
星期五, 9月 20, 2019


僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國 108 9 月第 2

Culture Center of TECO in Boston
地址: 90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461
電話: 617-965-8801            傳真: 617-965-8815
電郵: boston@ocac.gov.tw 臉書: bostonocac
發行人:歐宏偉          編輯:林淑芳

                        波士頓地區慶祝中華民國 108 年國慶活動 10 5 日登場 由紐英崙中華總會主辦的「慶祝中華民國建國 108 週年雙十國慶遊行及升旗典禮」,將於 10 5 日(星期六)盛大舉行。當天上午 9 30 分先在波士頓華埠牌樓廣場集合後,10:30 遊行正式開始, 隊伍行經必珠街、華盛頓街,前往目的地波士頓市府廣場舉辦升旗典禮,隨後民間團體將表演舞龍、 舞獅、扯鈴及民俗舞蹈等節目。國慶活動另一場重頭戲「全僑國慶餐會」,也將在當天晚上 6 30 分在帝苑大酒樓盛大舉行。
           波士頓僑界辦理雙十遊行、升旗及全僑餐會等活動,一向都由紐英崙中華總會統籌規劃辦理,會 長陳毓禮希望各僑團及公所成員踴躍參加,好讓慶祝活動一年比一年更成功。駐波士頓臺北經文處處 長徐佑典也呼籲僑界廣邀親朋好友及主流人士出席,更希望青年朋友和臺灣留學生共襄盛舉。
             僑教中心主任歐宏偉表示,僑界在今年 10 5 日至 12 日將有一連串的國慶慶祝活動,如 5 日國 民黨波士頓分部舉行慶祝大會、中華書法會在中華公所舉辦書畫攝影展、6 日有國慶盃壘球賽,12 則有波士頓中華民俗藝術工作坊的登山健行等,讓雙十國慶更有意義,慶祝活動更加多元豐富。
              今年的國慶餐會一桌 400 元,僑界聯合刊登慶祝廣告費用為團體 60 元,個人 30 元。主辦單位 希望能在 9 25 日完成登記及收費。查詢請洽紐英崙中華總會 Rosemary Yee 余麗瑛(617)338-6868 James Chan 陳偉民(857)233-6911Frank Chin 陳毓禮、僑教中心(617-695-8801)。

           燦爛雙十國慶即將到來,竭誠歡迎全球僑胞回臺參加中華民國 108 年的國慶!今年雙十國慶活動 除了於總統府前廣場有隆重的國慶大會外,國慶晚會將在桃園青埔高鐵站前廣場舉辦,透過不同世代 表演者的演出,展現臺灣的多元文化,國慶焰火將在高屏溪施放,藉由璀璨焰火祝福國家國運昌隆~  
            個別僑胞報名 即日起至 9 30 日止可到僑務委員會網站(www.ocac.gov.tw)十月慶典活動專頁辦 ;旅居國外僑胞,符合下列情形之一者都可報名:
    (一)持我國護照入境,並持有效之僑居國居留證明文件(如僑居國護照、居留證等)或其護照已 加簽僑居身分者。
     (三)香港、澳門居民組團回國,應向我駐香港、澳門機構申請,核轉大陸委員會辦理。個別回國 者,不予受理。
       也歡迎本會登記有案或與本會聯繫密切之僑團(校)、個別僑胞自行組團或委託旅行社組團參加。 各駐外館處及各地華僑文教服務中心自 108 6 15 日起受理僑胞組團報名作業。洽詢事項歡迎致 617-965-8801
             僑委會為歡迎海外僑胞回國參加雙十國慶活動,並配合推動國內觀光,援例辦理回國僑胞參加慶典 旅遊補助作業,凡 108 8 1 ()以後入境之僑胞,經領取十月慶典「僑胞證」副聯,於 108 9 20 日至 10 20 日期間,參加獲本會核備之 35 家旅行社所提供的國內 3 2 夜以上之旅遊活動, 最多可獲新臺幣 2,400 元的補助唷~
                 35 家旅行社中的 20 家旅行社共計提供 56 條具臺灣特色之深度旅遊行程予個別僑胞參考選擇( 15 家僅承作團體僑團旅遊),請有意回臺參加國慶活動並一覽臺灣風情的僑胞盡早向屬意的旅行社報名! 詳情請上本會官網首頁/十月慶典專區/慶典僑胞旅遊活動(https://reurl.cc/LyGea)

