resiliency Fund has granted $941,625 to 32 emergency child care providers to ensure their financial viability during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Applications for the second round of funding will close on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. Mailed applications must be postmarked by the closing date. The application is available at www.boston.gov/childcare-fund.

Virtual sessions will be held to provide information about the program and the application process to all interested residents. They will take place on the following days on the Women's Advancement Facebook page:
  • Thursday, July 9, 2020 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday July 15, 2020 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. (in Spanish)
  • Saturday July 18, 2020 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
For more information, on the Childcare Entrepreneurship Fund, go to www.boston.gov/childcare-fund. Please direct all translation requests to bostonwomen@boston.gov.


Registration for 124th Boston Marathon Virtual Experience to Open Tuesday, July 7

BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has announced that registration for the 124th Boston Marathon Virtual Experience will open on Tuesday, July 7 at 10:00 a.m. The virtual race is open only to participants who were originally entered in the Boston Marathon scheduled for April 20, 2020.
“The world cannot come to Boston this year, so we will bring the Boston Marathon to the world through a virtual experience that captures the spirit, community, and celebration of the race,” said Tom Grilk, C.E.O of the B.A.A. “The 124th Boston Marathon Virtual Experience will allow participants to be part of Boston Marathon history."
The cost to register for the 124th Boston Marathon Virtual Experience will be $50. Beginning at 10:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, July 7, participants will be emailed their unique registration code. The first 15,000 registrants will receive a Pre-Race Package delivered by Amazon containing a commemorative 2020 Boston Marathon bib and training items from Clif Bar, Poland Spring, Abbott, and more.
All finishers of the 124th Boston Marathon will receive a Post-Race Package delivered by Amazon containing their Boston Marathon Official Participant shirt, unicorn finisher’s medal, Official 2020 Boston Marathon Program, Sam Adams 124th Boston Marathon bottle opener, and additional celebratory items. The limited edition Pre- and Post-Race Packages will be branded in the Boston Marathon blue and gold and feature the iconic B.A.A. unicorn.
All registrants will receive access to a unique Boston Marathon Virtual Experience platform where runners can track and upload their 26.2-mile results, view leaderboards and standings, and download a virtual tool kit. The platform, which will be available in a to-be-launched application as well as in a web-based platform, will feature unique Boston Marathon audio cues to enhance the pre-race and race experience. To be considered a finisher of the Boston Marathon Virtual Experience, entrants must complete 26.2 miles in one continuous run on any day between September 7–14 and submit proof of completion to the B.A.A. Participants will not have a time limit by which to complete their race, but are required to complete the full marathon distance continuously on the same day.
The Boston Marathon Virtual Experience will also engage the more than 10,000 volunteers who originally registered to assist with events throughout April’s canceled race weekend. All volunteers will be encouraged to give back to their local communities in a way that celebrates the spirit of the Boston Marathon. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to receive their Official 2020 Volunteer Jacket or donate it to a frontline worker.
Leading up to September’s race week, participants will receive more information on the virtual experience. Participant newsletters will provide information on training tips, summer running, hydration, and tips on creating your own 26.2-mile course.
The 2020 Boston Marathon, originally scheduled for April 20, 2020, was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. All entrants were offered a full refund of entry fees associated with April’s race.
Established in 1887, the Boston Athletic Association is a non-profit organization with a mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle through sports, especially running. The B.A.A. manages the Boston Marathon, and also supports comprehensive charity, youth, and year-round programming. The Boston Marathon is part of the Abbott World Marathon Majors, along with international marathons in Tokyo, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York City. Since 1986, the principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon has been John Hancock. For more information on the B.A.A., please visit www.baa.org.