
星期一, 4月 27, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Further Support, Resources, and Accountability Measures for Nursing Facilities, Funding for Congregate Care Facilities During COVID-19

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Further Support, Resources, and Accountability Measures for Nursing Facilities, Funding for Congregate Care Facilities During COVID-19

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced a second round of funding up to $130 million for nursing facilities to support COVID-19 response efforts over the next two months, as well as increased funding of $44 million for residential congregate care service providers. This funding will support staffing costs, infection control and personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition to increased financial support, the administration has implemented required testing for staff and residents of nursing facilities.

Additional Support Services: The Commonwealth will offer support for temporary staffing assistance for all nursing homes in need. This includes clinical response teams of 120 nurses and CNAs deployed in teams of 10 during emergency situations, crisis management support and deployment of the Massachusetts National Guard. These efforts will be supported by a centralized infection control performance improvement center established by the Massachusetts Senior Care Association.

Increased Financial Support for Nursing Facilities: The administration is releasing a second round of funding for two months for nursing homes that meet specific requirements and accountability measures. The funding is dependent on required COVID-19 testing of all staff and residents, regular infection control audits, appropriate allocation of funding and the public release of facility performance and funding use.
Further details about this second round of funding available for nursing facilities include:

  • Required Testing: Facilities must test all staff and residents, and report results to the state. Facilities are also encouraged to identify and pursue testing avenues with area hospitals, EMS or other providers. The state’s mobile testing program is available for those facilities unable to set up testing. 

    • In-person Clinical Audits: All nursing facilities will be regularly audited in-person for infection control and accountability, and each will receive a baseline audit during the first two weeks of May. These clinical audits will be conducted using a 28-point Infection Control Checklist, based on DPH, CDC and industry guidance. This checklist includes infection control, PPE supply and usage, staffing, clinical care, and communication requirements.

Facilities will be scored into three ratings: in adherence (green), in adherence but warrants inspection (yellow) and not in adherence (red).

  • Funding Accountability: Funding release is dependent on accountability measures, including audit ratings and appropriate funding allocation. Facilities must use this funding for staffing, infection control, PPE and other supports that directly benefit staff, including hotels for staff retention and infection control.

  • Staffing Supports: The Commonwealth will provide temporary staffing assistance to all nursing homes during the COVID-19 public health crisis, including clinical rapid response teams to provide urgent, short-term staffing for facilities in need, crisis management experts, and the deployment of the Massachusetts National Guard to aid with logistical, environmental and other supports. The state will also contract with staffing agencies to support facilities that are otherwise unable to access staffing agencies.

  • Infection Control Performance Improvement Center: The Massachusetts Senior Care Association and Hebrew Senior Life, in coordination with other industry providers, will lead an infection control performance improvement center to ensure accountability and provide assistance to facilities that are struggling with infection control capability. The performance improvement center will provide infection control protocols and trainings and PPE supply chain and management support, as well as identify, triage and provide infection control specialist support and intervention.

  • Public Reporting: All performance measures and funding use will be publicly reported using a mandatory reporting template, and the Commonwealth will provide consolidated information in the testing completion status by facility, COVID-19 case counts and mortality of staff and residents, and audit results. These reports will be due shortly after June 30, and the Commonwealth will then compile and deliver a public report.

Increased Support for Residential Congregate Care Service Providers: The administration is providing a second phase of increased funding  $44 million – across purchase of service residential congregate care service providers during the COVID-19 outbreak. This funding builds on the $95 million in increased funding announced on March 30, bringing the total funding for these providers to $139 million, and will support increased staffing costs, infection control and PPE.

To mitigate many residential congregate care service providers’ expenses related to the COVID-19 surge, Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) agencies will increase the monthly reimbursement for May and June services for an additional 15%, in addition to the previously announced 10% increase. Further support to address provider needs during the surge include mobile COVID-19 testing expansion and coordination with MEMA to provide PPE to providers.