僑胞卡十月慶典專案 :逾 500 家僑胞卡特約店提供國慶專案優惠
     今年僑胞卡「十月慶典專案」已於 9 1 日開始,至 10 31 日結束,為期 2 個月;專案期間內, 僑胞卡特約商店將提供專案特別優惠,另僑胞卡特約醫療機構亦提供僑胞專屬專案健檢服務,歡迎海 外僑胞回國參加雙十國慶活動及旅遊健檢!
      僑委會於 2017 年雙十國慶期間首次發行「僑胞卡」,邀請各領域廠商加入特約商店,提供僑胞卡持 卡人專屬優惠,目前發卡量已近 7 萬張,海內外特約商店已達 3,000 家,其中包括 77 家國內特約醫療 機構。歡迎大家回臺期間能多至僑胞卡特約商店消費,或安排到醫療機構自費健檢;返回僑居地後也 請協助洽邀海外商家加入特約店,讓「僑胞卡」串連海外與國內的鏈結,成為邁向全球的國際卡優惠 內容將不定期持續更新。最新優惠內容請參考僑 胞卡網站 https://reurl.cc/ZY51p
    僑胞卡特約店加入「十月慶典專案」涵蓋 食衣住行育樂,今期簡訊向大家介紹 5 家:
 1️️國立故宮博物院國慶日(10 10 )當天提 供僑胞卡持卡人免費參觀👍
2️️慶典期間於長榮航空官網優惠碼(Promo code)購票專區輸入專屬優惠碼,即可享有購票優惠👍 3️️適合來趟闔家生態之旅的武陵農場,10 1 日至 10 10 日僑胞卡持卡人入場免費👍
4️️僑胞卡特約醫療機構提供僑胞專屬專案健檢服務,如臺北市北投健康管理醫院提供慶典專案,照 顧返臺僑胞健康
5 新東陽食品館門市及機場店群(全臺共 47 )消費享新東陽品牌商品9折及珍珠奶茶酥及小桃酥禮盒 優惠活動(限食品館門市)
🍀想知道更多的十月慶典優惠內容嗎?請點閱僑胞卡網站頁面 https://reurl.cc/ZY51p

                       海外僑胞返國自費體驗優質安心醫療服務 臺灣的醫療技術在亞洲排名第一,全球排名第三,已位居國際醫界翹楚,並擁有下列六大優勢-- 品質、合理價格、高科技、感動服務、完整專科服務、專業團隊。僑務委員會目前正推動「海外僑胞 返國自費體驗優質安心醫療服務」,提供健康檢查、美容醫學及特色醫療等服務項目,並在桃園國際 機場、高雄國際航空站、臺北松山機場及臺中航空站等地設置臺灣國際醫療服務中心,以提供各國旅 客能即時瞭解來臺就醫資訊、取得醫療旅遊行程安排及後續醫療服務。歡迎僑界組團或自行來臺進行 自費醫療(健康檢查、醫學美容),凡取得合法入境文件之陸僑、港澳僑或外籍人士亦非 常歡迎!! 細資訊可參閱臺灣國際醫療全球資訊網(內含各醫療院所介紹、數位影音、動態及臺旅遊等資訊) http://www.medicaltravel.org.tw),更歡迎洽詢波士頓僑教中心(617-965-8801)

       15 任總統副總統選舉定於 109 1 11 日投票,中央選舉委員會(下稱中選會) 已於 108 9 12 日發布「在國外之中華民國自由地區人民返國行使總統副總統選舉 權登記公告」。  
       海外僑胞如果要返國投票,依規定應自即日起到 108 12 2 日止將相關書件寄達或 送達最後遷出國外時的原戶籍地戶政單位申請登記返國投票。相關書件,請到中選會 網站(https://www.cec.gov.tw)「首頁/ 15 任總統副總統、第 10 屆立法委員選舉專區 /僑胞返國行使選舉權」查詢及下載。
       另外,依據《總統副總統選舉罷免法》規定,有選舉權人必須在 108 7 11 日(包 括當日)前在國內設有戶籍。因此,有意返國參加選舉的海外僑胞,目前暫請不要異 動戶籍(中選會也已函知各地戶政事務所,在國民前往申辦異動戶籍時提醒申辦人相 關事宜),只要在 12 2 日前將相關書件寄(送)達原戶籍地戶政單位辦理投票登 記,就可以確保您的參政權益了。

