(Boston Orange)波士頓市政府定5月18日(週六)早上10點至中午12點,假伯克夏合夥人藍丘男女童軍俱樂部(Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Boys & Girls Club)舉辦春季屋主展。
活動地點地址為:15 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester。
15 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester
City of Boston Spring
Homeownership Expo to be held this Saturday
Informational event to help
first time home buyers and home owners
BOSTON - On Saturday, May 18, Mayor Martin J. Walsh invites residents
and potential homebuyers to attend the annual City of Boston Spring Homeownership Expo at the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill
Boys & Girls Club in Dorchester.
Spring Homeownership Expo is an opportunity for first time home buyers
and homeowners to attend workshops and informational sessions on topics ranging
from purchasing a new home and improving one’s credit to reducing one’s
mortgage and tackling small home repairs. Attendees will be able to speak with
City approved mortgage lenders, realtors, nonprofits, city agencies, and City
of Boston Home Center staff to help answer any questions they might have.
will also have the opportunity to learn about other valuable programs such as
the Seniors Save Program which helps seniors with affordable options for necessary home
repairs; the Lead Safe program which educates about safety related to lead in the home; Metrolist which profiles affordable
properties throughout the City and homeownership opportunities through the Neighborhood Homes Initiative.
Due to the popularity of some of these sessions, we recommend that attendees register ahead of time on the Boston Home Center’s webpage to ensure a spot in the workshops.
AM - 12 PM Saturday, May 18, 2019
Partners Blue Hill Boys & Girls Club
Talbot Avenue, Dorchester
Home Center Staff