
星期一, 4月 22, 2019

誌記地球日 麻州長撥款75萬給社區對抗氣候變化

Commonwealth Celebrates Earth Day with Milestone in Climate Change Planning Program, Local Dam Removal Project
Administration Announces $725,000 to Help 27 Communities Plan for Climate Change Impacts

PLYMOUTH – The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded $725,000 to 27 communities to complete climate change vulnerability assessments and develop resiliency plans through theMunicipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program, bringing the number of communities in the program to 184, or half of all Massachusetts municipalities. The grant and designation program, which builds on Governor Baker’s Executive Order 569 as well as other administration-led state and local partnerships, provides communities with technical support, climate change data and planning tools to identify hazards and develop strategies to improve resilience. This is the third round of the program’s planning grants, and the funding round will remain open until May 4, 2019 on a first-come, first-serve basis. Governor Charlie Baker made the announcement at an event celebrating the removal of the Holmes Dam in Plymouth and highlighting the Administration’s efforts to combat and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

“As we celebrate Earth Day, we are proud to announce that half of Massachusetts’ communities have partnered with the Commonwealth through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness program to take action and fund projects to prepare for climate resiliency,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to working with our colleagues in the Legislature to continue the Commonwealth’s leadership on climate change through our proposal to provide $1.3 billion over ten years to local resiliency projects that will protect vital infrastructure.”

“Today’s milestone highlights the success of the administration’s innovative MVP program and continued work to address resiliency and climate change at the local and state level,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Thank you to the 184 cities and towns across Massachusetts that are working hand-in-hand with our administration to implement nature-based, cost-effective solutions to build resiliency and safeguard the Commonwealth’s residents, businesses and infrastructure.”

This funding is part of the largest release of climate change resilience funding for Massachusetts communities in state history, as the Baker-Polito Administration recentlyannounced the availability of $10 million for the MVP Program. Through this program, municipalities work through a community-based workshop process to identify key climate-related hazards, vulnerabilities and strengths, develop adaptation actions, and prioritize next steps. Results of the workshops and planning efforts inform existing local plans, grant applications, and policies, such as local hazard mitigation plans. Communities are then eligible for MVP Action Grant funding to implement priority on-the-ground projects.

“The continued growth of the MVP Program demonstrates communities’ interest and readiness to address the growing challenge of climate change,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “We are eager to work with all cities and towns across the Commonwealth to identify their priority resilience actions and get those projects off the ground.”

The following communities will receive funding to complete the MVP planning process in 2019:

Total Award
South Hadley

The 184 MVP-designated municipalities are eligible for MVP Action Grants to implement on-the-ground projects identified through the planning process to build the community’s resilience to climate change impacts. Projects are focused on proactive strategies to address climate change impacts and include retrofitting and adapting infrastructure, detailed vulnerability assessments or design and engineering studies, stormwater upgrades, dam retrofits and removals, culvert upgrades, drought mitigation, actions to protect environmental justice communities and improve public health, energy resilience, and strategies that focus on implementing nature-based solutions such as wetland restoration and floodplain protection. Communities are eligible for up to $2 million per project to address ongoing climate change impacts like sea level rise, inland flooding, storms, and extreme temperatures.

The removal of Holmes Dam is the final project in an over a decade long restoration initiative including several complex dam removals and bridge replacements along the Town Brook, located upstream from the Pilgrim’s Trail and Plymouth Rock. The Baker-Polito Administration has committed over $1.38 million and provided technical assistance to the dam removal and restoration initiative. Removal of the Holmes Dam will restore and enhance self-sustaining populations of migratory fish, eliminate a potential public hazard, and enhance significant social and recreational benefits through the project’s additions to the Town Brook Greenway and the Pilgrim Trail.

“Our communities realize how important it is to plan for weather related events that have an effect on all facets of community life,” said State Senator Anne Gobi (D-Spencer). “I especially want to congratulate the towns of Rutland and Paxton for being proactive in this critical planning.”

“Thank you to the Baker-Polito Administration and the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs for awarding these funds and recognizing the importance of promoting sustainability by encouraging climate change preparedness in communities across Massachusetts,” said State Representative Kimberly Ferguson (R-Holden). “I am thrilled that Rutland and Paxton were chosen as recipients and congratulations to all of the communities who received grants.”

“As the impacts of climate change become more apparent, it’s more important than ever that our communities have the tools necessary to identify risks to local resources and take action,”said State Representative Carolyn Dykema (D- Holliston). “This funding will provide crucial support to municipalities in their long-term planning efforts, and I’m pleased that Holliston and Hopkinton will be able to expand on their work to build resilience locally.”