           為提供全球僑胞嶄新、即時的瀏覽經驗,僑務委員會於 2018 年元月 1 日起將「宏觀電視」整合於 「僑務電子報」之中。除採用互動式技術,打造適合手機、平板電腦可流暢閱讀的介面,網站也具備 影音內容,提供文字及圖像外更多、更豐富訊息。
        《僑務電子報》為僑務專業新聞網站,涵蓋聚焦臺灣、僑社新聞、國際兩岸、新南向快訊、English News、看見臺灣等多元內容,提供僑社最新動態及國內要聞,希望僑胞能一站取得全部所需僑社及國 內資訊。其中 English News 單元報導國內要聞,提供英語讀者瞭解台灣的管道,也有利僑胞新生代認 識台灣。 僑務電子報網址 www.ocacnews.net, 歡迎各位僑胞上網瀏覽。
加入後請留言「波士頓讚」4個中文字; 並請廣邀親友一同加入

1. 您若想進一步瞭解僑委會相關僑務資訊,歡迎逕參閱僑務委員會官網 http://www.ocac.gov.tw/,更歡迎按讚加入僑務 委員會 Facebook 網頁 https://www.facebook.com/iocac/
2. 您的親友若也想收到本中心的《僑務簡訊》,請電郵告知 mailto:ocacbostonlib@gmail.com
3. 您若想瞭解本地僑團活動動態,請上本中心網頁(僑務委員會官網/僑民僑團聯繫服務/本會駐外僑務據點/北美洲地 /波士頓華僑文教服務中心/僑社采風)。



Wong Auditorium, Tang Center (E51) , 
MIT ,Cambridge

6:30pm Setptember 21st  
Saturday, 2019

此链接为MIT校园活动专用购票网站,点击图中Log in/Register按钮即可注册购票,注册只需提供邮箱,方便又安全哦~







星期四, 9月 19, 2019


             (Boston Orange)波士頓支持香港抗爭人士在9月19日對外宣佈,將於9月22日下午,在波士頓市府廣場集合,"為香港民主遊行",主題為"五大訴求,缺一不可,百日抗爭大遊行"。
             因強調"我來自香港,不是中國 ( I am from Hong Kong, not China)"事件,在波士頓已成支持香港形象人物的愛默生學院學生許穎婷,19日發佈新聞稿,表示波士頓人將於9月22日,香港激烈抗爭的第105日,從波士頓市政府廣場出發,"為香港民主遊行",催促美國國會及參議院通過"2019香港人權及民主法案"。
            新聞稿指稱,在香港迄今已有1400人被捕,數難以計的平民百姓成為暴力受害者。他們的遊行有五大訴求,1. 完全撤除逃犯引渡條例,2. 撤回抗議人士是暴動者的宣稱,3.撤銷對抗議者的所有刑事控訴,4. 獨立調查委員會查察警察的武力使用,5. 立即實施真正的普選權。
On September 22, 105th day of the fierce resistance in Hong Kong, Bostonians will unite at a rally to show support for democracy in Hong Kong. This is expected to be the largest-scaled rally in Boston for this cause. As the future of Hong Kong and its people is at a critical tipping point, it is time for the world to speak up for Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019, introduced by Representative Chris Smith and Senator Marco Rubio, reaffirms the United States’ commitment to promote democracy as well as safeguard freedoms and human rights in Hong Kong. Boston along with other major U.S. cities will join forces to urge the Congress and Senate to pass the bill promptly, in addition to continual drawing public attention to the crisis in Hong Kong, standing in solidarity with people in Hong Kong. A counter-protest might be expected.  
“105 Days of Resistance: Democracy for Hong Kong March”
Date: September 22
Time: 3pm - 5pm
Stating location: City Hall Plaza
Ending Location: TBC

Detailed rundown:-
14:45 to 15:15 - Participants gather at City Hall Plaza
15:15 to 16:00 - Videos, songs, and speeches from human right activists
16:00 to 16:45 - Begin march
16:45 - Ending remarks

With more than 1,400 people arrested and countless civilians falling victims to excessive police violence, the autonomy and rule of law that once allowed Hong Kong to flourish have shattered. This might as well be the last fight for Hong Kong. Filled with indignation, Hongkongers have persisted over the course of the summer and continued the fight for our freedoms, rights, dignity, and most importantly a structural reform and implementation of a truly democratic election system.

