
星期日, 4月 07, 2019

林肯街125號要蓋辦公大樓 喜臨門、中國超市命運未卜

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)牛津物業(Oxford Properties)45日正式遞出申請,要在波士頓華埠邊界的林肯街125號,蓋一棟24層高,有625000平方呎的大樓了。
牛津物業在正式遞交發展申請前,其實已於三月份進華埠陳情過,43日晚也在華埠居民會的月會中,匯報了一次發展計畫概況。牛津物業的波士頓負責人Chad Remis透露,這會是該公司在波士頓市內的第一個土地發展項目,他們會持續和社區組織接觸,商量。
根據房地產公司Newmark Knight Frank的資訊,波士頓市中心的辦公室市場,近來大漲,頂級樓宇租金,去年漲了12.5%。好幾個計畫了很久的大樓,看到大型租約前景,紛紛開始推出施工計畫。牛津物業也因此開始行動。
牛津物業副總裁暨波士頓發展主管Mark McGowan318日出席了在紐英崙中華公所會議廳內舉行的華埠社區議會,為這發展案做說明。他表示,對那些想要進波士頓擴展的公司來說,相信林肯街125號是很有吸引力的選擇。波士頓市內唯一的雙語雙周刊,舢舨也做了簡短報導。

10 組織聯名反對香港政府修訂引渡法

April 6, 2019
International Organizations Oppose HKSAR Government Amendment to Extradition Laws
In response to the charging of a Hong Kong resident with murder in Taiwan, the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government proposed a controversial one-off case based surrender arrangement to extend coverage of Hong Kong extradition laws to Taiwan and Mainland China. Once enacted, anyone physically present in Hong Kong can be extradited to Mainland China for trial if he/she is deemed to engage in criminal activities by the Beijing government. Moreover, to appease powerful business
interests, the Hong Kong government restricted the scope of the extradition law so it would not include white collar crimes, making these changes to extradition laws a naked attempt to suppress local opposition voices.
In past years, the Beijing government has engaged in a massive crackdown on political dissidents in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, using intimidation, harassment, arbitrary charges, forced confessions, unlawful detention, and unfair trials. In the case of Gui Minhai, a partner of Causeway Bay Bookstore, the authenticity of the fatal traffic accident charge and the subsequent confession are highly questionable. In the absence of democracy and an independent judicial system in China, the proposed amendment to the extradition laws will enable China to use trumped-up charges to effect the extradition of
dissidents from Hong Kong.
This controversial proposal has raised serious concerns throughout the international community, the citizens of which could be subject to arbitrary arrest while they are in transit, travelling, working and living in Hong Kong. The passing of such an amendment would not only diminish the freedoms of speech, publication, academic pursuits and other freedoms in Hong Kong, it also threatens its autonomy, prosperity and political stability. It will erode Hong
Kongs status as a regional hub for international business, media companies and civil society. We therefore urge the HKSAR Government to withdraw the proposed amendment to the extradition laws.

Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, Boston (外香港華人民主人權促進會)
Canada-Hong Kong Link,Toronto (港加聯)
Friends of Hong Kong and Macau of Boston (波士頓港澳之友社)
Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles (洛杉磯香港論壇)
Movement for Democracy in China, Calgary (卡城中國民主促進會)
Northern California Hong Kong Club (北加州香港會)
NY4HK, New York
Toronto Association for Democracy in China (多倫多支持中國民運會)
Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society (溫哥華香港協進會)
Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (温哥華支援民主運動聯合會)

星期六, 4月 06, 2019

新英格蘭漢字文化節 比賽文化常識、演講,唱歌


中國醫藥大學新校長洪明奇抵波招才 拋8000萬台幣機會


                                   (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)60年歷史的中國醫藥大學,今年二月甫聘得中研院院士洪明奇出任校長,旋即拋出總額可高至8000萬元台幣,未來數年內共有名額100個的延攬英才學者計畫,為擠身世界大學百大排名而努力。



(Boston Orange 整理報導) 麻省理工學院(MIT)改變態度了,不但決定切斷該校與華為,中興(ZTE)的關係,還宣佈成立了一個新的高風險小組(senior risk panel)”,今後要加強審核與中國,俄國,沙烏地阿拉伯等國有關的研究,合作項目。
MIT副教務長Richard Lester和研究副校長Maria Zuber在一封發給校內師生的公開信中表示,做這決定是因為聯邦政府有關違反制裁限制的調查。該校將根據情況重新考慮和這些實體的合作關係。
在華為2015年的市場行銷視頻中,MIT媒體實驗室的首席研究科學家Michael Bove表示,諸如華為這樣的財團會員加入成為實驗室會員,並不資助某一特定項目,但買到所有東西的一份。那時他還說,華為對教育科技有興趣華為是對未來人類和和互相溝通有興趣,而在所有這些領域中,我們當然都有項目
MIT現在說,所有涉及中國,俄國,以及沙烏地阿拉伯的高風險國際提案,都要採行新的三階段審核流程。MIT還為此成立了高風險小組(senior risk group),成員包括LesterZuber,以及副校長兼總法律顧問Mark DiVincenzo。他們可以在有危機管理計畫下批准或否決項目的權力。



