
星期二, 7月 02, 2019


LexisNexis Failed to Pay Law Enforcement Agencies for Resales of Vehicle Accident Reports

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that LexisNexis Risk Solutions and several of its affiliates (LexisNexis) have agreed to settle a $5.8 million multistate lawsuit over claims that the company knowingly failed to pay contractually agreed fees for the resale of vehicle accident reports it obtained from law enforcement agencies in Massachusetts and other states.

Massachusetts will receive approximately $750,000 as part of the multistate settlement.

Today’s settlement agreement resolves a qui tam complaint brought by a whistleblower, a former employee of LexisNexis, under the Massachusetts False Claims Act, which allows individuals to file civil actions on behalf of the government and share in any recovery.

LexisNexis, a company that provides business research and risk management services, obtains automobile crash reports from law enforcement agencies, and then sells those reports to individuals, insurance companies, and law firms for use in claims adjustment. In Massachusetts, approximately 154 law enforcement agencies entered into contracts where LexisNexis agreed to pay the agencies a fee for each accident report it sold. AG Healey’s investigation revealed, however, that LexisNexis paid law enforcement agencies a fee the first time it sold a report but failed to pay the agencies for each subsequent sale of the same report, as required under the contracts.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, LexisNexis has also agreed to discontinue its resale practice with law enforcement agencies in the state. 
The whistleblower will receive about $1.1 million out of the total multistate settlement amount of $5.8 million for bringing this misconduct to light.

AG Healey was joined in her investigation of LexisNexis by the attorneys general of Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Tennessee, as well as the City Solicitor of Baltimore.

This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Erin Staab of AG Healey’s False Claims Division, with assistance from Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Walker, Senior Enforcement Counsel Gillian Feiner, Division Chief Amy Crafts, Paralegal Megan Lima, and Financial Investigator Colleen Frost.

星期一, 7月 01, 2019


EPA Denied AG Healey’s Petition to Ensure Full Evaluation and Regulation of Asbestos-Related Health Risks

            BOSTON – Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra today led a coalition of 11 state attorneys general in filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over its failure to require the chemical industry to provide the agency with the information it needs on asbestos to regulate it and protect the public from the serious health risks the substance poses.

            “Asbestos is a known carcinogen that kills tens of thousands of people every year, yet the Trump Administration is choosing to ignore the very serious health risks it poses for our residents,” said AG Healey. “We urge the Court to order EPA to issue this new rule to help protect workers, families, and children from this toxic chemical.”

“It is widely acknowledged that asbestos is one of the most harmful and toxic chemicals known to humankind,” said AG Becerra. “While it’s troubling that we must once again take the EPA to court to force the agency to do its job, we won’t pull any punches. There’s too much at stake to let the EPA ignore the danger that deadly asbestos poses to our communities, including to workers and children.” 

Asbestos is a highly hazardous mineral fiber used in a variety of piping and building materials, from roofing and flooring, to siding and wallboard, to caulking and insulation. Exposure to asbestos can lead to life-threatening illnesses, including asbestosis, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, mesothelioma, and other lung disorders and diseases. Currently, those who import raw asbestos or articles that contain asbestos are exempt from providing EPA with information about imported asbestos, even though the agency needs this data to protect the public from exposures to this notoriously toxic chemical.   

            In January, AG Healey and AG Becerra led a coalition in filing apetition with EPA urging the agency to issue new regulations to provide data on the importation and use of asbestos in the United States. The coalition asserted that the new set of regulations is needed for the agency to meet its mandate under the Toxics Substances Control Act (TSCA) to prevent unreasonable risks to health and the environment presented by asbestos. The new rule would also help ensure EPA’s regulatory decisions are consistent with the best available science.

The EPA denied the states’ petition in late April. In their lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California challenging EPA’s denial of the petition, the coalition asserts that the denial of the petition was arbitrary and capricious and violates the agency’s obligations under TSCA.  

AG Healey’s Office is playing a leading role in opposing EPA’s efforts to loosen its regulation of toxic chemicals, including asbestos. In August 2018, AG Healey led a coalition of 12 state attorneys general, many of whom have joined today’s lawsuit, in filing comments with the EPA opposing its methodology for conducting risk evaluations for asbestos and other priority toxic chemicals and challenging the agency’s refusal to consider some of the most significant and potentially dangerous exposure risks posed by these chemicals.

Joining AG Healey and AG Becerra in filing the lawsuit are the attorneys general of Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington, and the District of Columbia.

This matter is being handled for Massachusetts by Assistant Attorney General Andrew Goldberg, of AG Healey’s Environmental Protection Division.