EOHHS agencies work with 238 residential service providers throughout the Commonwealth to ensure the health and well-being of over 20,500 individuals reflecting diverse populations, including children, youth and families, and individuals with physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral health, intellectual and developmental disabilities and survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

全美亞裔總商會敦促亞裔企業及早準備 CARES法案新一輪貸款資金4月27開始受理申請

(ACE )特朗普總統(Donald Trump)已簽署《薪資保障計劃和醫療保健增強法案》,批准再撥款約4,840億美元,支持薪資保障計劃(Paycheck Protection Program - PPP), 經濟傷害災難貸款計劃(EIDL,以及醫院等。小企業管理局(SBA)將從427日起接受申請。全美亞裔總商會(ACE)呼籲亞裔企業不要錯過這第二輪資金發放。
新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)在美國造成嚴重疫情以來,美國所有企業都遭受重大打擊,共和、民主兩黨領導和特朗普總統政府合作,特地制定了薪資保障計劃(Paycheck Protection Program - PPP),經濟傷害災難貸款計劃(EIDL,並在第一輪資金3,490億元用罄後,立即協商,批准撥出第二輪資金,總額4,840億美元,其中除了3,100億美元用於薪資保障計劃(CARES Act小企業貸款計劃)之外,特地指定600億美元撥給規模較小的金融機構,以確保少數民族和服務水平較低地區也能順利獲得貸款,另外指定600億美元撥給小型企業管理局(SBA),用於辦理經濟傷害和災難貸款(EIDL)計劃。
全美亞裔總商會為確保在第一輪援助方案推出時,沒趕得及提出申請的亞裔企業,在第二輪撥款時不會錯過,特地呼籲亞裔企業關注美國財政部和SBA 《薪資保障計劃和醫療保健增強法案》具體措施。查詢詳情可上網www.sba.gov,或www.treasury.gov
全美亞裔總商會首席執行官董繼玲表示:「由於疫情的影響,各界都殷切需求資金,全美亞裔企業在申請427日開始受理的新一輪貸款資金時,必須迅速行動  」。她也說,許多亞裔企業主的母語不是英語,ACE特地做了一個簡單易懂的多語網站,幫助他們更容易地從眾多計劃和服務中找到對他們最有幫助的項目。該網站以中文、日文、韓文、泰文和越南文提供相關訊息。其他網頁則包括聯邦,以及州、市地方政府針對 COVID-19 所提供的紓困方案鏈接,以及由行業協會、非營利機構、基金會和各大企業提供的小型企業援助計劃。查詢網址包括www.nationalace.orgwww.acesmallbusiness.org

星期日, 4月 26, 2020


               (Boston Orange編譯)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)說,將和麻省總醫院(MGH)合作,找1000名居民驗血,看他們體內是否含有新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)抗體,藉以估算可能已暴露於病毒之下,卻無症狀者的百分比有多少。
               麻省總醫院院長Peter L. Slavin博士表示,這項驗血活動的結果,將對抗疫戰爭提供極重要資訊。
               哈佛大學陳曾熙公衛學院流行病學教授Michael Mina博士表示,他對只包括有限區域所做的檢查能夠讓人學到什麼,感到懷疑。
               轄區包括東波士頓的波士頓市議員Lydia Edwards則說,她希望這研究能有助於防範第二波感染。她說結果會增加社區人們對即使你沒有任何症狀,你在傳播疾病的警覺性。
尚莫維爾(Somerville)市長Joseph A. Curtatone週一宣佈了一個檢測,追蹤個案的新系統,包括對未住院但帶有病毒的人,使用遙距數位健康監測設備。該市一直和劍橋健康聯盟合作,為全市居民提供檢測,不論他們是否劍橋健康聯盟的患者。

麻州重新開放路途仍遙 4/25死亡人數已2730

               (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)425日說,54日是否解除居家令,保持社交安全距離等忠告,或讓企業恢復營業,要看新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)傳染情況是否已有改善。425日,麻州又新增174人死亡,累計已2730人,確診總人數已達53348,情況並不樂觀。
              麻州州長查理貝克這天到東長草地(East Longmeadow)視察現在每週生產5萬個塑膠護面罩,捐贈給醫院的Cartamundi games 製造廠。麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito) Hasbro公司董事長John Frascotti,以及聯邦眾議員,也是眾議院財政預算委員會主席的Richard Neal也都在場。