星期五, 4月 05, 2019

職棒球季開始 林子偉現身羅德島Paw Sox球場

職棒大聯盟的來自台灣球員林子偉,和紅襪隊一起贏得2018職棒大聯盟冠軍後,回台灣休息了一陣,現因球季開始,已經回到新英格蘭。4月2日出席了紅襪隊麾下的Paw Sox在主場,羅德島州普塔基(Pawtucket)市McCoy體育館舉行的記者會,


波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu,右)和
麻州民主黨黨主席Gus Bickford。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)和波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)攜手,44日晚在波士頓華埠的龍鳳酒龍,第二度舉辦麻州民主黨千禧年世代大會,約360人參加,正式恢復了民主黨每年進華埠辦籌款會的傳統。
波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)要出席者明年繼續支持。
            44日晚,麻州的重量級民主黨員紛紛出席,包括聯邦參議員伊莉莎白華倫(Elizabeth Warren),馬基(Ed Markey),麻州財政廳廳長高伯珂(Deb Glodberg),總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey),參議會議長Karen Spilka,眾議會議長狄樂歐(Robert DeLeo),轄區包括華埠的麻州參議員賓加利(Joe Boncore),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)等等政要,即使沒能親自出席,也都買了超級主人的一整桌席券。
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            根據麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William Galvin)在官網上公布的資料,麻州約有440萬名登記選民,其中民主黨員約146萬人,共和黨員約46萬人,民主黨主席Gus Bickford表示,麻州約有420萬選民,未登記黨派選民250萬人。
            麻州民主黨黨主席Gus Bickford這也是他們以年輕人為主要對象,恢復在華埠舉辦籌款會傳統的原因之一,希望能藉著這輕鬆場合,鼓勵年輕人表達意見,整合出更強大力量。他透露,當晚約籌得8萬元,和去年第一次會赴舉辦差不多。

星期四, 4月 04, 2019


(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)有中國投資人的美國公司,可能得緊張了。波士頓環球報今(4)日刊出報導,稱川普(Trump)政府下令,要一家美國醫療科技初創公司另外找個新買家,因為該公司擁有者的中國背景,讓人有國家安全顧慮。
iCarbonX2017年投資進PatientsLikeMe時,還被形容為少數股。CNBC報導,iCarbonX在同年取得了這家位於劍橋市公司的大部份股權。根據該公司網站,iCarBonX的兩名主管,執行長王軍(Jun Wang),投資長Cindy Yang,都是PatientsLikeMe的董事會董事。



BOSTON - Treasurer Deborah Goldberg has announced three additional workshops for the Women's Economic Empowerment Series. These free workshops, hosted by the Treasurer's Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE), target issues around women's economic disparities, including the gender wage gap, money management, and retirement strategies for women. 

The upcoming workshop dates and locations are as follows: 

Leominster, April 6th, 9:00 AM – 2 PM
NewVue, Inc., 142 Water Street, Leominster, MA 01453

Cambridge, April 8th, 5:30 PM – 8 PM
YWCA, 7 Temple Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

Greenfield, April 27th, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM 
Greenfield Community College, 1 College Dr, Greenfield, MA 01301

"Women face unique challenges when it comes to financial security," saidTreasurer Deborah Goldberg. "These programs provide critical information and give women the skills they need to be successful in today's economy. When we invest in women, we empower them to invest in themselves." 
Women, on average, earn less than men over the course of their working lives because of the wage gap and are more likely to leave the workforce to care for family members. This series of workshops aims to bring economic security and stability to women and to give them the tools to reach their full financial potential. 
"At Citizens Bank, we are committed to helping our neighbors reach their potential, and our communities thrive," said Jerry Sargent, President of Citizens Bank Massachusetts. "Through our Citizens Helping Citizens Manage Money partnership with the Women's Economic Empowerment Series, women are gaining the confidence and tools they need to budget, save and take charge of their personal finances." 
The programs will include financial education workshops and salary negotiation training. Refreshments will be provided to participants. For more specifics on the event details, programmatic content, and to register please visit the program website. The Women's Economic Empowerment Series is made possible by a grant from Citizens Bank. Additional workshops will be scheduled in November and December. 
On day one, Treasurer Goldberg created OEE to implement a range of economic empowerment initiatives including closing the gender wage gap, increasing access to financial education, improving college affordability, and investing in STEM careers and education. For more information visit http://www.mass.gov/treasury/empowerment or follow @EmpowermentMA on Twitter. 