糾正違規不辦現象 麻州監理處吊銷630人駕照

                  (Boston Orange 周菊子編譯)麻州監理處為整頓,糾正來自他州違規資訊未及時處理的問題,最近吊銷了630張駕照。
              麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),交通廳廳長普拉克(
Stephanie Pollack)(1)日下午特地召開記者會,回應此事。
             根據麻州官方初步調查結果,麻州監理處(The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles)收到他州發來資訊,要求吊銷某些人的駕照時,未採取行動。麻州監理處代理處長Jamey Tesler表示,為糾正這種情況,麻州已經採取行動,迄今已吊銷360人的駕照。
本月初在新罕布夏州蘭都夫鎮(Randolph)23歲的西春田市居民Volodymyr Zhukovskyy開車衝進一列行駛中的摩托車,撞死7名駕駛,面對七項疏忽殺人罪辯稱無罪,麻州監理處的資料被相關人士找出來審閱後,引發疑問。
麻州監理處主管已辭職,有關人員也已承認,在新罕布夏州慘案發生前六週,Volodymyr Zhukovskyy在康州被逮捕時,就應該吊銷他的商業車駕照了。


          (Boston Orange) 麻州中部中文學校630日在屋斯特州立大學的「第16屆亞洲文化日」活動中,讓台灣發光,發亮。
屋斯特大學的東南亞聯盟630日在該校健康中心(Wellness Center)舉辦第16屆亞洲日,共有來自14個國家的代表,在會場擺攤,各以文宣,藝術,手工藝品,展示各國不同的文化、風俗。舞台上的唱歌,跳舞等表演,長達4小時,會場氣氛熱鬧無比,吸引了不下3000人到會。

星期六, 6月 29, 2019

MIT CEO請胡啟朝分享能源創業經驗 (圖片)


【MIT CEO 炉边谈话 | 11】
SolidEnergy Systems胡启朝:电池技术创新创业中的机遇和挑战

 炉边谈话是MIT CEO的系列活动的形式之一。每一期炉边谈话,我们会邀请创业领域的杰出人物作为嘉宾,给小伙伴们分享创业故事并进行近距离的互动交流。

 本期炉边谈话也是 MIT CEO Energy Community 活动的第一场.

        Dr. Qichao Hu (胡启朝博士) 是SolidEnergy Systems的创始人和CEO。胡博士于2007年获麻省理工学院物理学士学位,于2012年获哈佛大学应用物理博士学位。在博士期间师从MIT教授、电池领域著名科学家Donald Sadoway,从事基于固态聚合物的可充锂金属电池的研究。

       启朝在取得博士学位之后在MIT继续了一年的博士后研究,并建立了SolidEnergy Systems ,致力于全固态锂金属电池的产品开发和商业化。至今公司相继获得四轮融资,累计融资额超过8000万美元,成为储能领域的明星公司。目前该公司推出了三个产品系列,分别针对无人机、消费数码产品和电动汽车市场。SolidEnergy Systems曾获得诸多荣誉,包括 MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition’s Accelerator Contest 第一名, MIT Clean Energy Prize 决赛奖, 以及在白宫举行的DOE Clean Energy Prize 第二名等。胡启朝博士也入选 MIT TR35 以及 Forbes 30 under 30.

Dr. Qichao Hu    Qichao Hu (胡啟朝)

【Time】 Friday, June 28th, 2019 6:00-8:00 pm

【Venue】MIT Building E51 (Tang Center),
2 Amherst Street, Cambridge 02140

Room will be announced later via email to selected participants who have registered.


【Language】 Chinese

【Hosts】 MIT CEO (Energy Community)

【About Speaker】

 During Ph.D., Dr. Hu Initially studied photonics the manipulation of light, but didn't see the value in it and dropped out of Harvard after 2 years. Went to MIT and worked on several clean energy related projects in solar, energy policies, water purification, utility trading, got fired three times, and eventually ended up in a battery project. It was a soul searching period to find his place in the world.

After leaving Harvard and joining Prof. Sadoway's lab, He worked on solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) rechargeable lithium metal battery, and developed the polymer ionic liquid (PIL) rechargeable lithium metal battery.

The development of the polymer ionic liquid (PIL) rechargeable lithium metal battery in Prof. Sadoway's group eventually paved the way for the "Anode-free" battery that is at the core of SolidEnergy.

In 2012, he spent more time in the energy club and Sloan entrepreneurship center than in the battery lab, built the SolidEnergy team and actively participated in business plan competitions and won MIT$100K, MIT Clean Energy Prize, DOE Clean Energy Prize, and
 runner-up at the National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition. Most student teams ended after competitions, but he went on to build a real company.

