
星期三, 6月 17, 2020

波士頓經文處再送麻州6萬片口罩 N95有1萬

左起,麻州眾議員黃子安,國際貿易投資辦公室主任Mark Sullivan,
麻州眾議員Kay Khan,聯邦眾議員約瑟夫甘迺迪辦公室代表Kevin
O'Neil,Zachary Larrabee,麻州老人事務廳廳長陳倩等人代表
               (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導)駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處616日再送麻州6萬片口罩,其中包括1萬片N95口罩。

               波士頓經文處16日在牛頓市的僑教中心舉行捐贈儀式,由處長徐佑典致贈,麻州國際貿易投資辦公室(MOITI)主任蘇利文(Mark Sullivan)代表麻州接受,並與麻州眾議員黃子安,Kay Khan,分別送上了感謝狀、表揚狀。
麻州國際貿易投資辦公室主任Mark Sullivan(左)代表麻州州長,
聯邦眾議員約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Joseph P. Kennedy III)的代表,以及父親陳度現定居台灣的麻州老年事務廳(EOEA)廳長陳倩(Elizabeth Chen)這天也應邀出席見證。
蘇利文在儀式現場宣讀了麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)的感謝狀,感謝台灣兩度捐贈口罩。由於知道徐佑典即將離任返台,蘇利文這天特地把州長查理貝克悍婦州長白莉朵署名的表揚狀,帶到現場,提前頒發。
麻州眾議員黃子安(左),Kay Khan(右)送上州議會的表揚狀給波士頓

星期二, 6月 16, 2020




First ever program in Boston combines down payment and closing cost assistance with a very low interest rate mortgage

BOSTON - Monday, June 15, 2020 - Building on his commitment to increasing homeownership in Boston, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a new mortgage and down payment program, ONE+Boston, which gives income-qualified first-time Boston homebuyers greater ability to purchase a home in Boston by combining a discount on a low-interest rate mortgage product with down payment assistance. The ONE+Boston program is the City's first affordable mortgage program to be created specifically for low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyers, and the first to be developed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the last 30 years. 

"The ONE+Boston program is a great new resource that will help make the dream of owning a home a reality for more residents," said Mayor Walsh. "Creating pathways to homeownership means giving people the opportunity for equity and wealth building for themselves and their family. One of the most important ways to close the wealth gap is by providing the ability for wealth to be passed on from generation to generation, and homeownership is a key part of that." 

The ONE+Boston program was designed to supplement one of the state's existing affordable mortgage programs (the ONE Mortgage) by providing qualified buyers, based on area median income, additional discounts on interest rates. With the new ONE+Boston program, qualified Boston residents who earn between 80% and 100% area median income will receive a half percent (0.5%) discount rate off the already low-interest rate offered through the ONE Mortgage product (currently about 3%). In addition, Boston residents who earn below 80% of area median income will receive up to one percent (1%) off of the current ONE Mortgage rate. Qualified buyers will also be eligible for downpayment and closing cost assistance through the Boston Home Center.

For example, a family of four making 100% of area median income of $119,000, could afford a $410,000 single-family house in Boston with a conventional loan. With the ONE+Boston program, the same family could afford a $539,000 single-family house in Boston.   

The ONE+Boston Program is an enhancement of the ONE mortgage program and the City of Boston's first time homebuyer downpayment assistance program. The City of Boston, through the Boston Home Center, has provided downpayment assistance to over 700 homebuyers since 2014, 70 percent of whom are people of color. Administered by the Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP), the ONE Mortgage program is offered by lenders across Massachusetts to first-time buyers earning at or below 100 percent of area median income. Created in 1990, the ONE Mortgage program has financed over 5,800 loans in Boston, 57 percent of which were for people of color. 

"Thanks to the City of Boston's commitment, ONE+Boston will expand our ability to help moderate-income households and people of color," said Elliot Schmiedl, MHP's homeownership director. "We've always had great support from the Baker-Polito Administration and we're thrilled to partner with Mayor Walsh and the Boston Home Center to help more people build wealth through homeownership in Boston."

Increasing homeownership opportunities, particularly for low- and moderate-income residents, people of color, immigrants and first-generation homebuyers, is one of Mayor Walsh's top housing priorities, as reflected in his Housing A Changing City: Boston 2030 Plan. This new program was developed by Mayor Walsh's Barriers to Homeownership Working Group, which is comprised of representatives from varying housing groups, including business, realtors, local lends, and advocacy groups such as the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance (MAHA) and the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO). 