星期六, 4月 25, 2020

上週才30人死亡 貝爾蒙護理之家再傳49死訊

(Boston Orange 編譯) 貝爾蒙(Belmont)護理之家週五(4/24) 在發給家屬的電郵中說,49名院民死於新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)
該機構行政主管管理Stewart Karger表示,另有67名院民,73名員工確診,但其中很多人並沒有感染病毒的症狀。
Stewart Karger表示,該機構員工十分小心地觀察院民,並迅速處理病毒症狀。他們在新型冠狀病毒檢測陽性的一些院民身上,看到一些令人鼓舞的跡象。但無論如何,這是個需要人持續警覺的時候,尤其是老年人及虛弱人口最需要人關注。該院將繼續聚焦於讓院民恢復健康。

星期五, 4月 24, 2020

Joint Statement by SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza and Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin on the Resumption of the Paycheck Protection Program

Joint Statement by SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza and Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin on the Resumption of the Paycheck Protection Program 

WASHINGTON – Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration Jovita Carranza and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin issued the following statement today on the resumption of the Payroll Protection Program (PPP):
“We are pleased that President Trump has signed into law the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, which provides critical additional funding for American workers and small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic.  We want to thank Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader McCarthy for working with us on a bipartisan basis to ensure that the Paycheck Protection Program is funded so that small businesses can keep hardworking Americans on the payroll.
“The Small Business Administration will resume accepting PPP loan applications on Monday, April 27 at 10:30AM EDT from approved lenders on behalf of any eligible borrower.  This will ensure that SBA has properly coded the system to account for changes made by the legislation.
“The PPP has supported more than 1.66 million small businesses and protected over 30 million jobs for hardworking Americans.  With the additional funds appropriated by Congress, tens of millions of additional workers will benefit from this critical relief.
“We encourage all approved lenders to process loan applications previously submitted by eligible borrowers and disburse funds expeditiously.  All eligible borrowers who need these funds should work with an approved lender to apply.  Borrowers should carefully review PPP regulations and guidance and the certifications required to obtain a loan.
“The Trump Administration is fully committed to ensuring that America’s workers and small businesses continue to get the resources they need to get through this challenging time.”
For more information on the Paycheck Protection Program, visit: sba.gov/paycheckprotection.


(Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J.Walsh)今(24)日下午宣佈,波士頓市將豁免銷售生食的零售食物許可,准許餐廳經由送貨,路邊提貨,外賣等方式,出售生鮮雜貨及紙品。
             波士頓市經濟發展辦公室製作了一份財務救濟手冊(Financial Relief Hanbook),以及常見問答文件,並將不斷更新,以幫助企業主,員工在不斷發展中的COVID-19相關援助探索。

BOSTON - Friday, April 24, 2020 - Building on his support of small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the City of Boston will allow permitted restaurants to sell grocery items via delivery, curbside pickup, and takeout by waiving the required Retail Food Permit for the sale of uncooked foods. The new temporary policy and guidance formed by the Mayor's Office of Economic Development, the Inspectional Services Department, and the Licensing Board for the City of Boston will improve access to food and essential items for residents, and help ensure social distancing guidelines continue to be upheld.

"This is an unprecedented time for all of us in the City of Boston, and our administration is prioritizing how best to keep our residents safe and healthy, while also supporting our businesses and some of our City's most vulnerable residents," said Mayor Walsh. "By allowing restaurants to also sell grocery and other essential items, we can help address social distancing concerns in grocery stores while supporting restaurants and food businesses during these unprecedented times."

Restaurants interested in selling groceries must follow procedures as outlined by the Inspectional Services Department, including making product information available pertaining to safe handling instructions, a statement of identity, an ingredient statement, the name and place of business of the food manufacturer, packer, or distributor, net quantity of contents, and allergen information required by the Food Allergen Labeling & Consumer Protection Act. These guidelines are concurrent with FDA temporary policy regarding labeling and packaging during the COVID-19 public health emergency.  