A while ago, Carrie Lam made an announcement to withdraw the extradition amendment bill, tricking people and media around the world into thinking of it as a complete withdrawal and an act of fulfilling protesters’ demands. In fact, the withdrawal of the bill has yet to go through the legislative procedure. Hongkongers have since then reiterated that the resistance will not stop until their five key demands are met by the HK government.

1) Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill;
2) Retraction of the proclamation that protesters were rioters;
3) Withdrawal of all criminal charges against protesters;
4) Independent investigative committee into the use of force by police;
5) Immediate implementation of true universal suffrage.

An increasing number of local Bostonians have joined us in past events to stand in solidarity with Hong Kong. This time, along with international students who have returned to school after the summer holiday, we are positive that we will have a significant number of participants marching in unity to emphasize our support for the respectable Hongkongers fighting to the betterment of their society.

星期三, 9月 18, 2019



MIT Lemelson 50萬元獎金頒給Cody Friesen 兩項水電發明

Cody Friesen和他發明的水電板。(Eurek, Zero Mass Water)
(Boston Orange編譯) 麻省理工學院勒姆森項目(Lemelson-MIT Program)週三宣佈,本年度的50萬元獎金,將頒給亞利桑那州立大學副教授Cody Friesen,獎勵他研發出可重新充電,持續性長的電池,以及可從空氣中抽取飲用水的太陽能板。
Cody Friesen的兩項發明,一項是可重新充電電池,可以在緊急時為電網提供電力,而且曾經在大約一百萬次的長時間停電中使用,同時抵銷了數以千噸計的二氧化碳排放。
           勒姆森基金行政主任Carol Dahl在一份聲明中表示,Cody Friesen的發明,真正的改善了生活,把環境因素都考慮進去了,而且成了每年在世界各地影響數以百萬計人們的公司的基礎。
                  目前是亞利桑那州立大學的材料科學副教授的 Cody Friesen,2004年從MIT取得材料工程科學博士學位。他用自己的發明,開了兩間公司,射流能源(Fluidic Energy)零眾水(Zero Mass Water)”
Cody Friesen在一份聲明中表示,作為發明家,我們有責任確保我們的科技為所有人類服務,不僅僅是菁英而已。他說,在一天結束時,我們的工作是關於影響,這一認可將在我們佈署來源水電板,以改變全球人類與水的關係時,推動我們向前進"

他還表示,將把獎金捐給"保護國際(Conservation International)"的一項計畫,以透過"來源水電板",為哥倫比亞的Bahia Hondita社區提供乾淨的飲用水。

星期二, 9月 17, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $14.9 Million in Green Communities Grants

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $14.9 Million in Green Communities Grants
91 Communities Receive Funding for Clean Energy Projects

SOUTHBOROUGH – The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded Green Communities competitive grants totaling $14,948,478 to 91 municipalities across Massachusetts to fund clean energy projects. The grants are funded through proceeds from Alternative Compliance Payments under the Massachusetts Renewable Portfolio Standard. With today’s announcement, DOER has awarded over $118 million to 240 Green Communities in Designation Grants and Competitive Grants since 2010.

“Today’s grant announcement is the largest award in the Green Communities program history and represents our Administration’s commitment to supporting clean energy efforts for cities and towns across Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The projects funded by these grants will allow cities and towns across the Commonwealth to reinvest their energy savings in vital public services like schools, public safety, and local infrastructure.”

“As Massachusetts works to meet ambitious energy and emission reduction goals, the Green Communities program gives municipal partners the resources they need to continue building upon the substantial energy progress each city and town has already made,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We look forward to the continued success in energy innovation these grants will ensure across the Commonwealth.”

Under the Green Communities Act, cities and towns must meet five criteria to be designated a Green Community and receive funding. The grants provide financial support for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that further the designated communities’ clean energy goals.  Two-hundred forty Massachusetts cities and towns have currently earned the Green Communities designation. This eighth annual round of DOER Green Communities competitive grants is awarded to existing Green Communities that have successfully invested their initial designation grants and previous competitive grant awards. Grants are capped at $250,000 per municipality.

“The Green Communities program works with cities and towns from the Berkshires to Cape to fund projects that put Massachusetts on the forefront of clean energy innovation,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “The Baker-Polito Administration is committed to providing municipalities with the tools needed to find clean energy solutions that reduce long-term energy costs and strengthen local economies.”