The Baker-Polito Administration has committed $19 million in total to improving community resilience across the Commonwealth. Governor Baker recently filed the Resilient MA legislationto support municipalities and help protect Massachusetts residents, communities, economy, and infrastructure from the adverse effects of climate change, through a modest increase in the excise on real estate transfers to fund a substantial and sustained investment in climate change adaptation. The revenue would be directed towards investments in resilient infrastructure to help make communities safer, keep vital services online, reduce the long-term costs of climate-related risks and protect the value of property across the Commonwealth. The proposal is estimated to generate $1.3 billion over 10 years which would be dedicated to the Commonwealth’s Global Warming Solutions Trust Fund to provide funding for resiliency initiatives including grants and technical assistance to communities for implementing priority actions identified through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness program and addressing climate-related risk in cities and towns throughout the state.

In August of 2018, Governor Baker signed legislation which put into law essential components of Governor Baker’s Executive Order 569, including the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program and the Statewide Hazard Mitigation and Adaptation Plan, as well as authorizing over $2.4 billion in capital allocations for investments in safeguarding residents, municipalities and businesses from the impacts of climate change, protecting environmental resources, and investing in communities.

星期日, 4月 21, 2019

財富世界50大領袖 麻州長查理貝克排名第20

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(中)。(檔案照片,
            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)財富(Fortune)雜誌在418日公佈該雜誌選出的本年度50位世界上最偉大的領袖,強調他們都有勇氣,在前景不確定鍾,冒著失去名譽,事業,財富,或不再受人尊重的危險,敢於率先起而行動。在這50人中,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)名列第20名,騰訊創辦人馬化騰則是唯一入選的華裔領袖,排名高居第4
在名單上的其他人還包括紐西蘭年僅38歲的女總理Jacinda Ardern,從2013年起已面對7名記者被謀殺壓力,卻仍堅持發行的南蘇丹Juba觀察報總編輯Anna Nimiriano。公開承認自己面對精神病壓力的Lloyds銀行集團執行長António Horta-Osório,率領蘋果成為美國第一家營業額逾兆公司的執行長庫克(Tim Cook)等。

第28屆全美青少年國畫書法賽 56作品得獎

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 中華表演藝術基金會主辦的第28屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽,共有來自8州,21所中文學校或書畫苑,以及個人的209件作品,420日經朱蓉、陸惠風、馬清雄、鍾耀星、方正厚 等5位評委,細心審閱3小時後,有56件作品獲得金銀銅及佳作獎。
中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵表示,今年的比賽,依書法,國畫及年齡,分八個組別,作品來自新澤西州、加州、康州、密西根州,南卡羅來納州,北卡羅來納州, 德州,麻州等8州的21所中文學校、書畫學苑及個人,其中國畫140件,書法69件,評審們花了三個小時,每幅都看得很仔細,但有時還真的難以取捨。她強調,為鼓勵學生們學習,中國書法,國畫,發揚中國的傳統文化藝術,該會將頒發獎金及獎狀給得獎者,並在網上公佈所有入圍者名單,展出得獎者作品。
28屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽作品將在牛頓市僑教中心 (Chinese Culture Center, 90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands, MA. 617-965-8801)的每週二至日的早上 9點半至下午5點展出。

The 28th Annual All-American Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition
(Sponsored and Organized by the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, April, 2018)
Winners’ List 2019
The following 56 pieces were chosen from a total of 209 entries (Brush Painting 140, Calligraphy 69) submitted by 21 different Chinese Schools, arts studios, and individuals from 8 states (CA, CT, MA, NJ, MI, SC, NC, TX ). The images of the 56 winners’ art works will be posted on our website at:
www.ChinesePerformingArts.net around June 10, 2019. We have also listed the finalists from each groups, their works were excellent. This project is funded in part by: “The Tan Family Culture Fund” and the donation from the general public. The names of the judges are listed at the end of this release. This competition will be repeated next year. The deadline for submission is April 15, 2020, and the jury date will be Saturday, April 25, 2020.