(Boston Orange)麻州亞美局(AAC)將於53(週五)7點,在屋本市(Woburn)的波士頓皇冠廣場酒店舉行第13屆團結晚宴,6點起為接待交流會,現場有小點,可付費購酒水,另有無聲拍賣。收入將用於支持,擴大及加強亞美局為社區發聲等活動。
麻州亞美局行政主任蔣如婷表示,今年的團結晚宴將由麻州亞美局委員Nate Bae Kupel Meena Bharath擔任司儀,主題為一起向前:我們的傳統,多元化及身分。會上將以社區英雄獎表揚麻州西部不丹協會,以包容及多元化領導力獎表揚藏紅花圈,以終生成就獎表揚Jean Wu
團結晚宴將邀請明尼蘇達大學Vichet Chhuon博士做主題演講,並安排有尼泊爾的Shyam Nepali,波士頓韓國傳統舞團,Nearyoth藝術學校的表演。

                    BOSTON – The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asian American Commission (AAC) 13th Annual Unity Dinner will be held on Friday, May 3 at Crowne Plaza Boston - Woburn at 7PM preceded by a networking reception with appetizers, cash bar, and silent auction starting at 6PM. Proceeds will be used to support, expand, and strengthen AAC's advocacy work on behalf of the Asian American community in the Commonwealth.

            "We are excited to have Commissioners, Nate Bae Kupel and Meena Bharath from the Asian American Commission emcee our event themed, ‘Forward Together: Our Heritage, Diversity, and Identity’ as we honor the work of the Bhutanese Society of Western Massachusetts (recipient of the Community Hero Award); Saffron Circle (recipient of the Leadership for Inclusion and Diversity Award); and Dr. Jean Wu (recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award)," remarked Executive Director Jenny Chiang.

             Along with our accomplished awardees, we are deeply honored to feature keynote speaker, Dr. Vichet Chhuon, University of Minnesota.

            Attendees will be treated to performances by Shyam Nepali, Boston Korean Traditional Dance Group, and Nearyoth Academy of Arts. (English version provided by AAC)

第123屆波士頓馬拉松參賽選手逾三萬人 來自118國

All Eyes on Boston for the 2019 Boston Marathon®
Oldest annual marathon injects more than $200 million into Greater Boston economy

BOSTON (April 4, 2019) - The 123rd Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15, 2019 marks an annual rite of spring in Boston as all eyes focus on the world’s oldest consecutively run marathon. For Boston, Marathon Monday and associated events surrounding the Boston Marathon present an opportunity to showcase the city’s unparalleled array of cultural, historical and sports-related assets. From Patriots’ Day reenactments to morning baseball, the Boston Marathon occurs against a distinctively Boston backdrop. Taken together, the magic of Marathon Monday on Patriots’ Day marks the onset of Boston’s peak visitor season.

Boston Marathon-related events, including the Boston Marathon Expo and B.A.A. 5K, inject tremendous visitor spending to the Greater Boston economy and annually bring hundreds of thousands of visitors to Greater Boston. In recent years, the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau (GBCVB) has produced economic impact summary reports which estimate that the Boston Marathon injects more than $200 million into the Boston economy. 

This year, there will be over 30,000 official participants in the Boston Marathon, including more than 7,600 runners traveling from 118 countries outside the United States. In addition, members of the media from more than 200 outlets are expected to cover the Boston Marathon, providing the Greater Boston region with exceptional international exposure. 

“The Boston Marathon is a spectacular kick-off for Boston’s busiest period, which runs from April through October,” said Bureau President and CEO Martha Sheridan. “We look forward every year to welcoming runners and their guests form around the world to Boston. The Boston Marathon is the most beloved event in our city.”

“Each year, the Boston Marathon brings people from all backgrounds together to celebrate athletic excellence and community spirit,” said Tom Grilk, Chief Executive Officer of the B.A.A. “We at the B.A.A. are eager to welcome participants, spectators, and volunteers from all across the globe to the Greater Boston area. Being able to showcase our community, in particular the eight cities and towns that comprise the Boston Marathon route, is truly an honor.” 

This year, more than 9,700 volunteers will assist 30,000 participants on their journey from Hopkinton to Boston. More than half a million spectators will line the race route. Participants competing and raising funds for various charities and non-profit programs are anticipated to raise in excess of $36 million.

For the 34th consecutive year, the principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon is John Hancock. John Hancock provided the first-ever prize purse for the Boston Marathon in 1986 and has provided over $20.4 million (USD) in prize money for the event. This year’s prize purse totals $871,000 (USD), plus bonuses.

The Boston Marathon Expo will be located at the Hynes Convention Center from Friday, April 12, through Sunday, April 14. The Expo is widely regarded as the running industry’s premier expo for new products and services, features more than 150 exhibitors, and is estimated to attract more than 100,000 attendees. Boston Marathon participants must claim their bib numbers for this year’s race at the Boston Marathon Expo.

New for 2019 is Boston Marathon Fan Fest, a three-day festival on Copley Square Park featuring live music, activities, Boston Marathon champions, photo-ops, and more. Free and open to the public, Boston Marathon Fan Fest is the place to relax and soak in the spirit of Boston Marathon weekend.

Also among 2019 Marathon-related events is the B.A.A. 5K on Saturday, April 13, two days prior to the Boston Marathon. The B.A.A. 5K will feature 10,000 entrants, including 1,681 international participants. Registration closed within hours of opening in January. The 3.1-mile course starts and finishes at historic Boston Common and takes participants across the Boston Marathon finish line.