"Thousands of Boston families, including mine, have benefited from the ONE program, which was originally developed 30 years ago to address racial disparities in lending," said Symone Crawford, Director of Homeownership Education for MAHA. "Today, we are excited to build on that program and launch ONE+Boston with Mayor Walsh, MHP, and participating banks which will help Boston residents buy in Boston and will help us make progress in closing the racial homeownership gap. Some of the 1,000 plus residents who attended the MAHA event last summer with the Mayor will hopefully be among the first to buy a home with this new program." 

Four lenders are offering the ONE+Boston product and were instrumental in the development of the program: Boston Private Bank, Cambridge Trust, Citizens, and Santander banks. Boston Private and Santander are currently offering the ONE+Mortgage product; Cambridge Trust will join on July 1st and Citizens later this summer. For homebuyers interested in the new program, please visit the Boston Home Center's page here or MHP's webpage here for more information.  

The ONE+Boston program is made possible thanks to $7.8 million in Community Preservation funds supported by Mayor Walsh and the Community Preservation Committee. In his proposed Fiscal Year 2021 budget, Mayor Walsh is recommending an additional $1 million to support the program so that more potential homebuyers will have the opportunity to take advantage of the program when buying a home. 

The ONE+Boston program is one of several city resources available to first time homebuyers in Boston. Through the Boston Home Center, the City's one-stop shop for homebuyers and homeowners, residents are able to receive assistance in purchasing, improving and keeping their home through a suite of resources including training, financial help and counseling to first-time homebuyers, guidance and funding for homeowners for home improvements, and counseling to help families avoid foreclosure.The Home Center also markets homes developed for income-eligible, first-time homebuyers. 

For more information about how to apply for the ONE+Boston program, please visit here.

星期一, 6月 15, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Pop-Up Testing Sites for Participants of Large Gatherings

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Pop-Up Testing Sites for Participants of Large Gatherings

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the availability of pop-up COVID-19 testing sites throughout the Commonwealth for individuals who have recently participated in large gatherings. These free testing sites will be available at over 50 sites throughout the Commonwealth on Wednesday, June 17th and Thursday, June 18th. The Administration is urging anyone who has attended a large gathering in the past two weeks to get tested for COVID-19 at one of these sites. Test results will be provided to each participant confidentially, and participants are encouraged to share these results with their doctors.

A full list of all testing sites is available at www.mass.gov/gettested.

Social distancing, wearing face coverings, the frequent use of disinfectant and handwashing have been important to the Commonwealth’s efforts to decrease the number and rate of newly confirmed positive cases. COVID-19 can spread easily and quickly in large groups of people who are in close contact. Some people do not have symptoms but may have the virus and could spread the virus to others, including family members.

The Administration has worked with partners across the Commonwealth to provide these sites including Baystate Health, Berkshire Medical Center, Beth Israel Lahey Health, Brockton Community Health Center, Brookside Community Health Center, Cambridge Health Alliance, Community Health Connections, CVS, Fairview Hospital, Lawrence General Hospital, Lynn Community Health Center, Massachusetts General Hospital Chelsea, Outer Cape Health Services, Manet Community Health Center, and UMass Medical Center.

To date, Massachusetts has tested more than 700,000 people for COVID-19. On average, 10,000 individuals are tested each day, comprising 4.4% of the state’s population each month. The state currently has capacity at 45 labs to perform up to 30,000 COVID-19 tests per day, and its nursing home testing strategies have been replicated by states across the country.

The Administration continues to prioritize expanding access to testing, with a key focus of that strategy being ensuring access to testing in skilled nursing facilities, rest homes, and assisted living residences and other 24/7 staffed congregate care settings. On May 30, 2020, the Administration filed its required federal plan to expand COVID-19 testing under the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act of 2020. Massachusetts has received $374 million in federal funding from the Act. 

This funding will help the Commonwealth implement a comprehensive testing strategy that includes: 

  • Increasing lab testing capacity to 45,000 by the end of July;

  • Goal of reducing and maintaining a positive test rate to less than 5 percent;

  • Ensuring on-demand access to testing for all symptomatic individuals and their close contacts;

  • Increasing access to testing for vulnerable and high-risk populations;

  • Building a testing infrastructure to support a potential second surge;

  • Modernizing public technology infrastructure to provide real-time data on cases and testing; and

  • Operating a best-in-class contact tracing program.