In addition, businesses must submit an operational plan to the Boston Licensing Board detailing plans of implementing safe handling procedures and how they will comply with guidance from ISD. The Licensing Board will review each plan and issue correspondence allowing the sale of grocery items by the Licensee on a temporary basis given the COVID-19 health emergency. Restaurants are not permitted to sell grocery items before receiving approval from the Boston Licensing Board. 

As business owners, employers, and employees navigate an evolving COVID-19-related assistance landscape, the Economic Development Office has created a Financial Relief Handbook and FAQ document, both of which are continuously updated. Small Business conference calls will continue every Tuesday at 3pm to communicate policy updates, answer questions, feature relevant City of Boston departments, and troubleshoot the ecosystem of funding available from the state, federal, and private industry. 

The City of Boston has created a number of useful guides and resources for restaurants and food businesses impacted by COVID-19 and the Commonwealth's Non-Essential Services and 'Stay At Home' Order
  • Open Businesses in Boston: a tool for essential businesses to publicly share that they're open, share gift-card information, and which (if any) delivery/take-out services they use. This guide is available for residents to utilize, and explore what local businesses are open in their neighborhoods. 
  • Support Boston Restaurants: a web page for restaurants to publicly share that they're open, share gift-card information, and which (if any) delivery/take-out services they use. This guide is available for residents to utilize, and explore what local businesses are open in their neighborhoods. 
  • Takeout and Delivery Guidebook: a guide on how to establish food takeout and delivery services now that the City of Boston has lifted licensing regulations. 
The above resources and more industry-specific guidance are accessible on boston.gov/small-business. Questions to ISD's Health Department can be sent to ISDHealth@boston.gov or call 617-635-5326. For all City of Boston updates related to COVID-19, please visit boston.gov/coronavirus

波士頓新聘JOHN DEMPSEY為消防局局長


BOSTON - Friday, April 24, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of longtime Boston firefighter John (Jack) Dempsey as Commissioner of the Boston Fire Department. Commissioner Dempsey has served in the interim role of Commissioner since the retirement of former Commissioner Joe Finn last month.

"I am proud to name Firefighter Jack Dempsey as the Commissioner of the Boston Fire Department," said Mayor Walsh. "He has dedicated his life in his professional career and personal capacity to promoting safety and wellness for firefighters, and I look forward to his continued leadership in this critically important department."

Since taking leadership of the Boston Fire Department in March, Commissioner Dempsey has proactively prioritized the health and safety of firefighters during the COVID-19 pandemic by supplying firefighters with personal protective equipment, ensuring the frequent sanitation of firehouses, adjusting staffing levels to ensure social distancing, implementing mandatory training for infectious disease response, and more. 
Commissioner Dempsey has been a member of the Boston Fire Department for 35 years, having served in multiple leadership capacities including most recently as Chief of Operations for the department, where he oversaw all division of the Boston Fire Department, including the engine company, fire prevention, ladder company, rescue company, safety and special operations, emergency planning and preparedness, training and personnel. In this role, he was the highest ranking uniformed firefighter in the force. 

He also previously served for four years as the Boston Fire Marshal, where he managed the Fire Prevention Division which is responsible for all fire code and regulation enforcement. In that role, he also oversaw the operation of the fire investigation unit, construction safety unit and all inspections required by Massachusetts General Laws.
"I am proud to be named the Commissioner of the Boston Fire Department, and want to thank Mayor Walsh for the opportunity to serve the residents of Boston in this role," said Commissioner Jack Dempsey. "As a lifelong member of the department, this is a tremendous honor for me, and I look forward to building on the strong foundations set to ensure the safety and well-being of our firefighters and our community." 

Commissioner Dempsey has previously served in several other capacities including on the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations for four year, the Automatic Sprinkler Appeals Board for four years, the Walsh-Kennedy Commission on Hot Work, and the Construction Fire Safety Partnership. He is a current member of the Fire Service Advisory Council, and was instrumental in the development and implementation of the National Fire Protection Association's Hot Work Safety Certification Program.


