
星期四, 5月 16, 2019

CAPAC Chair Judy Chu Statement on Trump Immigration Proposal

CAPAC Chair Judy Chu Statement on Trump Immigration Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, President Trump announced a new immigration proposal that reduces family-based immigration, creates a burdensome merit-based system for new immigrants, and fails to address Dreamers, TPS, or detained immigrant children. Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chairwoman Judy Chu (CA-27) issued the following statement:

“We need a smart immigration policy that meets the needs of our communities and economy. Donald Trump’s plan is not that. It is, as with all of Trump’s policies, about excluding people.

“Our economy requires workers at all skill levels, as Donald Trump himself has demonstrated with his own hiring practices for his golf clubs and resorts. Nor do I trust that a President who complained of immigrants from ‘sh—hole countries’ is serious about judging immigrants on their merit. He’s proven far more consistent in judging immigrants by ethnicity or religion. Further, by attacking family-based immigration, this plan won’t even accomplish what Trump claims. Why would a skilled engineer or scientist want to come to America if it meant having to leave a spouse or children at home?

“In addition to the insult of having to live up to Donald Trump’s definition of ‘merit’, this proposal fails to address some of the country’s most pressing immigration concerns, like a path for citizenship for the 800,000 Dreamers, which is supported by over 80% of the country. Nor does this plan do anything to reunite children who were taken away from their families by this administration and are still held in unconscionable camps. The Trump Administration’s immigration policies have been a bigotry-fueled disaster that is in no way resolved by Trump’s new proposal.”

星期三, 5月 15, 2019

Duckworth Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by Keynoting APAICS Gala

Duckworth Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by Keynoting APAICS Gala

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) keynoted the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Gala Awards Dinner this evening, where she discussed the AAPI community’s accomplishments, her experiences with poverty and hunger during her childhood in Southeast Asia, and the importance of diversity and representation to our nation. Duckworth attended the 25thanniversary Gala as a member of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC). Photos from tonight’s event are availablehere.

Key points:

·         “In a very literal sense, Asian Americans helped unite this country, helping build the railroad that stretched from sea to shining sea. We laid the tracks… tilled the fields... started the businesses... and picked up the rifles necessary to develop and defend the nation we loved… day after day, helping prove that America’s greatest asset is the diversity of its people.
·         “That is the America I fell in love with before I had ever even stepped foot on its soil… I spent my childhood bouncing around Southeast Asia, moving from country to country as my father brought humanitarian aid to refugee camps throughout the region… I learned the power of even the smallest acts of kindness, and I learned what America meant to these poorer-than-poor families half a world away.
·         “To me, America became defined by its empathy, by its generosity to those in need. I saw it as a country that led the world not with its might, but with its compassion and its values. As a nation that was great because it was good.
·         “Nowhere else in the world would my story have been possible. My family moved to Hawaii after my dad lost his job... We struggled... I still remember my dad walking from payphone to payphone, hoping to find just 50 cents so me and my brother could buy lunch at school the next day. And I still remember going to the grocery store and counting out our last five one-dollar food stamps to buy as much bread and bologna as possible—then praying we’d have enough to last the week.
·         “But most of all, I remember the neighbors and the teachers and the strangers who made it possible for us to survive… who helped us scrape by. People like my public school English teacher, who’d regularly find excuses to keep a few of us hungry kids after the final bell, then apologize for keeping us late by digging into his own pocket and handing us a dollar or two to get some food on our way home… The same uniquely American generosity that my dad showed those refugees in Cambodia and Laos was given right back to us when we landed on U.S. soil.
·         “To me, that is America… a 3.5-million-square-mile community where someone who isn’t wealthy would still reach into their own pocket to help a stranger… no matter the color of their skin, the country where they were born or the fluency of their English… That remains true today, despite the rhetoric we’ve heard from some over the past few years.
·         “So now, we must both honor how far we’ve come and recognize the work still left to be done to ensure that every Asian American—and every other person, regardless of race—can achieve the American Dream.

APAICS is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting Asian Pacific American participation and representation at all levels of the political process. APAICS programs focus on developing leadership, building public policy knowledge, and promoting Asian Pacific Americans in public office at the local, state, and federal levels.



BOSTON – In three separate cases, Attorney General Maura Healey has issued nine citations totaling $449,010 to three families living in Massachusetts who employed live-in domestic workers and violated the state’s domestic worker protections as well as wage and hour laws.