星期日, 6月 14, 2020

種族歧視是公共衛生議題 波士頓市長挪走1200萬元警察經費

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)宣佈種族歧視是公共衛生議題。

                  (Boston Orange 綜合報導)針對新型冠狀病毒大流行的不同族裔疫情有差,亞裔淪為代罪羔羊,喬治弗洛依德(George Floyd)引發黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter)”抗議風潮,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)宣佈種族歧視是緊急的公共衛生議題,將設新機構,挪警局預算以因應。
               波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)誓言要讓波士頓市在這波行動中成為全美表率,612日宣佈,將把約等於20%波士頓警察局加班費預算的1200萬元,重新調配用途,其中300萬元將轉交給波士頓公共衛生局,由健康及人民服務長Marty Matinez率領團隊,制定8步策略,以及大波士頓現在健康平等計劃(Greater Boston Health Equity Now Plan),來深入造成不平等的根本原因。
                 馬丁華殊也支持波士頓市議會提出的10點行動計畫,已督促警察局完成使用武力政策審核,將採行執行警務合乎正道是勇敢的(Ethical Policing is Courageous)”培訓項目,要求警員在見到不當使用武力時加以干預。
                馬丁華殊宣布將成立一個新的工作小組,由在民權組織,法律及信仰社區工作的波士頓居民組成,由曾擔任助麻州美國檢察官的Wayne Budd率領,將立即審閱波士頓警察局的武力使用政策,以及其他的平等議題。
             波士頓市議員梅佳(Julia Mejia)表示,市議員們收到數以千計的電話,電郵,推特等訊息,要求至少刪減10%的警察局預算,現在波士頓市長做的,至少是個起步。
             3月時就催促波士頓市宣佈種族歧視是健康議題的波士頓市議員Richardo Arroyo表示,波士頓需要維持承諾。探討種族歧視極不平等的根本原因。

星期四, 6月 11, 2020

波士頓四季酒店傳裁員近半 遣散費也只給以前的一半

             (Boston Orange編譯)波士頓市的最豪華五星級酒店之一,每晚住宿費近千元的四季酒店,傳出因為疫情導致的業務不振,上個月解雇了近半員工。
             根據麻州住宿協會(Massachusetts Lodging Association)的資料,疫情大流行對酒店業的影響尤其重,單單是波士頓地區,就有50個酒店業場所關門了,全麻州則有500個。有些已經開始恢復營業,但大部分都要再等幾周,或幾個月。該會會長Paul Sacco拒絕對四季酒店的事發表意見。
             在這團結本地26工會會長Carlos Aramayo表示,讓人更苦惱的是這可能是酒店業開始大幅度解聘員工,永久刪除工作機會,或者重新以較低薪人力取代風潮的開端。酒店娛樂業是波士頓市的數大工業之一,也是工薪階級薪酬較佳的少數行業之一,許多工作機會都落在有色人種身上。目前該公會在協助還未成立工會的四季酒店員工。
          根據本地26公會的調查,位於波約斯頓街的四季酒店是由共同創辦了E. A. Juffali & Brothers公司,該國最大企業的沙烏地阿拉伯商人後裔所擁有。
           員工們表示,四季酒店的手冊要求每工作一年,就可得一週薪資的遣散費。 服務超過10年以上的員工,還額外另加6週薪資,最高可達26週。
           現年40歲,在海地出生,多徹斯特和麥特潘長大的Ricardo Mathelus19歲就開始在四季酒店的Bristol Lounge當服務員。如果把高中實習的時間都算進去,時間還更常。他曾經為自己能夠在四季酒店工作,有著令人難以置信的驕傲,被辭退,他情緒起伏波動很大,感到尷尬,被侮辱,不被尊重,不被需要,覺得其實被利用了。
           塔芙茨大學種族,政治,以及城市政策榮譽退休教室James Jennings表示,在這個時候開除任何員工都是不道德的,因為他們無法從政府那而取得大機構有的那些資源,而一家為富人服務的高端酒店,卻從它所聘用的那些比較不富裕的廚師,清潔人員,侍者那兒獲利,特別的過份。

