
星期三, 4月 29, 2020


BOSTON - Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee today announced the distribution of an additional $1.4 million in funds to support 18 organizations that provide critical services and support to residents, vulnerable populations, and Boston families whose wellbeing is most immediately impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency. 

This round of funding is aimed at providing continued support for community health centers to allow them to increase their capacity for testing, organizations working to ensure food access for residents, support for home-bound elders and community-based organizations in Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan. To date, including this most recent funding award, the Boston Resiliency Fund has distributed $15.2 million in 96 emergency grants to 165 organizations.
"During these hard times, we're working to ensure that every person in Boston has access to the care and support they need," said Mayor Walsh. "Through the Boston Resiliency Fund, we are supporting local efforts of all scales - from large citywide operations to our community-based organizations, all of which are providing critical services to residents. With this funding, we are allocating resources that will allow organizations to bolster their operations and keep residents working, moving our city forward for everyone."

Since its creation in March, the Boston Resiliency Fund has raised over $27 million from over 4,945 individual donors. The Fund will continue accepting donations from individuals, organizations and philanthropic partners who wish to contribute and offer their support, and 100 percent of donations will be awarded to local organizations, with the majority of future grants to be made through the end of  May. Organizations are encouraged to complete a statement of interest to be considered for future grants.

Today, 18 organizations will receive grants to expand their capacity or adjust their service model to meet the immediate needs of Boston residents during this public health emergency. 37 percent of the organizations receiving grants today are led by a person of color and 47 percent are women-led organizations. To date, 39 percent of all organizations receiving grants are led by a person of color and 64 percent are women-led organizations.
"The South Boston Association of Nonprofits (SBANP) is grateful to Mayor Walsh and for donations through the Boston Resiliency Fund. Our grant will make sure the residents of South Boston have access to food during this crisis," said Anna White, co-president of the South Boston Association of Nonprofits. "Through the leadership of the Association, member organizations will collaborate to ensure that food access is available at locations throughout the community. Food requests to our member organizations increase daily and this funding ensures the food needs in our neighborhood will be met."

"In the midst of current events, our staff here at Fathers' Uplift have seen critical needs emerging in our community firsthand. While we have engaged in efforts to provide direct assistance to families hit hardest by the economic, emotional, mental, and physical impact of COVID-19, the need is significant," said Charles Daniels and Samantha Fils-Daniels, co-founders of Fathers' Uplift. "From delivery of supplies, to emergency cash assistance, to the provision of mental health services in the fact of a massive spike in anxiety and distress, our resources have been stretched thin. We are grateful and excited to have the partnership of the City of Boston through the Boston Resiliency Fund to ensure the needs of our constituents in at-risk neighborhoods of Boston are cared for."

The grants range in size and will be awarded to the following organizations:

Continued support to community health centers and healthcare systems: Boston Resiliency Fund has now dedicated $1,000,000 to expand COVID-19 testing and conduct culturally appropriate outreach and education at 13 community health centers across City of Boston neighborhoods.
Ensuring Boston's children and families have access to food and basic needs:
Support for organizations doing work in Dorchester, Roxbury, Hyde Park, Mattapan and Roslindale, neighborhoods experiencing higher rates of COVID-19:
  • Fathers' Uplift, Inc.will provide at-risk families with financial assistance in the face of economic hardship and will offer mental health and wellness options. Their services are specifically targeted towards fathers of color and their families in Dorchester, Mattapan and Roxbury. 
  • My Brother's Keeper Boston, in partnership with MBK 617: will continue to build safe and supportive communities for boys and young men of color and will provide gift cards for basic necessities and essentials.
  • Nehemiah Project for Hope and MA Association of Haitian Parents: will deliver weekly groceries and basic toiletry needs to families in the Haitian Community. 
Support for food delivery to older Bostonians who are unable to leave their homes:
  • 2Life Communitieswill prepare and deliver seven home-delivered meals per week to over 900 low-income seniors who live in their Brighton facilities and are unable to leave their apartments.
  • Bunker Hill Associates: will deliver grocery items for the most vulnerable or immunocompromised residents living in senior buildings in Charlestown who are unable to leave their home to get groceries. 
  • Haitian American United: will work with two Haitian cuisine caterers based in Boston to prepare two meals for community elders at least three times per week. In addition, two Haitian drivers will be hired to deliver food to families.
  • Rose's Bounty Food Pantrywill continue making personal deliveries to the elderly now that senior centers are closed, and will keep open their drive-through pantry. 
Support for Boston's vulnerable populations including immigrants, homeless individuals and domestic violence survivors:
  • Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK)will financially assist clients who are undocumented or pending status, many of whom are living below the poverty level.
  • Cathedral Church of St. Paulwill medically screen and welcome up to 200 unhoused people, in shifts, providing them hot meals and bagged lunches, water, access to restrooms and outlets for charging phones.
  • Common Cathedralwill work to meet the increased demand for access to boxed take-out meals, a safe place to rest and bathrooms for homeless individuals in and around Boston Common.
  • Somali Development Centerwill coordinate the pick-up and delivery of meals from a local Somali restaurant by hiring drivers that have lost their means of income due to COVID-19.
As the effects of the coronavirus pandemic are quickly evolving and potentially long-lasting, the City and the Steering Committee will work closely with non-profit partners and service providers to understand how their needs will change. As a result, the priorities of the fund may change as the needs of Boston residents evolve.
The Boston Resiliency Fund exists within the Boston Charitable Trust, an existing 501(c)(3) designated trust fund managed by the City of Boston's Treasury Department. For more information on how to make a donation, please visit: boston.gov/resiliency-fund. For general inquiries, please email brf@boston.gov.
To learn more about other funds serving Boston nonprofits, please visit Philanthropy Massachusetts' resource page. In addition, the COVID-19 Response Fund at The Boston Foundation and the COVID-19 Family Support Fund at the United Way are working to rapidly distribute resources to organizations and individuals in Greater Boston that are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