All three families were cited for failing to comply with theMassachusetts Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and failing to pay minimum wage and overtime to four former live-in domestic workers that provided childcare, housekeeping and food preparation services. Khalifa Mohamed Aldhaheri and Mona Alqubaisi were cited $168,783 in restitution and penalties, Saif Almazrouei and Moza Alsuwaidi were cited $119,856 in restitution and penalties, and Hessa and Mohmmed Khamis Al Khaili were cited $160,371 in restitution and penalties.

“These families took advantage of their live-in employees by subjecting them to long work days without proper pay,” said AG Healey. “Our office will always advocate on behalf of domestic workers to make sure they don’t fall victim to exploitative practices.”    

The AG’s Office began investigating these three employers after receiving referrals from Boston University Law School’s Human Trafficking Clinic and Greater Boston Legal Services. All three employers are originally from the United Arab Emirates and traveled to Massachusetts after hiring their domestic workers, who are all from the Philippines, abroad. In the three cases, the AG’s Fair Labor Division discovered that once in Massachusetts, the domestic workers were subject to long hours of work for which their employers failed to appropriately pay them, often sending small sums of money to the workers’ families via wire transfers in place of actual wages.

The AG’s Office has been active in its enforcement of the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. In June 2017, a Malaysian couple living in Cambridge paid $35,000 and in May 2016, a couple from Qatar paid $3,000 to resolve allegations that the couples failed to properly pay live-in employees for childcare services in violation of the state’s wage, hour, and domestic worker laws.

The AG’s Office enforces laws regulating the payment of wages, including prevailing wage, minimum wage, overtime laws, and the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. This law regulates working and rest time, charges for food and lodging, and circumstances around termination for domestic workers in Massachusetts. The protections established by the law apply regardless of immigration status. The law requires employers to make and keep records of the hours worked by any domestic worker and provides guidelines for work evaluations and written employment agreements. Visit the AG’s website for more information on labor trafficking and the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights.
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated are encouraged to file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/wagetheft. For information about the state’s wage and hour laws, workers may call the Office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465 or go to the Attorney General’s Workplace Rights website www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor for materials in multiple languages.

            These matters were handled by Assistant Attorney General Meryum Khan, Supervising Investigator Jennifer Pak, and Investigator Kevin Shanahan, all of AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division.


          (Boston Orange)波士頓市政府定5月18日(週六)早上10點至中午12點,假伯克夏合夥人藍丘男女童軍俱樂部(Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Boys & Girls Club)舉辦春季屋主展。
          活動地點地址為:15 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester。

15 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester

City of Boston Spring Homeownership Expo to be held this Saturday
Informational event to help first time home buyers and home owners

BOSTON  - On Saturday, May 18, Mayor Martin J. Walsh invites residents and potential homebuyers to attend the annual City of Boston Spring Homeownership Expo at the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Boys & Girls Club in Dorchester.

The Spring Homeownership Expo is an opportunity for first time home  buyers and homeowners to attend workshops and informational sessions on topics ranging from purchasing a new home and improving one’s credit to reducing one’s mortgage and tackling small home repairs. Attendees will be able to speak with City approved mortgage lenders, realtors, nonprofits, city agencies, and City of Boston Home Center staff to help answer any questions they might have.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn about other valuable programs such as the Seniors Save Program which helps seniors with affordable options for necessary home repairs; the Lead Safe program which educates about safety related to lead in the home; Metrolist  which profiles affordable properties throughout the City and homeownership opportunities through the Neighborhood Homes Initiative.

Due to the popularity of some of these sessions, we recommend that attendees register ahead of time on the
Boston Home Center’s webpage to ensure a spot in the workshops.

10:00 AM - 12 PM  Saturday, May 18, 2019

Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Boys & Girls Club
15 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester

Boston Home Center Staff

Soovin Kim、簡佩盈音樂會 樂評齊讚

鋼琴家簡佩盈(左),小提琴家Soovin Kim (右)和中華表演
(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)中華表演藝術基金會511日晚在新英格蘭音樂學院喬丹廳(Jordan Hall)舉辦的音樂會,再次大獲好評。韓裔小提琴家Soovin  Kim和華裔鋼琴家簡佩盈 (Gloria Chien)的合作演出,不但博得現場觀眾起立熱烈鼓掌,更有許多樂評撥冗出席,會後排隊致意。
Soovin  Kim和簡佩盈都是新英格蘭音樂學院的現任教授,當晚攜手演奏RavelWebernSzymanowskiProkofiev,以及Straus等人的作品。他倆的詮釋演奏,贏得樂評家們的同聲讚揚。
鋼琴家簡佩盈(左),小提琴家Soovin Kim (右)在喬丹廳
波士頓音樂雜誌(Boston Musical Intelligencer)的音樂評論家 Susan  Miron ,直接以雙重奏比我的期望更好為標題,寫了一篇樂評,稱Soovin Kim和簡佩盈都是波士頓觀眾熟知的獨奏家和室內樂音樂家,這次的合作演出,在曲目選擇上顯然經過精心設計,連新英格蘭音樂學院,波士頓大學,波士頓音樂學院,朗琴(Longy)等音樂學院都有多位著名教授,老師,指揮特地出席了。
女學生獻花給Soovin Kim。(周菊子攝)
Susan Miron還說,中華表演藝術基金會成立30多年來,舉辦的音樂會,介紹的音樂家,一直以來都水準一流,當晚Soovin  Kim和簡佩盈兩人的合作演出,更是完全超出她原本就期望很高的預期,在演奏途中不斷讓她這位樂評家微笑,心生愉悅地感到快樂,要稱許他們倆人把音樂和婚姻結合得那麼好。
Soovin Kim是小提琴家,也是尚普蘭湖Lake  Champlain 室內樂音樂節藝術總監,畢業於柯蒂斯音樂學院及研究所 ,20歲時就獲得帕格尼尼國際小提琴大賽 一等金獎。其後陸續獲得1997年亨利克·谢林事業成就獎 1998年艾弗里費舍爾事業成就獎,2005Borletti -Buitoni信託公司獎。 在20062月發行的月發行了帕格尼尼 24首獨奏小提琴的錄音,被古典電台雜誌命名為 
本月最佳樂器光盤。他的一張由Stomp / EMI製作的光盤,還被韓國作曲家特別為韓國MIK鋼琴四重奏編寫由他們演出的作品。 
簡佩盈是台灣出生的鋼琴家,既是田納西州克利夫蘭李大學的副教授,也是著名的林肯中心室內音樂學會的成員,門羅 Music @ Menlo 室內音樂節主任 ,尚普蘭湖室內樂音樂節藝術副總監。波士頓環球報曾把她選為年度最佳高級鋼琴家之一。“Richard  Dyer稱讚她 “ ...她似乎在所有事情上都表現出色。”“色彩豐富繽紛,混合瀟灑虛張,具有不可思議的準精度...』。


韓裔的Soovin Kim的支持者和他合影。(周菊子攝)