BOSTON - Friday, April 24, 2020 - Building on Boston's commitment to serving all homeless individuals in the city, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the City of Boston will move forward with universal testing for COVID-19 (coronavirus) for all unhoused individuals in Boston. The City of Boston has secured an additional 1,000 tests, which will allow public health officials to test all clients in Boston's shelter system over the next two weeks. The efforts will be led by Boston's partners at Boston Health Care for the Homeless, in coordination with the Boston Public Health Commission, St. Francis House, and the Pine Street Inn. The tests are being donated by the Boston company Orig3n.

"We continue to work every day to support our homeless population and the staff who serve them--with shelter, with care, with testing," said Mayor Walsh. "This is a big step forward in protecting our most vulnerable populations. Universal testing in Boston's homeless community is critical to allow us to provide individuals the targeted care they need. We will continue to work with our partners in government and the nonprofit community about the resources we need moving forward."

As of Thursday, April 23, 1,340 individuals have been tested, and 453 homeless individuals who have been tested are positive, or 34 percent. All Boston Public Health Commission shelters remain open, and the City of Boston has been conducting widespread testing in this population. As testing is completed, individuals who are positive will go to get the care and support they need to recover. Individuals who are negative will be placed in designated areas to allow for better social distancing and help slow the spread of the virus.

Since the start of the public health emergency caused by COVID-19, Boston has worked to protect its most at-risk populations, including homeless individuals. The City of Boston has added over 900 new beds all across the city to reduce the density in the city's shelters, and to treat homeless individuals who are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Boston Hope at the BCEC has 500 beds dedicated to the care of homeless individuals, and the City of Boston has built quarantine and treatment centers next to its largest shelters. 

The City of Boston has also worked with its partners to create 172 beds at Suffolk University dorms to improve shelter spacing, and 70 beds at a former hospital on Commonwealth Avenue in Brighton. The City has also helped add 250 beds at Newton Pavilion, in partnership with the Boston Medical Center. In addition, there are 50 beds for veterans at a facility in Brighton, and Boston University has provided 75 rooms for Pine Street Inn staff.

Baker-Polito Administration Files Medicaid Waiver For MassHealth Flexibility, Provides Update On Launch Of New Unemployment System

Baker-Polito Administration Files Medicaid Waiver For MassHealth Flexibility, Provides Update On Launch Of New Unemployment System

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced new federal waiver requests to provide the state’s MassHealth program with more flexibility to respond to COVID-19, and provided an update on Massachusetts’ successful implementation of the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program.

MassHealth Waiver Requests: Massachusetts is filing two waiver requests with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that will give the state and its Medicaid program, MassHealth, more flexibility to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency. If allowed, the waivers will build upon the two previously submitted waivers and enable MassHealth to deliver the most effective care to its members and support health care providers.

Through these waiver requests, the Commonwealth is seeking flexibility to address key areas of need:

  • Expand Medicare telehealth coverage to include services provided by phone and video, to increase access to health care for seniors and individuals with disabilities without readily accessible video technology. This expansion is consistent with telehealth coverage currently provided by MassHealth and commercial plans.

  • Allow MassHealth to waive the requirement that certain applicants and members spend down to qualify for coverage in cases of financial hardship.

  • Extend retroactive coverage for individuals who qualify for MassHealth to allow individuals to be covered up to 90 days prior to submitting their application.

  • Provide flexibility for federal provider payment limits to enable MassHealth to provide critical stabilization funds to health care providers.

  • Ease provider requirements that could result in unnecessary administrative burdens or barriers to care.

PUA Unemployment System Launch: Earlier this week, Massachusetts became one of the first states in the nation to successfully implement the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program established by the federal CARES Act. This program provides benefits for individuals who do not qualify for traditional unemployment benefits, but have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.

The platform launched on April 20, 10 days ahead of the previously scheduled launch date. Since then, the PUA system has so far processed well over 100,000 claims, and benefit checks, which include an additional $600 as part of another federal CARES Act benefit implemented by the administration, are already being issued.

Visit www.mass.gov/pua to learn more and apply.