TripAdvisor裁員900人 關閉波士頓市中心辦公室

               (Boston Orange 編譯)座落在麻州尼罕(Needham)的旅遊業軟體公司TripAdvisors428日宣佈,受疫情影響,將裁員900人,其中600在美國,300在加拿大,約佔該公司員工總數25%。                   波士頓及舊金山的衛星辦公司將關閉。
                該公司執行長Steve Kaufer在部落格文章中表示,病毒大流行的持續延燒,逼使該公司採取比刪減花費,放無薪假等原定應急計畫更激進的做法。他表示,還留在公司的員工將被要求,從6月起,改為一周工作4天,減薪20%。他說這樣做約可保住100個工作機會。
             該公司也將縮減版圖,關閉波士頓市中心,以及舊金山的辦公室,准許員工繼續遠距辦公。 波士頓員工也可以從該公司位於尼罕鎮的總部工作。

TripAdvisor 裁員900人

                   (Boston Orange 編譯)座落在麻州尼罕(Needham)的旅遊業軟體公司TripAdvisors428日宣佈,受疫情影響,將裁員900人,其中600在美國,300在加拿大,約佔該公司員工總數25%。波士頓及舊金山的衛星辦公司將關閉。
                   該公司執行長Steve Kaufer在部落格文章中表示,病毒大流行的持續延燒,逼使該公司採取比刪減花費,放無薪假等原定應急計畫更激進的做法。他表示,還留在公司的員工將被要求,從6月起,改為一周工作4天,減薪20%。他說這樣做約可保住100個工作機會。


                            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)美國藝術與科學院日前宣佈2020年度276名新院士,包括新英格蘭本地的哈佛大學教授王德威,孟曉犁,以及柏克萊音樂學院教授張萬鈞等,約有18名華裔獲選為本屆院士。
數學與物理科學類的哈佛大學孟曉犁,加州大學柏克萊分校Chung-Pei Ma,西北大學Yonggang Huang,普林斯頓大學Ruby B. Lee,超微半導體執行長蘇姿豐。
生物科學類的史丹福大學Howard Y. Chang,杜克大學Fan Wang,北京大學第三醫院Jie Qiao
                          社會科學類的西北大學Edith Chen,康乃爾大學Victor Nee
                         人性與藝術類的明尼蘇達大學Erika Lee,哈佛大學王德威,哥倫比亞大學藝術學院Sarah Sze,波士頓伯克利音樂學院張萬鈞,中央音樂學院葉小剛。
                         公共事務,企業及行政類的公民大學Eric P. Liu,喜馬拉雅資本管理公司投資夥伴李錄,史密森尼學會(Smithsonian Institution) Melissa Chiu
                        美國藝術與科學院(The American Academy of Arts & Sciences)1870年由波士頓本地的約翰亞當斯(John Adams),約翰漢考克(John Hancock)等相信美國新大陸應表揚有傑出成就個人,並促使他們加入推動公眾利益而設立的機構,迄今已共選出13,500名院士,其中包括250名諾貝爾獎得主。
                    該院院長David W. Oxtoby表示,本年度選出的276名各領域傑出人士,將與歷任獲選者在歷史中同佔地位,並有機會經由該院的努力,推動公眾利益,形塑未來。
                     本年度有來自22個國家的37人獲選為國際院士,其中包括在剛果為數以千計強暴受害者提供手術,治療及庇護的婦科醫生暨牧師Denis Mukwege,以及在日本的女權運動社會學家,公共知識份子上野千子。
                      歷年獲選為院士的人包括,19世紀的班傑明法蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin),亞歷山大漢彌頓(Alexander Hamilton)20世紀的馬丁路德金(Martin Luther King Jr.),以及過去這20年內的Antonin Scalia,彭博(Michael Bloomberg)等人。國際院士包括曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)。