“The efforts of the 90 communities receiving nearly $15 million today are important as we work to meet the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals set forth under the Global Warming Solutions Act,” said Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Judith Judson. “These grants represent another milestone for both the communities and the Commonwealth as we continue to work collaboratively to build a clean, resilient, and affordable energy future.”

The grants fund a range projects from ventilation system upgrades and high efficiency lighting to installation of insulation and energy management systems at municipal buildings and facilities. Also included are projects to install LED streetlights, oil-to-heat pump heating system conversions, electric vehicles, and electric vehicles charging stations.

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $24 Million in Funding to Dredge New Bedford Inner Harbor

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $24 Million in Funding to Dredge New Bedford Inner Harbor
Removal of contaminated sediment will unlock new growth and investment opportunities, improve sustainability

NEW BEDFORD – Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy and Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael Heffernan joined Mayor Jon Mitchell and other state and local officials at the New Bedford Whaling Museum to announce the administration’s commitment of $24 million in funding to dredge New Bedford-Fairhaven Harbor. 

This funding commitment will enable the dredging of approximately 430,000 cubic yards of sediment from the harbor, deepening berths and access channels at more than 40 commercial marinas and waterfront properties. The grant also funds the fifth and final phase of the Commonwealth’s efforts to enhance cleanup of the harbor, one of the EPA’s largest Superfund sites. The City of New Bedford will construct a confined aquatic disposal cell to sequester any dredged contaminated sediment, resulting in more than one million cubic yards of contamination removed by the Commonwealth over the last 18 years. 

“Supporting the vitality of maritime industry is critical to the strength of both coastal communities and the entire Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We will continue to fund initiatives such as the Massachusetts Dredging Program that help communities maximize their coastal resources, and look forward to the positive impact this funding will have on New Bedford and the region.”
“As Chair of the Seaport Economic Council, I have seen firsthand the transformative impact that dredging can have on maritime industry and the coastal communities that depend on it,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We are pleased that successful collaboration between the municipality, our Administration, and the federal government yielded this $24 million commitment that will unlock thousands of jobs and spur millions of dollars in economic activity.”
Home to the most valuable fishing port in the United States, New Bedford-Fairhaven Harbor processes more than 1 million pounds of seafood each day and is a major engine for economic activity in Massachusetts. Last year, the port generated more than $11 billion in economic value while providing more than 14,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs.

The additional dredging made possible by today’s funding announcement will increase capacity and remove contaminated sediment, clearing the way for investments in the expansion and upgrading of critical port infrastructure. The funding is expected to lead to the creation of approximately 700 new jobs in and around New Bedford, while generating $232 million more in business revenue.
The $24 million in funds leverages more than $4 million in private monies from commercial property owners, along with a $15 million Federal BUILD Grant to construct 800 feet of additional bulkhead at New Bedford’s North Terminal. Reusing about 100,000 cubic yards of the dredged sediment as clean fill for construction, the new bulkhead will increase dockage capacity, expand direct access to the port’s offloading and seafood processing facilities, and provide additional capacity for offshore wind opportunities.
In March, the Baker-Polito Administration announced its first standalone grant program offering up to $4 million in focused funding for saltwater dredging on a competitive, annual basis. Dredging assistance is essential to assist coastal communities in the maintenance and improvement of their navigational waterways and support the long-term growth and sustainability of the state’s maritime economy.

“Our administration recognizes both the importance and expense of large-scale infrastructure projects like dredging to communities across the Commonwealth,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy. “We will continue to leverage tools like the MassWorks and Massachusetts Dredging Programs to address local priorities and catalyze growth.”
“With this commitment of capital funds we are proud to continue partnering with New Bedford, an important and historic port city and a strong economic engine for the South Coast region,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “When our administration invests capital dollars in major infrastructure projects, we prioritize those that leverage support from other public and private sources and promise to strengthen the economy and create jobs. This dredging project is a terrific example of that approach.”
“For three centuries, the Port of New Bedford has been the foundation of Greater New Bedford’s economy, so harbor dredging is a strategic investment that bolsters the competitive advantages of our maritime industries, especially commercial fishing and offshore wind energy,” said New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell. “Increasing the industrial capacity of the Port through key investments like berth dredging has long been my priority and I know that Governor Baker and his administration see it the same way. Today is a day to celebrate the fruits of sustained collaboration among the Baker-Polito Administration, the City, the Port, and local commercial interests who have committed their own funding to make the dredging project possible.”