I: Brush Painting Group A (age 9 and under, total 36 entries)
Gold Medal
1, Clara Anderson 瑞娜, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
2, Olivia Li 李彤, age 9, East Point Academy Wang's Art Studio, SC 南卡羅來納州 東點小學王氏藝術工作
Silver Medal
3, Alice Wang 王一逸, age 8, East Point Academy Wang's Art Studio, SC 南卡羅來納州 東點小學王氏藝術
4, Shelly Wu 伍佳兒, age 9, Southeastern CT Chinese School 東南康州中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist)
5, Anqi Pan 潘安琪, age 9, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Bronze Medal
6, Sophia Huang 黃荽菲, age 8, Southeastern CT Chinese School 東南康州中文學校
7, Leyi Li 李樂儀, age 9, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist)
8, Kai Kwee Hallem 郭凱凱, age 7, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist)
9, Johnny Ren任天, age 9, Li Zhai Art Studio, CT 康州李翟美術工作室
Yuxin Fiona Fu 傅玉昕, age 8, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
Amanda Lin 林玲, age 8, Southeastern CT Chinese School 東南康州中文學校
Agnus Emma Cai 蔡欣仪, age 8, Sharon Chinese School, MA 麻州沙龙中文学校
Amanda Zhang 張文蘭, age 7, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist)
Elliana Xu 徐安怡, age 9, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
Claire Li 李可可, age 8, Southeastern CT Chinese School 東南康州中文學校
Audrey Shen 沈家瑜, age 8, Lexington Chinese School, MA 麻州勒星頓中文學校
Meilee Mekalanos 美麗, age 9, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
II. Brush Painting Group B (age 10 to 13, total 73 entries, including panels 76)
Gold Medal
10, Elena Wang 王常豫, age 13, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
11, Ching An Tsai 蔡安睛, age 10, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
12, Mabyn Lam 林珮賢, age 11, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist)
Silver Medal
13, Grace Xu 許陽 , age 12, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
14, Chloe Wang 王苾瑜, age 11, Hua Xia Bergen Chinese School, NJ 紐澤西州 華夏中文博根學校
Bronze Medal
15, Zoey Lim心悅, age 11, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
16, Jessica Liu 劉灣灣, age 13, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist)
17, Adeline Zhang 張安安, age 13, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
18, Annabelle Chen 陳逸涵, age 13, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Sangie Wu 吳祉嫺, age 12, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Wenweng Luo 羅文翁, age 13, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(2 -panels)
Krystal Jiang 江如露, age 13, Hua Xia Bergen Chinese School, NJ 紐澤西州 華夏中文博根學校
Alisha Thambunodit 林莉莎, age 11, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist.)
Yuan Jie Wu 武元杰, age 13, Century Chinese School, MA 麻州世紀中文學校
Emerald Lin 林語慧, age 10, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Canina Wang王加昀, age 12, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
Erin Xie 謝心怡, age 11, Hua Xia Bergen Chinese School, NJ 紐澤西州 華夏中文博根學校
Yolanda Hao 郝悠揚, age 10, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
Chloe Lou 盧樂兒, age 12, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
III. Brush Painting Group C (age 14 to 17, total 29 entries, including panels: 33)
Gold Medal
19, Alice Wang 王彥方, age 15, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(4 – panels)
20, Sara Zhu朱姍姍, age 16, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Silver Medal
21, Lina Lee李競玲, age 14, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
22, Tiffany Li 李佳玲, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Bronze Medal
23, Lucy Yue樂露茜, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
24, Kerrine Tai戴楷芸, age 15, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist.)
25, Kyle Lou 盧仲樂, age 15, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
26, Angela Gao高安琪, age 16, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
27, Sydney Liu劉欣妮, age 14, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
28, Kaitlyn Li 栗依琳, age 17, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Coranne Juang 莊可瑞, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Amanda Pang 龐依萌, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Zhirui Zhu 朱芝𥈠, age 15, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Frank Hao 郝劍奇, age 15, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Lillian Chung 鐘愉心, age 14, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
Shovanne Juang 莊曉帆, age 16, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Edward Lin 林博文, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
Kevin Yang 楊凱文, age 15, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
IV: Brush Painting Group D, age 18-22, total 2 entries.
Gold Medal
29, Natalie Marquina王安妮, age 18, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Silver, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
V: Calligraphy Group S (age 9 and under, total 15 entries)
Gold Medal
30, Shinher Jiang 蔣新禾, age 9, Palo Alto Chinese School, CA 加州柏拉阿圖中文學校