星期二, 5月 14, 2019

Metro Atlanta’s Diversity Complicates Census Count

Metro Atlanta’s Diversity Complicates Census Count 
By Khalil Abdullah
Ethnic Media Services
Clarkston, GA – Inside the Clarkston Community Center, a 20-minute drive from downtown Atlanta, Mayor Ted Terry talked about canvassing for votes in that neighborhood five years ago. A woman from Bhutan, South Asia, he told his audience, had invited him into her apartment for a cup of sweet tea and cookies, apparently to practice the little English she knew. It was small talk. Her mother, draped in a sari, joined them. She spoke no English, but nodded politely.
Some pundits deemed Terry’s European ancestry a handicap in his eventual mayoral victory. His claim that Clarkston, a small city of about 13,000, is “the most ethnically diverse square mile in America,” is no idle boast. According to census data, more than 50 languages are spoken there, likely because of the city’s willingness to serve as a refugee resettlement community since the 1990s.
Terry recalled his good fortune the day he canvassed, not so much for the cookies and tea that sated his sweet tooth, but for his host’s 15-year-old son, who returned during the visit.
“He was dressed like Justin Bieber — tight jeans, baseball cap,” Terry said. More important, his English was excellent, he was able to convey the issues at stake to his mother and grandmother — in their language — and he linked his high school friends to Terry’s Facebook page.
The import of encountering a multigenerational immigrant or refugee family with a member fluent in English — and at ease with technology — wasn’t lost on Terry’s audience, who had been co-convened by the Leadership Conference Education Fund and Ethnic Media Services.
This meeting’s objective, said EMS Executive Director Sandy Close, was “to forge a sense of excitement and common purpose among the influencers, media, elected officials and, above all, the frontline organizers crucial to getting as complete a count as possible for the 2020 census.”
Fair Count, an organization taking dead aim at increasing census participation in Georgia, was recently launched by Stacey Abrams, who narrowly lost her bid in the state’s gubernatorial race. Her sister, Fair Count Program Director Dr. Jeanine Abrams McLean, said that 86 of Georgia’s 159 counties have been designated as hard-to-count census tracts. Also, McLean reported, roughly 30% of the state’s population didn’t participate in the last census, and in some Georgia areas “20% of the population has no or limited access to the Internet.”
The latter is of serious concern: Census 2020 will be the first to introduce Internet response as a critical method of enumeration in a state that has seen a significant population increase.
Erik Woodworth, a senior planner with the Atlanta Regional Commission, told attendees that Atlanta, trailing only Dallas, Houston and New York, is fourth among the top 10 U.S.  metro areas experiencing the largest population gain since the 2010 census. “We’ve added almost 600,000 people to the Atlanta metro region,” he said.
Clarkston’s DeKalb County sits east of and adjacent to Atlanta’s Fulton County. Combining DeKalb’s demographics with neighboring Gwinnett shows a pronounced presence of foreign-born residents and a decrease in those whose primary language is English. As reported by the Census Bureau, “by 2016, more than two-thirds of the foreign-born resided in the South or West.” That geographic shift, reflected in the DeKalb County region, portends a possible repeat of Georgia’s census undercount in 2010.
Even with the Census Bureau’s multiple language-assistance initiatives, the concept of the census is unfamiliar to some communities and its benefits seem far removed. For others, concerns about privacy issues might impede census responses, particularly in households where immigration status may be in flux among occupants.
“Why should I participate in the census, as a foreigner, as an immigrant, or as a refugee?” That’s the feedback Doris Mukangu from the Amani Women Center in Clarkson said she expects to encounter among the primarily African refugee population her organization serves. Restricted Internet access and lack of computer skills, added Mukangu, are hurdles to achieving high response rates. Another is illiteracy: “You give me the form and I can’t read it.”
To these and other challenges, Kevin Sinha, of CivicGeorgia, insisted that organizations work together to “fill in the gaps” for better coverage and to be persistent about going back to neighborhoods and communities that may have avoided or declined discussions about the census.
“Go back again,” Sinha said, urging attendees not take an initial reluctance to discuss census issues as final.
The two elected state officials at the meeting, Rep. Carolyn Hugley and Rep. Brenda Lopez, cited the high stakes for their constituents’ future. Hugley, a 27-year veteran of the legislature, also serves as board chair for Fair Count. She said she learned from her mother, a school teacher, that it’s important to tell people what they need to remember.
“There are three R’s and two U’s,” Hugley said of the census: research, resources, representation, underfunded and underrepresented. Research yields the census data essential for planning school expansions, roads, and other infrastructure efforts. Resources that support various federal programs, like Section 8 housing or supplemental food programs, are derived from census data. Representation that enables constituencies to elect officials who reflect their aims and aspirations relies on census data for accuracy and fairness. In order to reap benefits, Hugley stressed, “you have to be counted. If you are undercounted, you will be underfunded and underrepresented.”
Lopez concurred, and emphasized how participating in the census affects federal funding for school systems and social services — things that touch people’s daily lives and particularly their children’s quality of life.
Indeed, data show that, up to the age of four, Hispanic children lead the undercount at 8%. That rate is higher than even the historically undercounted African American child population, at 6%. White children have the lowest undercount at 3%. Children invisible to the census may not bring dollars to their communities, but they still have needs that cost money, or, as Hugley observed, “services still have to be provided.”
The enthusiasm generated by the event was palpable, despite the session concluding with a discussion of whether a question on citizenship status will be included on the census form. On a request from the Trump administration for an expedited decision, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on this issue in April. A ruling is expected in time for census forms to be printed July 1.
Whether the question is included or not, Rep. Lopez said the complete count work needs to continue. She encouraged the media to be fully engaged with what Sonum Nerurkar, Get Out the Count manager for the Leadership Conference Education Fund, calls “one of the most pressing civil rights issues in our country.”

 “If we don’t get the census right,” Nerurkar said, “we will see these impacts over the next 10 years. … We want to make sure our communities are seen and heard.”         
Mayor Ted Terry                                                          Rep. Carolyn HugleyBottom of Form

星期日, 5月 12, 2019

哈佛CSSA 慶祝母親節音樂會 吟唱"大海阿故鄉"

                    (Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導) 哈佛大學中國學者學生聯誼會11日晚在Lehman廳舉行國際音樂會,慶祝母親節,逾百人擠擠一堂,欣賞不同國家的節目表演,歡度一晚。





紐英崙中華公所治安巡邏隊5月10日晚在帝苑大酒樓聚餐。波士頓市議員Ed Flynn派員送上表揚狀。治安巡邏隊刻正徵求義工,有意加入行列者可洽617-542-2574。(圖由謝中之提供)