星期三, 6月 10, 2020


            (Boston Orange編譯)非洲裔黑人喬治佛洛伊德(George Floyd Jr.)因警察執法過度,於525日死亡後在全美掀起的抗議風潮,不但讓波士頓也出現令人傻眼的打砸搶事故之後,連哥倫布雕像的頭都被人砍了。
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)表示,市府員工今(10)日會把位於北端(North End)的這座哥倫布(Christopher Columbus)雕像移開,放入儲藏室,未來如何,要等評估後再決定。
            波士頓警察局發言人James Moccia表示,一名路人在週三凌晨12點半左右,通知波士頓警察,雕像損壞了。警員趕到現場,確認雕像被破壞了,還在雕像附近發現了雕像頭。目前警察正在調查這宗破壞案。
            哥倫布的探索,發現了歐洲新大陸,但人們也指責他的到來,導致原住民被壓迫,生病,種族滅絕。維琴尼亞州Richmond的哥倫布雕像,也在週二晚被人破壞了。Richmond時報-派遣員報導,抗議者把一座高8英尺的哥倫布雕像拉倒下來,拖了200碼左右,然後丟進泉湖(Fountain Lake)
            這座波士頓雕像在過去已被破壞過好幾次,包括200662日時被砍頭。6天之後,警察在北端的Sheaf 街上找到雕像頭。




AACYF68日华盛顿/洛杉矶 – “世界青年在全球疫情下的杰出贡献与观察国际视讯研讨会66日晚在美国首都华盛顿、洛杉矶、北京等地同步举行。来自知名华人青年社会创新和公益组织的十余位重量级嘉宾共同探讨杰出青年理想所在,疫情期间各自的职责与义务,以及对未来的规划和对世界的认知。


哈佛大学法学院研究生毕业,现在洛杉矶从事律师工作的谭君子,20202月参与创办天使守护慈善基金会(GoA Foundation)并出任执行总裁,此前她在武汉封城当天发起成立北美华人捐物小组援鄂抗疫。她在主题演讲中分享了新冠疫情期间创办两个组织的初衷。GoA Foundation20202月至今,共募集440万美元的医疗物资和资金支援中美两地的前线医护人员和急救医疗机构,捐助国内多位一线抗疫医务工作者和美国16个州的71家医疗机构。她组织的北美华人捐物小组在42天内累计运送50吨医疗物资覆盖中国湖北省100多家一线医院。



参与当天研讨会的还有就职于世界银行集团总部王靖穗;美国航空航天局与星同在”(NASA Living With a Star)项目首席科学家李金星博士;目前在美国华盛顿的国际食物政策研究所工作的高琳;只为你进步公益教育组织创始人邓杨;哥伦比亚大学教育学硕士毕业、子知教育青少年发展规划导师,十年一剑全球系列研学项目总策划温钧茹等。

波士頓市已有200家餐廳可戶外待客 華埠內尚無店獲准

           (Boston Orange) 麻州恢復開放進入第二階段,波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(10)日表示,已有500家餐廳遞交了臨時戶外用餐的快速批准申請,目前已有200家獲批。
          馬丁華殊說,波士頓市的北端(North End)餐館密集,做法有點不同,週四才能開始戶外用餐。
           根據波市府提供的已獲批准戶外營業餐廳名單,波士頓華埠內還未有任何一家餐廳獲得批准,但位於芬紐廣場 Chatham 65號的"香港餐廳(Hong Kong at Faneuil Hall)”,以及華埠鄰近南街(South St.)上的 TroquetKitchen Cafe,以及夏日街(Summer St.)上的La Cancun,位於華盛頓街1595號,由華裔餐飲名人張安柔開設的Flour   Bakery+ Cafe已獲批准。



June 9, 2020 QUINCY, MA - Mayor Thomas P. Koch and the Department of Planning & Community Development are pleased to announce that the City’s Small Business Emergency Grant Program has awarded 376 small business owners with a combined total of nearly $2.5M in grant funds to help pay for rent, mortgage, and other operating expenses during this time  of need.The program was funded through an appropriation authorized by Congress under the CARES Act, with almost $1.1M coming from the Community Development Block Grant program, which is administered by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).The Small Business Grant Program was established and launched by Mayor Koch on April 30 to assist  in the stabilization of existing small businesses within the City that have had significant business disruption due to the impact of COVID-19. Applications were accepted through May 15, and checks were mailed to grant recipients this past Friday, June 5. These grant funds will assist small  businesses in the City to cover the unexpected loss in revenue due to the State’s mandate to close all  but essential businesses during the height of the pandemic.“Small businesses are truly the economic engine in our great City and across the country,” said Mayor Koch. “I am  truly grateful to Congressman Stephen Lynch for his support in making these federal funds available in Quincy, and I hope these grants are able to provide local businesses with some level of financial relief as we work together to fully reopen the economy.