Silver Medal
31, Franklin Wang 王世槙, age 6, Ann-Hua Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安華中文學校
32, Aeneas Yu 艾尼斯, age 9, Bai-Du Studio, CA 加州百度書屋
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Silver, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
Bronze Medal
33, Lucas Zhang 張景宸, age 8, Ann-Hua Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安華中文學校
34, Hannah Huang 黃雅嫺, age 8, Ann-Hua Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安華中文學校
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist.)
35, Aria Le 阿麗雅, age 9, East Point Academy Wang's Art Studio, SC 南卡羅來納州 東點小學王氏藝術工
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Honor, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
Kai Kwee Hallem 郭凱凱, age 7, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Yan Kwee-Hallem 郭岩岩, age 4, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
VI: Calligraphy Group T (age 10 to 13, total 24 entries, including panels 55)
Gold Medal
36, Kaden Chen陳萬盛, age 13, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Twelve-panel 條幅/ 一套12張)
37, Dennis Zicong Xiao 蕭梓聰, age 11, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Ten-panel 條幅/ 一套10張)
38, Weiwei Xiang 向薇薇, age 13, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Six-panel 條幅/ 一套6張)
39, Audrey Wang 王雅宣, age 12, Bai-Du Studio, CA 加州百度書屋
(Four-panel 條幅/ 一套4張)
(Her second piece of calligraphy, Five-panel 條幅/ 一套5, was also chosen as Silver, but will not
be awarded in duplicate)
Silver Medal
40, Evan Chen 陳得義, age 11, Shiling Arts Studio, NJ 紐澤西州 士凌藝術工作室
(His second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
41, Zoey Lim林心悅, age 11, Channing Art Studio,CA 加州長寧工作室
Bronze Medal
42, Amy Li 李依然, age 10, Wen Hua Chinese School, NC 北卡羅來納州 溫華中文學校
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist.)
43, Ai Rong Wu 吳藹蓉, age 10, Bai-Du Studio, CA 加州百度書屋
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Honor, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
44, Vincent Kwan 関明宇, age 12, Bai-Du Studio, CA 加州百度書屋
(His second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Honor, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
Jian Yao Lim 林建豪, age 10, Ann Arbor Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安娜堡中文學校
Judy Bai 白洁姝, age 11, Ann-Hua Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安華中文學校
Emily Yumei Hu 胡昱美, age 11, Ann-Hua Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安華中文學校
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist.)
Felicia Lin 林韶君, age 10, Ann Arbor Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安娜堡中文學校
VII: Calligraphy Group U (age 14 to 17, total 25 entries, including panels 61)
Gold Medal
45, Brian Lu陸怡謙, age 17, Bai-Du Studio, CA加州百度書屋
(Ten-panel 條幅/ 一套10張)
46, Samantha Pao 包詠儀, age 16, Palo Alto Chinese School, CA 加州柏拉阿圖中文學校
(Six-panel 條幅/ 一套6張)
47, Emma Wang 王佑文, age 14, Bai-Du Studio, CA加州百度書屋
(Her second piece of calligraphy, Six-panel 條幅/ 一套6, was also chosen as Gold, but will not
be awarded in duplicate)
48, Melody Trinh 鄭詠恩, age 16, Bai-Du Studio, CA加州百度書屋
(Five-panel 條幅/ 一套5張)
(Her second piece of calligraphy, Five-panel 條幅/ 一套5, was also chosen as Silver, but will not
be awarded in duplicate)
Silver Medal
49, Harmony Trinh 鄭佳恩, age 15, Bai-Du Studio, CA 加州百度書屋
(Four-panel 條幅/ 一套4張)
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Honor, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
50, Eric Tang , age 17, TX Harmony Calligraphy Studio 德州 德安書法教室
Bronze Medal
51, Govin Zhao 趙廣寧, age 15, Shiling Arts Studio, NJ 紐澤西州 士凌藝術工作室
(His second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
52, Christine Tu 杜心愉, age 16, Palo Alto Chinese School, CA 加州柏拉阿圖中文學校
53, Qi-Mei Jamie Tang 唐琦美, age 14, Chen Tao Studio, MI 密歇根州 陳濤畫室
Feiyang Wang 王菲揚, age 15, Ann-Hua Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安華中文學校
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist.)
Wendi Zhang 張文迪, age 16, Ann-Hua Chinese School, MI 密歇根州 安華中文學校
VIII. Calligraphy Group V (age 18 to 22, total 5 entries, including panels 8)
Gold Medal
54, Jasmine Syu許新婕, age 18, Bai-Du Studio, CA加州百度書屋
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
Silver Medal
55, Jocelyn Wang 王嘉寧, age 20, Bai-Du Studio, CA加州百度書屋
(Four-panel 條幅/ 一套4張)
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
56, Shihyun Chiu 邱詩雲, age 22, University of California, San Diego
Panel of Judges for 2019 (Jury date: April 20, 2019:
Dr. Doris Chu 朱蓉: Art critics and juror of professional art competitions
Prof. Wai-Fong Loh 陸惠風: Former professor of Chinese History at Harvard University. Poet, writer, and art collector
Mr. Yu-Sing Jung 鍾耀星: Renowned architect and calligrapher
Mr. Qingxiong Ma馬清雄: Professional Chinese brush painter and calligrapher
Mr. Zhenghou Fang 方正厚: Professional Chinese calligrapher