Governor Baker: “From a Grateful Commonwealth”
BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito participated in the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund Memorial Day Ceremony with Secretary of the Department of Veterans’ Services Francisco Ureña and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh to honor and remember our fallen military heroes in recognition of Memorial Day.
Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Boston Common, Boston, MA
May 23, 2019
Remarks as Delivered:
GOVERNOR BAKER: “Good morning. Let me just start by thanking all of the family members who are here today to speak out on behalf to the 325 moms and dads, sons and daughter, brothers and sisters who have been lost since September 11th.
“As I think about these 37,000 flags behind us, and over to the side here, I can’t help but think about the families that were part of the lives of those that we honor here today. The families who are here are part of that heritage, where from generation to generation to generation, moms and dads, and brothers and sisters, sons and daughters have sent their family members off to secure and preserve our freedom and our democracy.
“Now, we live in a time where some might think those words are old fashioned. Well I’m here to say, that to anyone who has had a chance to participate in this big, glorious thing we call democracy, there is nothing old fashioned about the men and women that have made it possible.
“Without the men and women that have made it possible, there is no freedom, there is no democracy, there is no rule of the people. These 37,000 flags, and the millions of flags that will show up in cemeteries and on graves across this country over the course of the next several days, speak volumes about how that debt can never possibly be adequately repaid.
“But I want to thank the Mass Military Heroes Fund for year after year, for ten years, give all of us a chance, in our own small way to honor those who served and especially to say thank you and God bless from a grateful Commonwealth to the families who are with us today. Thank you.”
In honor of Memorial Day, Governor Baker has ordered that the United States flag and the Commonwealth flag be lowered to half-staff at all state buildings from sunrise until noon and full staff from noon until sunset on Monday, May 27, 2018. The order applies to the main or administration building of each public institution of the Commonwealth, other state-owned or state-controlled buildings and all state military installations.