 In the fall of 2012, several large US battery companies filed for bankruptcy including A123, investors that were initially excited about battery start up could't run away faster. It turned out to be one of the worst meltdowns in the history of the US lithium
 battery industry. He couldn't raise any funding (the competition prize money was drying up quickly), so he visited A123 on a "dumpster hunting" trip, and found lots of idling equipment and employees, so he asked them if they could help him build batteries.
 Initially they laughed, but then they taught him the whole process and before long he was going to A123 on weekends and evenings to build battery prototypes with SolidEnergy materials.

 Then in the spring of 2013, A123 was bought and came out of bankruptcy. Dr. Hu officially formed a partnership with A123. In September, investors were impressed by the prototypes and they raised Series A, and officially started SolidEnergy Systems...


星期五, 6月 28, 2019

Councilor Michelle Wu Kicks Off Reelection Campaign

BOSTON - On Sunday, June 23rd, Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu kicked off her 2019 reelection campaign with an Ice Cream Social in Adams Park in Roslindale. Approximately 125 residents from Roslindale and across the city attended the event. 
Attendees celebrated with Ice Cream Sundaes and children in attendance received wooden whistles displaying, “All Aboard the @WuTrain,” a reference to the Councilor’s Twitter handle and a play on the “Wu” sound the whistles make.  

“This election cycle matters so much--we have the opportunity no just to elect City Councilors, but to engage residents in every neighborhood and connect everyone to city government for strong partnerships after election day,” said Councilor Wu. “I humbly ask for your vote on September 24th and November 5th.” 

Councilor Wu has been a national voice for bold, progressive action at the local level, authoring successful legislation for paid parental leave, healthcare equity prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity, procurement reform creating equity in opportunity for minority- and women-owned businesses, language access, and healthy food purchasing. As Chair of the Council’s Committee on Planning, Development & Transportation, she fights for transportation access as fundamental to economic mobility, racial equity and climate justice.

In response to the July 1st MBTA fare hikes on subway and commuter rail passes, Councilor Wu is organizing to convene an #UnfairHikes Action across MBTA stations and trains. Her goal is to station volunteers at MBTA stops and on trains during the morning rush hour commute on the day that the MBTA fare hikes go into effect, and to spark a conversation on social media and throughout the day and beyond about how to marshal political will for urgent changes.

Councilor Wu will also gather members of the public on Sunday, June 30th at 1pm for a #BostonTParty rally to distribute materials for the next day’s action. Those interested in attending either event can sign up at bit.ly/unfairhikes.

In February 2019, Councilor Wu led the charge to oppose the fare hikes, presenting a petition of over 3,200 signatures opposing the fare hikes to the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control Board. In response, the MBTA’s governing board exempted bus riders, seniors, and youth from the fare increase, but still voted to approve fare hikes for subway and commuter rail riders. (By Michelle Wu's campaign team)

楊安澤競選美國總統上電視辯論 麻州支持者抱團圍觀 (圖片)

星期四, 6月 27, 2019

社運團體華埠開記者會 呼籲關注空氣汙染問題 (圖片)

THURSDAY JUNE 27TH: Union of Concerned Scientists Air Pollution in Chinatown Press Conference with City Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu BOSTON - On Thursday, June 27th, the Union of Concerned Scientists will host a press conference highlighting the air quality in Chinatown as the worst in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, per a newly released report by the UCS. Boston City Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu will attend and speak. The report, Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in Massachusetts, quantifies the disproportionate impact of transportation air pollution on communities of color in Massachusetts. The report finds that Chinatown is the most disproportionately impacted area in the City of Boston and in the state of Massachusetts, where residents face significantly higher exposure to pollution known as PM 2.5—airborne particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. The rest of the report findings, which include data for several demographic groups and other geographic areas will be released at the beginning of the press conference. Air pollution is linked to 100,000 deaths in the United States per year. PM has been found to have adverse health effects such as asthma and heart disease. These health risks are not proportionally distributed throughout the population. Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in Massachusetts, a newly released report from the Union of Concerned Scientists, builds on the current body of environmental health research that African American, Asian American and Latino residents are disproportionately exposed to the most dangerous air pollution in the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states. WHO: Ken Kimmell (Union of Concerned Scientists) Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu Massachusetts State Representative Denise Provost Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn Karen Chen (Chinese Progressive Association) Lee Matsueda (Alternatives for Community and Environment) Doug Brugge, PhD (UConn School of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine and Health Care) Staci Rubin (Conservation Law Foundation) Christopher Cook (City of Boston, Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Space) Attendees List in Formation WHAT: Press Conference WHEN: Thursday, June 27th 2:00pm WHERE: Basketball Courts at 900 Washington St. Josiah Quincy Upper School RSVP: Cassie Moreno, cassie@michelleforboston.com or 617-971-8972 To learn more about Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu visit http://michelleforboston.com or connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. ###