“This project will provide Fairhaven and New Bedford with significant economic benefits for years to come, while cleaning up the remaining levels of contamination that the EPA isn’t able to clean up,” said Fairhaven Town Administrator Mark Rees.
“We are grateful to the Baker-Polito Administration and to our delegation for recognizing the importance of this project and investing in the future of the Port of New Bedford,” said Executive Director of the Port of New Bedford Edward Anthes-Washburn. “This project will ensure our marine economy, as well as the Commonwealth, will continue to benefit from this great natural resource for decades to come.”
“Not only is this dredging critical for the harbor to continue to thrive and support the activities that are currently taking place, but I’m excited to see the economic development that this project is going to enable. The fishing, commercial, tourism, and recreational potential of New Bedford cannot be realized without a fully-functioning harbor,” said Senator Mark Montigny. “Other investments that I’ve championed around the harbor, such as my legislation and capital funding to transform the state pier, would be squandered if we fail to make basic maintenance such as dredging a priority.”

“We’ve long touted the prospective economic benefits of dredging the New Bedford Harbor and I am thrilled to see this critical project officially underway. These additional economic opportunities need to be capitalized on sooner rather than later,” said Representative Antonio F. D. Cabral. “It’s taken a great deal of collective effort to get this project prioritized and I am confident that this $24 million investment will pay off for New Bedford, the South Coast region and the entire Commonwealth.”
“This investment reflects our port’s role as one of the primary economic drivers along the South Coast and the state,” said Representative Bill Straus. “I have been a determined advocate for this targeted dredging within the harbor to enhance its use. I thank the Governor for his timely help on this project.”
“The Baker Polito Administration has been a remarkable partner with the City of New Bedford in improving our most important asset, the state's second busiest seaport,” said Representative Paul Schmid.
“New Bedford, as one of the most active ports in the country, is critical to sustaining and expanding employment opportunities both in the region and throughout the Commonwealth. The completion of the dredging project was essential to the health of our port economy and to our waterways,” said Representative Christopher Hendricks. “Thank you to the Baker-Polito Administration for their partnership with New Bedford to strengthen the South Coast region and local maritime economy.”
“Once again the Baker-Polito Administration has come through for the South Coast,” said Representative Christopher Markey. “This money is essential to provide further economic growth for our incredible waterfront. This investment acknowledges that even when you are the best there is always room for improvement.”
The Massachusetts Dredging Program was authorized in the 2018 Economic Development Bill, which was signed by Governor Baker on August 9, 2018. The program builds on the success of the 2018 Navigational Dredging Pilot Program, which awarded $3.6 million to 10 projects, tapping into $3.9 million in local funding.
Applications are evaluated by the program administrator, the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (EOHED), in consultation with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ Office of Coastal Zone Management.

Baker-Polito Administration to Pursue Expansion of Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Baker-Polito Administration to Pursue Expansion of Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Consolidation of Boston venues will enhance economic activity in both the Seaport and Back Bay; Hynes sale will ensure cost-effective financing of BCEC expansion

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced plans to pursue an expansion of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) in South Boston, with the goal of consolidating the city’s major convention business in one dynamic location to ensure that Boston continues to be a major global event destination. The plan calls for the sale of the Hynes Convention Center in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood, which will open up a valuable parcel for redevelopment in the heart of the city and is part of a responsible financing plan for the BCEC expansion. 

The Administration plans to file legislation authorizing the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (MCCA) to sell the Hynes property, with the proceeds of the sale set aside for the BCEC expansion project. The legislation will further authorize the MCCA to undertake the BCEC expansion, which is consistent with its master plan.

“Boston is a popular convention destination, and there has been market demand for larger, more flexible event space in recent years. This expansion will meet demand, unlock greater economic potential, and support the creation of new jobs,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  “Our plan will make Boston’s convention space more efficient and maximize new economic opportunities in both the Seaport and the Back Bay, benefiting the City of Boston and the Commonwealth.”

“This proposal will enable the BCEC to meet the changing demand for meeting and convention space in Boston without imposing an excessive burden on taxpayers, while at the same time making room for the creative transformation of a large and important section of the Back Bay neighborhood,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.