星期二, 4月 28, 2020

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn送口罩進華埠

波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn,左)親自把口罩送到華人前進會,
由該會榮譽主席李素影代表接受。(Ed Flynn辦公室提供)
             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)轄區包括華埠的波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)(28)日下午親自把一批來自杭州的口罩,送到華人前進會和堡壘村,聊表他對社區的關心。
               愛德華費林在訪談中還表示,由於華埠在他的轄區之內,自從新型冠狀病毒疫情發生以後,有不少華裔,亞裔遭遇歧視,甚至仇視,他也聽到不少狀況,因此他和波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)在波士頓市議會一起提出了一項議案,支持國會議員孟昭文提出的譴責和COVID-19相關的反亞裔情緒議案,H. Res 908


麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。(州長辦公室檔案照片)
             (Boston Orange)麻州政府今(28)日中午宣佈,基本服務緊急命令,勸諭居家令以及集會限10人以下等限制的效期,延至518日。麻州政府成立了17人顧問委員會研討重新開放計畫。
                 麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)今日也宣佈,成立17人的重新開放顧問委員會,由麻州付州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)和住宅及經濟發展長Mike Kennealy擔任共同主席,為麻州的根據衛生及安全準則,做階段性經濟重新開放提供策略。
              17人顧問委員會,包括麻州公共衛生廳廳長Monica Bharel博士在內的3名公共衛生官員,3名市鎮官員,以及包括麻州交通廳廳長Stephanie Pollack在內的11名企業領導。
·       Aron Ain, CEO, Kronos Inc & Ultimate Software
·       Carlo Zaffanella, Vice President and General Manager, Maritime & Strategic Systems, General Dynamics Mission Systems
·       Corey Thomas, CEO, Rapid 7
·       Daniel Rivera, Mayor, City of Lawrence
·       Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, Massachusetts General Hospital
·       Girish Navani, CEO and Co-Founder, eClinicalWorks
·       Joe Bahena, Senior Vice President, Joseph Abboud Manufacturing
·       Kathryn Burton, Chief of Staff, City of Boston
·       Laurie Leshin, Ph.D., President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
·       Linda Markham, President, Cape Air
·       Mark Keroack, President & CEO, Baystate Health
·       Monica Bharel, Ph.D., Commissioner, Department of Public Health
·       Nicole LaChapelle, Mayor, City of Easthampton
·       Pamela Everhart, Head of Regional Public Affairs and Community Relations, Fidelity Investments 
·       Stephanie Pollack, Transportation Secretary and CEO
·       Steve DiFillippo, CEO, Davios Restaurants
·       Wendy Hudson, Owner, Nantucket Book Partner

Baker-Polito Administration Extends Non-Essential Business Closures to May 18th, Announces Reopening Advisory Board
Gatherings of 10 or more prohibited until May 18th, Stay at Home Advisory Remains in Effect
BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration extended the essential services emergency order to May 18th and launched a Reopening Advisory Board that will produce a plan to the Governor by May 18th. The Administration also announced that the Department of Public Health’s Stay At Home Advisory remains in effect and gatherings of 10 or more people remain prohibited until May 18th

Essential Services Order: Governor Charlie Baker’s emergency order requiring that all businesses and organizations that do not provide “COVID-19 Essential Services” close their physical workplaces and facilities to workers, customers and the public will be extended until May 18th. Businesses and organizations not on the list of essential services are encouraged to continue operations through remote means that do not require workers, customers, or the public to enter or appear at the brick-and-mortar premises closed by the order. This order also extends the existing ban on gatherings of more than 10 people until May 18th.

Stay at Home Advisory: Governor Charlie Baker announced that the Department of Public Health’s stay-at-home advisory will remain in effect. Residents are strongly urged to stay home and avoid unnecessary travel and other unnecessary person to person contact during this time period. Residents who are considered at high risk when exposed to COVID-19 should limit social interactions with other people as much as possible.

Executive Branch Employee Guidance: The Baker-Polito Administration today also extended the guidance issued to Executive Branch employees on protocol during the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure state government can continue to provide key services while protecting the health and safety of the public and the Executive Branch workforce. Under the guidance, all employees performing non-core functions who are able to work remotely should continue to do so until May 18th.