Distributed funds will address the needs of Boston's workforce impacted by COVID-19

BOSTON - Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development today announced the dedication of $2.4 million in Neighborhood Jobs Trust (NJT) funds to address the pressing needs of Boston's workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. These needs include educational and financial support for college students, remote learning assistance for English language learners, re-training for hospitality and restaurant workers who lost jobs due to the pandemic, and continued funding for community-based organizations that are crucial to Boston's long-term economic recovery. The NJT funds will also support training programs to help job-seekers enter tech sector job openings as cybersecurity analysts, computer support specialists, application developers, IT business analysts, and network field engineers.

"Supporting our students, workers, and community-based organizations that are re-training our workforce to be ready for the economy post-COVID-19 is crucial for Boston's equitable, long-term recovery," said Mayor Walsh. "Leveraging funding from new development to invest in job training and job placement was our priority before COVID-19, and it will continue to be a priority so that we can help all of residents have opportunities to succeed." 

The Neighborhood Jobs Trust is a public charitable trust that funds education and job training programs for low- and middle-income Boston residents. The Trust is replenished by linkage fees paid by developers of large-scale commercial projects in Boston. Since 2014, new development approved by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) is generating over $75 million in linkage fees, with $61.6 million to support affordable housing and $13.5 million to support job training. 

Since the start of the pandemic, NJT has issued more than $500,000 in emergency grants to nonprofit organizations that provide front-line support to Boston's workforce. For example, BEST Hospitality Training - which traditionally trains workers for Boston's hotel industry - is pivoting to train job-seekers for environmental services positions in healthcare settings. Another nonprofit, Tech Goes Home, is using NJT funds to help adult education and ESOL English programs transition to remote learning by providing technical training to instructors and laptops to students. 

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen how quickly low wage work, language barriers and historic systems of exclusion have exacerbated income inequality in our communities and neighborhood," said Lisette Le, executive director of VietAID, an emergency grant recipient. "As our organization responded to addressing basic needs - food insecurity, support with unemployment - with support from NJT, we also saw it as an opportunity to provide workforce training to those who were unemployed and underemployed because of COVID-19."

NJT has also devoted nearly $30,000 to an emergency fund for Tuition-Free Community College (TFCC) Plan students struggling to continue their spring semester due to financial or educational challenges brought on by the pandemic. Approximately half of all TFCC students applied for support to help with college completion. Nearly two-thirds of the applicants indicated that they or their family had experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19.

"I am super thankful and blessed for the emergency funds that I received because it helped me finish up this semester when I didn't think I could," said Shayne Clinton, a student at Bunker Hill Community College.

Last year, NJT funded 23 community-based organizations that provide low-income Boston residents with job training and support services. The Trust is committing $1.27 million to level-fund these programs in order to support their work, stabilize their budgets, and ensure they can continue to serve the City's growing number of job-seekers.

This year, the Trust is distributing more than $550,000 to 12 organizations that will train residents for careers in the tech sector, Boston's second largest industry. The programs, selected through an open Request for Proposals (RFP) process this spring, employ unique designs to confer particular technical training. Resilient Coders, for example, teaches software development skills to low-income people of color in a coding bootcamp environment that emphasizes communication, collaboration, and networking. Another grantee, Apprenti, prepares tech trainees from under-represented populations for paid, registered apprenticeships with local employers. 

"This funding from the Neighborhood Jobs Trust will provide the opportunity to train more Black and Brown young adults as full stack software developers and connect them with tech jobs in which the average starting salary of our last class was $98,200," said David Delmar, executive director of Resilient Coders. "The Trust's funding will significantly impact the lives of Black and Brown men and women and their families, and help reduce Boston's income inequality." 

A comprehensive list of NJT tech training grantees can be found below.
FY21 NJT Tech Training Grantees

Program Description
Technical training culminating in registered IT/technology apprenticeships with employer partners
Training program focused on software development
Fenway Community Development Corporation
Recruitment program to connect job fair attendees who have tech-related skills to ongoing training programs
Mayor's Office of Returning Citizens
Training in the QuickBase database application for individuals returning from incarceration
Mujeres Unidas Avanzando
Training in desktop support for English language learners
Per Scholas
Computer service technician training program leading to CompTIA A+ and Network+ certifications
Resilient Coders
Coding bootcamp that recruits people of color and people who identify as female/non-binary
Roxbury Community College
Training in green building maintenance technology
St. Mary's Center for Women and Children
Technology training component for Women@Work, a job readiness program for women with multiple barriers to employment
STRIVE program of BPS and Wentworth Institute of Technology
Technology training for young adults with disabilities
Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts
Training in software development and web development