“As Boston continues to serve as a regional hub for economic activity and growth, the state’s proposal presents a new opportunity to expand the Convention Center and bring a significant piece of land back to Boston, benefiting the South Boston Waterfront and city overall,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “I look forward to discussing this proposal with the Legislature and staying engaged through this process as it moves forward.” 

The BCEC opened in 2004 and outperforms national occupancy figures for major market facilities. The plan for BCEC expansion has been optimized to serve the needs of the convention and tourism markets as they have evolved since the completion of the BCEC in 2004. The expanded BCEC, with greater variety of available spaces, will be positioned to capture greater market share for large multi-day conventions and shows and accommodate bookings that might otherwise have gone to the Hynes.

The Hynes opened in 1963, and was rebuilt in 1988. The facility is in need of major capital investments — estimated at nearly $200 million over the next 10 years just to maintain its current state. These construction projects, and numerous major construction projects on surrounding structures in the Back Bay, could be disruptive to ongoing use of the facility and prevent attracting future business. The Hynes is also limited in its ability to expand its market share, given competition for nearby hotel rooms.  At the same time, changes in neighborhood property uses and current market conditions have created value for the Boylston Street property, which could be put to more productive use through creative redevelopment. The proceeds of the sale will fund modernized, expanded, and enhanced facilities in the Seaport, serving convention business better and allowing Boston to continue to grow and evolve.

The plan will consolidate Boston’s large and small event business in a single, larger, more flexible space with an efficient and fiscally responsible approach. The legislation authorizes 200,000 square feet of additional space, which is expected to include a 100,000-square-foot exhibit hall; a 60,500-square-foot ballroom; and 44,000 square feet in additional meeting rooms.

The legislation includes a provision that would transfer an approximately 12-acre parcel of land located behind the current BCEC facility, not necessary for the expansion project, to the City of Boston.

MCCA employees who currently work at the Hynes would have the option of transitioning to the expanded BCEC.

“The Authority’s mission is to facilitate regional economic activity and we are excited at the opportunity to further strengthen the BCEC’s competitive position in the global meetings and events industry,” said John McDonnell, chairman of the board of the MCCA. “The proposed expansion will ensure that the MCCA is meeting the needs of our customers and continuing to attract high quality convention business to the BCEC, and Boston, for years to come.”

“When we contemplate major capital investments, our Administration’s priority is to pursue those projects in a fiscally responsible way that is a win-win for everyone,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan, a member of the MCCA board. “Financing a BCEC expansion with proceeds from the Hynes sale will ensure that the Commonwealth enjoys the benefit of modern convention facilities without imposing more debt on taxpayers over the long term, while acting as a catalyst for private investment.”

After a meeting of the Executive Committee of the MCCA Board today, the proposal will be presented for consideration by the full MCCA Board of Directors at its meeting scheduled for Sept. 19. The process began in August 2017, when the MCCA released a Master Planning and Feasibility Study RFP to determine future needs at the BCEC. The MCCA selected Populous Architects to lead the process, working in partnership with the MCCA’s Board of Directors and stakeholders.

The study included a detailed marketplace analysis of the MCCA’s competitive set, local hotel inventory, BCEC historical performance and future booking commitments, and a comprehensive evaluation of existing MCCA facilities and land use. This was followed by an assessment of the BCEC’s current and prospective financial and operating conditions, anticipated future hotel demand, and potential funding sources to deliver a recommendation for a BCEC expansion program.

Once the legislation is enacted, the MCCA is expected to issue a Request for Proposals for the BCEC expansion project that would begin design of the expanded facility.

“Boston is a premier global destination in the convention industry and an optimized BCEC will ensure that we can deliver an outstanding experience for every customer,” said David Gibbons, Executive Director of the MCCA. “Boston attracts the industry’s best events not because we are the biggest, but because we are the smartest. This proposed expansion is just the latest example of a creative solution that meets our needs and sets the BCEC apart from our competitors.”

In 2015 the Baker-Polito Administration postponed the MCCA’s plans for a larger expansion of the BCEC which called for the state to borrow $1 billion to finance the project, without addressing the capital needs of the Hynes facility. The new proposal for an expansion is consistent with the MCCA’s current master plan, including the expansion components described above and opportunities to induce private hotel development proximate to the venue, and will require no new state borrowing.