Reopening Advisory Board: Today, Governor Baker announced the formation of the Reopening Advisory Board, which will be Co-Chaired by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. The Board brings public health officials together with leaders from the business community and municipal government from across the Commonwealth. This group is charged with advising the administration on strategies to reopen the economy in phases based on health and safety metrics. It will meet with key stakeholders and solicit input from a variety of constituencies over the next three weeks to develop a report by May 18th that will include DPH approved workplace safety standards, industry frameworks and customer protocols and guidelines, including enforcement mechanisms and coordination with municipal leaders. This report is due on the 18th, but the administration has made clear that public health data and guidance from health care experts will dictate the timeline of the re-opening process.

The 17-member Advisory Board is composed of three public health officials, including Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Monica Bharel, three municipal officials, and eleven leaders from the business community, including MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. Members of the Advisory Board bring a range of perspectives to the table, such as an understanding of workplaces and workforces and insights into key areas like financial markets, education, manufacturing and transportation.

Reopening Advisory Board Members:

·       Aron Ain, CEO, Kronos Inc & Ultimate Software

·       Carlo Zaffanella, Vice President and General Manager, Maritime & Strategic Systems, General Dynamics Mission Systems

·       Corey Thomas, CEO, Rapid 7

·       Daniel Rivera, Mayor, City of Lawrence

·       Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, Massachusetts General Hospital

·       Girish Navani, CEO and Co-Founder, eClinicalWorks

·       Joe Bahena, Senior Vice President, Joseph Abboud Manufacturing

·       Kathryn Burton, Chief of Staff, City of Boston

·       Laurie Leshin, Ph.D., President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

·       Linda Markham, President, Cape Air

·       Mark Keroack, President & CEO, Baystate Health

·       Monica Bharel, Ph.D., Commissioner, Department of Public Health

·       Nicole LaChapelle, Mayor, City of Easthampton

·       Pamela Everhart, Head of Regional Public Affairs and Community Relations, Fidelity Investments 

·       Stephanie Pollack, Transportation Secretary and CEO

·       Steve DiFillippo, CEO, Davios Restaurants

·       Wendy Hudson, Owner, Nantucket Book Partners


羅德島州克蘭斯頓(Cranston)市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)和妻子Barbara Ann
           (Boston Orange 周菊子報導)羅德島州克蘭斯頓市(Cranston)市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)(28)日在臉書上宣佈,他的妻子Barbara Ann昨日下午確診,感染了新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19),目前症狀輕微。他自己雖然沒有任何症狀,但未來兩週將居家辦公。

馮偉傑兩夫婦未食物儲藏室(Food Pantry)募集食物,送給有需要的人。
             坊間一度傳出,馮偉傑的妻子Barbara Ann有意參選羅德島州眾議員,但這消息還未經證實。
             自從新型冠狀病毒疫情發生後,馮偉傑與Barbara Ann十分積極的推動抗疫,深入社區,為生活陷入困境者募集善款,食品,鼓勵社區捐血,支援第一線工作人員,在臉書上示範如何正確戴口罩等等。

星期一, 4月 27, 2020

尚莫維爾市抗疫下重手 全民檢測 不戴口罩罰款300

(Boston Orange 編譯)尚莫維爾(Somerville)市今(27)日宣佈一系列打擊新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)措施,包括為居民提供免費檢測,規定4月29日(週三)起,居民無論在室內或室外,都得戴面具,以避免上限300美元的重罰。
尚莫維爾市長柯塔恫(Joseph Curtatone)表示,市府正在不眠不休要改變現狀,打斷病毒的人傳人。
劍橋健康聯盟(Cambridge Health Alliance)的尚莫維爾醫院,將於週一到週五的每天早上9點至下午4點,開始辦理檢測。想要檢測的人最好先用市府設置的特別熱線,617—665-2928,打電話預約。
尚莫維爾市的城市健康及人民服務局局長Doug Kress表示,檢測只是抗疫的第一步,下一步重要的是要確保市府能夠辨識並預防未來的傳染。
一旦新型冠狀病毒檢測結果陽性,市府的公共衛生護士會連絡他們,做接觸追蹤。在這過程中辨識的個人資訊將會和執行接觸追蹤活動的健康夥伴(Partners in Health)”分享。
尚莫維爾市還宣佈了一項要在麻州灣退伍軍人中心(Massachusetts Bay Veterans Center)試驗的試驗性質計畫。該棟住宅大樓目前並無已知或疑似的COVID-19患者,居民將開始使用特製的生物感應帖來主動追蹤他們的生命徵象。這項目是和劍橋市的非牟利科技公司Cherish Health and Health eVillages合作執行。

Asian American Resistance & Creative Clapbacks tonight